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Posts posted by app

  1. 4:01PM BBT:  Sarah and Pili sitting by the HT.  Pili telling Sarah that Sarah is not a target for Ash and Pili.  Pili saying that just because Ash and Zach together, that doesn't mean they are playing the same game.  Pili assuring Sarah that Pili doesn't want Sarah out next week.  Pili knows she can't beat the guys and thinks Godfrey has been throwing comps so when he picks it up he is also a threat.  Pili tells Sarah she is not sure how she is voting.

    4:03PM BBT:  Sarah and Pili discussing scenarios for final and who can beat who.

    4:10PM BBT:  Ash and Zach in HOH room.  All the boys in Ash's family go by their middle name.  Their dad's first name becomes their middle name.  

    4:14PM BBT:  Sarah trying to convince Pili that Brittney didn't want Pili out at the Triple Eviction.  Pili points out that Brittney told Willow she was staying.  Sarah trying to say that Britt was just trying to comfort Willow.  Pili doesn't seem to be buying it.

    4:17PM BBT:  Sarah telling Pili that not only does Sarah not want Pili gone, she wants to work with Pili.  

    4:24PM BBT:  Pili reporting to Zach and Ash about her convo with Sarah...very frustrated by Sarah's campaigning.  

    4:32PM BBT:  Bruno and Godfrey in BY talking about movies.   Britt and Sarah lounging in BY but not taking part in convo.

    4:35PM BBT:  Ash and Zach getting cuddly in HOH while Pili puts on nail polish.  Pili finishes and leaves the HOH.

    4:37PM BBT:  Pili joins the BY group and Bruno goes in.  Sarah asks Britt if she fell asleep.  Britt says no, but she was tossing and turning all night.

  2. 3:04PM BBT:  Britt doing laundry, Pilar on the Hammock, Godfrey chilling on the couch. Ash, Sarah, and Bruno in the kitchen.

    3:08PM BBT:  Godfrey, Britt, and Sarah in BY.  Godfrey to Britt: "I just can't believe that no one's told you anything at all...It's hard to believe they are all undecided."  

    3:16PM BBT:  Sarah to Britt and Godfrey:  If we don't win HOH this week, you can bet that Zach is going to win this game.

    3:19PM BBT:  Britt to Sarah: "I am now the target, and that's why they're not saying it."

    3:25PM BBT:  Britt: "It's so sad that these girls [Ash/Pili] can't think for themselves."  Sarah: "They're thinking for themselves, but they're not playing their individual game.  They're thinking that it's safer to keep Zach safe because Zach will keep them safe"

    3:27PM BBT:  Britt and Sarah discussing Bruno's game.  Positives: Never on the block/never even thought about. Good social game.

    3:39PM BBT:  Britt: "If I stay, there's gonna be a big target on me."  Sarah:  "Yes and it's just gonna get bigger"

    3:49PM BBT:  Zach/Ash/Pili/Bruno/Godfrey talking about how old you have to be to get a learner's permit to drive.

    3:51PM BBT:  Godfrey joins Sarah and Britt in the BY.  Britt asks Godfrey who he is putting up if he wins HOH.  He says Zach for sure.  Not sure about his second nominee.  Godfrey says the only fear he has that if he puts up Zach and someone else, then someone [Ash?] might win the veto and use it on Zach. He could deter Ash from using the veto on Zach by threatening to put up Pili.

  3. 1:03AM BBT Ash reporting to Zach that Godfrey says he is coming after Zach, and that Sarah saying she is going after Bruno and Godfrey (which they don't believe). "B is gone this week, Sarah's by herself. Debating whether to get Sarah out or Godfrey next week given that Sarah is not a competition threat.  

    1:16AM BBT Britt talking to Sarah: "Ideally Godfrey goes this week" [They are thinking small]  Earlier it seemed like they knew because Britt was acting sad for Bruno's benefit and then laughing when Britt and Sarah were alone again, but if they know they have the secret PoV, why are they thinking so small? -APP]

  4. 11:55PM BBT HG in BY talking about living elsewhere.  Bruno has only ever lived in Ottawa.  Sarah wants to live in New Orleans and likes the idea of living in different places.  Has even looked at immigrating to the U.S.

    12:03AM BBT Sarah goes inside.  Bruno and Godfrey playing a ball-tossing game in the BY.  Britt in the Hammock.  Ash/Pili/Zach lounge on the couches watching Bruno and Godfrey play.

    12:14AM BBT Sarah grateful not to be locked in the HN room and hoping she and Britt don't have to go back in there for a chunk of time tomorrow. Brittnee wondering if they will get beds.  Sarah notes that when Jon was in solitary confinement, he got to see his family.  Brittnee doesn't want to talk about it anymore.

    12:18AM BBT Sarah suggests playing a game of picking a HG picture and pick an actor who would play each of them in their life story.  They pick Freddie Prinze Jr. for Zach.

    12:20AM BBT Other picks: Amy Poehler for Willow.  Lucy Liu for Sindy.  Anne Hathaway for Sarah (Sarah protests that Anne is too sophisticated).  Charlize Theoron for Risha. Matt Damon for Kevin.  Joseph Gordan Leavitt for JP.  Johnny would have to play Johnny because there is no one like him.  Matt LeBlanc for Graig.

    12:32AM BBT Bruno warning Godfrey about Sarah seeking some type of "threemance"

    12:37AM BBT Britt and Sarah discussing Zach and Bruno working together.  Sarah skeptical that Zach wasn't working with Bruno prior to Bruno using the Veto on Zach during the Triple Eviction.  

    12:39AM BBT Britt commenting on how Zach has so much influence. Ash

    12:40AM BBT Sarah excited to use the veto tomorrow and rehearsing "This ceremony is now complete" and shutting the box. Sarah: "That's such a Big Brother thing" The downside is that Britt will go up. Sarah saying Pili and Ash each gave their word to keep Britt safe.

    12:52AM BBT Ash explaining to Britt why she can't put Bruno up.  Godfrey is her target, but she feels she has to put Britt up.

  5. 2:34AM BBT Zach disgusted that he came down to final 2 of a "joke" PoV competition and lost.  He had to drop a ball down a "planko" machine. "Better off going in the back yard and flipping a coin."

    2:50AM BBT Britt and Sarah in the KT. Sarah notes that Pili promised Godfrey her vote and then changed her tune after talking to Zach and Ashleigh.  It shows that Zack and Ash want Godfrey out.

    2:51AM BBT Sarah: "Zach and Ashleigh want to take each other.  They're gonna want someone to take out Bruno."

  6. 2:12AM BBT Britt and Pili chatting in HOH. Pili missing Kevin.  Both think Ash is very loyal.  Britt glad that Ash kept her word not to nom Britt

    2:16AM BBT Britt and Pili discussing how Godfrey promoted himself as not being a threat.  Britt regrets not putting him up.

    2:26AM BBT Still trying to make sense of what happened during the Triple Eviction.  Britt telling Pili that she didn't want to put Ash up as replacement nominee because she thought that if she put Ash up that the guys would have kept Kevin and evicted Ash and Pili.

    2:27AM BBT Zach and Ash come into the HOH room.  Zach assures Britt that the time is 1:15AM [not so!] Britt leaves, leaving Zach, Ashleigh and Pili together. Pili immediately begins to spill the contents of the discussion with Britt. Britt had told her that she put Pili up strictly as a pawn.  Pili didn't buy it because Britt could have put Godfrey up.  

  7. 1:55PM BBT  Sounds like Pili is hosting the PoV competition. Pili and Ashleigh wondering what Pili will be wearing as they make their way to the
    HOH room.  Pili and Ashleigh talking about worst case scenarios for the PoV competition. Ashleigh says Brittnee, Sarah, and Godfrey
    can't win.   

    2:03PM BBT Zach and Bruno in the living room talking about "sick comps" this year.  The last one "Pick a Poison" was a cool comp.  They're feeling it in their upper body.  Zach didn't like the "Stockade."

    2:04PM BBT Godfrey joins Zach and Bruno in the living room. They are missing ac3cess to the back yard which is unavailable while the PoV is set up.  

    2:07PM BBT Bruno, God, Zach talking about remaining days...3 weeks left.  Reminiscing abt same time frame in BBCAN2.

    2:32PM BBT Sarah resting in the main BR.  Britt brings her food and they talk about how Godfrey is with Zach et al.  Godfrey threw the HOH comp.

    2:41PM BBT Britt wonders why Zach’s not worried abt Bruno's social game.  Sarah adds that it’ll be hard to beat a dad w/2 kids.

    2:46PM BBT Britt hoping Ashleigh would pick Bruno as a replacement nominee if Britt wins PoV and takes Sarah off the block

    2:50PM BBT Sarah still agonizing over Willow leaving. With Bruno using the veto on Zach, it's clear that Bruno/Zach/Ash working together, plus Bruno has God.  

    3:05PM BBT Godfrey joins Sarah and Britt in the BR.  Tells them Ash will put up Bruno if PoV is used.

    3:45PM BBT Pili planning to go home to PEI for a few wks and then head to Calgary for a month in the summer.

    3:50PM BBT Godfrey: "Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most."

    3:57PM BBT Godfrey/Bruno/Britt/Pili talking abt their "twisted" summer and other surprises: instant eviction, hg came back in, had to furnish house, triple eviction, 10-person jury, $10k button in the vault.  Jon and Emmett and BBCANTV came in the house.  Each hg had a minute with Emmett and then he came into the house.

    4:16PM BBT God/Bruno/Britt/Pili speculating that 10-person jury might choose from final 3.  Or final 2 w/Canada being tie-breaker.

  8. 8:00 PM  Zach and Kevin talking in the HOH room.  Zach saying that Bruno told him that Bruno is worried about Sarah
    because Sarah and Willow are getting so close.  Bruno figures Sarah and Brittnee are trying to get the guys to turn on
    each other so that Sarah and Brittnee can "skate by".  Bruno wants the guys to stick together.  Zach assured Bruno that
    Sarah would be the target next week.  They are skeptical about trusting Bruno.  They compare him to Dan Gheesling for having

    a really good social game.  On the other hand, they don't see Godfrey as a threat...they think he is a loose cannon and not

    realistically working with anyone. Kevin tempted to leave the noms the same and flush out Bobby's so-called veto. 

    Or pull off Brittnee and put up Bruno against Bobby.  After all this talk, they realize they should maybe check the bathroom [LOL]

  9. 7:47 PM Godfrey suggesting that Willow is actually an athlete...maybe a boxer!

    7:48 PM  Kevin and Pili share a kiss in the kitchen and Pili leaves the room.  Kevin putting the blender away
    in the storage room.  He looks VERY uncomfortable walking around in heels as he cleans up in the kitchen.

    7:51 PM Willow and Zach sitting by the hot tub talking about day 49 being Wednesday and being "3/4 of the way done"
    but acknowledging that they don't know for sure how many days in total.  

    7:59 PM Ashleigh comes in and Willow and Zach help remove the hot tub cover.  Zach leaves since he can't join them
    in the hot tub while he's in costume.  Willow sitting on the edge with her feet in.

    8:02 PM Bruno joins Ashleigh and Willow in the hot tub, and then Pili comes in as well. 

  10. 7:33 PM Bobby, Bruno, Godfrey, and Britnee sitting in the BY with Willow and Pilar working out.  Willow saying
    that she has (had?) a boyfriend.  They had been dating 6 months prior to her coming into the house.

    7:34 PM  Zach, Ashleigh, Sarah sitting in chairs by the hot tub, chatting about grandparents.  

    7:39 PM Zach talking about doing a run to raise funds for breast cancer research with an uncle he admires. Zach
    getting emotional talking about a family member who just finished chemo treatment for a second occurrence of breast
    cancer.  He's very proud of her. 

  11. 10:41  Zach and Kevin talking in Storage Room.  They are anticipating have-not competition tomorrow
    and nominations later.  Kevin:  "No more messages to people in jury".

    10:42  Kevin leaves storage room, Sarah comes in and wishes Zach a happy birthday.  Zach says it's been
    a tough time lately emotionally. Sarah gives him a hug.  Everyone is starting to really miss family.  Zach
    saying he never realized how slow-paced the game is.  

  12. 10:27 PM  Willow, Pili, and Ashleigh are in the WA talking.  They note that after Godfrey goes, it's really unclear [who the target will be].
    Sarah joins them.

    10:31 PM  Willow is wishing for a letter from home.  That would be the main reason she would want HOH.  It's not about the power.  Ashleigh and Pili
    agree.  They are also feeling the need for encouragement from home.  FOTH

    10:32 PM  Houseguests in the Kitchen baking a cake for Zach's birthday.



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