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  1. 12:00 PM BBT Clay and Shelli talking about Clay’s family and what kind of hair they have, and the color of their eyes.  Everyone in Shelli’s family has blue eyes…her twin brothers’ eyes are especially blue. 


    12:03 PM BBT John is sitting in the KT by himself eating yogurt. 


    12:04 PM BBT  It’s a lazy afternoon in the BB house BY.  Shelli and Clay are lazing on the couches and listening to a plane fly overhead.  Shelli says if she had one wish right now, the door would open and her puppy would freak out and come over for cuddles. 


    12:08 PM BBT Shelli and Clay’s conversation has turned to grandparents.  Clay has all four grandparents and not very many cousins.  A small tight-knit family.  Shelli says “that’s all you need” and Clay agrees. 


    12:11 PM BBT Shelli and Clay still talking about family members while John eats a bowl of something in the KT.  BB announces that sleep is only allowed in beds.  Audrey has been snoozing on the BY couch as Shelli and Clay talk, and she stirs at BB’s announcement.


    12:14 PM BBT Audrey complains that she always gets skipped for things, like Truth or Dare.  Shelli protests that she doesn’t, and Clay razzes Audrey. 


    12:16 PM BBT Audrey speculates about whether they will show a segment with Shelli and Clay chatting about family and stuff, and then pan to Audrey snoring in the background.  We get FotH.


    12:17 PM BBT Feeds come back to Shelli and Clay moving inside and saying “I wonder what the lockdown is for?”  Feeds pan briefly to the colourful room,  before returning to FotH.


    12:18 PM BBT Meg, Jason, Steve and Jeff awake now in the Ocean BR.  Shelli looking through stuff in prep for a “quickie shower.” 


    12:22 PM BBT John, Jason, Clay and James all in the KT.  Becky, Steve, Austin and Meg in and out of the WA.


    12:25 PM BBT Clay eating from a bowl sitting at the KT counter.  James is wearing his sunglasses as he prepares something to eat.  Steve comes in and says “Good morning” to James and then corrects himself, saying “Good afternoon.”  Meg sits down at the dining table.


    12:27 PM BBT Jason, and James go out to the BY couches to eat.  Audrey is there also, and they are talking about grape jelly.  Meg joins them. 


    12:29 PM BBT The BY group (Audrey, James, Jason, Meg) wonder if they are being locked out so that they will be up for the feeds.  Or maybe for Vanessa’s pictures. 


    12:31 PM BBT Becky is in the KT drinking something.  Steve is at the Dining table.  Vanessa comes out to the BY and is snapping pictures. 


    12:33 PM BBT Meg and Jason talking about candid pictures being better than posed photos. 


    12:36 PM BBT  Everyone heading outside.  Shelli stopping in the KT to get water.  Jackie grabbing a drink also.  BB announces “Houseguests:  This is a lockdown.  Please go outside and close the sliding glass door.”  Jackie is the last one out and she slides the door closed.  As Jackie goes to the couches, they compliment her on her outfit, saying she looks elegant.   


    12:39 PM BBT Clay and Jeff are by the pool table.  Clay is swinging the pool cue as if it’s a baseball bat.  Vanessa is taking pictures, and she asks Jeff and Clay to pose near the pool table. 


    12:40 PM BBT Jeff calls James over for a picture.  Vanessa suggests action shots, so they pose as if they are playing pool.  [so much for candid shots].  Vanessa thinks it’s a really good picture. 


    12:42 PM BBT  Austin, Liz, and Shelli sitting in the shade on the ground near the couches.  Vanessa still walking around with the camera and taking pictures of everyone on the couches.  She turns to snap a picture of Liz and Austin.


    12:45 PM BBT  Shelli and Vanessa take a selfie.  Shelli says “cute.” Shelli takes the camera so that she can get some shots of Vanessa hanging out with the group.  Becky calls out to Jeff to ask if she can play the winner of the pool game.  Jeff says sure. 


    12:48 PM BBT  A plane is flying low overhead and making a lot of noise as Austin, Liz and Vanessa figure out how to pose so that they are all in the shade and  not half in sun and half in shade.  They pose in front of the sand castle. 


    12:49 PM BBT  A group move over to the hammock to make another shot… Vanessa on the Hammock in between Clay and James… first with Clay and James fanning Vanessa with pillows, and then sitting next to her.  Jeff and Austin looking on and making suggestions for the next shot. 


    12:51 PM BBT  Shelli points out that the pictures turn out much better when the subjects are in the shade.  They pose for a group shot with the closed sliding door as a backdrop. 


    12:52 PM BBT Vanessa snaps a shot of Jeff with Jackie and Liz.  Shelli pulls a pillow out of the way.  Shelli takes the camera so she can get another picture of Vanessa with a group around her.


    12:56 PM BBT  Clay goes over to the pool, takes off his mic and jumps in.  Vanessa asks Shelli to take pictures of Clay in the pool. 


    12:58 PM BBT Austin joins Clay in the pool and they pose for some shots together and then bring out the rubber ducky as a prop.  Shelli is sitting on the edge of the pool with her feet in.  Another plane flies over.  Clay takes the camera from her and snaps a picture of her.  Shelli looks at it and says it’s terrible, so she deletes it, then hands the camera to Austin to take a picture of the two of them. 


    1:00 PM BBT Jeff, Jackie and Liz are watching the group at the pool taking pictures, and saying they’re so cute … “Clelli”  or is it “Shay”?  More pictures in the works.


    1:04 PM BBT  They are setting up a whole-group shot on the couches.   Audrey still snoozing on the couch as they all pose for the photo around her.  She’s trying to avoid being in the shot.  Shelli setting it up with the timer so that she can get in the shot as well. 


    1:11 PM BBT  More picture-taking… shirtless guys posing on the couch with hands behinds their heads.  "Oh Mylanta"


    1:16 PM BBT The HGs are all checking out the pictures that were taken, and saying they look great.  Being on lockdown means that everyone is in the pictures. .  Clay is back in the pool.  Audrey moves over to a lounger chair by the pool, isolating herself as she complains to Clay about the picture-taking.


    1:22 PM BBT General chit chat amongst the houseguests on the BY couches while Vanessa continues taking snapshots. 


    1:23 PM BBT Jason and Meg talking about clothes, and then wondering what James is up to. They are watching him, and Shelli goes to take a picture…James has crept underneath the lounger that Audrey is laying on.  He gets out from underneath saying that he needs to work on his stealth skills.


    1:27 PM BBT Austin and James settle into loungers by the pool.  Austin comments that it’s hard to find shade.  Jeff and Liz are sitting on the edge of the pool with their feet in, and then Liz moves to the lounger between Audrey and Austin. 


    1:30 PM BBT Liz bemoaning that pictures are taken right after she woke up when she doesn’t think she looks good.  Austin wishing he could have kept sleeping for a couple more hours. 


    1:33 PM BBT Audrey commenting to Liz that BB is probably building another twist for them. 


    1:34 PM BBT  James comments that the loungers feel like sleeping in the dentist chairs in the HNR.   Shelli hands Audrey another pillow.  Liz complains about ants.  Everyone is just lazing around. 


    1:36 PM BBT Liz tells Austin that she used to be the worst nail-biter.  She still picks off the nail polish. 


    1:38 PM BBT Clay and Shelli chatting as they sit on the side of the pool.  Clay tells Shelli she has very sexual legs and she laughs.  Shelli is embarrassed by how loud her laugh is.  Liz says that a lot of people in the house have funny laughs.


    1:41 PM BBT Clay telling Shelli that she has to go hunting with him and she says no way could she kill a big animal.  He says she has to skin it then, and she says no way.  She would scale a fish though.  She loves fishing.


    1:44 PM BBT Liz and Austin talking about sharks and dolphins and snorkelling.  Liz tells Austin about a boat that goes from Miami to the Bahamas for the day for only $50.  They talk about cruises in the Caribbean.   


    1:47 PM BBT  Jeff comes over to the loungers.  Austin and Liz talking about Vegas.


    1:51 PM BBT At pool’s edge, Shelli commenting to Clay that everyone is in good spirits.  She likes it.  Clay says it makes him feel like he doesn’t care about the game.   Shelli says she would be sad if one of them had to leave before jury.  Clay tells Shelli that she keeps him grounded.  She looks after him, and when he gets too agitated she calms him down.  Shelli tells him “that’s very sweet.”  [awwww]


    1:54 PM BBT  Shelli feels lucky to be with Clay.  She confides her worst fear that they both ending up on the block together.  She tells him “don’t you dare say that to anyone”  because she doesn’t want to plant the seed.

  2. 9:00 PM BBT In the BY, James and Clay finish a game of pool while Liz looks on.   Then James begins working out.  Clay wins it.  James says “good game” and razzes Clay a bit as he goes to work out.   He chats with Jason and Becky as he works out.


    9:03 PM BBT In the HOHR, Vanessa, Austin and Liz are discussing what votes Jeff may have, and the votes that Jeff thinks he has.  Jeff has not asked Austin for his vote, and says he won’t campaign until the last day.  Austin has tried to confirm Jeff’s comments with the people Jeff was talking about, so Austin is skeptical that Jeff has the numbers he says he has.  Austin wants to see if they can get a one-week deal out of James. 


    9:09 PM BBT  Jeff and Steve join John, Jason, and James at the BY couches.  Jeff complaining about irrational justifications.  In the HOHR, Austin, Liz and Vanessa talking about the deal they made with John for safety until top 10.  John has said that Jeff doesn’t know about that.  Liz stressing that she NEEDS to win HOH next week in order to be safe.


    9:16 PM BBT Jeff, Jason, and John still talking in the BY talking about skydiving, zip lines, and other height-related challenges.  Jeff has respect for the guy that tight-rope walks with just a bar for balance.  In the HOHR, they are hatching a plan for Liz to confront Jeff about throwing Austin under the bus in front of a room full of people after Jace’s veto meeting…and then they realize that it wasn’t even Liz that was there for it…it was Julia.  So Liz doesn’t even know what was in the conversation.  That won’t work!


    9:18 PM BBT Liz thinks that the next switch will be on Friday morning.  Liz says she has not competed in an HOH for two times. 


    9:22 PM BBT Jeff talking to Clay in the BY about Clay’s sister’s job.  Jeff wants Clay to get him connected…he’ll move anywhere for it.  Jeff asks Clay how he’s feeling about things, and they begin talking about the situation.  Jeff doesn’t want to campaign.  Jeff doesn’t know where Becky, Austin, and Liz stand.  He feels that Austin is acting sketchy, asking for information.  They start talking about the twins again, and Jeff is wondering which one will be there for the vote because one likes him more than the other.  Jeff says he can easily tell between them now, but he didn’t know that they switched today.


    9:29 PM BBT  In the BY, Clay is sharing his philosophy with Jeff.  If Clay goes home, he will trust that it’s for a reason and that maybe if he stayed longer he would compromise his integrity.   Jeff isn’t taking it in much…he points out that he has votes that he is confident in …Clay, Shelli, Johnny Mack, and Jackie.  He doesn’t think Meg and Jason will vote for him because they are closer to James than to Jeff. He won’t even ask them.


    9:40 PM BBT John joins Vanessa, Austin and Liz in the HOHR.  John is concerned about his back shifting when he does an exercise.  Austin has him show the exercise and advises him to do a slightly different ab exercise.  John spills the beans on a prank they’re planning downstairs…they smeared chocolate on the toilet seat.


    9:42 PM BBT In the BY, Jeff is expressing the hope that Clay and Shelli know that he wants to work with them.  Clay doesn’t pull any punches…he tells Jeff that he and Shelli have pulled back a bit on him, and that Jeff needs to understand that they have to look after their own game.  Clay’s alliance with Shelli is his standard for how he judges other alliances.  Jeff asks how he feels about their alliance, and Clay says good…Johnny Mack has proven himself, he doesn’t talk game with Jackie but trusts Jeff’s connection with Jackie.  But it’s not as high a level of trust as he has with Shelli.


    10:01 PM BBT  Jason, Jackie, and James on the BY couches chatting about Steve.  Audrey and Steve are Jason’s targets.  Jackie is convinced that Steve knew that Jeff was going up because he was very sympathetic toward Jackie.  They think he is more of a threat than people give him credit for.  Steven is alone a lot, and he eavesdrops on conversations. 


    10:15 PM BBT Meg, Jeff, Jason, James, and Jackie on the BY couch.  James thinks John has been leaking information quite a bit.  They note that he has been upstairs quite a bit.  Jason points out that the HOHR group had heard a group was going to “storm the castle” and that John may have been the one to tell them that.  James feels that there is a group forming.  Not saying there is one, but probably Vanessa, Liz, Austin, John, Steve and Audrey…James: “that’s six and they are trying to lawn-mower us.”  Meg thinks they have Becky, so they have 7 and the other group is 6.   Jeff sees Liz on the hammock and decides to go over and see which twin it is.  Jason is sure they have switched.


    10:18 PM BBT Jason is 100% sure about the twins, and tells the group that Vanessa and Austin are in on it and are using it to their advantage.  They are determined to study hard so that they can win the next HOH if the comp is facts. 


    10:30 PM BBT Jeff asking James what it would be like going out with Meg.  James says it’s hard to tell, and Meg is like “what do you mean it’s hard to tell?”  Jeff joking around about using Meg as bait to bring other girls over.  Austin, John, Steve, and Clay working out while Liz lounges on the hammock.


    10:33 PM BBT Austin doing a headstand and lifting up to a handstand before somersaulting.  Liz is duly impressed!  Austin does a somersault over Johnny Mack.  


    10:35 PM BBT  Becky and Jeff talking about beers they like.  Jason asks if anyone has been to Canada and comments on how weird-looking the beer bottles are.  Meg wants to go to Alaska to see Northern Lights, but Jeff says Norway is the place to see them.  Jason goes inside, and Jackie and James jump up to follow him in.  Jason opens the WC and sees the smeared chocolate…he gasps and shuts the door saying “MORTIFIED” as he turns away.  The whole group has followed him….lots of laughing and razzing.  Jason heads up to HOHR to use the bathroom up there. 


    10:39 PM BBT  Meg and Jackie, still chuckling about Jason, stop in the KT for munchies before heading upstairs.  James and Jeff are playing pool in the BY while Austin, Steve, John, and Clay resume their workout. 


    10:42 PM BBT Liz, Becky, Vanessa, Jackie, and Meg still laughing at Jason’s reaction to the bathroom prank.  Vanessa commenting that it was set up so well, it was toilet art.  They waited a long time for it. 


    10:46 PM BBT Vanessa asking the group on the BY couches if it’s no Have-nots again next week.  They say no…warped wishful thinking!  They start talking about different comps in past seasons, and then about working out. 


    10:48 PM BBT Vanessa is chiding herself for being so lazy…she’s on TV 24 hrs a day…she should care enough about how she looks to work out.  Jason laughs and points out that he brought all kinds of make-up and hasn’t bothered wearing it.   They start talking about high school assignments where they have to look after an egg. 


    10:50 PM BBT  Steve comes up to Vanessa and shows his abs.  Vanessa is impressed and Steve jokes that he isn’t Cody and no one ever asked him to take his shirt off or anything.  Vanessa encourages Steve to keep at it…he’s looking good. 


    10:52 PM BBT Liz watches James and Jeff play pool.  John is called to the Diary Room. 


    10:53 PM BBT The BY group gets up cheering at the news that they got more beer.  Everyone streams into the KT to check it out.


    10:54 PM BBT James goes into the Ocean BR to wake up Audrey and Shelli to tell them that they got beer and wine.  


    10:57 PM BBT Jackie and Jeff in the WA with several others …they are saying that there’s not enough alcohol to make it worth it.  Steve is having a shower.


    11:00 PM BBT In the KT, they are setting up a drinking game called King’s cup.  Vanessa has never heard of the game, but is ready to take part. 


    11:03 PM BBT Steve is having a shower.  He asks Liz to hand him a towel.  Liz asks him who she is, and he correctly says that she is Liz.  Austin comes in Liz pulls him away to the Cabana Room Lounge. 


    11:05 PM BBT  The group in the KT are trying to work out the rules for the King’s Cup game.  https://www.beerfestboots.com/kings-cup-rules


    11:06 PM BBT  Liz and Austin in the Cabana Room Lounge talking.  Liz is upset that [Jeff] is taking credit for saving Liz and has told her that she owes him.  She feels it was Austin that saved her.  Austin says him and Vanessa saved her.   Liz tells Austin she was able to defer the conversation with Jeff. 


    11:13 PM BBT  In the KT, they are still figuring out the game.  They each have a paper cup and some are sitting at the dining table practising flipping the cup.


    11:15 PM BBT  Meg is trying to get everyone to get together and play the game already [it’s worse than herding cats].


    11:17 PM BBT Everyone is finally gathered around the Dining Table.  They are playing “flip cup” instead of King’s Cup.  It’s a team-based game.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flip_cup  Jeff suggests that they challenge one another, and you can’t drink until you win a challenge.  The winner passes it on.  They are still debating rules and so far no one is drinking!


    11:20 PM BBT They all had water in their cups, but they drink it down before starting.  Jeff designates the teams and tells James and Audrey to start.  They are still debating.  Shelli says “let’s just play the game so we can all drink!”  Shelli takes charge and they start.  Each side flips the cup in a relay.  The first team to finish gets to drink. The team on Jeff’s side of the table gets to drink.


    11:25 PM BBT  Vanessa suggests a chugging contest and the winner gets a reward… a double shot of port.  They make sure everyone has the same amount of liquid in their cup.  Vanessa gives the rules… both hands on the table, they have to drink everything in their cup, flip the cup successfully, say flip so Vanessa can verify that their cup is flipped, and the first person to finish wins the glass of port.  They start standing with hands up.  Vanessa says “Go!”  and they all go for it.  Shelli wins! 


    11:30 PM BBT They decide to play truth or dare.  Vanessa says you can only drink if you do your dare.

  3. 12:00 PM BBT In HOHR, Shelli is letting Vanessa know that Austin is distancing himself from Vanessa’s decisions and making it sound like he had nothing to do with it, so that Vanessa is alone in taking the heat for unpopular choices.  Clay and Austin come in and Vanessa shares her concern about the fact that she is taking all the heat.  Austin points out that Jeff acts like they are good when Austin is with him, and then when he leaves, he tells others that Austin is masterminding things with Vanessa. 


    12:05 PM BBT  As Austin begins to explain what he’s been trying to do, we get Jeff’s Reels.  Must be time for the PoV ceremony!


    1:09 PM BBT Feeds are back.  Jeff, Jason, Clay, James, and Meg talking together about how Audrey knew she wasn’t going up on the block and this is the second week that she has done that.  In the HOHR, John tells Vanessa that she did it the best she could do it.  She didn’t want her speech to come off harsh.  John lets her know that he is voting to keep him.  Vanessa cautions him that it’s dangerous having Jeff in the house.  It sounds like Jeff was nominated in John’s place, as expected.


    1:20 PM BBT Vanessa tells John that Audrey has to go home next week or the week after.  John tells Vanessa that he doesn’t understand why Audrey makes stuff up about him even though he doesn’t talk game with her.  He heard about something from another person, and Vanessa cautions him that if he heard it from Jeff, it might be untrue. 


    1:21 PM BBT Jason, Jackie, Meg, and Jeff talking in the BY and speculating about Vanessa’s motives and questioning her rationale’s.  Jeff questions that she is worried about sending an “innocent” person home, and then she nominates him.  They think Vanessa is ruining her game.  He is curious to see who goes home between him and James.  Jackie didn’t think it was a good speech.  Meg asks Jeff who he thinks he has, but he hasn’t campaigned yet so he isn’t sure. 


    1:24 PM BBT In the BY, Jeff tells Meg and Jackie that if he had the chance to block 3 votes, it would make a difference this week. 


    1:26 PM BBT In the WA, Clay, Jason and Meg whispering about votes they think Jeff has to stay… Jackie and Johnny Mac.  Meg is uncertain who to keep. They think that James could win the game because he is more likable than Jeff.  Jason suggests sacrificing Jeff so as not to cut all ties with Vanessa.   Jason thinks the majority is going to vote for Jeff to stay.  They are going back and forth trying to guess who has whose vote.


    1:35 PM BBT Clay and Shelli in the HNR.  Shelli is relating something she saw in the Comic Book Room.  Clay relates his conversation with Jason and Meg in the WA.  Jason thinks they trust James more, but Meg thinks that no one can beat James at the end.  Clay points out it’s too early to think about that.  Shelli thinks that Meg’s comment indicates that Jeff and Meg have talked about that.  Shelli telling Clay that a conversation she had with Vanessa confirms that Jeff is selling them out.  She lays out her reasons why she wants Jeff to go. 


    1:41 PM BBT  Becky comes into the HNR.  Clay and Shelli tell her what they are hearing about Jeff, and that he may blow up peoples’ games on his way out.  They talk about Jeff playing similarly to Audrey.


    1:46 PM BBT Audrey is called to the DR room.  Becky joins Jeff and Jason on the BY couches.  Liz is nearby.  Liz goes inside, and Jason reminds Jeff to watch Liz the next time Liz goes to the DR because they are due for a switch. 


    1:48 PM BBT  Jackie comes into the HNR where Shelli and Clay are still whispering.  They tell Jackie they are trying to figure things out.  Shelli feels badly for Jackie.  Clay asks Jackie who has helped her game the most, and Jackie confirms she will vote to keep Jeff.  She isn’t going to campaign but she has to vote to keep her teammate. 


    1:49 PM BBT Becky, Jason and Jeff are on the BY couches chatting about the unpredictability of reality shows. 


    1:54 PM BBT Vanessa, John, Audrey, and Liz talking in the HOHR.  Vanessa telling them she had to rile herself up this morning, and remind herself that she has the most compelling reasons to put Jeff up.  Vanessa thinks that if Jeff blames anyone but himself, then he’s sorely self-deluding.

  4. 6:03 PM BBT In HOHR, Shelli asks Vanessa if Steve knows about the twin thing, and explains that she’s asking because when Shelli told Julia that her name for Julia and Liz is JuLiz, Julia laughed and told Shelli that Steve just calls Liz and Julia “Miss Nolan” because he doesn’t want to be disrespectful.  Vanessa suggests that maybe Steve asked her about it.  Shelli agrees that may have happened, but then Julia should have been letting them know that Steve knows.


    10:06 PM BBT Clay and Shelli hanging out at the Hot Tub.  Shelli suggests that she and Clay should go on The Amazing Race.  Shelli thinks that America probably loves James even though he can be very inappropriate.  She figures that the inappropriate stuff would not make the show.


    10:10 PM BBT John joins Shelli and Clay at the HT and tells them it seems like “he” [Jeff] is going down in flames trying to cover us up.  Shelli says that’s not true, and they discuss some discrepancies.  Shelli and Clay are upset because how could Jeff be protecting the group if he is throwing two of the group members under the bus?  Shelli says he’s not going down in flames for anything regarding Shelli and Clay.  Clay talks but isn’t audible because he’s in the HT and not wearing his mic.  John seems surprised.  John quotes Vanessa as saying that John is the only one that Jeff hasn’t thrown under the bus yet.  


    10:16 PM BBT Jeff joins John, Shelli, and Clay at the HT.  Shelli asks Jeff if he’s been sleeping today, and he says yes, but Audrey’s been waking him up to talk game.  Clay comments that Audrey has no off switch.  Jeff tells John, Shelli and Clay that Audrey told him that probably some of the people who started stuff with Jeff also started stuff with her.  Jeff was frustrated by Audrey’s vague warnings especially when he was sleepy.  Jeff tells them that Audrey threw Johnny Mac under the bus by saying that Johnny Mac told Audrey that Jeff was the one getting people riled up to talk to Vanessa.

  5. 12:00 AM BBT In the BY, Meg telling Vanessa that until this week, she would never have come up to Vanessa with her concerns about Audrey.  Meg can’t even understand why there was an argument.  Vanessa reassuring Meg that she is a fair person and she had no intention to make Meg cry and she didn’t want Meg to think she was taking sides. Meg just feels that Audrey is always in the middle of the drama.  Where there’s smoke, there must be fire.  Meg asks if Vanessa is okay, and Vanessa admits she is a bit stressed.   


    12:08 AM BBT  Audrey sets up blankets to make it look like there is someone sleeping in the bed, and then corners Clay in the WA, asking him to create a diversion so that she can go back up.  Clay is irritated, but he does as she asks and Audrey heads up to the HOHR.


    12:13 AM BBT Audrey checks in with Vanessa, who tells Audrey that Austin is planning to call Jeff out on some things to create justification to nominate Jeff. 


    12:15 AM BBT Steve, Meg, Liz, Jeff, and Becky are hanging out at the hot tub.  Meg is talking about how great her parents are. 


    12:17 AM BBT Jason, Jackie, Shelli and Clay are sitting on the couches in the BY talking about Liz being a twin.  Jason begins relating moments that made him suspicious.  Jason speculates about the timing of the twin switches, and that they might be timed to give the twins equal opportunity to take part in competitions.


    12:25 AM BBT Jeff and James told Audrey something about getting the power couple [shelli/Clay] out just to see how long it would take for it to come back.  It took 3 or 4 days.  Audrey pulled Clay aside today.  Jason speculates that she was waiting for the veto before using that information, and commends Audrey for fighting.  


    12:26 AM BBT  Jason thinks that it wasn’t random that Da’Vonne got the Last Laugh power.  Shelli thinks it might have been something that America voted for. 


    12:29 AM BBT Audrey talking to Vanessa about Jason’s game and warning her that Jason is good.  Vanessa has nothing to say, and Audrey goes on to complain about Becky targeting her and John throwing a challenge.  Audrey wants to take out Jason, and says she has a perfect speech in her head for calling out Jason on everything he’s done and said. 


    12:45 AM BBT James and Steve talking on the hammock in the BY and congratulating themselves on how far they have come, and even for getting on BB in the first place.  James notes that he’s on the block even though he’s a strong player.   They discuss the number of votes needed, and that Vanessa will not be a tie-breaker. 


    12:54 AM BBT  In the HOHR, Vanessa telling Jason that she is feeling manipulated.  She tells Jason he is worried that if she does what the house wants and gets Audrey out, then she is acting on hearsay when she personally has no beef with Audrey.  They rehash the disagreement between Meg and Audrey. 


    1:00 AM BBT  Vanessa tells Jason (tearfully) that even if she puts Audrey up against James, she isn’t sure that Audrey would go home.  She says that if Audrey is the way that Jason says, then she is afraid of Audrey and doesn’t want to be her enemy.  Jason tries to comfort Vanessa and reiterates that he knows for fact that Audrey is a liar.


    1:03 AM BBT Jason advises Vanessa to follow her gut.  Jason says that some people are chosen for BB because they are manipulators and Audrey is one of them.  He jokes that they found her at manipulator boot camp.  Jason continues to push Vanessa to put Audrey up by listing all her offenses.


    1:40 AM BBT Jeff is talking to Vanessa in the HOHR. 


    2:12 AM BBT Jeff, Jason and Clay on the BY couches.  Jeff and Jason relating their conversations with Vanessa.  Jeff tells Clay that Vanessa wants James gone, and Clay acts surprised.  Jeff is saying that Vanessa is brainwashed and that she is looking for something miniscule to send James home, and she’ll put an innocent person next to James, but Jeff doesn’t think anyone will go home against James.  Jeff thinks Austin is the sketchiest person in the house.  Jason chimes in to corroborate what Jeff is saying.


    2:20 AM BBT James telling Jason, Jeff, Austin and Clay about how he lost respect for Audrey.  Audrey does crazy and thoughtless things like running the shower just as a ruse to cover her presence even when there is a drought.  Jeff comments that Vanessa genuinely doesn’t believe the votes are there for Audrey to leave.  James tells the group that Vanessa said she’s afraid to be the one to send the transgender person home.  Austin leaves and Jason tells the others that Austin was lying, and that it was obvious to Jason that Austin knew that the target was James. 


    2:26 AM BBT Austin goes up to HOHR to report to Vanessa what the BY group is saying and how Jeff is flipping out.  Vanessa tells Austin her view of the conversations and the way she explained things to Jeff and James.  Audrey comes in, and Vanessa carries on with verbalizing her narrative.  Audrey warns Vanessa that Jeff, Jason, and James are planning to come up to the HOHR and confront her.

  6. 11:22 AM BBT Audrey leaves the HOHR and “Liz” stands up and says “I’m Julia-a-a-a”  Austin tells her that her sister is ticking him off because she slept with James last night downstairs.  Vanessa says they’re trying to minimize the amount of conversation she has with others.  Julia doesn’t like Jeff.  Liz drew a mole on Julia during the switch.  Julia strongly dislikes Jeff because he tried to trick her into showing her birthmark by saying there was something on her shirt.  Austin and Vanessa fill Julia in on more details.


    11:26 AM BBT  Austin says they are the Freaks (Austin, Liz, Julia) and Geeks (Vanessa, Steve).  Steve doesn’t know that Shelli and Clay know, and Shelli/Clay do not know that Steve knows.  Vanessa and Austin coach Julia on the narrative of how the alliance was formed.      


    11:28 AM BBT Austin telling Julia about Jace’s shrine.  Liz still hadn’t told Julia about that..she’s not so good on detail.  Austin reviews the noms and the reactions.  Vanessa comes out of the HOH bathroom to caution them to keep their voices down.  Vanessa is called to DR.


    11:33 AM BBT Vanessa is called to the DR again and she complains that she’s not ready yet.  Julia asks why they thought it was a good idea to tell Steve.  Austin says because Steve is a loyal person.  Vanessa finally leaves for DR.  As she leaves she reminds them to watch for people coming. 


    11:39 AM BBT Julia telling Austin that she felt bullied by James and Jeff.  They were hanging out in the WA and wanting to play 20 questions.  Julia feels Liz doesn’t understand what they were putting her through.  Austin thinks that Julia has lost weight because she’s been stressed.


    11:42 AM BBT Julia asks Austin what the deal is with Audrey.  Austin tells her that they are working with her and they are saving Audrey again this week.


    11:47 AM BBT  Becky, Shelli and Jackie in the WA doing hair and putting on make-up.  Meg, John, Jason and Steve are hanging out in the Grey BR.  We get “We’ll Be Right Back” and then Jeff’s Reels.  Must be time for the PoV picks!!


    12:05 PM BBT Vanessa and Austin in the HOHR with Jason.  John got HG choice.  Jason leaves and Vanessa is excited because 4 out of 6 people are in their favour.  Even if James wins, they feel they have it.  Sounds like Audrey, Shelli, and Austin were picked.  Shelli comes in and they are discussing how they should orchestrate who wins the PoV.


    12:11 PM BBT In the HOHR Vanessa tells Shelli that during the comp they have to keeping trying to win for as long as James is still in it.  Once James is out they can do whatever they feel is best for their game.  If James wins and takes himself off, Jeff will be the replacement nominee.  Otherwise noms will stay the same and James is the target.  Vanessa is feeling blessed by the “BB Gods”


    12:14 PM BBT  John comes into the HOHR and says he is ready to “go hard in the yard” [play to win the PoV].  Vanessa says that John is safe even if he doesn’t win.  Austin says if there is anything with head shaving he is dropping out. 


    12:16 PM BBT  After John leaves, Vanessa and Austin whispering about if Austin wins, he would be obligated to take John off the block.  They might even fake a fight to explain any disconnect in their narrative.  They want Audrey to win so that she is safe and they don’t take any heat for not putting her up.   


    12:21 PM BBT Vanessa and Austin in HOHR speculating about what kind of comp it will be in light of it being Gronk’s party week.  Austin is going to try to beat everyone except Audrey in the PoV.  If it’s down to Austin and Vanessa, it depends on the type of competition it is and who is better at that type of competition. 


    12:25 PM BBT Vanessa and Austin wondering about what would happen if James wins it and they put up Jeff… could Johnny Mac be at risk?  They think yes…. Jeff has a lot of allies, but John doesn’t.   They want to make sure Becky is on board with keeping John.  Becky was picked to host the PoV. 


    12:30 PM BBT Steve comments to Meg in the WA that this is the last competition before the next HOH, and that Meg is guaranteed to play because she won “BoB”.


    12: 31 PM BBT Clay comes into HOHR and tells Vanessa that it couldn’t have gone better.  Vanessa pulled Shelli’s name, John got HG choice and picked Austin.  James is the one who pulled Audrey’s name…James was NOT happy to pick her name. 


    12:38 PM BBT Most of the HGs in the KT.  Becky laying down for a nap in the Colourful BR.  Audrey doing the same in the Grey BR.


    12:45 PM BBT John having a shower, Meg brushing her teeth in the WA.  Julia goes up to the HOHR to talk to Vanessa, who is filling Julia in on what Liz wore yesterday, and even how she was wearing it.  Vanessa tells her to avoid talking with Jeff.  Julia asks for confirmation of whether Steve knows that she is a twin.  Vanessa explains that when they brought Steve in they formed “Freaks and Geeks” alliance and when they brought Shelli and Clay in, they formed the “Sixth Sense” alliance.  She reiterates that Shelli/Clay and Steve do not know that the other knows.  They are two separate alliances. 


    12:51 PM BBT Austin comes back up to HOHR.  Vanessa starts to tell him why it would be amazing if Austin wins the PoV, but Julia comes in and Austin interrupts to tell them that Jeff noticed that Liz and Julia switched.  Jeff wants to check if there is a mark…he thinks that there won’t be one and that it’s Liz right now.  Julia has the birthmark, so they tell her to let him see it.  If he sees it, he will be more unsure. 


    12:55 PM BBT Vanessa telling them that if Austin wins PoV, his speech about leaving the nominations the same can be revenge for how James took Jace out in week 1. 


    12:56 PM BBT  Audrey comes into HOHR and Vanessa tells her they shouldn’t be seen talking right now.  Audrey apologizes for laughing when James pulled her name.  She said she couldn’t help it because of the irony that her name is the last one that James would have wanted to pull.

  7. 10:44 PM BBT Vanessa recalls that James has lied to her, which gives her a reason to target him.  She doesn’t have a similar reason to target Jeff.  They discuss playing the PoV comp and they agree they want to win it.  If one of them wins it, they will reconvene to discuss whether to keep the noms the same and get James out or whether they will backdoor Jeff.  Austin keeps pushing to solidify their connection with Becky and keep communication open.  Vanessa suggests that she and Shelli could approach Becky for an all-girl’s alliance to help each other to jury.   Clay asks Vanessa to find out about Becky and Jackie.  Vanessa says that Becky has told her that Becky doesn’t talk game with Jackie.,,they are just friends. 


    10:54 PM BBT  Becky and John chatting in the WA.  Becky says she is creeped out when the camera follows her.  When everyone is up, she doesn’t notice it, but when she’s alone, she notices the cameras more. 


    10:56 PM BBT Vanessa talking about how hard it is to keep track of everything and she is constantly thinking about what she may have missed.  Vanessa laughing and saying that she and Austin got shafted… they have a final four with Liz and Julia, and there’s two of them… it’s a shaft.  Liz is worrying about when everything is eventually revealed with the twin twist.   The conversation turns to Cody and how rare of a person he was to take Derrick to final two.  He gave up 450k just to keep his word. 


    11:01 PM BBT In the WA, Becky telling John about her parents’ white cat.  It got sprayed by a skunk and they had to give it a tomato juice bath to clean it …it turned pink!


    11:07 PM BBT  The HOHR is darkened.  In the WA, Becky is whispering to John as she talks about Liz.  Becky says that there is a mark on the forehead that she uses as a marker, and notes that Liz is always wearing hats.  She now believes that Liz really is a twin, but doesn't know what to do about it. John points out that they wouldn’t want to freak Liz out and Becky agrees.  She says they just have to sit back and watch the chaos.


    11:09 PM BBT  Clay and Shelli are snoozing in the Grey BR.  Steve is in the WA brushing his teeth, and Becky leaves to get coffee.  James comes in to have a shower. 


    11:15 PM BBT  Becky, Liz, Clay, Jeff, and Jackie are in the KT.  Austin is called to the DR.  Jeff says he was in the DR trying to formulate proper sentences and we get FotH briefly.   


    11:17 PM BBT Shelli is in the HOHR bathroom when Austin is called to DR.  After he leaves, Vanessa and Shelli turn the lights back on and chat.  Vanessa tells Shelli that she is worried about trying to protect Liz, but that Liz is not protecting herself.  She drank alcohol and Vanessa keeps having to remind her what to say and not say.  Vanessa feels like she is having to babysit Liz because Liz is not taking initiative to try and do what it takes to keep their secret.  Why should Vanessa put her game on the line to protect her if she is going to be careless?  Shelli points out that maybe Liz is relaxing because of all the help and protection she is receiving.  Vanessa is stressed.  She wanted to have a drink earlier and couldn’t because she had to watch over Liz, and she is feeling doubtful of having Liz in her alliance.  She asks Shelli to talk to Liz about it.    


    11:21 PM BBT Shelli is concerned about it as well.  Vanessa feels like she can’t talk to Austin about it because Austin is not objective when it comes to Liz.  Shelli agrees that Austin seems to have a crush on Liz even though he tries to make it seem like it’s a fake crush. 


    11:26 PM BBT James and Clay are talking in the Cabana Room Lounge.  James saying he can’t wait for Audrey to be out of the house….she scares him.  Clay agrees that Audrey is paranoid.  James feels like Audrey is always scheming; like a python waiting to strike.  Then he compares her to an Eagle swooping in to catch its prey.  Clay and James agree that this Veto will be fun.  James says it will be more fun if Audrey’s name doesn’t get picked.  James whispers to Clay that he hopes Steve doesn’t get picked to play either, or if he does play, James hopes that Steve doesn't win.  James feels like Steve would leave the nominations the same, or that he might try to save John. 


    11:27 PM BBT In the HOHR, Vanessa and Shelli are talking about Jeff.  They think he might be trying to drive a wedge between Clay/Shelli and Vanessa.  Vanessa tells Shelli that Jeff has said that he wants to be in an alliance with either Shelli or Clay but not both.  Shelli tells Vanessa that Jeff told her and Clay that it was Vanessa that didn’t want both of them.  Shelli tells Vanessa that Jeff is the male Audrey.  Vanessa tells Shelli about how she had to reassure a crying Audrey and then coached her to act pissed off.  Before she went down, she went and wet her eyes to make herself look like she had been crying [even though she actually HAD been crying].  They laugh and shake their heads.

  8. 9:00 PM BBT Steve leaves the HOHR after Vanessa is called to the DR.  As Vanessa gets ready for her DR session, she cautions Liz to be careful in her wording, and corrects her on an error.  Liz said that Vanessa told Austin something.  Vanessa tells Liz the detail she got wrong is that Vanessa told them about a rumour she heard.  Vanessa encourages them to move away from the door because she thinks Steve is listening outside. 


    9:02 PM BBT Clay comes into the HOHR and is talking to Austin and Liz while Vanessa gets ready for DR. Clay has been sleeping the last few hours. Liz mentioning that Meg, Becky and Jackie were in the Hammock room for a long time, and wondering what might be going on.  Vanessa tells Clay she has a question for him later and then leaves the HOHR.  Austin relates that Jeff pulled him aside, saying that Meg and Jason are cutting Jeff and James off since the noms.  Jeff proposed that Austin, Jeff and James work together, but wait to include Clay until Shelli is out of the picture.  Jeff suggested they could bring in Jackie and Meg, and Liz too if she really is a twin…they have to confront her, but not yet until Jeff confirms that she has a birthmark on her back.


    9:30 PM BBT  Jason, Meg and another HG sleeping in the Grey BR.  Austin poking in the refrigerator in the KT, while Liz is finds cotton balls and nail polish remover in the WA.  Steve stressing about having impulsively lied to Clay about who was in the HOHR, and then Clay went up there and saw who was really there.  Austin reassures him it will be okay.  Liz goes up to the HOHR to listen to music.  Austin is making eggs in the KT. 


    9:36 PM BBT  Steve sitting by himself in the Cabana Room Lounge.  He is muttering to himself and shaking his head.  Austin finishes preparing his food and heads back up to the HOHR, where Liz is still listening to music and filing her nails.  Liz worried about people finding out who they are working with.  Austin tells Liz that Jeff told him that the Liz that is here right now is the one that he likes…that she’s bubbly and has better “assets.”  They are considering Becky for Plan B.  Austin thinks that Becky likes a project so Liz can approach her to ask for help and Becky will likely respond.  Liz can also work it so Becky feels that she is the only one who knows.  Austin rehearses faking surprise if Becky comes and tells him about Liz.


    9:43 PM BBT Austin notes that Vanessa has been in DR a long time.  Liz says that she has never been in the house for a nomination ceremony.  Then she corrects herself…she was in the house for the first nomination.  She also missed Jace being backdoored.  They are planning “jedi-drilling” study sessions for comp names and running through what has happened in the house on each day.  They start running through competition names.


    9:50 PM BBT Austin suggests to Liz that if necessary they can pretend there is a rift between them.  Austin can use that to make Jeff think that Jeff is his #1, and then he will let Jeff think that he is interested in Jackie.  Austin thinks Jeff wants Austin to be interested in Jackie so that Jeff can get in with Liz, and also so that Jackie can get information from Austin to feed back to him.


    9:55 PM BBT  Clay and Jeff in the KT, but not talking.  In the HOHR, Liz is telling Austin more about herself and Julia.  Liz says that the game has really helped Liz and Julia realize how close they are since they were both drawn to the same people. 


    9:58 PM John has come into the KT and is munching on something.  Steve is sitting there eating something from a bowl.  Clay leaves the KT to head upstairs.  There is silence in the KT. 


    9:59 PM BBT  Clay enters the HOHR and Liz tells him that Vanessa is STILL in the DR.  Austin and Liz continue talking about Liz and Julia and how they are similar and different in their careers and personalities.  Liz's dream job would be to work with Julia.


    10:00 PM BBT  Clay leaves the HOHR and Liz and Austin barely notice.


    10:04 PM BBT Clay, Steve, and John in the KT.  John asks who they think will be picked for Veto.  They think they will be doing the PoV competition tomorrow.  There is a lot of noise of construction coming from the BY.  Steve says they are “setting up for an intense Veto.”  Vanessa comes out of the DR and joins them in the KT.  She comments that she smells sawed wood.  Vanessa leaves the KT and Meg is called to the DR.  Steve comments on how pleasant BB always sounds when saying Meg’s name. 


    10:07 PM BBT  Vanessa returns to the HOHR and asks what Clay talked about.  She wants to be sure they didn’t mention Steve to Clay.  Austin tells Vanessa about Steve’s impulsive lie about only Vanessa being in the HOHR.  Vanessa tells them that just Steve and Clay are up [she forgot John].  Vanessa is worried about Steve spilling information to Clay and Shelli.  They discuss how to approach it.  She’s concerned because they brought Steve in without talking to Clay and Shelli.   Clay enters just as they are deciding how to tell him.  Clay says he is nervous because Steve was in the KT with him, and asks them what is going on.  Vanessa asks Clay if Jeff and James have caught on to anything and Clay says no.  They believe that Audrey is the target.  Vanessa asks if James threw the BotB.  Clay thinks that James firmly believes that he is not a target so he didn’t make the effort to win. 


    10:12 PM BBT  Clay has told Meg that she’s not a target, and that Audrey is Plan A, Steve is Plan B.  Vanessa asks who she should pick to play Veto if she pulls HG choice.  Austin changes the subject because he is still worrying about Becky, Jackie and Meg and whether they have aligned now.  They may have lost Becky’s vote.  Vanessa thinks they are okay because they have Audrey’s vote, but Austin says they can’t count on that if Audrey is America’s player.   Clay suggests that Vanessa pick him to play PoV if she gets HG choice.  Clay agrees to do what Vanessa wants if he wins PoV.   


    10:21 PM BBT Clay asks Vanessa who Vanessa wants to go home right now, and she says James.  James and Jeff both, but probably James because she doesn’t like him on a personal level. Clay suggests that Jeff has more influence in the house and would be a better target.


    10:28 PM BBT  Austin leaves the HOHR while Clay continues to pitch Jeff leaving rather than James.  If James wins PoV, then Jeff would be put up.  Vanessa tells Clay that Jeff told her that he couldn’t work with Clay and Shelli together because they aren’t going the same direction as Jeff would want. 


    10:38 PM BBT  Vanessa asks Clay if he heard anyone say anything bad about her.  Clay says that mainly Meg and Jason were upset and didn’t understand why, but he hasn’t heard anyone say anything bad about Vanessa.  She asks Clay if others are viewing her as making her own decisions.  Clay tells her that mostly people are scared because they don’t know where Vanessa stands, and that they feel they are more easily able to influence Austin.


    10:42 PM BBT Austin returns to the HOHR after chatting with John and Becky in the WA.  Austin tells Vanessa and Clay that John asked him if he could pick Austin to play in the PoV if John gets HG choice in the PoV. 

  9. 12:00 AM BBT Liz and Austin talking in the HOHR about how Jeff holds the other group together.  They could work with Jackie once Jeff is gone.  They think Steve is a big question mark and that he’s secretive.  They talk about how Jeff set up the podcast so he could grill people and put them on the spot.


    12:04 AM BBT In the colourful BR, Jeff asks John who Steve is…if Steve won HOH, who would Steve go after?  John replies that Steve would try to break up a big alliance.  FotH briefly, and then Jackie and James are talking about the HOH comp.  John talks about the advice that Austin gave on how to work the lever.  Jackie says that she thinks it’s going to be okay this week.  She’s not worried about Liz staying up in the HOHR because she’s not one to target others.  She just agrees.  Jackie thinks Liz is just Liz and there is no twin, but she wants to play along because it’s fun.  Jeff points out that there Liz is seriously confused … BB interrupts saying that Jeff and James are not to talk about their DR sessions.  John says he needs to see this Liz.  John shares a story about noticing that Liz had a crown [the dentist would, of course].  If he can get a closer look he can tell if there are two different people.  Jeff and John head up to HOHR to get a look at Liz.    


    12:11 AM BBT Jackie tells Clay, Shelli, Becky, and Steve that Jeff and John are going upstairs to see if Liz has a crown or not.  Jeff and John arrive in the HOHR.  Liz, Austin, and Jason are on the couch, and Vanessa is sitting on the bed eating ice cream.  Jeff says he heard Liz ditched him.  Liz repeats a quote she heard from Audrey “I’m like Marilyn Monroe.  I only sleep with the people in power.”  She jokes that she’s took good for the comic book room.  James comes in and leaves, then Steve comes in.  Jeff says they came up to talk about tomorrow’s podcast.  Austin says “let’s set it up” and both Austin and Jeff move to the other HOHR.  John asks about whether they get the camera soon.  Vanessa says that’s for the HOH that doesn’t get de-throned.  John pretends to hold a camera and take a picture….of Jason, then Steve…he turns to Liz with his imaginary camera and says “smile!”  


    12:15 AM BBT Jeff and Austin re-join the room.  Jeff goes straight to Liz and sits next to her.  Liz tells Jeff he is acting weird… he is “McShadesters.”  Vanessa asks them to clear the room so she can talk to people one at a time.  She suggests that someone talk to Austin and someone talk to her …they could do it separately or together.  Jason goes to the other HOHR with Austin.   Jeff opts to have his “interview” tomorrow.  John stays to chat with Vanessa.  Liz leaves to give them privacy but she takes the music with her.  Vanessa says she hasn’t made up her mind, and invites John to share his thoughts.  John says #1, I think we were right about Da’.  He says if he wins a future HOH he won’t put Vanessa up….that’s all he’s got.   Vanessa says that’s easy and tells him that he is not a target for her.  John asks if she wants him to do anything.  Vanessa knows he already had to do something and she doesn’t think it would be fair for him to have to do anything this week.  She reassures him that they could work together and he is not a target.   Vanessa asks John if he has an idea of who had the Last Laugh power last week.  John has thought about it, but he is wondering why didn’t Audrey’s vote get blocked if Da’ had the power?  He thinks that either Audrey or Da’Vonne had the power.  They try to figure it out based on whose votes were blocked.  Vanessa wonders if it was one of the people whose votes were blocked, and their choice was meant to stay neutral and not get in trouble.  Vanessa asks John who he trusts most in the game.  He says that even though he doesn’t talk to her a lot, he feels like Becky has his back.  Vanessa says she will think about what he said and she may have a deal to offer him, but he has nothing to worry about. 


    12:18 AM BBT  Jeff, Steve and James hovering around Liz as she sits outside the HOHR door listening to music.  She is feeling creeped out and tells them she just wants to listen to music.  Jeff sits down next to her, and James hunkers down, while Steve stands at the railing.  Jeff is looking closely at Liz.  They joke about sleeping arrangements.  Liz asks for alone time with Jeff, so James and Steve move away. 


    12:21 AM BBT  In the other HOHR, Jason and Austin are talking about votes.  Austin asks Jason if Steve votes for Da’Vonne or Audrey?  Jason thinks it was Audrey and he thinks that either Audrey or Steve is “America’s Player”.  Audrey actually told Jason during the HOH comp that Audrey voted for Da’Vonne to stay.  Austin wonders why Audrey would do that.  Jason relates a conversation that happened between Audrey and Da’Vonne after Audrey had just done a DR session.  That made Jason wonder if Audrey got instructions in the DR.  They talk more about how Audrey is always blowing up peoples’ games.  Austin encourages Jason to tell Vanessa all this stuff.  Vanessa interrupts to let Austin know that John wants to talk to Austin. 


    12:26 AM BBT  Austin tells Jason that he’ll do his best to make sure that Jason doesn’t go up on the block.  Austin and Jason agree that Vanessa is one of the most trustworthy people to work with.  Jason confesses that he was crying earlier, and that maybe he’s not as good at this game as he thought.  Austin agrees that it is much harder than he expected, and just when he thinks he has a handle on things, he realizes he doesn’t.


    12:30 AM BBT John comes in to talk to Austin, and Austin immediately tells John he doesn’t want to use John as a pawn.  John was frustrated with Da’Vonne’s campaigning because she couldn’t tell him who her other votes were.  John is thinking back to the PoV and glad he used it because otherwise Da’Vonne may have been able to flip the house.  Austin doesn’t want to risk putting John on the block, and will try to protect him.  John repeats that if he wins HOH that he won’t put up Vanessa and Austin.  John says that Da’ was good…he really felt strong-armed.  Austin asks John if he knows where James stands, and John says he doesn’t know.  Austin asks if he knows whether Austin is a target for anyone.  John says he hasn’t heard anything….basically not until the alliance runs out of people.  Austin says he’s been told he is good until jury.  John says no one has told him that!  Austin just wants to figure out who might be targeting him.  Austin is frustrated because he feels he is trustworthy but no one seems to want to work with him.  He wonders if it’s because of his friendship with Jace.  John points out that Audrey is the easy move, but Austin asks what happens after that? 


    12:31 AM BBT Jason and Vanessa begin their talk in the HOHR.  Jason says this is weird for him because it’s the first time he has talked game with anyone other than Da’Vonne.  Jason just asks Vanessa not to put him up.  He is a small fish in a big pond and he is not part of a clear-cut pair.  Vanessa asks if Jason knows who had the Last Laugh power last week and Jason confirms that it was Da’Vonne.  Vanessa asks why Da’ didn’t take James out.  Jason says that James told Da’ that he would be a sympathy vote for Da’.  Jason tells Vanessa that Audrey is the one who voted to keep Da’ and then he shares his theory that Audrey is “America’s Player”.  Vanessa asks why Audrey would want Da’ to stay and Jason reiterates that he thinks that Audrey is taking instructions from America and had to play America’s game.   Vanessa asks Jason if there is anything that he thinks she needs to know and tells him that he is not a target.  Jason advises that Vanessa and Austin work together to pick one target.  Vanessa tells Jason that she really liked Da’Vonne, and Jason replies that Da’Vonne liked Vanessa too. 


    12:40 AM BBT  Jason points out to Vanessa that he is on his own in the game and he is willing to do what she wants.  Vanessa doesn’t think it will be an issue but she needs to talk to Austin.  Vanessa asks Jason if there is anyone who doesn’t like her.  Jason tells her that everyone either loves her or hasn’t mentioned her.  Jason thinks that the groups are Jeff and James, Becky and Jackie, Steve and John.  Plus he thinks Jeff and James work with Meg.  Jason would not want to be a fourth in a group with Jeff, James and Meg, because he thinks he would be the first to go.  Jason thinks that if there is no America’s player twist, that Audrey voted for Da’ believing that Da’ had the votes to stay. 


    12:50 Vanessa asks Jason if he is okay with Vanessa asking Audrey why she voted for Da’Vonne.  Jason tells her that she can ask Audrey IF she voted for Da’Vonne and then see what she says.  If she admits it, then she could ask.  Jason thinks that Audrey may have wanted it out there, for whatever reason.  Vanessa shares views with Jason….that she is a big picture person, and that they have in common that they are both gay.  She thinks that there is a misconception that gay guys and gals don’t get along, but she really likes Jason and she is very genuine.  Jason tells Vanessa that he has that impression as well…that she is very genuine.  Jason tells Vanessa that Da’ thought her second vote was from Liz.  Vanessa thought it was Liz up until Jason confirmed that it was Audrey.  Vanessa reassures Jason that she likes him and she thinks it would be cool if they did well together in this game. 


    12:58 AM BBT  Vanessa reassures Jason that she is very discreet.  She asks Jason what he thinks of Shelli and Clay.  Jason likes Shelli and gets along with her, but feels he made himself a target with Clay because they had a difference of opinion.  The minute Jason didn’t agree with Clay, he felt ostracized by everyone.  He feels that if Clay was HOH, that he would be a target.  Vanessa tells Jason that Shelli thought Jason handled things with class.  Vanessa asks Jason if anyone threw comps when Jason and James were HOH [in week 1].  Jason tells her no, but supposedly James told Steve to throw it.  When Jason learned that Steve was supposed to throw it, he realized that James was intending to back door him if he was de-throned, but that James later changed his mind and told Steve not to throw it.

  10. 9:02 PM BBT  Vanessa, Austin, and Liz still in the Wash Area.  Vanessa notes that they are one-third of the way through.  Austin is impressed…that’s better than he thought he would do.  They start talking about the competition and their strategies.  Vanessa was just trying for the middle in the first round, but for the second round she aimed for the 52.  Austin notes that 52 was the high score, but he still won because they were all tied for second place. 


    9:05 PM BBT Jason, Jackie and Steve are in the KT.  Jason and Jackie are examining all the pictures and noticing wrinkles…Steve is the only one who doesn’t have wrinkles.  Jackie asking Jason to let her know when the twins switch.  He’s going to shout “she’s here!!!” 


    9:10 PM BBT  Vanessa chuckling that Liz didn’t know where to go after she took her turn in the first round.  Laughing about it, Liz says “I’m blonde. Love me!”  Vanessa points out that they couldn’t see what was on the monitor, so how was Liz supposed to know?


    9:15 PM BBT  Vanessa and Austin are called to the diary room...everyone is excited for them and are anxious to see the HOH room.


    9:31 PM BBT All the HGs are checking out the new HOH Room.  Checking out pictures.  There is a picture of Austin’s sister Allison.  Austin notes that they gave him alcohol.  Everyone is crowing around and checking out what they got.  Vanessa is already reading her letter.   They all settle down while Austin reads his letter.


    9:34 PM BBT Austin is happy with his letter.  Next Vanessa reads hers…very emotional, trying not to cry.


    9:35 PM BBT Vanessa shows off her pictures and everyone checks it out.  Lots of excitement in the room.  Liz is re-reading one of the letters.  Clay and James are reclining and hanging back while Meg, Liz,  Jason  and Jackie check out what they got.  A few of the HGs start to head out. 


    9:40 PM BBT  Vanessa talking about “Bear” and how big he is.  The picture doesn’t show how big he is. 


    9:42 PM BBT Vanessa is excited about salted caramel ice cream.  She lets people know that she is happy to share her stuff.   She says “we could drink” but everyone says that’s hers. Vanessa says it’s no fun to get drunk by yourself. 


    9:43 PM BBT  HGs in the HOHR are talking about the albums that Vanessa got.  They talk about Clay Aiken and what he is up to now.  They recall that he was runner up on American Idol.


    9:45 PM BBT  Vanessa is very happy and says she doesn’t know what to do with herself.  Lots of chatter.  Jeff notes that Austin may be the first to use the HOH bathtub.  Austin says he may get hammered tonight.  Jeff and Austin confirm that there will be a podcast tonight… they say it will be a short one from the HOHR.  Jason liked the ladies’ podcast because they were organized.    


    9:47 PM BBT Vanessa suggests that Shelli and Becky should an encore on their podcast every couple of days.  Becky is talking about doing a take-off on the Bachelorette, but they are not allowed to use the same format exactly.   They note that they always have crazy dates on the Bachelorette… Meg wondering why they can’t go for a walk or go to the zoo!


    9:49 PM BBT Austin and Vanessa checking out the stuff in the other HOHR. Vanessa reads the instructions for the laundry.  Vanessa notices she got nail polish.  Austin says it sucks that this room is only used for one night.  Vanessa keeps saying that she is so happy!  Vanessa offers help with his music selections.


    9:52 PM BBT Jackie is called to the DR.  Austin and Vanessa still going through goodies.  Austin picks out something to eat.  Vanessa asks him if he’s super happy?  She is so happy to hear from home and to get that encouragement and reinforcement.   Austin heads downstairs. 


    9:55 PM BBT  Most HGs still hanging out in the HOHR.  Jeff and James speculating about the timing for the BotB.  Jeff thinks it may be tonight.  James starts to agree but then remembers that the night-time BotB was because of 4th of July.  Liz still enthusing with Vanessa over pictures.  Becky listening to music.  Steve sitting on the couch just hanging out.  Jeff heads out.  Steve gives Vanessa a hug and notes that Vanessa has been on a cloud since HOH.  Vanessa apologizes for going on and on about being SO happy!


    10:00 PM BBT Jason is showing Vanessa how to use the remote in the HOHR. 


    10:05 PM BBT Jackie and James whispering to Shelli and Clay in the Wash Area.   Jeff has just left, and Shelli whispers to Jackie that Jeff is acting weird.  Jackie says she didn’t notice.  James says that it’s going to be interesting.  Becky comes in to use the WC and they stop whispering.  They start speculating about the timing of nominations, BotB and PoV.


    10:06 PM BBT  Meg and Jeff hiding under the covers in the Grey Bedroom speculating on what the nominations would be.  Meg thinks that “he” [Austin] would make too many enemies if he put Jeff up.  Meg tells Jeff that everyone thinks that Jeff is “sketch”… he doesn’t understand why.  He questions that she says “everyone” and she tells him that she’s heard many comments.  He asks why and she suggests it’s just because he has a strong personality and is always joking around.  He asks if it’s people inside or outside their group and Meg says it’s people outside, so Jeff doesn’t care about that.  Meg is worried about Shelli, but isn’t sure.  Meg says that Jason is worried.   Jason comes in.  He complains that Audrey is parked in Vanessa’s HOHR.   


    10:10 PM BBT In the HOHR, Audrey tells Vanessa that she has ONE concern: Clay.  Audrey thinks that he is more loyal to the “other” group…Jeff and others.  Vanessa asks who is in the group and Audrey says that the group is Jeff, Jackie, Becky, James, Jason, Meg.   Audrey thinks that Becky is stringing along and keeping John and Steve on the side.  Audrey says that Jeff made a weird comment after they came inside and both Jeff and Clay were rooting for James when it came down to the tie-breaker.  Audrey thought Clay looked concerned, but Vanessa is skeptical of that.   Audrey says that Clay is not worried, but the group is.  Vanessa already knows what she is going to do, but she is open to hearing from others. 


    10:15 PM BBT Audrey mentions another “weird thing.”  Before the eviction ceremony James told Audrey that he was concerned that if Audrey won HOH because it seemed like Audrey might be coming for him.  She joked that “you’re not going to put me up are you?” and James said no…she would be okay for another week because they had bigger fish to fry.  Audrey went to ask Clay and thought that Clay was pretending that Clay and Jeff weren’t together.  Vanessa is still skeptical that Clay is not loyal. 


    10:17 PM BBT Austin has joined Vanessa and Audrey in HOHR. Vanessa points out that it was a big show of faith when they put up Meg instead of Liz.  Austin wondering how his name came up that he and Jason were somehow trying to flip the house.  Meg was worried.  Audrey says it might be because Audrey told Meg what Liz told her…she told Audrey that Liz was thinking of keeping Da’.  Audrey thinks that Meg might have assumed that Austin was on board with Liz and also vote to keep Da’. 


    10:21 PM BBT Audrey asks Vanessa if she has advice.  Vanessa says Audrey should just be friendly.  People are scared of Audrey, so she needs to make an effort to not give any impression of being strategic.  She reassures Audrey that she is safe this week.  Audrey thinks it will die down with Da’ out.  Vanessa suggests that Audrey play dumb and just be fun-loving and not talk game at all.  Positive energy.  Austin comes in and Audrey asks him for advice for her this week.  Vanessa tells Austin what she has already said, and Austin also reassures Audrey that she has nothing to worry about.  If anything, just let people talk to her and she can share info.  They set up a “sleeper cell” signal for Audrey to let them know when she has something to tell them.  Vanessa warns Audrey that there may be conversations about backdooring.  Vanessa and Austin will let others assume that it will be Audrey being backdoored, so Audrey should ignore anything she hears about that.  Audrey will be safe.  Vanessa is happy to let people make assumptions and doesn’t feel the need to correct them if it’s to her advantage.  Austin agrees.


    10:27 PM BBT Vanessa and Austin plan for Austin to be de-throned because he is better at comps.  Vanessa is sure that no one knows where she stands and that they don’t even know she is working with Clay and Shelli.  Austin is wondering about where Jackie is at.  Audrey thinks that Jackie only has connections with “little people” and that she has no connection with Shelli and Clay. 


    10:31 PM BBT Austin and Vanessa use Gummi Bears to lay out their strategy.  Two gummy bears for Liz [with Julia].  They see the house in 5 quadrants plus one in the middle.  The good guys [Vanessa, Austin, Liz and Julia]…Shelli and Clay….John, Steve, and Becky… Jeff and Jackie… and finally Jason, James, and Meg.  Austin notes that Jeff, Jackie, Jason, James and Meg could be a fivesome.  Audrey is in the middle.  Austin says this season is crazy!


    10:34 PM BBT Vanessa starts laying it out:  “these are the three floater people [can’t see which gummy bears she is referring to] and the reason these are good to keep around is that [another group] is good at comps and Becky is the only one [so the floater group must be John, Steve, and Becky].  They are interrupted as Liz enters the room.  It’s Liz, not Julia. They start talking about the differences between the twins, but they hear someone coming.  Clay comes in and hugs Liz and starts letting them know what others have noticed about Liz and Julia’s differences.  They make plans for hiding the things that others are noticing.  Clay is hanging out with them in order to find out what they are talking about. 


    10:39 PM BBT Jeff and Jackie talking to James and Shelli in the WA.  Jeff whispering about Audrey being plan A …and Steve is plan B because he’s so secretive. Jeff saying that should be the house agenda.  James feels that Steve talks to him like he is trying to make James feel dumb. 


    10:40 PM BBT Jeff and James compare Steve to Derrick and Ian.  Shelli talks about a silver necklace with an angel on it.  She relays that “she” [not sure who] thinks Steve is using the necklace as fake collateral.  Jeff says they might have to play dirty this week to move on their agenda.  James says they should go all together so that none of them become a target.


    10:50 PM BBT Austin and Liz talking together in HOHR.  Austin can’t believe he isn’t the one who noticed that there were two of them.  Liz sharing some of the frustrations of trying to switch out….having to pay attention to nail polish and everything.  Austin pledges to help them as much as he can.  He tells Liz about the HOH competition. 


    10:55 PM BBT In the HOHR, Liz telling Austin more differences.  Julia has a fake tooth in front, and Liz has a “chopped off” finger and stitches.  In the WA, Clay and Shelli are whispering…Clay is trying to fill Shelli in on the twin differences he heard about.  Shelli asks him whether Audrey is in on the twin thing.  Clay isn’t sure.  Shelli wants to go up and see Liz herself. 


    10:57 PM BBT In the colourful BR, Jackie telling James that she spends a lot of time with girlfriends.  Meanwhile, in HOHR, Shelli is hugging Liz.  They are all excited… Shelli says “so I met your sister” and they laugh.  Liz is so grateful for their help.  Shelli notices a difference in their voice…Julia’s voice is deeper, and she has a birthmark on her back.  Liz has longer toenails and Julia has a small mark on her foot that Liz doesn’t have.  Liz is afraid to go down because she knows everyone will be looking for the differences.  When she came in she ran for HOHR.  Liz says that in the DR Julia was upset and wanted to give up because everyone is on to them.  Vanessa comes in with spray tan to create a birthmark on Liz’s back. 


    11:00 PM BBT  Jeff and Jackie talking in the SR.  Jackie feels like she is a problem for Jeff in the house.  Jeff is avoiding her, but Jackie thinks that makes it seem like they are trying to hard if they don’t talk at all.  Jeff thinks the other HGs are crazy enough that they think Jeff and Jackie are plotting if they talk at all.  He feels it’s him that is getting thrown under the bus, not Jackie, and Jeff is tired of it.  Jeff and Jackie both say they have no idea what Vanessa is thinking.  Jeff feels he has to be on top of his A game.  Jeff thinks that Clay and Shelli will be targeted because they are a duo, and he wants to avoid being targeted because of people thinking he is with Jackie.  Jackie disagrees because it means they only talk when they are talking game.  Jackie thinks Jeff is getting weird.   Jeff said he heard some stuff that is making him worry.  Jeff was told by Meg that Vanessa went up to Meg to tell her that Vanessa was voting to keep Meg, but that Meg should check where Jeff’s head is at.  Jeff also says that Steve says that he sees through Jeff and Jackie….that they know each other better than they are letting on.  Jeff thinks he is a target because he gets along with everyone, and he thinks Jackie will not be targeted.  They were freaked out because of the way Da’ called them out [both their votes, along with Becky’s, were cancelled out by the Last Laugh twist]

  11. 11:00 PM BBT  Clay, Becky, Shelli, and Steve helping make food for the Have-nots while Da’Vonne starts a concentration game in the LR. 


    11:06 PM BBT The HGs in the LR start a “zoo” concentration game where they each have a symbol or gesture and they have to make the gesture for someone else in order to pass on their turn.  You have to watch and recognize your symbol to know it’s your turn.   Lots of laughter when someone messes up.


    11:20 PM BBT  Becky is making enchiladas for dinner… some ground turkey and some beef.   In the LR, Jason is talking about how all their moves are being logged…who they voted for and how they did in comps.


    11:23 PM BBT Shelli is shocked that no one knows what a Green Egg is.  She says it’s a type of grill.   She calls out to the live feeders to chime in and she thinks that Jace would have known what it is!  Austin is called to the DR.


    11:30 PM BBT Food prep continues in the KT while others lounge and chat in the LR.


    11:31 PM BBT HGs in the LR are making up symbols/gestures for those who are preparing food in the KT.  Clay’s symbol would be “fixing the hair.”  Becky’s would be “washing the windows.”  Shelli’s would be a bunny rabbit.


    11:35 PM BBT Da’Vonne talking with Jackie in the WA about the blow-up with Audrey over Audrey going to others and telling them that Da’Vonne is trying to flip the house.  Da’Vonne saying that it proved to her that Audrey can’t be trusted.  Jackie agrees that she doesn’t know what Audrey is thinking.


    11:38 PM BBT In the LR, Jason and Meg lamenting the loss of some of the iconic elements of the nomination ceremony where they would use the turntable to pass the box so the next HG could remove their key. 


    11:47 PM BBT HGs in the LR admiring Becky’s necklaces and talking about Jewellery.    Liz tells Becky that the food looks like perfection.  Becky calls out 12 minutes until the food is ready. 


    11:50 PM BBT  Liz thinks there should be a “Chopped: Slop Edition”


    11:55 PM BBT The gathering in the LR begins to break up as the countdown continues in the KT.  HGs that were in the LR are starting to migrate toward the KT.  


    12:05 AM  BBT  Some HGs are dishing out their food, but most are gathered around the dining table chowing down on their enchiladas.

  12. 10:10 PM BBT Shelli explains the rules to James.  He’s ready.  To compliment Jackie, he would tell her she is amazing looking tonight, her eyes are amazing and light up the room, and he appreciates the time she took with her hair.  The conversation starters for James….first he introduces himself, then asks about her family.  He asks if she is close with her family…he says she must be the prettiest of the sisters.  His next question is about what she does for a living.  He likes to dance too, and hopes she’ll teach him some moves.  She would love that.  Commercial break…James does the honours, saying” “Pantiliners, for all your leaky needs.”  For his last question he asks what she likes to do. 


    10:12 PM BBT The next question from Shelli… what what three things about James do to set himself apart from other guys.  James says she needs to pick him because he is not like any of the other guys….and he has an 8-figure salary and love can come later.   Shelli reminds him he needs 2 more.  He asks Jackie if she’s met a country Asian guy before…he could take her out in the woods and have a good time.  Shelli decides he doesn’t need a third.


    10:15 PM BBT  Shelli lays out the scenarios for follow-up…Jackie is “totes cray” and he needs to get away.  James says he would spill food in order to have an excuse to head to the bathroom, and then he would get in his car and leave.  Next scenario:  he likes her but doesn’t want to continue a relationship. James decides to role-play.  He turns to Jackie and asks how her food was.  He compliments her on her choice of restaurant.  He says he wants to get something off his chest and he “confesses” he is gay and offers friendship.  For the last scenario, he is totally into her and wants a 2nd date.  How would he make sure she knows how he feels?  James turns to Jackie and tells her this date has been amazing and she is an amazing person, everything he heard tonight has been great and out of all the pretty girls in the room he has been focussed on her, and he thinks that is a deep connection and he’d like to see her again.  James parting comment is that Jackie’s dress is beautiful but it would look better on the floor.


    10:18 PM BBT  The guys go into the “cheese” room while the others vote.  Austin is red, Jeff is yellow, James is blue.  They vote by placing the skittle of the appropriate colour for the person they want to eliminate.  They count it up and it’s close.  They bring back all three guys to deliver the results of the voting.  With a vote of 5 out of 12, they have evicted James from the dating show.  Austin and Jeff continue in the final round.


    10:22 PM BBT Four wanted Austin out and only three wanted Jeff out.  The guys go back to the “cheese” room to wait.  Becky and Shelli explain to the HGs that they are going to have HGs “call in” on the “shellphone” with different scenarios and questions for Jackie to role-play in the next round.  Jackie is going to act “totes cray cray”.  Clay calls in to suggests a scenario of Jackie acting extremely drunk.  Vanessa suggests Jackie keep talking constantly about herself and won’t let him get a word in edgewise.  Meg suggests Jackie always talking/hinting about marriage and kids.  Da’Vonne suggests constantly comparing him to his Ex. 

  13. 8:10 PM BBT   Clay, Becky, and Audrey are hanging out at the Hot Tub talking about how quickly they had to pack and the trip to BB.  James and Da’Vonne in the Grey BR talking about what it will be like for Da’Vonne to be out of the house, and that she will be able to re-connect on social media.  She is talking about what it means to her that James and Jason are loyal to her to the end.  Da is looking forward to sleeping in her own bed, having a bath, going to a movie.  She feels that James and Jason are real friends.  Da’Vonne tells James that he will probably be her only vote because Jason’s vote will be “crossed out” [she is still hiding the fact that she was the twist winner].


    8:20 PM BBT In the Grey BR, James tells Da’Vonne that he thinks it’s cowardly that no one knows who won the twist.  Da’Vonne can’t figure out why she is a bigger target than Audrey.  She is looking forward to seeing the episodes.  A bunch of HGs are in the KT making or eating food.   In the HOHR, Clay is talking to Meg about how he expects people will vote.  Meg says that Liz told her that Liz, Austin, and Vanessa were all on board.  Meg thinks it’s weird that they don’t know who holds the last laugh. 


    8:27 PM BBT In the KT, Audrey speculates that because there will be an odd number the next comp will not be divided into heats.  It will be questions or luck.  Steve thinks it sucks if it’s luck because then he can’t control his own fate.  He prefers comps where it’s in your control.  Audrey tells him he’s done well.


    8:29 PM BBT In the BY, Clay asks Jason how Da’ is doing.  Jason says she’s doing okay.  She knows.  Clay asks Jason if he got the…. [twist].  Jason tells Clay that he thinks that whoever has it is keeping it quiet because they don’t want to be targeted by the people whose votes get cancelled.  Jason tells Clay that he doesn’t have it, and that Da’ doesn’t have it either.  Clay is suspicious that maybe Jeff got it.  Jason agrees because they all got an insult, but Jeff says he didn’t get one.  They both think it would have been an awesome twist if it was later in the game.  Jason is hoping his vote doesn’t get cancelled because he wants Da’ to have at least a sympathy vote.  Jason expects that the people who aren’t going to vote will just be told they are not voting when it comes time for the house to vote.  Jason suggested that since Audrey got dressed up in anticipation of being called to DR, maybe she could be the one with the twist. 


    8:36 PM BBT Jason says his insult was that he should try to be less annoying.  Audrey joins Clay and Jason and tells them that her insult was “here’s a hint: All Stars won’t be calling.” They talk about some of the other insults and how they were personalized.  Shelli’s was “burn your wardrobe.”


    8:43 PM BBT Jackie and Da’Vonne in the WA.  Jackie putting on make-up while Da’ showers.  James come in to use the WC and then leaves.  In the HOHR, John and Meg are talking.  John is reassuring Meg that she’s good.  Meg say that Da’Vonne told her that she has to at least try and it’s not personal.  Meg is really bugged that she doesn’t know who has the twist power.  She suspects Da’Vonne, but is thrown off by the fact that Jason says Da’ doesn’t have it.  She can’t believe that Jeff has it, or he would have told her.  They speculate on whose votes would get cancelled if Da’ has it.  


    8:48 PM BBT Shelli comes into HOHR and they are joking about what Meg should say in her speech. Meg says it's going to be weird having to give a speech.


    8:51 PM BBT  John is hoping for a Drew Carey/Price is Right BB Takeover…he wants to win a car.  Meg is hoping to get dressed up for eviction night.  She doesn’t want to have to wear athletic stuff.  Meg is curious what the comp will be.  She says the comps have been fun, and she likes playing them.  Meg thinks that with the comps you have to think of a strategy for doing more than one thing at a time, like with the puzzle pieces…you needed to be figuring out the picture while you bring the pieces over.


    8:55 PM BBT Meg thinks she would have Becky’s vote.  John says he’s not sure because he doesn’t talk much game with her.  Meg is surprised because he thought they were close.  John jokes that they haven’t even held hands yet, so how could they talk game.  John teases Meg that her James and Jeff are a love triangle.  Meg laughs.  John asks if Meg misses Jace, and she says know.  John misses him a little.  Meg feels like the energy is much more laid-back than when Jace was there, but she prefers when things are more chill.  John comments that living on the show is way different from seeing the show, and notes that there is a lot they can’t show.  Meg is worried for her family because the show will make it seem like she might be evicted. 


    9:00 PM BBT John leaves Meg to listen to music and joins Austin and Liz in the KT.


    9:05 PM BBT James comes out to tell all the HGs gathered on the BY couches that the podcast is on at 11.  It’s been approved.  Liz, John and Austin talking about the podcast lineup.  Liz is up, and then there will be a roast of Jeff and Austin.  Liz doesn’t want to take a turn.  After last night, she’s nervous…it’s getting a little too much with Jeff putting people on the spot.  They decide that Jeff’s a mongoose [an aggressive animal].   


    9:10 PM BBT In the KT, Liz is doing dishes, Becky and John are eating from a bowl.  Steve stops to chat for a bit and then leaves after Becky heads out to the BY with her bowl.  Steve wakes up Vanessa to ask her if she watched BB5.  She says no…she saw 6.  He tells her about the twin twist.  He tells her that the house is currently convinced that Liz is a twin.  He explains some of the differences people have observed.  Vanessa says that’s interesting and that she will check it out.  He is the first to tell her, but Steve tells her that “I didn’t tell you that.”  He doesn’t want her to even let on that she knows.  He tells her to check out the picture on the memory wall.  The speculation is that half of the picture is one sister and the other half is the other sister.  Vanessa asks about what happened in BB5.  Steve points out that it would account for the number of weeks they have.  He shares an inconsistency where “Liz” suddenly didn’t know about a character that she played in the podcast a few days ago.  Vanessa says that’s crazy and she starts laughing.  He encourages her again to look at the memory wall but not to stare at it too long.  Before he leaves, he reminds her that he has NOT told her anything!


    9:18 PM BBT Da’Vonne sitting quietly in the Grey BR, massaging her feet.  She heads out to the KT where Liz is still cleaning up and various HGs are coming and going.  Vanessa stays in the KT with Liz.  Liz shares that she has an upset stomach.  They are quiet for a bit, and then start talking about tattoos.  Vanessa got her first tattoo when she was 27…she waited until something was really meaningful.  Liz is not opposed to tattoos, but she doesn’t have one yet.  Her parents don’t like the idea, and she hasn’t found anything she wants. 


    9:25 PM BBT In the storage room, Da’Vonne asks Steve how he feels about voting for her.  He says he doesn’t know and she wants to know why he doesn’t know.  He says it’s because they haven’t been talking to her, but she points out that she was clear with him about why she wasn’t talking to him.  Da’ tells Steve that she has four votes.  He asks if she knows who has the last laugh, and she says know, but she has four votes, and he would be her fifth.  He wants to think about it and talk to her tomorrow.  He doesn’t want to lie to her face, so he won’t give her an empty promise.  They hug, and Steve leaves.  Da’Vonne throws her hands up in the air in frustration after he leaves, and then heads out herself. 


    9:33 PM BBT  Clay, James and Jeff playing baseball in the BY while several HGs watch from the couches.  Liz, Vanessa, and Da’Vonne are hanging out in the KT eating popcorn. 


    9:53 PM BBT Da’Vonne and Liz in the WA whispering.  Da’Vonne asks Liz to promise that what she is saying will be between them.  She tells Liz that “a group of people” are saying that Liz is a twin [yes!  Da’ is telling people that].  Da’Vonne tells Liz that they need each other.  She needs Liz to convince Austin to keep Da’ in the house.  Liz says “OMG, I can’t believe people are saying that”.  Da’ tells her that people think the other twin is bubbly, so Liz needs to be more bubbly.  And she needs to make sure she doesn’t say anything to anyone that Da’ has told her anything.  Da’ tells Liz that she was told that Liz and Austin made an alliance to try and backdoor Da’Vonne this week, but that she didn’t believe it.   That’s why Da’ needs Liz.  Liz tells Da’ that she has her 100%.  She is so grateful that Da’ told her.  Liz promises she won’t tell anyone what Da’Vonne has told her. 


    9:57 PM BBT Liz is absorbing what Da’ told her.  She doesn’t want to take part in the podcast tonight…she just wants to go to bed.  Da’Vonne reminds Liz that the power will change after this week.  Liz tells Da’Vonne that she respects Da’ so much.  They start to count votes until Vanessa wanders into the WA. 


    10:00 PM BBT Da’Vonne, Liz, and Vanessa are talking about music in the WA.  Most of the HGs are lounging on the BY couches and talking.  Becky is talking about a kid throwing a sucker at her.  Just one example of things that happen to ruin her clothes. 

  14. 12:05 PM BBT Jason and Jackie chat on the couches in the BY while other HGs set up a talk show in the Living Room.  They are taking the show on location!   Jeff welcomes all the HGs in the LR to the 4th and final Jeff and Austin show.  They start off with Meg on the hot seat.  They use the “shell phone” to simulate callers to the show. 


    12:08 AM BBT Jason and Jackie agreeing again that the twist will make no difference because there are not enough people who would vote against Meg.  Jason points out that even if Da’Vonne had the last laugh, and that is the only way that Jason’s vote would not get cancelled, the twist will not make a difference.   Jason tells Jackie that Steve was talking game with John while playing pool, and also notes that Steve talked to Clay on the hammock for like an hour and a half. 


    12:12 AM BBT Jason and Jackie join the “podcast” in the Living Room.  Meg is still talking about her “heartbreak” with James…she thought she was the one and only.  They are joking around and spoofing a podcast with call-ins and making up story lines.


    12:19 AM BBT Jackie is next on the hot seat.   Before they interview Jackie, Jeff takes a straw poll about whether people prefer Austin with or without a shirt.  Based on the results, Austin agrees to wear a shirt in the house, except when he’s working out.  Jackie tells the HG a little about herself…where she has lived and her job.  She says she is a dancer, but she has never been and will never be a stripper, but she was a topless vampire in a Vegas show called “Bite”….they stop for a commercial break (which they act out), and they are back with Jackie in the hotseat.


    12:26 AM BBT Jackie continues on the Hot Seat and Jeff continues to put her on the spot as much as possible, asking her if she is seeing any romantic potential in the BB house….Jackie does her best to side-step the question, saying “we’ll have to see”.  Vanessa “calls in” to ask about her to name the high-point and the low-point of her month-long blind date [with Jeff on Amazing Race].  The low point was being called a name by Jeff, and the high point was “Nagano Japan”….she is being vague and declines to elaborate.  The next caller asks Jeff the same question.  The low point for Jeff is the top of Alter Peter Tower when he and Jackie fought…Jeff goes into some detail, with Jackie adding color commentary.  Jeff’s high point was the ice skating rink because they pushed past a task that they thought they couldn’t do.


    12:34 AM BBT:  Things get serious when “Chris” (James) “calls in” to ask if Jeff has feelings for Jackie.  They both say they care about each other as friends, but they clearly have their differences.


    12:36 AM BBT:  Jackie gives advice to the HGs telling them that each of them are going to need to be there for each other because there will be people on social media who both love and hate them and the only people that will understand will be their fellow cast members.  Jeff agrees with Jackie’s comment and reiterates what she said.


    12:38 AM BBT:  Introduced as a musical performance, rock star dentist Johnny Mac is next up on the hot seat!  John comes up playing air guitar.  Asked when his last relationship was, he says “I wouldn’t call them relationships”…his longest relationship has been 9 months.  Jeff continues with more questions about relationships, trying to be provocative.  Vanessa calls in as “Dr. Phil” and tries to help John solve his relationship problems. 


    12:52 AM BBT:  Clay “calls in” on the “shell phone” as James from S. Carolina and asks about John’s ideal first date….which is at the driving range.  The convo turns to driving ranges.  James then “calls in” as “Clay from Texas” and asks a risqué question.  The final question is about John’s rock star status…he has 10,000 views on one of his guitar covers on YouTube.  His favourite is “Air Tap”


    12:58 AM BBT:  Clay is next on the hot seat.  Asked about his ideal first date he says he likes to cook, so he likes to have a girl come over and they each cook a dish and get to know one another while preparing the meal and sharing some wine.  They razz him about that being a very forward first date, and he outlines another option.  He likes painting with a twist….it has to be something where they have the chance to interact and get to know one another.

  15. 9:30 – 11:00 PM BBT Highlights: In the HNR, Jason encourages Meg to watch Liz closely and test Liz’s memory of things that have happened, and drives home the point that if they don’t get Liz out, they’ll be dealing with two of them in three weeks.  Da’Vonne joins Jason and Meg in HNR and they talk about the twist and that it is probably wasted, but would have been really cool if there were different nominees.   Chatting in the BY Hammock, Clay and Steve work out numbers taking the twist into account and conclude that the twist won’t make a difference to the outcome.  They think that next week will be simple because everyone has the same person in mind [Audrey]… unless she manages to flip the house.  They note that she is sure trying! 


    11:00 – midnight BBT Highlights:  Clay and Steve continue their heart-to-heart on the BY Hammock.  James notes to Jason and Da’Vonne that Meg and Jeff have been missing for awhile.   Da’Vonne is called to the DR.  She’s still trying to think of ways to stay.  Da’Vonne sympathises with Jason because he is friends with Meg as well.   Steve and John play pool for awhile.  Clay, Meg, and Audrey hang out at the KT table joking with James and others in the KT.

  16. 10:05 PM BBT Shelli points out that if they have the relationships in the house, they don’t really have to bring someone else into their alliance.  They can influence others without making any promises.  Jeff encourages everyone to be up front with others and keep communication open so that there aren’t a lot of rumours freaking people out.


    10:07 PM BBT Shelli, Clay, Jeff, Jackie, and John try to decide on a name for their alliance, but they keep coming up with clichés based on including 5 in it.  They decide to decide later.  They’ll each come up with a name and come together again to pick one.


    10:12 PM BBT  Jeff re-iterates that they MUST NOT tell Audrey about their alliance of five and then abruptly changes the subject, saying that he and Meg had their first fight today.   Jeff says Meg blew up because he said he’d rather date a girl 5 years younger than him than 5 years older.  Shelli is puzzled why Meg would be upset, since Meg is younger than Jeff.


    10:18 PM BBT The Back Yard is open!!  All the HGs in the Grey BR head out to check it out.  Shelli, Jeff, and Jackie in HOHR stay put.  Jason, James, and John are opening the awnings.


    10:31 PM BBT Jason and Da’Vonne are sitting on the couches in the BY while Meg, Becky, Liz and James are gathered around the hot tub soaking their feet.  Steve is standing near the hot tub looking on.  Shelli continues holding court in the HOHR, talking to Clay, Jeff, and Jackie.  They are discussing that they don’t see anyone voting Meg out.  Shelli thinks that nominating Meg is the only way that she can be sure that Da goes. 


    10:36 PM BBT Shelli wants Jeff and James to be with her when she approaches Meg.  She lays out her reasons for wanting that... Meg has said that she thinks James would choose Meg and Jeff over Jason and Da’Vonne.  Having James there will also show respect to James as well.   They are counting the votes and feel confident they have the numbers if Meg is the replacement nominee.


    10:38 PM BBT Clay leaves and Jeff says he’ll join in a minute, but stays to confide in Shelli that he really wants to work with Meg more than he wants to work with James.  They discuss what Meg has to offer… her social game and the fact that no one sees her as a threat.  Jeff feels that Meg will be loyal.  He’d like to work with Austin too, but Jeff doesn’t feel Austin is loyal. 


    10:42 PM BBT Audrey pops in to use the HOHR bathroom.  Jeff keeps talking vaguely and then being aware that Audrey could hear them, he switches to a fake conversation about whether they have the votes to get Da’Vonne out.   The conversation peters out and Jeff says he’ll listen to one more song before he goes and plays pool with Clay.


    10:52 PM BBT John and Steve are in the Hot Tub, Liz and Becky are sitting on the edge with their feet soaking.  They are talking about how the Back Yard transforms so much between competitions and the way it is now.


    10:54 PM BBT Audrey, Jackie, Jeff and Shelli in the HOHR talking about pickup trucks.  Jeff talking about moving to San Diego when BB is over.


    10:56 PM BBT Becky is worried about having small hands because she thinks it will be a disadvantage in the competition where you have to move an egg through chicken wire.  Becky and Liz compare their hands and Becky realizes her hands are similar to Liz's and not extra small.


    10:59 PM BBT Jeff comes up to the Hot Tub and notices that Giselle isn’t there.  Becky says that Giselle is in the HNR and goes to get her.  Jeff sits on the edge of the Hot Tub and wishes for bubbles. 


    11:01 PM BBT Shelli and Audrey are in the HOHR.  Shelli is on a rampage to get rid of all the food.  She asks Audrey how she’s doing, and Audrey starts saying something about DRs and we get FotH.  When we come back, Audrey is pondering how calm Da’Vonne has been while on the block.  Shelli has been surprised as well.  Audrey is worried that Da’Vonne is feeling safe because Da’Vonne thinks that she will be up against Audrey.  Audrey is worried that Da’Vonne is going to feel very played when she finds out that Audrey is NOT being backdoored. 


    11:04 PM BBT Shelli thinks Da’Vonne has been calm because Shelli pulled her aside in advance to let her know that she was going to be nominated.  Da’Vonne has not talked to Shelli since being nominated.   Shelli asks Audrey if she has talked to Da’Vonne and Audrey says no.  Audrey is encouraged that the rest of the houseguests are not avoiding her so much anymore.   Audrey is being nice to Da’Vonne in case she gets “The Last Laugh”.   Shelli and Audrey start speculating about what the “Last Laugh” is. 


    11:08 PM BBT Shelli saying she is enjoying retreating to the HOHR and not having to hang out in the Back Yard.  She feels like she’s been eating way too much and is jealous that Clay can still eat. 


    11:12 PM BBT Audrey talking about Vanessa.  Vanessa had approached her to say that they could work together and no one would suspect it.  Vanessa suggested that they have a fake fight to throw off suspicion, but nothing ever seemed to happen with it. 


    11:14 PM BBT Shelli asks Audrey who she would target, and Audrey says that she would target Becky because Becky was intending to backdoor her, and also Becky doesn’t make eye contact with Audrey.


    11:17 PM BBT Audrey asks about “Sleeper Cell” alliance [shelly, Clay, Audrey].  She’s wondering if Liz has taken her place.  Shelli says she doesn’t think it exists anymore…she had forgotten all about it.  Audrey figured it was just taking a “nap” and they burst out laughing.  Audrey is hoping it isn’t in a full-fledged coma!  They talk about how crazy it is with all the different alliances and how they come and go.   


    11:24 PM BBT  Audrey telling Shelli that Jeff has a connection with Jackie and Jackie has an in with Becky.  Jeff is also close with James.  Audrey heard a conversation where Jeff told James he didn’t know if he could fully trust Clay because he didn’t know where he stood with Shelli.  Jason is also close with Meg who is also close with James.  Audrey feels that she has no connection with James and that James would target her. 


    11:33 PM BBT Audrey relaying to Shelli that Clay told Audrey that she better play the game they want or she would have no game at all.  If they keep her safe, then Audrey can’t come after James, Jeff, Shelli, Meg or Clay.  Audrey felt that Clay was very abrasive, and Clay later apologized for stating his case so strongly.  Audrey feels like Clay tries to take credit for things.


    11:38 PM BBT Jason, Becky and Jackie sitting on the BY couches chatting and laughing, and you can hear others playing games in the BY.  Audrey still telling Shelli her opinions about Clay and James.


    11:41 PM BBT Audrey tells Shelli that she doesn’t forget how people make her feel and then becomes extremely emotional when she tries to tell Shelli how much she appreciated that Shelli stood up for her.  They hug, and Audrey tells Shelli that because of Shelli’s support, Audrey will be faithful to Shelli.   Shelli explains that she didn’t feel Audrey got a chance to speak, and that she deserved another week in the house.  Plus Da’Vonne had not done anything for Shelli in the house, and she hated the way that Da cornered Audrey. 


    11:46 PM BBT  Shelli encourages Audrey to fight to win the next HOH.  Audrey is feeling hopeful that she still has a chance, and that she just has to remain positive. 


    11:49 PM BBT Audrey talking about how she thinks that being alone in the house she actually has a lot to offer because no one really knows where she stands.  Plus she is someone more likely to be targeted.


    11:51 PM BBT Clay comes back to the HOHR and Audrey jokingly says to Shelli “So he really has bad morning breath?”  There is some joking and teasing back and forth.   Shelli asks what is going on out in the BY and Clay jokes that everyone is plotting against her. 


    11:59 PM BBT Shelli is called to the Diary Room.

  17. 2:34 PM BBT Austin goes looking for Clay and finds him in the WA.  Austin complaining that Meg, Jeff, Audrey, James and Johnny Mac all working to flip the house.  Audrey comes in and as Clay is getting in the shower, she asks Clay if there are going to be some modelling photoshoots that they are going to hear about later on.  Clay tells them he did a portfolio.  Audrey says she did a Harry Potter photo shoot, but when they say “that’s cool” she says she is just kidding.


    2:40 PM BBT Jason, Da’Vonne, and Meg in the Grey Room.  They are talking about getting a chance to dress up nicely, when BB announces that sleeping is only permitted in the bedrooms.  They wonder who is sleeping, and they start talking about trying to sleep in the HNR.  BB says “no singing” and Jason comments that BB is on them more than they have all week.


    2:42 PM BBT  Audrey comes in wearing a US flag shirt and Jason asks if everyone thought of 4th of July when they were packing.  Jason didn’t pack anything for 4th of July.  They start talking about how hard it was for their families to be quiet about them being on BB.


    2:45 PM BBT Da’Vonne, Meg, and Jason talking about how horrible slop is and ways they try to make it bearable.  Talk continues about food.


    2:48 PM BBT Shelli goes to HOHR where Vanessa is listening to music.  Vanessa starts whispering and tells Shelli that Austin told her that he overheard Da’Vonne campaigning by telling others she is going after Clay and Shelli, mostly Clay.  Shelli asks if people were on board with her.  Vanessa suggests she ask Audrey.  Shelli asks if James was in the room. Vanessa didn’t know because she was sleeping but that Austin had mentioned that Meg was there, James, Jason and Johnny Mac.  Vanessa is worried that Johnny knows too much.  Vanessa thinks Johnny is smarter than people think. 


    2:52 PM BBT Shelli was planning to talk to people this afternoon, but now people are sleeping.  She is not overly concerned and feels she still has time to talk to people so she is not going to push too hard yet.  Vanessa starts adding up votes.  James and Jason are tight, and could turn Meg.  Meg and James have told Shelli they are on board with voting Da out.  Neither of them trust James.  Shelli complains that Clay trusts James.  Shelli wants to keep Audrey so that she would be a target in future weeks.  Vanessa agrees with not backdooring Audrey. 


    2:54 PM BBT Clay comes in, closely followed by Austin.  They talk about the group that was talking about keeping Da’Vonne.  Shelli asks who was in the room when Da’Vonne was campaigning.  Austin and Clay her Jason, Jeff, Audrey…Jeff was just “in there” but they trust him. Austin feels like Jason and Da are setting up Clay and Shelli as a target, and he’s worried that things will get flipped.  All Austin could hear was phrases like “this group right here, we need to keep it together, and those people upstairs are not with us anymore”.  Clay is worried that Da and Audrey might come together. 


    2:58 PM BBT Audrey pops her head in with a question about where something is.  Clay observes that Audrey came up on purpose so she could report back to others.


    3:02 PM BBT Liz comes into HOHR.   They question Meg’s choices in the competition, and whether she threw it.  Liz pitches for Meg to be the replacement nominee.  Liz is afraid to be on the block with Da’Vonne because she thinks it could go either way.  She thinks that putting Meg up against Da would be more certain to get Da out.  Liz made a deal with Da that she would save her twice, but Da has not talked to Liz since.  Austin doesn’t think Da is playing a very good game and points out that Da lied about her job.


    3:06 PM BBT Austin and Vanessa both think that Audrey would be smart to work with Da’Vonne because having Da in the house helps keep a target off Audrey’s back.  Shelli says that Da is going home, and she is gonna do what it takes to make that happen.  Liz repeats her pitch for Meg to be the replacement nominee…that Meg is 100% safe against Da’Vonne because everyone loves her.


    3:17 PM BBT Meg, Jeff, Jason, James, and John lounging in the Grey BR talking about sleeping with your eyes open.  Audrey doing her hair, but not taking part in the convo.  Joking around and chit chat.


    3:27 PM BBT Shelli, Becky, Vanessa, Audrey, and Jackie in the HOHR.  Shelli asks Becky about a nail polish party, and Becky goes off to get the nail polish.  Shelli admires Audrey’s 4th of July sweater.  Clay is called to the DR.


    3:38 PM BBT Da’Vonne and Liz in the WA doing ADLs.  John is sitting close by and chatting about moles and skin tags.  Jason comes out of the WC. 


    3:46 PM BBT Nail party still going on in the HOHR.                                   


    3:50 PM BBT Audrey primping in the WA while John lounges.  Da’Vonne and Liz also in the room, but no discussion over Audrey’s hair dryer.


    3:51 PM BBT Austin has joined the nail party in the HOHR.  They are talking about the pros and cons of soy protein.  Becky asks what they get in the military for a protein ration.  They talk about Clay and James and how good their hair cuts are. 


    3:55 PM BBT Liz asking...if they are locked in tonight, what should they make for dinner?  They want American food…hamburgers, hot dogs, French fries, mac ‘n’ cheese. 

  18. 11:11 AM BBT Becky and Vanessa in the KT.  Clay has re-joined them, and James walks in.  James wondering if there will be a meal for the Have-nots when they get off slop.  Clay says you have to request it.  John and Jason in the BY talking about a movie.


    11:15 AM BBT Jason has joined the KT group, leaving John flaking out in silence in the BY.  In the KT, they are laughing at how they were all excited about the giraffe.  Jason goes back out to the BY and he and John continue their music discussion.

  19. 11:04 AM BBT Clay,John and Jason in the BY talking about beer.  Clay leaves to get coffee.  Jason and John begin chatting about music and wishing they had their favourite music with them.  John thinks others would not appreciate his music taste.  Jason likes a lot of variety. 


    11:08 AM BBT Clay goes to the KT where Becky and Vanessa are hanging out.  Vanessa compliments Clay on his haircut.  Becky and Vanessa decide that Clay's look is edgy.  Vanessa is considering shaving the left side of her head.

  20. 10:04 PM BBT James and Audrey resting on the couches.  James never heard of Kathy Griffin.  Audrey tells him that Kathy is a comedian.   Audrey is a fan of Kathy’s, and tells James a bit about Kathy’s style.  Audrey mentions that Kathy has a bit about Taylor Swift, and James is on guard because he’s a big Taylor Swift fan.  


    10:12 PM BBT Lots of activity in the KT… they feel like they are having breakfast.  Jeff talking about starting to drink coffee at midnight, and staying up til 6 am. 


    10:14 PM BBT Jeff and Austin in the Cabana Room Lounge talking about Audrey. Having Audrey as a target keeps them safe, because she is someone they can get the whole house focussed on.  Jeff thinks the house is not going to be happy with a decision that doesn’t put Audrey on the block.  Austin thinks that if Shelli wants Da’Vonne gone, that Shellie should put up someone who is closer to Da’Vonne.  They both say they have Liz's back.


    10:17 PM  BBT Jeff tells Austin not to talk to Steve.  They both expect blow-ups from Da’Vonne.  Jeff and Austin both admire how cool Jackie was while she was on the block.  They want to advise Liz to keep it cool in the same way.  Both are going to wait until after Clay and Shelli have talked to her (until it's certain that Liz is the replacement nominee).


    10:22 PM BBT Liz joins Jeff and Austin in the CBL.  They joke about the therapy that Liz needs.  It’s clear that Liz wants to talk about the potential of being a replacement nominee, but doesn’t want to come out and say it.  The guys say they don’t want to talk about things until they are official.  Austin teases that Liz is kryptonite.  They joke a bit more, and then Liz says that she is sad.  She is tearful and they reassure her that they have her back.  She leaves upset.


    10:27 PM BBT James and Steve in the HN room talking about James’ HOH reign.  James thinks he got out of it with very little blood on his hands.  Steve attributes that to James making his target clear very early on.  They talk about the one vote that went against the house.  James feels good that he kept his promise to Jackie.  He thinks the one vote was probably a sympathy vote for Jace and he’s not mad about it.


    10:30 PM BBT Steve asks James who he thinks will be the replacement nominee. James has been out of touch since he left HOH.  Steve points out to James that Shelli could potentially be a tie-breaker this week, and then comments that this game is exhausting.  To restore some perspective, Steve reminds himself and James that they have awesome lives back home.


    10:34 PM BBT Liz is back talking to Jeff and Austin in the CBL.  Liz tries to find out what Jeff and Austin know about what Audrey is thinking. Jeff thinks Audrey has to do what they tell her to.  Jeff has already been cornered by Da’Vonne, who is NOT happy.  She tried to initimidate Jeff by saying that if she heard that he had anything to do with it, he would be toast.  Liz is worried that Da will play “the mommy card” to get sympathy.  They agree that would be more of an influence toward the end.


    10:44 PM BBT Vanessa joins Liz, Jeff, and Austin in the CBL.  They are discussing Jace and reminiscing about his time in the house and sharing observations about his personality.  


    10:52 PM BBT Becky joins the group in the CBL.  The conversation has turned to how people mature differently, and how much perspectives change as you get older.  Austin shares his philosophy about being true to himself and holding on to something essential from your past.  Next, Clay is welcomed to the “therapy session.”


    10:58 PM BBT Clay joins the group in the KT.  They ask about the conversation in the CBL and Clay tells them that the conversation has turned to high school stuff.  Now the conversation is on the same topic in the KT. 


    11:00 PM BBT Jason thinks women go through a lot more than men do. Da’Vonne talks about what it’s like being pregnant and seeing the baby kick.  They have been waiting for the BY to be opened up and suddenly realize that the door is actually already up!!  They exclaim about when did that happen?!?  They call the group from the CBL over, and they all go out to the BY.  Liz and Becky go to the hot tub, while some of the guys try out the pool table.

  21. 2:15  AM BBT  Becky talking to Jason and Steve in the CRL, reassuring them that even though they are nominated, they are not her target.  She sends Jason off so she can talk more to Steve.   Becky tells Steve that the reason she put Steve up is because last week people wondering if Steve was working for Audrey.  She asks him to clarify.  Steve says he is being human with her.   She recommends that he avoid Audrey and not even be personable with Audrey. 


    2:16 AM BBT Some houseguests doing ADLs and getting ready for bed.  Shelli telling Clay that Becky asked to use the HOHR, so she expects that Becky will want to talk game to her later.  Clay and Shelli go get something to eat, joining James, Liz, Da’Vonne, Jackie, Meg, and Jason in the KT.


    2:23 AM BBT Jason and Da’Vonne in the Grey room whispering that all the others knew that Shelli was nominating Da’Vonne and John.  Da’Vonne is angry that everyone else knew, and that Audrey isn’t even nominated.  Jason says Steve didn’t seem to know, and tells Da’Vonne that they are plan B…if they can’t get [Audrey], they’re coming after Da’Vonne and Jason.  Jason says that’s alright, Da’Vonne will just have to win BotB.  Da’Vonne is not even convinced that they will back door Audrey. 


    2:33 AM BBT Da’Vonne talking to John in the CRL.  She thinks they have a cool rapport and wants to keep communication going so that they are working well together for the BotB.  Da’Vonne questions John on whether he knew that Da’Vonne was going up and he says they didn’t say specifically but they asked him about her.   John was asked if he was in an alliance with Da’Vonne.  John asks if Jason is in trouble too.  Da’Vonne believes she is the target.

  22. 1:08 AM BBT Sarah is laying down in the HOH room, with the covers over her head.  Godfrey and Ashleigh are in the KT talking about when Sindy came back into the house and told everyone about the Chop Shop.  Godfrey says he didn’t know whether to believe Sindy…whether she was actually in the sequester house at all or she was making it up.   He thought that if there was a Chop Shop it didn’t make sense because they voted against each other… Bobby and Bruno voted against Zach.  Ashleigh explains that Bobby and Bruno thought Zach was too close with Jorden and wanted Zach for themselves.  Godfrey comments that everyone in this game wanted Zach for themselves.  Zach would have had huge potential to win the game.  Ashleigh calls him the male Sarah. 


    1:12 AM BBT Godfrey thinks that when you come into the game you think that making friends won’t affect your decisions, but at the end of the day, it’s still real life, and if you’re close to them and you make them a promise, it’s real and you feel terrible if you have to break that.  Especially if you lie and lose.  If you win, then it feels more justified, like you did what you had to do.  He feels bad about breaking his word to Graig particularly.  They talk about former houseguests.  Godfrey thought Kevin would have won the game.     


    1:20 AM BBT Ashleigh says they really need to do this and Godfrey says their odds have never been better.  They talk about how much harder the competitions are becoming and that the final HOH will be harder.  The finale night competition will be easier because they will be wearing their formal clothes for that.   


    1:23 AM BBT Ashleigh says she doesn’t know why Sarah keeps saying that no one can beat Godfrey and Sarah doesn’t think it’s smart to take him to final 2.  Godfrey scoffs saying that Sarah just finished telling him that she would take him.  Godfrey talks about when Ashleigh and him tried to convince Sarah that she should turn on Britt.  They went to her and her response to Ashleigh was that she had too many friends, but she agreed with Godfrey when he said that Sarah could beat him.  They agree that they can’t count on Sarah because she is telling them both the same thing.  Godfrey knows that she would take Brittnee over him, and he thinks Sarah would beat Brittnee because of past decisions in favour of the strategic player vs. the physical player. 


    1:25 AM BBT  Godfrey surprised that Sarah thinks that Godfrey can beat her (according to what Sarah is telling Ashleigh) but says “I guess maybe I can!” Ashleigh says that Sarah is terrifying.  Godfrey points out that Sarah is campaigning awfully hard for Brittnee even though Sarah herself is already safe.  He says that Sarah is super invested because Brittnee is her ticket -- Sarah would win against Brittnee.  Ashleigh says that Sarah and Zach had the best social game by far and Godfrey says that it’s been very similar [Zach and Sarah’s social game].  Godfrey calls it a night and heads to bed.   

  23. 1:17 AM BBT Brittnee and Sarah talk about the HOH comps that Brittnee won and even though they happened at the right times, she has won HOH when she had to make fast decisions and also didn’t get the HOH room.  They talk about the Web of Flies HOH competition …Sarah tells Brittnee that she was the only one who didn’t try to force the fly and that she was the first to go left. 


    1:19 AM BBT Brittnee tells Sarah that when she first walked into the house, she had a feeling the moment that she saw Ashleigh that she would be battling it out with her.  Sarah points out that the game is a lot harder than you think because you have to talk game with everyone so you don’t show your hand by being exclusive to the people you are working with.    


    1:23 AM BBT Brittnee and Sarah are both still feeling amazed by the day they had and are so glad they got to share the experience.  It was a fabulous time.   They are starting to wind down and settle in for sleep.


    1:29 AM BBT They are both starting to snooze, and then Sarah suddenly asks Brittnee...if you win the veto, is getting Ashleigh out actually the smartest move?  They consider whether they should get Godfrey out instead.  Brittnee wants to wait until the veto is won to talk about it, but then she asks about pros and cons.  Sarah doesn’t want to consider final 2 because she knows that she wants to be sitting beside Brittnee, so the main thing is to consider who they can beat, and she thinks that based on Godfrey’s physique he may be harder to beat in the physical competitions.    They have no idea what Godfrey is capable of.  Brittnee points out that Godfrey himself says "better the devil you know"  Brittnee says "how crazy would that be?  Three females in the finals?"


    1:34 AM BBT As they are starting to drift off to sleep, Sarah and Brittnee speculate a bit more about the type of competition they might have.  They talk about the type of competition that Ashleigh is good at.  She is good at puzzles.  They hope for something like the Ant Maze competition that Ashleigh did poorly on.  Things get quiet and it’s off to dreamland.  Happy dreams and goodnight!

  24. 2:28 PM BBT Ashleigh, Brittnee and Sarah are propped up in the HOH room bed either snoozing or staring into space.  Godfrey is laying on the HOHR floor listening to music.  The doorbell rings, and the girls all leap out of the bed.  Godfrey is wondering what’s going on and Sarah tells him that the doorbell rang.  He thought it was in the music he was listening to.  They are super excited, screaming “O-M-G” and they rush out of the HOH room to check it out.  Gary enters the house and is swarmed by the HGs.  Gary says he is there to style them for the Big Brother Awards, and that he has a friend with him.  Sarah yells “Is it Neda?  Tell me it’s Neda!”   The door opens and it’s Ika!  They scream again and there are hugs all around. 


    2:31 PM BBT They head to the HOHR but the door is locked so they head to the WA.  They chat there for awhile.  Ika will provide the glam and Gary will help them with the clothes.  After a few minutes they go back to the HOHR.  There is a rack of clothes there.  Godfrey spots a tux on the rack and comments that he’s never worn one in his life.  They start with a long purple gown for Ashleigh.  Ika tells Godfrey “that hair needs some help” and she can hardly wait to comb it.  Ashleigh is to try on the gown, and then Ika will “Ika-fy” her.



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