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Posts posted by straykat

  1. So it will end up being Jack and Bella on the block. If the people not in the six alliance vote out Jack, it would end up a tie vote. Only problem I see is that some of them, Kat, Jess, Sam and maybe even Nicole, might not make that vote. Kat seems to think she still has something with Jackson and possibly thinks she is part of that group of people. If Jackson tells her to vote out Bella, she will probably do what he wants. Jess and Sam also seem to be OK with hanging on the edge of alliance, hoping that they will stay in the house if they vote the way those people want. Nicole seems so wishy-washy on this, like she would get rid of Bella just for revenge rather than take out one of the strongest players in the house.

  2. Yeah, she wouldn't be in this position if she had kept her mouth shut. No one could pressure her into using it. She could talk to Cliff and get his word that she was safe. I think she would know that if he had told her for sure he wasn't putting her on the block, he would keep his word. But these people can't keep anything to themselves. Any time they get some kind of info they run almost immediately to someone and blurt it all out. They never think about holding on to something for possible use in the future. 

  3. Oh, she will definitely be looking to get rid of Tommy at some point. I'm sure she is hoping that someone else does it so his blood isn't on her hands. Tommy was an unexpected addition to her game and if she gets farther into the game, she may consider him baggage she doesn't want to carry. 

  4. 38 minutes ago, PAULISABUNION said:


    Why would Christi agree with that, she needs the power for herself, later.


     She has said she would use it but added that she would wait to see how things were at the time. She might get pressured by the Jacks that if she uses it and takes one off, she could put up Bella or Nick and then both Jacks would be safe and their alliance would have made it through the storm intact.


    I'm hoping none of the eight get the veto and the person who has it chooses to leave the Jacks up there. Then there is no chance for the diamond to be used this week.

  5. He has said that anyone who has been on the block doesn't have to worry. He won't put them on the block. I hope he can dismiss all the promises and assurances he is getting from ha8ful that they are not going to be targeting him in the next few weeks. I would think that he knows BS when he hears it. The biggest problem is that diamond veto. If she uses it, someone other than ha8ful will go because they have the votes.

  6. She's a loose cannon and ha8ful treats her like one. She's not part of the alliance and they give her very limited info but they will take any info she brings to them. She doesn't have a clue as to how to play the game. Jackson still has her thinking he has her back but he is playing her hard. 


  7. 9 minutes ago, Keepittogether said:

    It’s really bad this season. In the past it seemed like BB didn’t condone racist sexist behavior.  But now, clearly all bets are off and they’re just going for it. It makes me wonder how much our current political climate has to do with how much certain types of “talk” are now acceptable. The whole thing bums me out.  A show I used to watch for a little mental break from the grinds and unsavory parts of the world, now just reminds me of them.


     IMO, the worst season was season 19 with Paul orchestrating the mob mentality of house. But this one is shaping up to be close. I don't know how so many people in some of the other online pages can make excuses for there being only brown faces in CC, denying the racism on display for all to see.   

  8. Nicole was right about one thing. It was stupid of her to go to Nick and Bella and give up that info. She knew that Bella had sold out the Black Widows attempt at an alliance and had thrown Kemi under the bus. But maybe that was actually what might save her this week. Ha8ful may very well keep her because she will go after them if she should get HoH.

  9. But would she be strong enough to put up the people who should go up? Too often the players that have been pushed to the bottom and have no one to support them end up doing what the people on top want them to do, hoping that by giving them the nominations they want, they will be safe for awhile. I would think it would be better to take the swing and get one of those arrogant jerks out. Maybe if they smell gr8ful blood in the water they will turn their feeding frenzy on themselves :death:

  10. From what I have read, the CC crew will participate in the HoH comp. I'm thinking it's a wall type comp like it was on a previous season. Last CC person standing gets back in. I guess if that person is able to be the last one standing over all of them, they will be HoH.

  11. 23 minutes ago, CrazyBBFan said:

    I wonder if he is a licensed therapist or more like a camp counselor.  Anyone can tell that Nicole have personal issues.  He has talked one on one with her about her personal issues.  He has even gained her trust during these private conversations.  It sickens me to see him call her a sociopath and question that all her personal issues are gameplay.  


    What? He gain her trust, got her to talk about some of her issues and then calls her a sociopath? What a scumbag. Did he tell others what they talked about? 

  12. On 7/12/2019 at 4:36 PM, AirGumby said:

    Like him too, so far.  Reminds me of the guy from an early season.. he was a weatherman  I think? 


    Howie? I know there is usually at least one DR yeller in every season :lol:. I like him. He seems like a good guy. But there is the same problem with him as with the other outcasts. Is he trying to get in with the power alliance and will he continue to vote with them just to stay on the fringe of the group? The only way to shift power away from them is to break them. Getting either Jack or Christie out will fracture the group and new alliances would form.

  13. On 6/17/2019 at 12:31 PM, morty said:

    When I was in fifth grade my dad took me to China (fly back to the motherland frequently because Chinese) and he left me in the middle of nowhere for two months because he said I was being a brat


     Is she really saying that she survived for two months by herself in the middle of nowhere when she was 10? And she went to Africa, climbed Kilimanjaro and during that time her "Tiger" mom was fooled by her friend telling her anytime she called that Bella had diarrhea? There is something off with this woman.

  14. I like her but she doesn't stand a chance against the eight. When you are up against people who are just outraged because they learn that three people who have no power have formed an alliance or a few of the women had tried to form an alliance and that puts you high on the chopping block list, you know that person has no chance as things stand. If someone outside the 8 doesn't win HoH soon and put up the strong members of that alliance, they will knock all the outcast down one by one.

  15. On 7/13/2019 at 10:13 AM, CrazyBBFan said:

    I am so disappointed in Tommy.  I'm sure as a kid he was bullied and picked on by other people.  Now, he want to be one of the ring leaders to pick on Nicole.  He should know better.


    The only reason he is part of the cool kids alliance is his connection to Christie. If she hadn't pulled him in he would be sitting with the rest of the outcasts trying to hold on to his place in the house. Even if he was inclined to defend the others against the Ingr8s, he knows that would put him on Jack's (and therefor the rest of them) hit list. Survival in the game but at what cost down the line?

  16. Maybe this guy should stay. I think he might stir things up in the game more than Sam. I realize she really was screwed with the robot thing but she doesn't seem like she would have much impact in the game. She would just be someone's vote until she's evicted. Not that I have seen much out of Steve yet but it's only week one and who knows what either of them will be like when they aren't on the block. Or robots.

  17. 11 hours ago, Keepittogether said:

    Yeah, on the surface he’s got that “hit on the head by his surf board too many times” dumb witted facade going.  But I give him props for seeing right through Swaggy and not buying his bluster or being willing to put up people on the block just because Swaggy said so.  He made a smart move for his HOH and put up the first two people out of the competition.  He could actually get far in the game by “playing dumb” and making moves on the down low...


     Yes, I'm beginning to see that he knows the game and is playing up his "beach boy" persona.Right now I like him and hope he continues to play smart. 



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