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  1. 12:40 AM BBT John is sitting at the DT.  Steve and Austin are sitting down to a game of chess while Liz watches.  Julia goes up to join them.  John helps himself to another pizza in the KT before heading up to watch.  As John approaches, Austin says that “Steve is very sneaky.” 


    12:44 AM BBT John finishes his pizza and goes back downstairs to the KT to wash his plate.  You can hear chatter from the Sky Bridge as the chess game carries on.


    12:46 AM BBT Vanessa comes out of the DR.  She says that she assumes that the Have-nots have eaten.  Liz calls down to say that they put food aside for her.  Vanessa asks if anyone drank yet, and John says “I have not” and laughs at his pun. Vanessa puts the food away, and they talk about waiting until Steve gets his basket before they drink. 


    12:48 AM BBT Vanessa comments that it has to be soon for Steve to get his HOHR.  It’s been over 2 hours.  John is playing with the HOH key and says “what about me BB? I was on the block.  Don’t they want to hear about my struggle?”  He hasn’t been called to the DR yet.  Vanessa says that he might get called tomorrow.  They were probably just killing time until they found stuff at the store for Steve. 


    12:50 AM BBT John and Vanessa are in the OBR.  Vanessa asks John if he thinks putting up the two girls is the best option.  John says probably not.  Vanessa asks John if he knows why.  John says because if one of them wins veto....Vanessa says they need to get the weakest one off the block.  Hundred percent, or it could likely blow up in their face. Vanessa hopes that Steve realizes that.  They high-five. John says if he doesn’t you’ll tell him...


    12:51 AM BBT Liz is called to the DR as Vanessa pours port wine.  John thanks her for saving it.  Julia thanks her too. Vanessa pours four glasses, plus a small sample for Steve to try.  Vanessa says he can have more if he likes it, but she doubts that he will.   


    12:53 AM BBT Vanessa and John bring the port up to the group and offers Steve his sampler.  Steve wants to wait until everyone is there.  Julia asks where hers is, and she goes downstairs to get it.  She picks up the blue glass that Vanessa told John was for Liz, and says “cheers.”  Liz has been in the WA getting prettied up, and now goes to the DR.


    12:55 AM BBT Steve says he’s frazzled.  He’s had no sleep.  One hour in the Comic room and another hour as a hobo.  He wants to sleep and he can talk to people in the morning.  Steve hums a “MOTif” from a song he and Vanessa listened to today.  Vanessa didn’t recognize it.  Julia asks what a “MOTif” is and Steve explains that it’s a short musical idea that is repeated throughout a song.  John says he thinks it’s pronounced “moTIF” and Steve says that both are correct.


    12:57 AM BBT The chess game is still going on.  Vanessa comments that it was a crazy day.  Steve says he was NOT prepared for a DE this week.  It was a week earlier than last year.  They speculate on when they will get messages.  Julia is stressed about having to do a speech and how she hated being on the block.  Steve says that they all need to remember that they are on a TV show in a parking lot.  Steve says he likes to think of his dad in Viet Nam whenever he starts to get stressed and it puts themes in perspective.


    12:59 AM BBT Steve is so tired.  He says that part of him wants to see his HOHR, and another part just wants to go to sleep and do it in the morning.

  2. 12:05 AM BBT All but Vanessa in the KT.  They are celebrating the HN’s being able to eat and noting that Have-Nots are done until BB18!  Have-nots get to eat first, then the cook, and then Steve because he’s the HOH. 


    12:07 AM BBT Julia sits at the DT.  They notice that there are only six chairs now.  Liz raises her glass and says “To Six!” Steve says “To Day 85!”


    12:09 AM BBT Julia, Liz, and Austin are seated at the DT eating.  Steve is at the sink, and John is in the KT as well.  Julia is enthusing over how good the food tastes after being deprived for a week. 


    12:12 AM BBT All the HGs are at the DT eating, except for Vanessa who is in the DR.  At the DT, they talk about the competition and the troubles they had putting it together.  They agree that Da’Vonne was the hardest. 


    12:15 AM BBT Steve asks if this is the whole house except Vanessa?  They say yes, and Steve says “Ohhh Mylanta!”  Liz says “three guys and three girls!”


    12:18 AM BBT Julia says she hopes that they call Steve after Vanessa gets out of the DR.  Steve says he hopes so too.  He wants to take a shower and go to bed.  Julia notes that he isn’t feeling well.  Steve says that he is feeling a lot better.  Conversation turns to past season of BB.


    12:20 AM BBT Julia comments on how the memory wall was when they first came into the house.  All the faces were in color.  Steve comments that they have to have their "token" for racial and sexual diversity.  They talk about the "tokens" in prior seasons.


    12:21 AM BBT Steve tells the HGs what music he requested for his HOHR.  They talk about music they like. 


    12:22 AM BBT Conversation at the DT turns to the difference between plays and musicals, and they start listing examples of each.


    12:23 AM BBT Steve calls out “Who wants to see my HOH room?!?”  Steve is only practicing.  Austin says that he’s sure it will be called soon.


    12:25 AM BBT HGs in the KT are talking about the competition again.  It was Jason, Da’Vonne, Jeff, Jace.  There was no Clay and no Audrey, but they were on the cube.  There are six sides to a cube, but there were only four rounds, and there were no jury members on the cube. 


    12:26 AM BBT Liz asks Steve why he took of his HOH key.  Steve says he doesn’t want to brag or anything.  Both times he won PoV, he took it off as soon as he came in the door.  Steve says that Jason must be pi**ed about this final six.  There are no goblins.  Julia says "yayy!" 


    12:28 AM BBT They talk about insiders and outsiders in week one and two, and that all of the insiders are gone.  Steve notes that all six people here are outsiders.  The only outsider they lost was Jace.  Austin and John say that Jace was the sacrifice.  Steve says that all of Jace’s friends are still here.  Austin says Jace was the sacrifice, the martyr... he died for their sins...he paved the way.  John says that Jace had his face erased.  Austin says that Jace was the pioneer. 

  3. 11:28 PM BBT Liz is called to the Storage room.  She screams.  Liz brings out her basket and everyone gathers in the LR to check it out and to hear the letter, which is from her mom. Julia urges Liz to read the letter, but Liz is checking out the basket and oohing and ahhhing. 


    11:30 PM BBT Liz reads the letter.  As she finishes, Steve comments that this is Liz’s fourth letter.  Liz corrects him, saying it’s her third: Mom, Angela, Mom.  We get FotH. 


    11:31 PM BBT Liz is putting stuff from her basket into the fridge.  She says no one better touch these “bad boys” except Austin can have one.  Austin goes to the fridge to look at what she put away.  They both head back to the LR.  Julia and Liz don’t think the letter sounds like their mom.  Especially the phrases “mad drive” and “mad determination.  It just doesn’t sound like something their mom would say.


    11:33 PM BBT Julia and Steve are in the WA.  Julia is crying and saying she misses her mom.  Steve tells her he understands.  He’s there too.  Julia sniffles a bit more and then pulls herself together and heads to the KT saying more chopping needs to be done. 


    11:35 PM BBT Steve, Austin and Liz are in the WA. Steve says he is hosting a party at midnight tonight.  Liz says she will bring a contribution.  Liz goes to the KT and Julia asks her why she didn’t cry, but Julia was crying.  Julia says that her mom just called Liz a perfect daughter.  Vanessa is called to the DR.  Julia says she wants to see Steve cry when he gets his letter because she doesn’t want to be the only one who cried today.


    11:39 PM BBT Austin is doing a handstand in the LR.  John and Steve are sitting on facing couches in the LR.


    11:41 PM BBT Liz and Julia are preparing food, while the guys lounge in the LR.  Vanessa is in the DR.


    11:42 PM BBT John is in the KT looking for a pizza plate.  Julia is hoping they get to eat before they see Steve’s HOH room.  BB asks Austin to move his microphone. 


    11:44 PM BBT In the KT, they talk about everyone playing in the veto.  John jokes that he’s still going to pick Meg’s name!  He shouts out to Meg that she’s coming back in to play veto.


    11:45 PM BBT Steve is talking to Austin.  Austin says it’s one he would never want to have.  He would have done it.  Austin says he tried.  Steve asks Austin if he threw it, and Austin says no.  He tried.  They talk about the competition and Da’Vonne’s hair.  Steve talks about his approach, leaving the hair til last, and says her earrings were very helpful.


    11:48 PM BBT Steve is pacing and saying he just wants his HOH room!  Julia says “Steeevahh!” Austin still doing handstands in the LR.  John moving between the LR and the KT.  Liz is walking through the LR trying not to get hit by Austin’s feet as he comes down from a handstand. 


    11:49 PM BBT John is counting down to when they can eat.  John says to Steve that if he gets his HOH room at midnight, John will be pi**ed!  Steve says they can still stuff their faces.  They can just do it up in Steve’s HOHR. 


    11:54 PM BBT John is pacing and repeating “omigod, omigod...”  Julia says “Johnny Mac!  What time is it?”  John says it’s not time yet.  He looks at the clock and says seven minutes.  No...six minutes!  Julia squeals. 


    11:57 PM BBT HGs in the KT are talking about beer. Julia still counting down and very excited to be able to eat in just 4 minutes!!

  4. 12:29 AM BBT Austin tells Liz that she is more important to him than this game.  He reassures her that unless James wins they should make it to final six.  He’s not sure if he should make a deal with James tomorrow.  Liz says that if James wins he will put her and Julia on the block and if one of them wins veto, James would put up Vanessa.  Austin says as long as one of them is off the block they can win veto and use it, and they would have the votes. Austin says that he is hurt that she would even think that he would do that.  He says there is no amount of money that would make him do that.  Liz says it wasn’t her.  Austin explains that he was talking to people to ensure that they see him as separate and they can talk to him without ticking him off.

  5. 12:03 AM BBT In the KT Austin is serving up fish tacos for him and Steve.  Steve comments that this game is hard.  Austin says “tell me about it.  It’s hard for me.”  Steve says “it’s hard for everyone.”  Steve says on the bright side it’s corner day and he gets a back rub tonight.  Julia comments and Steve says that she will get one too.  Julia wins the chess game. 


    12:05 AM BBT In the HNR, James is telling Meg about how close his friends are, and that they even help each other out when they are short of cash for bills, and they always pay each other back.  If they need to talk things out. Jason is good that way [James’ roommate]...he’s a good guy that way.  Meg talks about how awesome her friends are and how they are there for one hundred thousand percent. 


    12:11 AM BBT Austin and Steve are in the WA doing ADLs.  Steve tells Austin that the game is starting to get to him.  He isn’t sure what James will do if James wins tomorrow.  Austin thinks James will go after the twins or else Vanessa will be the back door.  Steve says he should be glad but he doesn’t want the twins to be targeted.  Austin says that the thing is that there’s two of them and only one of “all of us” and they’re going to split the money.  We get FotH.  When we come back, Austin is saying he doesn’t want it to happen like that next week.  Steve says this game is unfortunate as we get to the end. 


    12:14 AM BBT Liz and Julia come into the WA.  Liz says she won the chess game.  John is washing his hands after using the WC.  Steve uses the WC and Julia is flossing and saying  that Johnny Mac taught her to floss. 


    12:15 AM BBT James tells Meg that he just wants her to know...no matter what she sees in the DRs, don’t get mad at him.  We get FotH. 


    12:17 AM BBT  James asks Meg what she is doing tomorrow. She says we are going to the “HOH” room for like, 3 hours.  Calm down.  Maybe nap.  Then rehearsal...she should shower first, and pack in between.  She wants to come out in a blanket.  James say no...it’s scary.  Meg says it’s funny...for rehearsal. 


    12:19 AM BBT Steve is having a shower, while Austin and the twins do ADLs in the WA


    12:22 AM BBT John and Austin talk in the KT about rooting for each other.  More chances.  In a chance game, that’s what you need.  Austin says “I like it.  It’s an unlikely duo.  The last expected thing.”  John laughs and nods.  Julia is in the KT washing a cup.  John says he’s going to try to sleep. He says James and Meg are still talking in there.  He doesn’t want to force them to go to bed but he’s going to try to lay down.


    12:24 AM BBT Liz is laying down in the Ocean BR, with Julia standing there.  Austin comes in and Julia wants to talk to him.  She feels like it’s been sketchy lately.  She wants to know why he stopped talking to Johnny Mac while he was in there.  She’s worried that the votes are going to flip.  Austin says he was talking to JMac about not using him as a pawn even, and John told him that John is planning to put up Vanessa and Steve.  Julia says this is stupid and paranoid, but she wants to know whether she has Austin’s vote.  Austin says of course!!  He reassures her that there is no way she is going.  Julia says she’ll stop being paranoid.  She turns out the lights as she leaves.  Austin turns to Liz and asks why Julia is worried.  Liz says because Austin has been acting weird.  Austin says he told her that he has to look after business this week. He wants Vanessa, James, Johnny Mac and Steve all need to know that he can talk to them as an individual.  Liz complains about something that Austin said that made Julia paranoid.  Liz is worried and she tells him she will never talk to him if anything happens.  Austin promises he would never do that to her.  They kiss.


    12:26 AM BBT Meg tells John and James that she sometimes wears her sunglasses at night, but if she leaves and forgets them, he can have them.  James says he’s ready for lights out, and they all agree.  Meg says she is going to go brush her teeth.  Meg says that she thinks James was waiting for Johnny Mac to come in there.  Meg leaves, saying she’s hungry.  John and James settle into their chairs in the darkened HNR.

  6. 11:34 PM BBT Meg is wondering who talked to Vanessa about her speech.  She thought that James did, but he says he didn’t. Meg wonders who said something to her then.  James says it wasn’t us.  Meg says she thought he would have asked her.  James doesn’t remember bringing that up, but they did talk for 2 hours. 


    11:37 PM BBT Austin and Steve agree to stale-mate their game.  They shake hands. Liz and Julia sit down to play while Austin, John and Steve head downstairs.


    11:43 PM BBT Meg addresses the cameras again, telling us that James is the one packing and she is the one going home tomorrow.  James is getting ready “just in case.” 


    11:45 PM BBT Austin and John are in the KT.  John says he wants gum drops but he already brushed his teeth.  He goes to look for his retainers.

  7. 11:01 PM BBT We get FotH for a minute.  When we come back, Meg and James are saying they think it’s Austin and Vanessa.  James wonders why they would cut out Julia and Liz.  Meg says because we have brains.  James says so you think they will evict them?  Meg says eventually, but they have to get us out first because we have no problem going against them or calling them out.  James says how crazy would it be if James Julia and Liz got together.  Meg says that’s not gonna happen and James laughs and says “yeah, you’re right.” 


    11:03 PM BBT James and Meg continue to strategize and discuss.  Vanessa is laying in bed in a darkened HOHR and listening to music.  Camera 2 is showing an empty KT and dining area.


    11:04 PM BBT James says he’s glad Vanessa can’t play the next HOH.  They talk about how Vanessa seems to win every single time she talks about how bad she is at the competition.  They discuss Steve and whether he will win DE, that DE will probably be the days comp and Steve will likely win it. 


    11:07 PM BBT Meg says to James that she better not see his face next.  James says maybe she will see Austin’s face. Or Johnny Mac.  Meg starts to talk about what she is looking forward to telling the other jurors. James says he is going to the WA and he wants to see where Johnny Mac is at.  If Johnny Mac is up there again, James will be wtf?


    11:09 PM BBT  Meg speaks directly to the camera, telling us that this is probably her last night in the house.  This game is much harder than it looks.  She’s excited to find out what happens the rest of the way with everyone. She feels she is fighting an uphill battle today.  Trying to campaign, but knowing the house is...  feeds switch to James talking to John in the WA.  John says that it means they have to win tomorrow.  John says he can’t change the vote by himself.  James and John agree that they will probably be the ones nominated if they don’t win.  James comments on Steve whispering to Austin and how their voices changed the moment James came up there.  James reassures John that he and Meg have not told Steve anything.  John says “good.”


    11:12 PM BBT Austin and Steve are playing chess while Liz watches.  Steve is telling Austin that his time is up. Austin wants more time but makes his move.  Steve moves again right away and Austin tells Steve that he rushed him.  In the WA, Julia is watching while John demonstrates how to flow properly and James tries it out. 


    11:21 PM BBT Meg sits on the bed she was using previously in the OBR and sips her tea and then returns to the HNR.  James comes in and begins sorting through clothes while they talk about tea.  Meg asks if James has a “teavana” near him, and he has no idea what she is talking about.  James is getting his stuff ready for “next week.”  Meg tells him he has awhile.  Meg speculates that she will be at a hotel tomorrow night.  James says yes...back to civilization and she might even get to watch movies.  Meg says maybe some booze and a bed...that’s all she needs.


    11:25 PM BBT John comes up to the Skybridge where Liz and Julia are both watching Austin and Steve play.  John says “this is a close game.”


    11:28 PM BBT Meg and James are talking about the PoV ceremony being shown today and how their friends and families would have reacted. Meg was happy for James.  James says it was bittersweet. Meg tells James that “they said it was a funny moment when I find out you pick mine” and we get FotH.  When we come back, James is still sorting clothes and saying that he wanted to run around the yard.  Meg says he was calm. 


    11:29 PM BBT James is sitting on the floor of the HNR and going through clothes.  He smells shirts to determine if they are clean. Meg comments that she can’t even remember what it’s like out in the world.  They talk about how long they’ve been in the house.  It’s been a long time.   

  8. 3:00 PM BBT Julia is laying on the hammock in the BY.  Steve is eating an apple and he puts on Liz’s sunhat.  Julia tells him he looks like a safari leader.  James and Meg are in the HNR talking.  James is pacing while Meg lays on her dentist chair.  Meg and James discuss how to approach Austin and whether Meg should go first and then James can talk to him later and get things across from his perspective.


    3:02 PM BBT James thinks that getting Austin to vote against Julia and blaming Steve would appeal to Austin’s “Judas” side.  James thinks no one will suspect Austin voting against Julia. James says he gets pumped every time he talks about it.


    3:05 PM BBT Meg and James get ready to leave the HNR and go to the KT for some slop.  James is coaching Meg to make sure she tells Austin that she has to protect her game and to emphasize that James likes Austin.  She is going to plant the seed about not knowing what James will do when she is gone. 


    3:10 PM BBT Austin and John are still working out in the BY.  Liz tries using the skipping rope and ends up hitting her leg with the rope.  Julia is sitting with her feet in the HT watching.  Steve, Meg, and James are all in the KT. 


    3:12 PM BBT Vanessa comes out into the BY saying “they woke me up from my nap.”  When ask who did, she says “stupid,” Julia says “fairies,”  and we get FISH.  Vanessa goes over to Julia and Liz by the HT. Julia reports that when she went to the WC last night she saw Meg and James talking to John, so she is feeling paranoid.  John has told Vanessa that Meg has not campaigned.  Yet.  Julia asks if they can flip it, and Vanessa doesn’t think so...as long as everyone keeps their word.  Vanessa sympathizes about how paranoid you feel when you are on the block.  Vanessa thinks that there are no arguments to justify flipping it.  It’s not like Julia has won more comps than Meg.


    3:17 PM BBT Vanessa is still trying to reassure Julia that she has the votes to stay, and telling her that she needs to stay positive and not stress.  


    3:22 PM BBT Julia, Liz, and Austin in the WA.  Liz washes her hands and Austin asks her what’s wrong.  Liz is sad because she is worried about Julia.  Austin hugs and kisses Liz.  Julia wonders why they are locking them down.  They talk about what to have for lunch.


    3:29 PM BBT Everyone but Vanessa is in the KT.  They are talking about In-n-Out.  Austin says it takes 3 days to recover.

  9. 11:32 PM BBT James comes back from the DR and starts flirting with Meg.  She says “oh my God” and he says “hey it’s day 75”  Meg asks who will terrorize her when she gets home and then says she has lots of people to do that.  James asks “I don’t terrorize you, do I?”  He says he does it all out of good fun and he knows it bothers her...Meg says “no it doesn’t.”


    11:38 PM BBT Meg and James talk about how afraid everyone is of Vanessa.  Meg says that’s one of the things that she is annoyed about, because Meg isn’t afraid of her and she wants to say all these things that she would normally say in real life, and now it just looks like she was kissing Vanessa’s a**. 


    11:40 PM BBT James is replaying how he wishes it had gone with Vanessa.  If he knew Meg was going home anyway, he would have liked to provoke Vanessa into admitting it was personal. 


    11:41 PM BBT Liz has scampered away saying she can’t stand this chess stuff.  On the sky bridge, Julia is looking down at Liz and asks her what she is doing.  Liz is at the front door and Julia says not to open the door or she’ll get a “stop that.”  Liz is acting up somehow off camera and Julia tells her to be careful. BB tells Liz to stop that.  In the BY, James opens the door and calls up “bad Ju Ju”  Julia is throwing candies at Liz from the skybridge. 


    11:49 PM BBT The chess game continues with only Julia and John spectating.  Meg and James are still playing pool in the BY and talking about relationships.


    11:58 PM BBT Austin and Steve are still playing chess.  Austin is losing and Steve tells him he’s anxious.  Julia says that Austin is anxious because of his queen [Liz].  Liz comes back and Julia tells Liz it’s her fault that Austin is losing. Steve moves and Julia gasps and says "Sneaky!"

  10. 11:02 PM BBT James and Meg playing pool in the BY.  James wishes he was super exhausted so he could pass out and just go to bed.  He isn’t even tired.  Meg says they don’t have to be tired yet.  Upstairs on the skybridge, Austin and Steve take a seat with their peanut gallery of Liz, Julia and John spectating.


    11:08 PM BBT James and Meg pause to watch air traffic overhead.  James wins the game and they rack up for a new game.  Meg says James is pretty sick at this.  He takes that as a compliment, especially coming from Meg.  She tells him “good game!” and says she has the next round.


    11:13 PM BBT Austin is muttering  “which pawn do I take, which pawn do I move?”  Steve moves a piece and Julia shouts “Sneaky!” and then apologizes because she can’t help herself.  Julia says she is going to keep telling him “Sneaky!” on snapchat after they leave the house.  Liz asks Steve if they are going to be top friends on snapchat.


    11:14 PM BBT James tells Meg that Vanessa told him he had a 1 in 4 shot of winning HOH this week.  Meg asks “she’s talking game with you already?”  James says no...he is remembering some of the conversation he had with her earlier. James says that means she knows there is a 1 in 4 shot that Vanessa is going up.  And her little pet Steve, too.  Meg thinks that’s a good move.  James asks who would get voted out between them.  Meg thinks Vanessa would go.  Meg said she would welcome Vanessa’s face to the door.  James acts it out “Hiiii Vanessa!”  James says he doesn’t want to talk sh*t about anyone one.  Meg says it’s all in fun.  Meg says that she’s okay with leaving, but feels like it was very personal with making them have-nots, and Vanessa changing her reasons back and forth and giving reasons that made no sense.


    11:19 PM BBT Meg cautions James not to pull any revenge stuff and to do what is best for his own game.  They talk about the things that irritate them about Vanessa’s game and how she expects things from others that she doesn’t give herself.  James is called to the DR and Meg whines that BB is taking her friend.  James says “come on Big Bro.  Meg doesn’t have any more friends.”  Meg stays in the BY to finish the game on her own because she doesn’t want to join the chess game. He asks if she wants to give him a kiss for good luck and Meg say "bye."


    11:29 PM BBT The chess game continues upstairs.  John comments that there is a lot of setup going on here.  Meg is still playing pool in the BY by herself.

  11. 6:40 PM BBT The workout continues in the BY.  Meg is sitting by herself on the lounger.  James is in the KT.  Austin tells them that he has multiple certifications.  He is certified in strength and conditioning coaching.  You have to have a college degree to have what he has.  The twins sound suitably impressed.   


    6:44 PM BBT Meg is at the DT doing her nails and chatting with James in the KT.  Meg says she could really go for some food food.  The slop bothers her stomach so much. 


    6:46 PM BBT James sits down at the DT with Meg and comments that her fingernail polish matches the sauce in his bowl.  James says he likes red.  It’s the color of passion.  Meg says she thought that he would say that red was his favorite. 


    6:50 PM BBT Meg says that double eviction is the worst to go out on.  You don’t have your stuff packed.  They are looking at the memory wall and James comments that Clay got screwed over too.  Meg scoffs and says it was his own doing.  James says Clay told him in the beginning that he wasn’t there for a showmance.  James thinks Clay had his eye on Shelli from the first week when James was HOH.  Clay went to bat for Shelli saying that he thought they could trust her. 


    6:52 PM BBT Meg and James look at the memory wall and talk about different HGs that have left.


    6:57 PM BBT Meg tells James that you can go back and look at Live Feeds.  James doubts it.  He thinks there will be transcripts, but why would they record feeds...they are supposed to be live.  James says he wants to get live feeds next year and watch them go crazy in the house.  He saw them in a previous year and thought they were boring to watch.  Meg says “I’m bored.”  Meg says that Jason said it’s interesting when game talk is going on.

  12. 6:01 PM BBT Meg says that her bruise is still kind of there.  They talk about how easily Meg bruises.  She says she is probably a little anemic because she doesn’t eat red meat.  They are eating dots.  Meg ate all the good ones so only the ones she doesn’t like are left.  Meg is craving gum and says she’ll be a gum addict when she gets out of the house.  James says this is the most candy he’s eaten.  Meg agrees.  She isn’t a big candy person.


    6:08 PM BBT Austin is about to tell everyone the workout plan and the twins start him off with a cheer.   All three of Austin’s angels follow Austin around the BY as he takes them through the workout plan. 


    6:15 PM BBT James and Meg are talking about favorite colors.  James says he doesn’t have one.  He likes orange and camo.  Meg says he hasn’t even asked her what her favorite color.  He says he doesn’t have to ask because he already knows.  Meg asks what he thinks it is.  He says “pink” and she says “hell no.”  James says it’s every girl’s favorite color.  He guess “blue.”  No.  “yellow”.  Yes!  Meg loves yellow because it’s like sunshine.  She likes pink too, but it’s secondary. 


    6:22 PM BBT Meg is complaining about how long it’s taking her scar to turn white.  She says that when it turns white they can fix it.  Meg and James head to the KT and find John sitting at the DT.  They continue to the WA.


    6:26 PM BBT Austin’s Angels are working out in the BY.  Austin tells them that he thinks that’s a very effective circuit. 


    6:27 PM BBT James comes out to the BY saying that he has a card from live feeders.  They are skeptical at first because they didn’t hear BB call him to the DR, but he tells them he went to the DR and they gave him a card.  We get Fish.  When feeds return, James is laughing and they are all laughing and saying that was random.  James pranked them [since we got Fish, it looks like he pranked production too!]


    6:32 PM BBT Meg and James are laying out on the loungers in the BY while Austin’s Angels work out.  James is flirting with Meg.  Austin is helping Vanessa stretch out a spot on her leg that is bothering her.

  13. 5:31 PM BBT Liz and Austin are kissing and cuddling in the OBR.  Meg and James are in their dentist chairs in the HNR.  Meg is wishing she could cook something delicious right now.  She says the slop is killing her stomach. 


    5:32 PM BBT James says that there should be good food in the jury house.  Meg says that she just doesn’t want it to be long in there.  Meg says if she leaves this week, she would be there for 20 days and she feels like that is a long time.  James says it will go fast because there’s no game play.  Meg feels it will be the opposite.  James says the first five days will be fast because of being in a new house.  Meg agrees and says there will be movies and stuff.  Meg is thankful that Jackie is there, and there will be two more people coming next week, so that will make it more interesting too.


    5:33 PM BBT Vanessa is on the hammock in the BY, and quizzing John and Steve on days and details of events. 


    5:35 PM BBT James and Meg are talking in the HNR about how tiring it is to play the game.  James thinks Vanessa is tired too, but Meg disagrees.  James whispers that Vanessa stuck to her guns because of being offended by James telling her she was playing the game too hard.  Meg says this week is hard because she wants to fight to stay, but it’s been 75 days and they have been fighting the whole time. 


    5:38 PM BBT James says that Jason probably wouldn’t have thought that Meg and James would still be there.  Meg asks James if he realizes that they are the only people left from the people in the room for the six am meeting with Audrey.  James says they have come a long way.


    5:42 PM BBT James tells Meg that if she goes, he will probably try to link up with Johnny Mac.  Meg tells him to stay close to Austin too.  She doesn’t trust Steve because he’s too tied to Vanessa.


    5:46 PM BBT Meg and James consider who to work with and who is close to Vanessa.  Meg wonders why Vanessa would keep Johnny Mac over her.  Meg says that Vanessa thinks in terms of people she can manipulate.  Meg asks James who he would put up... James says Steve and someone else.  Meg suggests that he put up Steve and Vanessa. 


    5:51 PM BBT James says that Vanessa is up to sneaky stuff, regardless of whether James is part of her plan or not.  Meg says she’ll be so mad if Vanessa gets to final two.  James says what if he got number 1 and Vanessa got number 2?  Meg says she would still be mad that he took her to final 2.  James says not to worry, he said he would pay her rent for a year, and Meg laughs.


    5:52 PM BBT James imagines trying to get to final two with Austin.  They are both physical competitors and neither are good at mental comps, but they could duke it out in the physical comps.  James says that any of the remaining people could win.  Meg says it better not be Vanessa.  They all keep letting her get by.  James says she’s the villain.  Meg says she doesn’t know if Vanessa is the villain.  James says Vanessa is the emotional villain.  Meg says that she is glad she got to jury.  That was what she wanted. She says she just hopes she made a contribution somehow in the game.


    5:55 PM BBT Julia is working out on the elliptical in the BY.  Steve and James are standing by the pool.  Austin comes out into the BY.  Julia says “the beast has awoken!”  Liz and Vanessa are talking, and when Austin starts working out, Liz joins him and Vanessa goes inside to change so she can join their workout.    

  14. 11:29 PM BBT Meg says that James is good at so many random things.  James calls her Vanessa because Vanessa says the same thing.  Meg says that Vanessa is the opposite.  Vanessa says that she is horrible at things, but she is good at them.  James offers to teach Meg how to play pool.  He asks Meg which shot she would take and when she answers he tells her “good job” and then gives her hints on how to hit it and still leave the white ball in a place that sets her up for the next shot.


    11:32 PM BBT James wants Meg to go back to NY and play pool with some guy who won’t expect her to be any good.  She can act like she doesn’t know how to play and then bam!!  They laugh.  Meg says “you can teach me for sure.”


    11:37 PM BBT Austin and Steve are still playing chess while Liz, Julia and John watch.  Austin is struggling at first and then finally sees a move.  He takes Steve’s queen.  Steve takes one of Austin’s pieces and gets called sneaky by Liz and Julia.  In the BY, Meg and James are working to sink the last ball.  Meg misses, James tries and ends up setting it up for Meg.  Meg sinks it and James says “good job.”  Meg tells James she likes the tips he gave her. 


    11:42 PM BBT Meg and James rack up for another game and James gives Meg pointers on how to hold her cue.  It doesn’t go well, so James racks up again to give her more practise.  Upstairs, Julia is yawning and repeating over and over that this is sneaky.  They talk about making up a super power version of chess.  John suggests that the Bishop super power would be to destroy anything in its path in its move. 


    11:47 PM BBT Meg’s pool lesson continues in the BY.  John has gone to the Storage Room to exchange microphones, so only Liz and Julia are chess spectators for Austin and Steve’s chess game. 


    11:55 PM BBT Austin and Steve are still playing chess.  John has re-joined Liz and Julia as a spectator.  Austin is talking through his strategy.  In the BY, James is still giving Meg tips and instructions.  Meg makes the shot and is really pleased.  James’ tips are so helpful! 


    11:58 PM BBT Vanessa comes out of the HOHR and comments about how they have made chess a spectator sport.  She stands and watches.  John is asked to exchange his microphone again.  Vanessa tells Austin that the move he is making is the same move she would make.  Steve says no helping!

  15. 11:08 PM BBT John, Julia, and Liz look on as Austin and Steve play a game of chess.  James asks Meg what she is supposed to say if a guy tells her that she looks like Taylor Swift.  Meg says “kick rocks” and James tells her that she can’t say it cute like that.  Meg practises saying it.  Meg wonders if they are playing a game.  She goes to see if the group is playing potball without her.  She leaves and you can hear her ask “Are you guys being nerds?” James is laying in his dentist chair in the HNR.


    11:12 PM BBT Meg comes back to the HNR and reports to James that the other HGs are not playing potball.  They are playing chess.  James asks who all is up there and she tells him John is watching, and Julia.  Not Vanessa.  Meg comments that the reason Vanessa has no one is because she segregates herself.  Meg thinks that there are so many people in the house at the beginning that everyone could find someone.  Meg thinks Vanessa could have found someone to partner with.  They talk about Vanessa and Shelli.  Meg says she can’t go talk to Vanessa now with everyone playing chess. 


    11:15 PM BBT James and Meg go out to the BY to play pool.  James says that it’s weird being around Vanessa now.  They like each other as people, but game-wise they are against each other.  Meg says that Vanessa could have changed that.  James says that Vanessa says that she tried to work with them.  Meg asks what they did wrong then.  James says that they didn’t tell Vanessa that Austin was gunning for her. Meg says that they were the people trying to put her up and yet she and James somehow get that.  That makes no sense at all.


    11:15 PM BBT Liz is called to the DR.  She goes to the WA first to put on make-up.  Vanessa is there drying her hair.  Vanessa asks Liz if “they” [James and Meg] tried to come up and see her.  Liz says they did, but not again, not after that.  Vanessa asks if Liz has cut her hair while in the house.  Liz says no and that she would never try to cut her hair herself.  Liz lets Vanessa know that Meg and James just got out of the HNR.


    11:22 PM BBT The chess game continues upstairs, while James and Meg play pool in the BY.

  16. 11:00 PM BBT Julia, Liz, Austin, and John are in the KT.  Julia asks Liz and Austin if they know that Johnny Mac flosses before brushing?  Austin says its makes sense.  Julia says she didn’t know that.  She’s going to do that too.  Julia asks John about fluoride.  James and Meg are talking in the HNR.  Meg says she wants to win HOH just once.  James reassures her that she has been up against a tough cast.  James says that she does well because of her personality.  James asks Meg about how Meg got on the show.  James says that his intro video is on YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qwVcfMmgak]  Meg talks about a friend helping her with her video while on a trip.  She edited hers on her phone.  BB tells them they are not allowed to talk about production.

  17. 11:01 PM BBT In the BY John and Steve are on the hammock talking about talking to the media and about being unaware of world events while in the BB house.  In the HOHR, Meg is telling Vanessa that she feels like there is a re-set every week after each new HOH competition. Vanessa tells Meg that maybe James thinks that acting mad at Vanessa is a good strategy because it will make Austwins feel safe that Meg and James are gunning for Vanessa and not Austwins.  Vanessa says that if that’s the case it’s a bad strategy because it’s affecting her decision now.  Vanessa wants James to come to her if he has an issue. Meg is sure that James will talk to Vanessa and doesn’t want to speak on James’ behalf. 


    11:10 PM BBT Meg goes out to the BY to find James.  James takes one look at her and says “Oh God.  What was that face?”  Meg: she’s like... I think you just have to kiss her a** tomorrow.  Meg relays Vanessa’s message that there is still hope for Meg.  Meg tells James that Vanessa has heard from multiple people that James is threatening her, and that Vanessa wants James to talk to her directly.  Meg tells James what she told Vanessa about not speaking for James or getting in the middle of the conversation. 


    11:13 PM BBT On the BY hammock, Steve and John are talking about politics and global warming.


    11:16 PM BBT James and Meg are in the HNR.  Meg tells James that Vanessa drives her nuts.  James says so it’s a personal thing, and Meg says that Vanessa says it’s not personal.  James asks why then?  Is Vanessa trying to make him angry and go rogue on everyone?  Meg says that him getting angry is what is making her want to send Meg home.  James is convinced that it’s personal or else she would take Johnny Mac.  James thinks that Vanessa wants to send Meg home because she’s angry that James won veto and thwarted her plans.  James says that he was obviously the target and Meg confirms that Vanessa said James was the bigger threat.  Meg tells James that Vanessa’s other option is to put up Julia as a pawn and Vanessa’s only hesitation for doing that is the way that James is acting. James tells Meg that he’ll go ask Vanessa what she wants.  As he leaves the room he says “time to start world war three.”


    11:20 PM BBT James goes up to HOHR and finds Vanessa in the HOHR WA.  He tells her he wants to hash things out.  Vanessa says she is putting on her make-up because she expects to be called to DR.  She tells him that he can talk while she is putting make up on but James says he will wait.  She warns him that she had something to drink and is in a rotten mood.  James says that he is feeling a certain way about being on the block.  He recaps the history of being put on the block.  Vanessa asks if he is wondering whether she has anything personal against him, and he says “right”.  Vanessa says absolutely not and she is open to working with him, but it hasn’t happened.  Options were limited with so few people and It came down to a game move.  She expected that he would understand it was just a game move. Of all the people in the house, he is one of the ones she respects most game-wise.  On a human level, she is happy for James and respects his PoV win. 


    11:25 PM BBT Vanessa tells James that she didn’t have anything personal until four people came up to her and told her that James was angry.  James reminds her of the deal that he would be safe and that he could keep another person safe. Vanessa says true, but since then he has breached her trust, and there have been other stronger deals between them.  James says that she breached his trust in between all that also by telling others that they can’t trust James because he likes to make big moves.  Vanessa tells James that she didn’t say that until after she nominated him and refers back to him saying that he has said he would put two of Austwins up on the block and would not be afraid of getting blood on his hands and has done it before.  Vanessa repeats back what she thinks James said and tells him that’s what he said “verbatim” and claims that she has an eidetic memory.  James disputes that he would not have said that because he wouldn’t put both up at once.  He would leave one of them to be a secondary target. 


    11:30 PM BBT  James tells Vanessa that before Vanessa’s HOH, Austin told James that Vanessa was going all different directions and telling Austin that James couldn’t be trusted.  James tells Vanessa that he (James) doesn’t read into the game like Vanessa does.  James tells Vanessa that she is playing the game too hard.  She says that’s his opinion and she respects that.  James says that he is cut and dried.  When he wins HOH he knows he has to put two people up.  Vanessa interrupts him and asks if he is insulting her right now.  She tells him it’s best he goes downstairs.  She starts swearing and telling James he is being disrespectful and that what he is saying is a criticism.  He just literally criticized her to her face.  James remains calm and states that that is not what he intended.  He was saying that he plays the lazy way.  Vanessa says that she has given him an accounting and she had nothing personal against him until this conversation.  The more he pisses Vanessa off, the more he is sealing Meg’s fate. James: so you’re gonna take it out on her? Vanessa says no, it’s a game move.  James asks why can’t they ever have a casual conversation and it doesn’t go around the house like he’s trying to take her out.  She points out that he is wearing his sunglasses. He apologizes and removes them. Vanessa tells him he just has to ask her to keep their conversation confidential. 


    11:35 PM BBT James is trying to tell Vanessa what Austin told him about Vanessa saying that James couldn’t be trusted.  Vanessa asks him for context and details.  She claims that she wouldn’t have said that because she does in fact trust him.  She tells James that those words have NEVER come out of her mouth.  Vanessa promises to ask Austin for clarification and she has no recollection of it.  James says he should have talked to her about it earlier.  These are things that have been bothering him and that’s why he was upset earlier in the day.  That’s why he wanted to come up and hash things out and they were all just little things.  He acknowledges that her targeting him makes sense.  Vanessa tells him that she wanted noms to stay the same and he was not actually her target because she has so much respect for his game.  The water works start as she tells him that she is super disappointed in this conversation and very insulted.  James was not actually her target.  James says “oh sh*t” What ticked Vanessa off was that Meg made fun of her about Brass Tacks and Vanessa thinking there was an alliance when there wasn’t, so that was personal.  James has never ticked her off.  James apologizes and tells Vanessa that he doesn’t want her to cry.  Vanessa asks him to be careful with his words.  She isn’t playing too hard...she’s playing like someone whose back is against the wall and has no one on her side.  She’s trying to do what’s in her control and be a decent human being while she’s at it and stick up for herself.  People shouldn’t judge each others’ games because everyone is different.


    11:40 PM BBT Vanessa points out that she has a great memory and she uses that in the game, but her game is completely different from Meg’s, for example, because Meg can’t win comps.  James tells Vanessa that his memory is terrible and he probably won’t even remember everything in this conversation.  Vanessa keeps talking... she tells him that what he is telling her that Austin told him doesn’t sound like something Vanessa would say because she doesn’t make generalized statements like that.  She gives facts and evidence and lets others draw their conclusions.


    11:43 PM BBT Vanessa talks about something that happened three weeks ago during Becky’s HOH, when Austin got mad and left the room.  She asks James if he remembers them pulling Liz into the room to verify something.  James seems to recall.  Vanessa tells him that she doesn’t remember what she said in that moment.  She was on the block and whatever she said was borne of her paranoia about being on the block, but it had nothing to do with James.  It’s the only time Austin’s ever been mad at her.  She didn’t know what she did wrong.   Oh...she remembers why he was mad...Austin felt that Vanessa wasn’t appreciating the campaigning he had been doing.  James wasn’t even HOH so Vanessa doesn’t know why his name came into it.  James says maybe Austin just generalized it.  He just knows that Austin came to him. 


    11:47 PM BBT Vanessa says again that she wants him to understand that he insulted her with his comments on her game.  James says he didn’t intend that and apologizes.  He tells her that he said something else that really offended everyone.  He doesn’t always word things well. Vanessa says they are on a bigger platform being on TV so they have to be responsible with their words.  James points out that they have done well to get to this point.  James says he isn’t the type to want to offend people or to have an enemy in the house.  Vanessa says they are not enemies.  She congratulated him today and meant it.  The closest thing she had to an enemy was Becky and she didn’t even have a bad bone feeling about Becky. 


    11:50 PM BBT James tells her he wants to keep things on a game level because they don’t have that many days left in the house and he hopes they will be friends.  Vanessa says that he is someone he would have voted for if she was in jury but he hurt her feelings.  She sounds tearful and is sniffling.  James apologizes again and says he doesn’t want to hurt girls’ feelings.   Vanessa says it’s never easy to send someone home.  She doesn’t know what she will do.  Different people want her to do different things.  She won’t be able to compete for HOH next week so she has to consider what’s best for her.  They start talking about today’s PoV competition.  Vanessa tells him that she was even looking under a carpet under furniture.  He hid it so well that even though she had a feeling about where James would hide it, she couldn’t find it. 


    11:59 PM BBT Feeds have been on FISH.  When they return, James is telling Vanessa that he likes her and wants things to be cool between them. Vanessa says they’re cool.  She gets heated fast and she gets over things fast.  James tells her that he doesn’t hold grudges.  In the BY, Steve, Julia and Liz are on the hammock talking about homework. 

  18. 11:30 PM BBT In the HNR, they are thinking back to the HOH comp.  James dropped early...he decided not to fight that one.  John chuckles about Austin being afraid of John coming back in and almost winning HOH.  John is surprised that the other jurors dropped so quickly.  James is called to the DR.


    11:32 PM BBT Vanessa comes out to talk to the chess players.  She asks who is winning and Steve says Austin is. Julia asks Vanessa about chess and what she taught Steve.  Vanessa says Steve already knows chess but in playing Vanessa, Steve learned Vanessa’s opening, which is very strong.  Austin wins the chess game.  A long discussion on chess ensues and Vanessa teaches them her opening.


    11:36 PM BBT In the HNR, John and Meg are talking about how to sleep in the dental chairs.  John likes to sleep on his stomach and has difficulty sleeping on his back.  Meg says she can’t believe they have four have-nots this week.  John points out that they are the last Have-Nots of BB17.  John says maybe they will convert the HNR to a game room with a pinball machine.  They talk about different games they played as kids.


    11:48 PM BBT Steve and Vanessa are in the HOHR talking about school and how Steve’s parents supported his choice.  Vanessa tells Steve that Meg says she feels like she is taking the fall for being a good person and not being a tattle tale.  Vanessa interprets that to mean that Meg has information that she is not sharing.  Steve explains that it’s about Becky.  Meg and Becky worked together, but Meg didn’t share information.  Vanessa understands Meg’s statement better and thanks Steve for explaining.  Steve says that as a BB historian, it’s usually the people who think they are the good people are the ones that America doesn’t like. 


    11:52 PM BBT In the HOHR, Steve and Vanessa discuss prior winners of BB. 


    11:53 PM BBT In the HNR, James is back from DR.  John is saying that “she” will go crazy if James wins veto.  Meg is called to the DR. James wishes her luck.  James asks John if anyone has talked to John about playing veto.  John says no...there’s been zero talk so they must be feeling confident.  James tells John that Vanessa has said that she has no target.  James says that doesn’t make any sense, and John points out that they are all targets now.  You used to be able to blame it on gossip but now it’s numbers.  James says it’s crazy to go back to week 5 for reasons to put someone up.  James says that whenever Vanessa wins HOH, James is on the block.  John says that it's just numbers at this point and any reasons that are given are just...James finishes his sentence..."crap."


    11:57 PM BBT James tells John that he didn’t remind Vanessa that James and Vanessa made a deal that if she ever wins HOH that James doesn’t go up and he gets to choose one person who is safe.  James doesn’t know if Vanessa just forgot, but he didn’t remind her, and now he’s nominated so it’s too late.  John suggests that if he wins PoV he can still remind her. 


    11:59 PM BBT John says that when deals are being offered during endurance comps he can’t hang on.  When Shelli was making her speech he couldn’t pay attention because he just couldn’t hang on.  James was determined.  John wonders how long they were supposed to last on the spinny thing.

  19. 11:01 PM BBT Steve and Austin are talking in the KT about prior seasons.  Steve comments that he is not a huge season 9 fan but Austin hates season 9 more than Steve does. Austin says he thinks it was the worst season.   Steve tries a cookie but says that it’s raw.  Julia is there saying how gross the raw cookies are.  Steve throws his out.


    11:03 PM BBT Meg, James, and John are all in their chairs in the HNR.  James asks Meg what she learned about self-defense in her class.  She says break peoples’ wrists, and scream.  James gives her some instruction. John has his eyes covered but is listening and interjects a comment.  Meg asks what James’ Instagram name is.  James can’t remember so he tells her to search on his name.  He says she’ll see a picture of him and Gizzy.  James leans toward Meg and explains how to do a brachial stun.  John uncovers his eyes and watches what James is doing. 


    11:07 PM BBT Austin and Steve are playing chess while Liz and Julia watch. 


    11:10 PM BBT In the HNR, James is making John and Meg laugh.  He says they are simple people and they are not plotting and scheming.  John laughs that the information he was keeping secret from people is information that everyone knew anyway, so he just looked like an idiot.  Meg says it’s a big day tomorrow.  John says it will be Meg’s comp.  John jokes that he will pull her name.  Meg says she would die if she pulled John’s name.  James tells John that he can’t be picking Meg anymore because Meg is already playing.  James gets up and leaves the HNR.  Meg wonders what the comp will be. James comes back with painkillers.  He offers to Meg before saying he has a headache and taking some painkillers. 


    11:14 PM BBT In the HNR, they are talking about the mixup with Clay prior to Clay’s eviction.  John talks about sleeping through the HOH meetings that happened when Austin almost got backdoored and the week prior.  Those were mystifying weeks for John.  Meg tells John that he was lucky he missed all that. 


    11:17 PM BBT James is flossing.  John asks him if his cavity hurts.  James says only when he flosses.  He’ll get it looked after when he is out of the house.  James and John comment on Meg having great teeth.  She says that she takes care of them.  Meg says she has never talked about teeth more than in this house.  John says he likes talking about them.  He talks about them every day, and in the past four years, this is the least he has talked about them. 


    11:21 PM BBT Steve and Austin are still playing chess while Liz and Julia look on.  James shouts out to family, saying he loves them.  He tells Jason [his roommate] to please take care of Gizmo.  He’ll be home soon...28 days.  Meg says less than ....the show ends in 26 days.  John says he can’t believe it will be fall when they leave.  They start talking about jury house.  James says it’s like a mansion.  The jurors seemed keen to go back. John says that when the jurors lined up to come back in the BB house, it seemed like they really wanted to come back in the house. 


    11:28 PM BBT In the HNR they are reminiscing about John coming back in the house.  Meg remembers John saying “Johnny Mac is BACK”.  James didn’t hear it.

  20. 8:11 PM BBT Julia tells Meg that for their game they wanted Johnny Mac gone, but Vanessa told them she has to do what is best for her own game.  Meg points out that even if they said they agreed that they might have to put up one of the twins, there is no choice at this point because so few people are left in the game.  Meg would tell Austwins the same thing...to put up one of Meg and James.  Meg continues to reiterate that they never discussed putting up two of Austwins.  That’s ridiculous.  Austin reminds her that there is still a veto comp and it will be a big day tomorrow.  He tells Meg he wants to make sure she doesn’t think it’s a coup on their part.  Meg’s understanding of the discussion with Vanessa last night was that Johnny Mac would go up and either Meg or James might go up as a pawn.  Meg says it’s been tough because of the kind of reasons Vanessa gave.  Liz tells Meg that it is probably strategic rather than being about the reasons Vanessa gave.

  21. 8:04 PM BBT Meg comes into the KT and asks Austin, Liz and Julia if she can talk to them.  They move to the CRL.  Meg says it sucks and they know this, but she doesn’t want things to be weird.  They still have pot ball games to play this week.  Meg feels played but she gets it game-wise.  Austin says they feel a bit played too because Vanessa didn’t tell them she was going to do that until after.  Vanessa said she had her reasons and it was based on Meg and James saying that they would put them up next week.  Meg says as a pawn.  Austin tells Meg that Vanessa said that James said not one but two, that’s he gotten blood on his hands before so he might as well do it [put up members of Austwins]. Meg says she is glad she is talking to them.  Meg tells them about the discussion she and James had with Vanessa and it includes the possibility that they might have to put up the twins, but that it wouldn’t matter because they would have the votes. 


    8:09 PM BBT Meg and Austwins discuss the misconceptions that Vanessa seems to have, and that it all stems from Becky sharing information.  Vanessa felt that Meg was making fun of her because of “the Brass Tacks thing”.  Liz makes a point of telling Meg that she hopes Meg doesn’t feel played by Liz because Meg stayed off Liz’s block.  Meg says she doesn’t feel played by Liz.  Meg wants to bring James in to hear what Austin just said about the reasons Vanessa gave Austwins.  Meg says that Vanessa never mentioned any of that when Meg and James had their discussion with her.  

  22. 6:48 PM BBT Liz is out in the BY doing laundry while Julia lays out on the hammock.  John is lounging in the BY sipping a drink. Vanessa, Austin,


    7:04 PM BBT Vanessa and Steve chat in the HOHR.  Vanessa doesn’t understand Meg’s reaction.  Vanessa gave an explanation.  Vanessa said she was fine when she was nominated until Becky wouldn’t give her an explanation.  Steve starts to tell Meg’s story of how she got on the show.  Vanessa cuts him off and tells Steve he doesn’t believe peoples’ stories about how they got on the show.  They talk about casting.


    7:07 PM BBT Austin joins Liz and Julia in the BY.  Liz tells him that Meg and James are really ticked off and are blaming Austin and the twins.  Austin complains that everyone blames him for everyone who has left.  Julia tells Austin that Meg and James are working Johnny Mac.  Austin says doesn’t JMac realize that if he aligns with Meg and James he could go up? 


    7:09 PM BBT Austin encourages Julia to bond with JMac and tells her that Johnny has a crush on her. 


    7:16 PM BBT In the HOHR, Vanessa is telling Steve about how his alliance with Austin came about.  Steve asks about what they are going to do, and Vanessa keeps talking about past alliance history.  Steve says he’s not interested in alliances with Audrey.  Steve starts listing the twelve days of BB, including 8 Audrey lies.  Vanessa says that should be a way higher number. 


    7:18 PM BBT Steve says he is surprised that Vanessa has been up in HOHR so long and she says she is scared.  She doesn’t like the awkwardness.  Steve says that she did the least awkward thing she could.  Vanessa says it would be awkward no matter what.  Vanessa says that Meg and James said they were willing to be pawn.  Vanessa tells Steve that John said they will always be rock stars but Steve doesn’t remember because he was so busy concentrating on his own speech. 


    7:19 PM BBT Austin and the twins are looking for something in the BY.  As they walk around looking at the ground they wonder about the veto comp.  Liz gives up looking and goes back to working out. 


    7:25 PM BBT Steve and Vanessa talk about their alliance.  Steve insists that he never had a final 2 with John.  Vanessa says she has told him everything and looking at Steve says “there’s the guilty look.”  They keep talking about their alliances and who they can work with. 


    7:35 PM BBT Vanessa asks Steve if John feels good about working with her this time.  Steve says that John has been reserved but the most positivity that he has heard from John about Vanessa was on Thursday morning when Steve asked John if John trusts Vanessa.  John said yes.  Steve asks Vanessa if she trusts John, and she says she wants to.  They talk about trust between them and affirm that they will tell each other if they have doubts.


    7:37 PM BBT Steve wonders who Vanessa would put up if Meg or James win the veto.  Vanessa says it depends which of them win the veto.  If Meg stays up, the pawn better be very weak.  It will be harder to send Meg home.  If James stays on the block, then Vanessa thinks almost anyone could go up next to him.  Vanessa tells Steve that he is the person he would least want to risk.  Steve tells Vanessa that is reciprocated.  Vanessa says that both of them [steve and Vanessa] are terrible pawns because people want to target them. They discuss who would go up as a pawn and what would be the implications of each possibility. 


    7:42 PM BBT Vanessa says that probably her best pawn would be Julia because she would have Liz and Austin’s vote as well as Steve’s and Johnny’s.  It wouldn’t accomplish much to send Julia home except to tick people off.  Vanessa would just have to get them to agree to it, but she hasn’t even talked to them. 


    7:44 PM BBT Vanessa asks Steve if he was concerned about pawns because he is wondering if she was going to go for revenge.  She says that she owes him an “F you”.  Steve agrees that she does.  He tells her that when he gave her the hug that she thought was so fake, he really wasn’t fake.  In that moment he was happy for her because he was feeling bad about everything.  He admits to being fake with her, but that moment was not one of those.  They talk more about how Steve doubted her.  She asks why and he says because there was so much consent in the house.  Vanessa says that sort of thing happens all the time in this house.  She says it irritates her that everyone feels that they have to vote with the house.   


    7:49 PM BBT Steve tells Vanessa about how he was targeting Austin earlier on and that Meg and James were okay with that because they were safe while there was discord between Austin and Steve.  Steve says that Meg and James liked that there was internal fighting and they could sit back and watch.  Then Jackie and Becky happened.  Steve says that the Inside is now outside. Steve says the outside won.  They figure out that everyone that has gone home since Jace was an Insider.

  23. 2:15 PM BBT Feeds are back.  The HGs are waiting for the door from the BY to open.  They go inside to the KT.  There is giant gum slop on the DT.  Liz tries it and spits it out saying it’s peppermint.  Vanessa is opening an envelope and she reads a bit and tells the HGs they will not like it.  Vanessa reads the card out. “Vanessa, as HOH we have good news and bad news this week.”    Vanessa says this is like Pandora Slop.  She continues reading... the good news is that this is the final week of Have-nots this season.  The bad news is it is your responsibility to name FOUR Have-Nots for the week.  Have-nots will be able to enjoy “gum slops”... gum drops combined with slop.  John volunteers.  Julia reluctantly says she’ll do it.  Meg and James are the other two Have-Nots. 


    2:17 PM BBT James goes to the Storage Room to put something away.  Meg says she is hibernating for sure this week.  James says “damn.”  James is mad because it’s Austin’s week to be Have-Not and Austin just looked at James and laughed.  They go to the OBR and Meg says she can feel that it’s going to be an awful week.  James starts moving his stuff.  Meg claims the end chair.  James takes the one next to her. 


    2:21 PM BBT Steve and Liz are in the Storage room.  They realize that Steve will be alone in the CBR.  Julia is setting up her chair in the HNR next to James.  She says that she is a bad sport about it but she doesn’t care.  She’s sick of the Have-not stuff.


    2:26 PM BBT In the KT, John and Steve are checking out the giant gumdrops.  Austin is making something to eat at the KT counter and says he tried some and they made him feel sick.  Liz comes in and exclaims happily that she and Austin will have a room to themselves.

  24. 1:37 PM BBT James is looking in the fridge.  Julia is talking about how happy she is to have the back yard.  Liz is sitting at the glass counter in the KT and eating.  Vanessa is sitting by herself in the HOHR eating a snack.  She puts it away and then goes into the HOHR WA to fix her hair.  She goes back to lay down on the bed.


    1:38 PM BBT  Steve is sitting at the DT eating a bowl of mini-wheats.  He tells Julia that he wants to do some dishes, but he wants to swim first while the BY is available.  Julia thanks him.  Julia asks if Johnny Mac is out.  Steve says he hasn’t seen John.  Julia says John is in the DR.  James is washing his hands.  We get Jeff’s Reels.

  25. 1:00 PM BBT In the HOHR, Vanessa, Austin, Liz and Julia discuss the difficulty of the HOH comp.  Austin thinks it was designed to give jurors an advantage because they are fresh and rested.  They were surprised that James came off so fast.  Austin thought James would have been their best hope not to have a juror win.  Liz dropped off because her feet were sliding and she didn’t have the strength to pull herself up again.  Vanessa says the comp was way harder than it looked.


    1:05 PM BBT The group in the HOHR talk about Jackie sitting.  Austin doesn’t even think she slipped.  She just sat like she wasn’t paying attention.  Julia notes that Jackie stayed on the swing for awhile like she didn’t know she was out, and while she was sitting she knocked Becky. Austin thinks it was good that Johnny never had a chance to talk to the other jurors.  Vanessa says it was the best scenario.  Even though they were upset, it’s salvageable.  Johnny has no one else to work with, and he is ready to battle it out. 


    1:10 PM BBT Austin comments that he can’t believe that Shelli gave up in “On the Edge” and Vanessa says she learned her lesson from that and was not giving up.  She tells Austwins she would have given it to one of them, but otherwise no.  They talk about Meg and James choosing Vanessa to confide in...wrong person.  Meg and James didn’t realize how close Vanessa was to Austwins.


    1:15 PM BBT Vanessa complains to Austin and the twins about John feuding with her when she backed him up earlier when they were continually putting him up on the block and expecting him to throw veto. 


    1:16 PM BBT Austin talks about working out with Johnny Mac and “annihilating” him.  Vanessa tells Austin that Johnny Mac is on to him, so Austin will have to be subtle.  Austin has a plan to do some annihilating exercises but fewer sets so John won’t think it will be a big deal.  Vanessa tells Austin that he has invented a new weapon in BB.  No one has ever brandished that weapon in BB before. 


    1:18 PM BBT Liz crouches down under a shelf in the Storage Room and waits.  Julia comes in and Liz leaps out and scares her.  Julia jumps and says “I hate you”  Liz says she loves scaring Julia. 


    1:21 PM BBT Austin and Vanessa in the HOHR discussing James’ game.  They compare Austin’s HOH win against James to Vanessa’s against John.  That gets them back to talking about the HOH comp and what Johnny learned in his eviction.  Vanessa tells Austin that John said that Austin and the twins are playing the best game.  Vanessa suggests that John will want to work with Austin if he admires his game.  Austin says “or take me out.”  Vanessa suggests John would want to work with Austin until it’s time for John to make a move. They talk about next summer.  Vanessa would like to do Amazing Race with Mel, and it would be cool if Austin and Liz did it too.


    1:26 PM BBT Liz and Julia are in the KT preparing food and talking about it being hard to trust the Goblins.  They were stupid last week but everything happens for a reason.  They ponder what would have happened if Shelli came back.  Austin comes downstairs and they ask Austin what they’re doing.  Austin suggests a workout but he wants to eat first.


    1:32 PM BBT  Austin, Liz and Julia are in the KT.  Austin is packing around and eating something speared on a fork.  They talk about the back yard is open, but they think it won’t be open long.  James asks if it’s open and Austin says yes, but probably for a limited time. He thinks noms ceremony and then immediately work out.  Julia thinks there should be a reunion show.  Steve comes into the KT and they talk again about how long the BY will be available.



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