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Posts posted by straykat

  1. Could be Ragen on the end and Dan in the middle. If we are stuck with this mentor crap I'd rather see Ragen then Boogie. It really is insulting to the newbies to have mentors. Is BB saying that for 13 seasons the HG's were capable of playing their own game but now these newbs need a "successful" player to help them get through the game? They should all be pissed about it.

  2. He probably thinks he is much prettier than all the girls and figures if they can wear little bikinis then he can wear a tiny speedo. Maybe he will make things uncomfortable in the house with his itty bitty speedo, for both the guys and the girls, and we will get to watch them squirm and try not to look as he wanders nearly naked about the house. :o

  3. If I was a HG I'd be pissed that these past players were there to "mentor" me in how to play the game. Just let them play the game as they think they should play it and they can sink or swim on their own skills or lack there of. And just because a past HG did well (in someone's opinion) on their season doesn't mean they are great at the game and can give advice in a new season. The whole dynamic of the house is different each season. Different people, different agendas, etc. What worked for someone in one season might be totally off in another.

  4. Russell in Survivor was polarizing...but his nephew in Survivor tried to make amends...not sure how this branch of the fam will play out...hostile and docile are two ends of the spectrum...guess expect some fireworks here

    Would that be the same as passive aggressive?

  5. It's not just Grodner bringing back previous cast. Survivor is doing it way too much, also. So it is really CBS who believes we want to see Brenchel everywhere and see every man in the Hantz family. I don't like it but CBS must judge by the ratings that people want to see past cast members again and again.

    I really hope that the mentor's groups aren't stuck in a forced alliance. I'd rather they made their own choices as to who they want to trust and who they want to evict.

  6. lol... at least it wasn't one of her strapless numbers where she feels like she has to curve

    her back so her boobs point up like they want to salute a flag (or something).

    Bet we won't see - or hear of her until the Wrap Party after the next BB season.

    What?? But, but surely some like network big shot saw her on like BB and will give her like her own show or something! A cooking show or like just have cameras follow her around cuz like she is the prettiest girl and, and like um....

  7. When Julie asked Jeff that question my response was the same as Jeff's, "If Jordan wins the money." I didn't say that because that's what I thought Jeff would say, I said that because that's what I would have said in the exact situation. Not because I meant it, but because that is how my sense of humour works.

    I also must assume that you and your significant other have never argued over money issues because if one of you did argue, it would be "all about money."

    You're OK bigguy, even if you do have that vapid harpie for your avatar. :animated_wave:

  8. Am certain that your statement is incorrect. While WE could drool over Jeff, love the "hot" pictures that does not mean WE did not see the real man. He has a strong sense of right and wrong and the loyalty that goes along with it. Those that feel Jeff talks down to Jordon....I don't see it that way. I love Jordon however the girl is ditzy, not unintelligent, just ditzy. There were times she would say something and I couldn't help but roll my eyes and think, OMG, did she really just say that.Jordon knows he gets frustrated with her and all I can say is, IT IS ONLY THEIR BUSINESS and we should all get out of it.

    Ruby, the season is at an end and hopefully you can breathe now. You have seemed so angry on almost all of your posts. It is what it is and us feeling upset isn't going to change it. We all have the right to express our opinions yet there is a small smattering of posters that get so involved and angry. It is now time for :guitarist::drummer::dance2::cheers:

    Great post, Cali! They all were in the house for our summer fun but that's all it should be. I will always like J/J and I wish them well for the future. And while there are HG that I dislike during the game I hope all goes well with them outside the house, too. Except for Kalia. I can only hope that whoever is caring for her dog right now has heard about her mean way with him and helps the dog in some way.

  9. If that is true, then I guess we can say that Jeff is arrogant, bitter, mean, talks down to women, and a dictator outside of the house as well as inside. I guess I have to agree with you. I think Shelley saw the real Jeff at the Jury house. He cannot get over the fact that he was outplayed and is a bitter man. I hope Shelley see what Jordan and Jeff are all about - greed - because she truely admired them and now she sees what they really are.

    I didn't see that at all with Jeff so you should lose the WE in that statement.

  10. Im not a Shelly fan either but she went out with class rather than ranting and whining. She understands its a game. Too bad many of us didnt realize her BB peronality and her real personality could be totally different.

    I would think that for the most part they are the same person inside the house as outside. Certain aspects of their personalities might be more magnified by the stresses of the game but are still very much part of them. Shelly is probably a ruthless businesswoman and a smooth talking saleswoman.

  11. 12:47PM BBT: All 4 cameras are on the kitchen on Kalia and Porsche. Kalia: "I can't even eat, I am like seriously forcing myself to eat."

    Quote from the update page. If she wasn't so disgusting, she'd be funny.

    mischiefmanaged (like that name, love HP)- Kalia sat in the BY the other night and told the HGs about kicking her dog into the wall because he nipped her, that she likes to slam on the brakes when he is in the car so he goes flying and some other stuff. It wasn't the first time she talked about doing mean stuff to him. I think he is a Yorkie.

  12. In the first days of the season I thought it was great that she wasn't a size 2 yet seemed to be happy with herself as she was and not hiding in baggy clothes. But then getting to see/hear (and hear and hear) who she was as a person made her become very unattractive. I don't think poster's would be commenting on her weight as much if it wasn't for how she acts and the things she says. Her abuse of her dog was pretty much the capper on weeks of her nasty ways on the feeds.



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