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Everything posted by CrazyBBFan

  1. Something is really wrong with her. Maybe she is not listening to people when they are having conversations with her. She is just making up stuff that other people said during their conversations. Tommy and Nicole became aware of this during the meeting with Nick and Bella. I feel Nick knows she is doing this but he's in a showman with her. She had Nick attacking Nicole about her personal problems. Nick "The Therapist" should have known that this was wrong.
  2. Cliff is becoming another awful player in the house. When Cliff start to blame Nicole for everything that just made me sick. He is the reason for some of Nicole's problems in the house. He should know better because he's older and a father. I guess he is willing to do anything for money including selling his moral values.
  3. He has been warned several times about his racist comments and comments about women. I am not going to repeat them but they’re easy to find. BB chose not to show any of these actions on TV. The final straw for me was last night HOH meeting and calling people in the house fat.
  4. I been watching BB from the start. This is the first time that I feel that they should remove a player from the house. BB needs to stop warning him and giving him the good edit for TV.
  5. Nicole goes to Nick and Bella about working with the two of them. She tells them everything that she has heard from other players about Nick and Bella. She even formed a bond with Nick due to their personal issues. She told Nick that she has a hard time trusting people and she would trust the two of them. Bella being Bella goes and tells everyone all the things that Nicole said from her point of view. Now the group of nine is mad at Nicole because of Bella. Nicole wanted to quit the game last night because of the way they were treating her. Kat talked her into staying in the game. By the end of the night, Tommy feels that Bella and Nicole should talk. With Tommy as a witness, Bella berates Nicole and was totally disrespectful. Before Nicole could say anything, Bella leaves the room.
  6. I am so disappointed in Tommy. I'm sure as a kid he was bullied and picked on by other people. Now, he want to be one of the ring leaders to pick on Nicole. He should know better.
  7. The nine member group feels that she is playing both sides of the house.
  8. I agree they have nothing to lose. I hope David comes back because he understands the game.
  9. I wanted him to be the nice guy in the house. His intro video shows that he's a therapist that help troubled teens. I guess he forget about the cameras because I feel he's coming across as a bully.
  10. They treat him so bad in the game. Most of the time, they just tell him to get out the room because they are talking game. I’m glad that he worked up the courage to tell Jack, Christie and Tommy that they should remember he has a chance to come back into the game. I guess they all forget about his power. He knows that Jack and Jackson betrayed him with the eviction votes.
  11. She’s not stabbing people in the back. She has diarrhea of the mouth and tells people what she did wrong. She told Kemi about exposing black widow. Kemi had to play it cool because she was on the block. I’m glad Kemi got in her face because Bella still does not see how she screwed Nicole, Kemi and Jess game.
  12. I sort of feel that cliff notes and carrying around that owl is something BB got him to do for more TV time. They are not protecting him like they are some other players. Christie has a huge advantage in the game and they let her do this to him. How would all the other houseguests feel if they knew about her and Tommy?
  13. In the past seasons of showmances, the guys were very protective of the women. The guys were willing to give up their game to protect their showmance. Jack only cares about Jack. The sad thing is that she is still in love with Jack and willing to give up her game to protect him.
  14. A day later and a dollar short. After Bella tells him about Gr8ful, he knows he is an outsider. She told him that he's number nine. Everyone in the house can tell that there is something wrong with him. Now he want to work with Kemi and the others. i glad that he's planting those seeds of distrust among the Gr8ful.
  15. Omg...he pulled a Jackson on Sis. He used the same words Jackson used on Kat to break up with Sis. I guess he can start something with Christie.
  16. I’m really starting to dislike her gameplay. She was already given an advantage by having Tommy in the house. This is unfair to all the other players in the game. Jack must have been told something about her and Tommy. Jack wants to take her to the end of the game. Jack even asked her if he should break up with Sis.
  17. I feel that he needs to start playing this game. Bella told him that she can get him to the jury but he has to be used as a pawn several times. I think all the other players want to use him in the same way. He's older and smarter than all of the other players. If he can't out smart these kids, he deserved to be used as a pawn.
  18. What makes her want to throw everyone under the bus? I feel that she is playing both sides of the house. I really want to see Jess call her out in a house meeting. Jess is going home next week unless Nicole gets HOH. I hope DR push Jess to call the house meeting.
  19. I totally agree. I’m so happy that she’s keeping her feelings totally under control. On the other hand, Jessica is a total mess. Someone needs to tell Jessica that big girls don’t cry.
  20. Not only she gave it up, she told all the girls in the house. Stupid is as stupid does...
  21. He’s already a tool. He screwed up Kat’s game and don’t care. Now he’s going to screw up Holly’s game.
  22. I hate it when BB do comps like the one tonight. Did he really win or are they trying to help him? He's already had DR talk to him about his comments about other players. They did not even show the house meeting he had called about not talking to David and Ovi.
  23. He just made himself a big target in the house. Will he be able to put the pieces together or will DR help him out? He should know that the couples are Jack/Sis, Jackson/Holly/Kat, Nick/Bella and Christie/Tommy. I feel that he trust Cliff because they both are dads. He should make a deal with Kemi and take her off the block. By Jess picking Jackson, he should know that he can't depend on her. Also, you should always have a bigger target in the house.
  24. I was glad to see someone like her cast for the show. She’s a very confident and positive person. I just hope that she doesn’t give up after hitting a bump in the road.



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