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Everything posted by CrazyBBFan

  1. Now it all depends on who wins the power of veto. Nick and Bella are so stupid that they are going to be willing to forgive the group of six.
  2. I feel that they did not try that hard to find the right type of people. Celebrity big brother had a very diverse cast. Out of this group, David was the most athletic. Everyone knew that Jack and Jackson were going to run the house. Ovi never had a chance in the game. As the only black female, Kemi never had a chance. David would have had a better chance if they picked another player like him. He would have the same thing as Jack and Jackson’s bromance. The thing that makes it worse is that some players had previous relationships before the game. Kat, Holly and Jackson knew each other. Tommy and Christie are like family.
  3. She’s playing an awful game. She started the game by being in a relationship with Jackson. Her best friend is the leader of the mean girls. She tells everything to Holly about her gameplay. On the live feed, she has something nasty to say about everyone in the house.
  4. This is a complex problem for Cliff. This wii determine how long he last in the game. The smart move would be to put up Jack and Nick. He would tell them both that they are pawns. This will cause the two sides to fight against each other. If he puts up Jess, Kat or Nicole for any reason, he deserves to lose the game.
  5. Josh and Paul were bullies during their season and Josh was a big crybaby. During their season, I never feared for the safety of some of the players. Jack is a big and scary person.
  6. I think DR is making Kemi have conversations with certain people in the house. She even told Nicole about how much she hates doing it. When production have people do this it comes across as fake.
  7. Someone going to need to protect her from Bella. If this really happens, Bella and Nick are going to lose it.
  8. David hates Jack more than anyone in the house. Jack keeps making hurtful comments about David in front of everyone in the house. Jack is so bold that he does not care if David hears the comments. They may use him to get rid of Jack and then vote him out of the game.
  9. Kemi wants to go home. She said something about some rule that's stopping her from just walking out the door. Ovi is like a lost puppy trying to find a home. David wants revenge on the whole house starting with Jack and Jackson. David been getting information and people are starting to trust him. He's the only one that's worth coming back into the game.
  10. I sure people working in production have certain feelings about some the players. I think he's an awful person as a viewer of the show. People working in production have to watch him 24 hours a day and knows he been getting the good edit. With this group, I can only watch the live feed for a short period of time.
  11. Spitting in her face would be great tv. But, Big Brother would have to write Kemi a check for $500,000 for letting that happen in the house.
  12. I can see everyone giving her the HOH so that she can put up Nick and Bella. Sam is the only one that could be a problem.
  13. Bringing back the food comp would be awesome. This time let the three winners eat and the others eat slop.
  14. She seems over confident in the game. It's like she has someone helping her play the game. Nick did not tell anyone that he was thinking about putting her on the block. For some reason, she knew that Nick might put her on the block. it reminds me of how Cody was going to put Paul on the block but production found a way to save him.
  15. Just look at the way he acts on the show. i don't blame his family for not signing release for the show. He made some more comments about Kemi and David. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
  16. Slop should have started by now. The only good people in the game are the camp comeback players and Nicole. The cool kids would keep picking Jess, Cliff and Nicole to be on slop. It would just look bad on TV for them to pick on those three and camp comeback.
  17. I would like a group of super fans to play the game. People that understands the game and really know how the game works. Why would you keep in the smarter, stronger players when you can't beat them in the end? I think the only super fan in this game is Nicole. Most of the other players were recruited by BB production. Christie did not even watch the show until a few weeks before the start of the game.
  18. I hope they show what he did to Kat. He keeps doing bad things and apologize to the person later.
  19. She's my favorite too. All the other players are awful. Even Sam and Jess has turn into one of them. It's like a house full of mean girls.
  20. Jack, Christie and Tommy thinks they have a plan to stop Ovi's power. They think that if any of the two of them are placed on the block, Jack would use his power for the veto comp. Christine would use the DPOV to change nominations and pick a replacement. DR informed Christine that the DPOV does not work that way. She was lying to people about how the DPOV works in the game. It's the person that win the veto whom picks the replacement nomination.
  21. He told others in the house and used those thing against her. He's worst than Jack.
  22. I think production started intervening before the live feed. It appears that production has been helping certain players over the past few seasons. This year it's going to be the Jack, Tommy and Christie show. After warning Jack over and over again, he keeps making awful comments. Christie and Tommy are starting to make awful comments about the other players. Christie is blaming all the things she is doing and saying on PMS. Production is creating a huge monster with the three of them that can't be controlled.
  23. He's not smart enough to do what needs to be done. After being told about the group of eight, he feels hurt about not being one of them. He should be mad and want to get even with them. He's going to be either first or second to the jury house.
  24. I wonder if he is a licensed therapist or more like a camp counselor. Anyone can tell that Nicole have personal issues. He has talked one on one with her about her personal issues. He has even gained her trust during these private conversations. It sickens me to see him call her a sociopath and question that all her personal issues are gameplay.



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