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  1. 11:05 PM BBT Clay brings Shelli a pair of fingerless gloves.  Shelli cheers.  As she puts them on, she laughs about how all the guys are so jealous of her sword.  She resumes her task and Becky says “Seventeen more!”


    11:07 PM BBT Jackie and Vanessa are in the WA.  Vanessa says we literally have 24 hours to kill.  They move to the KT where Liz and Austin are hanging out.  Jackie is getting something from the fridge as Vanessa continues to buff her shield.  There is a commotion from the BY.  Shelli has finished 100 rounds of her task and is ringing the bell and everyone is cheering her on.  She decides to keep going and do the next 100.


    11:16 PM BBT In the BY, Clay and Steve look on as Shelli continues her task.  Meg is heard in the background.  In the KT, Vanessa is munching and wondering about Shelli’s pace.  She thinks that Shelli is going twice as fast as she has to.


    11:20 PM BBT John is at the DT with Vanessa.  She asks him to tell a story and he begins relating a story about a blonde chick who is rubbing a shield.  He’s describing the current moment and he keeps repeating it.  Steve comes in and is listening and says “are you telling a story about what’s happening right now?”  Steve jumps up and down gleefully and starts laughing. Vanessa starts repeating the story too. 


    11:24 PM BBT In the BY the conversation is about pigs.  Clay used to have pigs, and he talks about 4H.  He hunts wild pigs but doesn’t eat them because the meat is chewy.  Other conversation between Meg and Becky and either Liz or Julia is about “the desperate housewives of Big Brother” while Shelli silently carries out her task.


    11:30 PM BBT In the KT, John is telling Steve and James about the structure of a tooth and how a root canal is done.  Austin comments that they are having a very interesting conversation.  When a cavity reaches the nerve it hurts so removing the nerve and blood supply is all done as a “painkiller”.  James and Austin leave and Steve comments to John that it’s an angry house this week because of all the punishments going on.  Steve is worried about voting and that it will be a hard choice.  John says that hopefully they’ll tell us what they want. 


    11:37 PM BBT  In the BY Shelli is at 99 and they organize a parade to follow alongside her as she does the 100th round with a flourish and brandishing her sword.  She goes to ring the bell!  There is a parade through the KT and back out to the BY.  Shelli comes out and shouts “Still on schedule! Yeah!?  Shelli starts up again.  She is determined to get there and even though she is hungry, she decides not to stop until she gets to six hundred...a quarter of the way there.


    11:46 PM BBT As Shelli resumes, Becky is chatting to others about how drinking milk affects her complexion.  There is pizza ready for Shelli but she says it’s okay if it’s not hot.  She isn’t picky and doesn’t mind it cold.


    11:48 PM BBT Vanessa, Jackie, James and John sitting at the DT talking about costumes.  James says that guys don’t like to dress up.  Jackie says she loves it, but only if it fits.  Her costume is way too big for her.  Vanessa says they need to get that fixed for her.  Vanessa is dreading sleeping on the floor …”it’s gross”… Jackie says we’ll get you a pillow and you can have a blanket too.  Vanessa says “You’re such a generous knight.  You’re so good to me.”


    11:50 PM BBT In the BY Shelli says she is at 440 and everyone tells her how well she’s doing.  She needs a FitBit to help track.  They count Shelli’s steps and trying to figure out how many steps she will take to complete her task.  It takes her about 25 steps.  Clay says one stride is about a yard, and then asks how many yards are in a mile?


    11:53 PM BBT Vanessa is composing a poem about herself in the KT.  Jackie and Vanessa go out to the BY leaving James and John at the DT.  James asks John how he feels about everything that happened this week.  John says he’s fine.  It sucks, but that’s the game we’re playing.  We move on and play again next week.  John tells James he handled it the best way he could.  James feels like everyone has a fair shot to win now with the power couple split up.  You don’t have to beat two of them all the time.  He notes that Shelli is a comp beast and Clay is pretty decent.  He didn’t want to waste his HOH.  James points out that he has been straightforward with John and has never pressured him to vote a certain way and he’s kept him off the block and he hopes John will remember that when James needs his vote.  John says he appreciates what James has done for him.  John comments that he is glad that BotB is over.


    11:57 PM BBT John notes that the BotB just invites a lot of pawns.  He comments to James that four out of the five people gone were back doors, so there were 16 pawns total in those four weeks.  James comments that everyone has been nominated except for Austin, Julia and Vanessa.  John says that everyone’s time will come and that they’ll probably be up there again at some point.  James is hoping for a week off next week.

  2. 4:03 PM BBT Feeds are back. Shelli and Clay are in the WA, and Shelli is crying. It was a prize and punishment. Shelli thought there was a chance he would take a good prize. She is wearing a “Castle Guard” hat. Vanessa comes in an apologizes. John and Austin in the CR say they have each others' backs.


    4:27 PM BBT James goes to HOHR where Becky and Jackie are hanging out.  Becky insists that she will split her winnings with James.  Jackie says something off camera and James replies that he felt bad doing it, but he thought he should do it so no one else has to. 


    4:36 PM BBT In the HOH room, James and Jackie are talking that it was meant to be.  James recaps that he won HOH and then he won PoV.  They all completed their missions, and it's huge.


    4:38 PM BBT James thinks that everyone will be going after Steve next week.  Jackie asks “what about the double eviction?”  Jackie suggests getting Clay out first and then Shelli, and James says “get Clay out first? And keep Shelli?” Jackie clarifies to get Shelli out and then get Clay out, and then Steve.  James is worried about Clay getting HOH because he knows Clay will come after him. 


    4:45 PM BBT In the HOHR, James tells Jackie about how the double eviction works and that you need to ask someone else to pack your stuff up because it happens so quickly.  He has plans to put his stuff in one spot so that it will be easy for them to pack if he’s the one to go.  Jackie tells him he’s not going anywhere and if they get through this week, he’ll be fine.  James says that the worst thing that could happen next week is if Clay wins and puts James or Jackie up against a twin because Austin and the other twin will not vote to keep them.  They discuss other votes they might have if that happens.


    4:47 PM BBT Jackie and James talking about how Vanessa is scampering around trying to get a group together before double eviction.  Jackie is ticked off because they already tried that once and Vanessa ruined it.


    4:49 PM BBT Clay is sitting alone in the Cabana Room Lounge.  Feeds switch to the Storage Room, where Austin congratulates James on his win.  James says he wanted to keep everyone safe and didn’t want anyone else going up. Austin tells him it means a lot that he did that so that Liz won’t be going up.  James says he’s a straight shooter and if he says he’ll do something he does it. 

  3. 12:06 PM BBT Shelli, Clay, Steve, and John are In the KT.  They have confirmed that they can eat after midnight.  Steve is sitting at the Dining Table eating while Shelli and Clay are at the counter.  Shelli takes some things to the storage room.  Shelli asks about James’ HOHR and is told that James is asleep. John points out that James has had a long day with eagle attacks and thunderstorms etc.


    12:11 AM BBT In the CBR, Julia is still putting clothes away.  She says that it really hit her that she is not Liz when she saw her microphone with her own name on it.  She loved Shawshank Redemption.


    12:15 AM BBT Austin, Liz and Julia are recapping the HOH competition.  Austin and Julia tell Liz she did really well and Liz says “not good enough”.  Austin points out that it was James’ competition.  He was the only one who could squat.  Liz doesn’t think James should have been allowed to do that.  Austin thought the hand holds should have been height-adjusted.


    12:18 AM BBT John comes into the CBR they talk more about the HOH comp.  James is called to the DR and they exclaim “It’s time!”


    12:22 AM BBT Clay, Shelli and Steve are still in the KT eating.  Vanessa, Becky and Liz are hanging out at the KT counter as well.


    12:26 AM BBT Julia, Jackie, and Meg all in the WA getting prettied up.  James comes out of the DR, and they all head up to see his HOH Room!!


    12:28 AM BBT James unlocks the door and they are applauding and exclaiming as they stream in.  There is lots of gushing over Gizmo, and then over the basket he got.  They are all chatting excitedly and they call out “Letter! Letter! Letter!”  James insists that he is not going to have any man tears.  The letter is from Branna, Bailey, and Landon.


    12:32 AM BBT The HGs exclaim over how precious his daughter is.  James tells them that she’s three.  They check out the food that James got. He says it’s awesome to get a letter from home.  James checks out his fridge.  He got 6 beers and some ice cream.  Clay notes that there are TWO cinnamon toast crunches and Shelli advises James to keep Clay away from those.


    12:36 AM BBT James got Eric Church for his music. It wasn’t his first choice, but he’s happy with it.  James keeps sighing and saying “well” and the other HGs keep talking.  Shelli says it will be nice that he doesn’t have to come up with noms right away because the BotB is gone.  They note that this guarantees him being in jury.  Steve is saying that will be true as long as things are the same as prior years.  They congratulate James and applaud.  Clay leaves saying he has to get food.  James says they don’t have to stay up there…they can scamper.


    12:40 AM BBT Jackie and Meg are stretched out on the HOHR couches.  Shelli, Austin, Liz, Julia and Becky are milling around in the room as James settles onto his bed.  Shelli, Austin, Liz, Julia, and Becky congratulate James again as they leave the HOHR.  Becky lingers a bit and apologizes to them for last week.  Meg and Jackie say that it was a poor position to be in and she should never have been put in it.  Meg begins talking about how they broke the Dark Moon alliance.


    12:42 AM BBT Becky points out that when Vanessa got HG choice in the PoV picks, she picked for Shelli to play.  Becky was meant to stay up on the block.


    12:46 AM BBT Becky starts to say that they need to pick a straggler.  Jackie points out that James already made a promise.  James says he made a promise, but he needs to do some investigating because Jason told him that Clay was asking Jason whether James could be trusted.  Meg points out that James is not number 1 on their list of people to trust.  Jackie asks who is.  Meg thinks that if Shelli had won, then James and Jackie would have had to worry.  Meg thinks that Jackie would have been backdoored. 


    12:48 AM BBT James thinks that Shelli is someone who can switch off and on easily.  He thinks Vanessa would flip on Clay and Shelli, but Meg disagrees.  She thinks Vanessa is closer to Clay and Shelli.  Meg trusts Liz and Austin more, and even more with Julia.  James asks if you put Shelli up right away or do you backdoor her?  Meg suggests putting up Austin and either Vanessa or Steve.  Meg would put up Steve.  James says that he is definitely putting up Steve because he fell off first.  PoV would be used on Steve so that Shelli could go up.  Meg thinks that Liz and Julia would keep Austin over Shelli.  James feels that he can easily go back on his promise if he finds something that Clay and Shelli have done to justify it.


    12:52 AM BBT Becky points out that Vanessa Clay and Shelli are great competitors so they are likely to win PoV and freeze the nominations.  Meg suggests putting up Liz and Steve and tell them that Austin is the backdoor.  That would be consistent with last week’s plan.  Jackie is disgusted that they were betrayed.  Meg is angry with Shelli because she didn’t feel she got any answers about what happened last week.  They discuss reasons they believe that Clay and Shelli are running everything. 


    12:54 AM BBT James thought it was telling that Shelli was so anxious to make deals with him at the end of the HOH comp.  They were theoretically working together, so why wasn’t she happy for him to win it and feeling safe? 


    12:55 AM BBT Meg asks who else James would go after.  She repeats her desire to work with Liz and Austin and especially Julia.  Meg sees Julia as floating, but others point out that she’ll do what Liz wants.  Meg doesn’t see Julia working with Clay and Shelli.  James says that he wants to base his talks with others and make deals based on how to get to jury.  James thinks Vanessa is the key to finding out what happened last week.  Meg tells them that Vanessa is trying hard to sell herself as a solo.  Vanessa claims that she is playing the “third wheel” game.  Meg doesn’t think Vanessa has extreme loyalties to anyone.  Becky talks about how Vanessa made the same jury deal with three different people early on. 


    12:59 AM BBT Meg wouldn’t go after Vanessa at all.  She thinks Vanessa is just terrified when she is HOH.  She flip flops easily because she listens to everyone.  Becky suggests that Vanessa flip flopped toward Austin and that’s why it ended up being Jason.  James asks Meg what Clay approached her and Jason about and Meg tells him that they were talking about a final four deal.  James points out that the final four deal didn’t include him and Meg says he can’t use that because it would throw her under the bus.  James says that it shows that Clay and Shelli were trying to ask him even though he used to be close to them.

  4. 10:31 PM BBT Liz tells Julia that Austin denied that he was trying to separate the twins.  Julia intensely leans in to Liz that Austin LIED… he told Jason her name was Julia.  She is freaked out that he gave her name and doesn’t know how to act around Austin.  Liz tells her that she has to get over it because he’s in their alliance.  Liz thinks Julia is overreacting. 


    10:37 PM BBT Clay and Austin are in the KT.  In the Cabana Room Lounge, Liz is telling Julia that Vanessa is in a bad spot because she put up Jason, and James was buds with Jason.  Julia thinks that James might put up Austin and Liz says “no, not at all!”  Julia tells Liz that she’s scared that James will put her up.  They are scared that they will be put up together and now they don’t have a chance to play BotB.  One of them will go home unless one wins Power of Veto. 


    10:42 PM BBT Clay, Shelli, Austin and Steve are in the KT talking about the HOH comp.  Steve talks about another endurance competition where they just had to hold a button, and they watched the sun come up.  Shelli tells them that the rain was a mental competition because you have to force yourself to relax when you are so cold from the rain. 


    10:44 PM BBT Julia and Liz in the WA while John has a shower.  Julia tells John that she used to be a dental assistant.  Shelli comes in and exclaims excitedly to Liz and Julia “Oh my God, there’s two of you!!”  Julia asks Shelli how she tells them apart and Shelli explains that their noses are slightly different…Julia’s nose is pointier and her face is more heart-shaped.


    10:45 PM BBT Austin joins John, Shelli, Liz and Julia in the WA.  They are talking about how the twin twist was introduced in the live show tonight.  Julia tells them about how Julie kept her in suspense about whether Liz was evicted or if Julie was going into the house. 


    10:48 PM BBT Clay is alone in the KT preparing something at the counter.  Julia tells everyone in the WA that she is the one that has blonde moments.  Steve says he can’t tell them apart, so Julia starts pointing out the differences.  Steve comes up to the mirror in between them to study their faces.


    10:58 PM BBT John talks to Julia about her fake tooth.  Julia said it was so painful and she had to have a skin graft.  They talk about why they didn’t switch….they wanted Julia to be the one who came in today.


    10:59 PM BBT Clay and Austin are in the KT talking about how to mend the relationship with Julia.  Austin is worried because he didn’t tell Julia everything.  Clay coaches Austin to own up to his mistake, and then keep reiterating that Austin will protect Julia because he cares about Liz and by extension, he cares about Julia.


    11:04 PM BBT  Liz and Julia move out of the Ocean Bedroom and into the Comic Book room.  James follows them to ask about the sleeping arrangement.  Julia says that she is going to share beds with Becky.  Liz says she stopped taking her birth control pills because she lost track of where she was with them. 


    11:09 PM BBT  In the Ocean Bedroom, Jackie and Meg trying to sleep while Vanessa and Becky are trying to figure out when the next competition will be.  Becky yawns and talks about how long it takes for them to set up and take down the competitions.


    11:13 PM BBT Liz and Julia are hanging out with James and Austin in the CBR.  James isn’t sure which conversations he had with which twin.  Julia says she’s obsessed with the fact that James worked as a corrections officer…her favorite show is lockdown.  James says that’s exactly what he did.  Julia starts listing some of the other conversations they have had.


    11:15 PM BBT Clay wanders into the Ocean BR and sits next to Vanessa as they listen to Becky describe the difficulties of the HOH comp and all the different ways it taxed their strength.  Becky tells Clay that she was very impressed with how Clay did.  Vanessa agrees.  Clay says that his hand was bleeding.  They continue talking about how different people are suited to different competitions.


    11:19 PM BBT In the CBR, Liz and Julia talking with Austin and James about the Whack Street Boys.  Julia is miffed that the Back Street Boys tweeted at Liz when Julia is the one who did it first.  Also Julia wants credit for the cheerleading handstand at the end.  James leaves as the twins talk about clothes.  After he’s gone, Julia asks if they need to campaign, but Austin chimes in saying that Clay and Shelli and Vanessa have a plan, and he has a backup plan.  Austin’s plan is for all three of them to make a deal with James, or else tell James to put him up.  He will do that for them 100%.


    11:21 PM BBT Austin tells Liz and Julia that he has made a deal that he is not there to win.  He is there for the experience and to get to jury.  Austin tells them that Clelli and Vanessa’s target is Steve.  That’s the only thing they can do to save the [sixth Sense] alliance.


    11:28 PM BBT Becky, James, Vanessa and Steve are in the KT.  Becky is still reliving the HOH comp 


    11:31 PM BBT Most of the HGs are in the KT.  Julia wants a piece of pizza that Jackie made earlier.  Shelli asks if James has his key yet, and he says no.  James asks Julia if she is single and she says yes.


    11:35 PM BBT Shelli asks Julia when her picture was taken, because she wasn’t there on press day.  Julia feels like she missed out because Liz met Rachel on press day. 


    11:36 PM BBT The twins are telling the other HGs in the KT how they did their switches.  Liz comments that she hasn’t seen her sister for more than 15 minutes for the past month!  Julia didn't expect that anyone would figure it out.  Being drilled on the podcast didn't help.


    11:38 PM BBT James is in the Ocean BR eating a piece of pizza as he lays in bed.  All is quiet, as Jackie and Meg are trying to sleep.  Jackie is restless and looks over at James.  James finishes his snack and they both settle back in their respective beds.


    11:41 PM BBT HGs in the KT are going over all the disconnects that they realize now are because they were talking to a different twin.  Liz and Julia did not have to apply to be on the show.  Julia was freaked out when Jason talks about BB5 being his favorite season with the twin twist. 


    11:43 PM BBT Everything is still silent in the Ocean BR.  Austin and Vanessa are in the WA together.  Vanessa says worst case scenario I go home and I get to see my girlfriend. Austin doesn’t think Vanessa has to worry. She tells Austin to only worry about the things he can control. 


    11:47 PM BBT Julia comes into the WA, and Vanessa tells her she has so much to catch her up on.  They’ll find a time to talk tomorrow.  Julia tells her that she’s not going to forget [about Austin’s betrayal].  They laugh saying “sorry, but not sorry…I’m not going to forget”.  They talk about the HOH comp a bit and how Julia was shivering so badly.


    11:51 PM BBT Liz and Julia are in the WA still saying how they are dreading being put up together.  Austin comes in and they start talking about their hair. 


    11:52 PM BBT Steve is in the Comic Book Room swinging a hula hoop around on his arm and muttering to himself.  Julia comes in, and he says “Hi Julia”  She is pleased he can tell who she is, and then realizes it’s because he recognizes her outfit.  He admits it.  She asks how come he was so sad today.  He’s feeling bad that he was the first one out of the HOH comp again.    


    11:55 PM BBT Liz and Austin are in the WA but not talking.  Liz makes a joke and leaves to go into the KT. In the KT, they are counting down to midnight.  Five minutes!


    11:58 PM BBT Julia is hanging up clothes and talking to Liz and Austin about movies she likes. They have so many clothes that some are going to be sent back.

  5. 12:03 AM BBT James is prepping the bowling “lane” while Liz and others try wrapping the “bowling balls” (oranges) in plastic wrap or tin foil to protect them from breaking up. 


    12:04 AM BBT Shelli is telling Vanessa about a dream that she had where she is with her mom and sister and they are driving in a car when people from BB2 are shooting at her.  In her dream, she tries to warn Clay.  Shelli interprets the dream in terms of the game.  Vanessa and Clay are like her family…they’re her “ride or die”… the two other people in the car are Austin and the twins.  The people from BB2 represent the rest of the house coming after them.   


    12:08 AM BBT While the bowling game continues in the KT, Shelli, Vanessa and Clay are discussing what they will do if there is a double eviction. Vanessa says they need to know their campaign in advance, and they talk about how to make sure they have the numbers.  Shelli fears that either Shelli/Clay/Vanessa will be targeted or else Austin/Liz/Julia.  Vanessa talks about how both groups of three have reasons to be targeted… HOH threat and showmance vs. Twin Twist and showmance.  They decide to go downstairs and be sociable.


    12:19 AM BBT James swiffers the bowling lane and then John takes a turn at bowling.  Most of the HGs are gathered around the Dining Table and munching.  Vanessa tries bowling.  Meg is laying out cereal pieces in rows. 


    12:22 AM BBT The group decides to do one more full round of bowling.

  6. 11:04 PM BBT In HOHR, Vanessa, Austin, and Shelli discussing odds of winning both HOH spots while Clay listens to music.  They peg the chances of the other side of the house at 6% chance of winning both HOH spots.  They calculate a 56% chance of winning both spots, and a 38% chance that they each win one.  Shelli talks about how crazy it is that they have won back to back HOHs.  They discuss that James is motivated and might step up.  Austin says that Liz promised him a passionate kiss if he wins, so he is very motivated to win HOH.


    11:06 PM BBT James, Meg, Jackie and Jason are chatting in the Ocean Bedroom. Jason is eating an apple and complaining that he can’t get anyone alone to talk to them.  How is he supposed to campaign?  James says he should pull Shelli aside…that’s what Audrey used to do.  James says Shelli was supposed to get Audrey out in her first HOH but she saved her.  Meg says they want to do a group thing tonight…a chess tournament. 


    11:12 PM BBT In the HOHR, Austin, Vanessa and Shelli talk about tonight’s show, and then talk about using “I see evicted people” as a tag line for their Sixth Sense alliance. They go on to talk about what will show on tomorrow’s show. 


    11:20 PM BBT The HOHR group speculate about the HOH comp.  Austin thinks it might be a new competition because of the twin twist.  He thinks they can’t be put at a disadvantage when they are first coming in because they already have a huge target on them.  They think it might be a golf challenge.  Johnny Mac is a golfer.


    11:30 PM BBT The HOHR group discuss strategy for nominations and what their narrative will be if they win both HOHs. Vanessa suggests they get James to think Steve is the target and put Becky and Steve up together and tell James that Becky will throw it, but she doesn’t. 


    11:40 PM BBT The HOHR group are reliving glory moments when Jason comes up and invites them to bowl. 


    11:50 PM BBT In the KT, Liz takes her turn at bowling.  She fans on her first ball, and then scores on her second.


    11:52 PM BBT  Clay tells Vanessa and Shelli that Becky was asking what she can talk to John about.  Later, John approached him with much the same question.   


    11:55 PM BBT Clay wants to win HOH, and he tells Shelli and Vanessa that he doesn’t want them to win the HOH because it will make them bigger targets.  They should try to win, but it would probably be better if they are not the ones to win it.

  7. 12:00 AM BBT Jason and Meg in a darkened OBR trying to sleep.  Jason takes his microphone off and clips it to a pillow propped up next to him.  Vanessa and Jackie in the HOH WA.  Vanessa is hoping that the next HOH is a physical competition, because she wouldn’t be good at that anyway.  Austin and Liz are on the hammock in the BY pondering philosophical questions.  Liz:  “Nature doesn’t deceive.”  Austin:  “People do, not nature.  It’s what you can trust.  Nature is the essence of life.  Trees carry water.  Water is the essence of life, like your veins carry blood.  It’s a commitment to existence.” Liz: “I wonder when humans first realized that they needed water to survive” Austin: “Probably immediately when they were thirsty…”  They agree that it’s natural instinct, and Austin poses more questions “Why is the sky blue?  Why am I me and not you? You can ask a million questions.”   


    12:07 AM BBT Becky, John, and Steve chatting in the KT. Becky has a blanket around her shoulders and John teases her that she is two steps away from “Audreying.”  Becky does a quick playful impression of Audrey with the blanket. They talk about the pros and cons of being in HNR during that week. 



    12:09 AM BBT Liz asks Austin if others know about his “Judas” persona.  He says that Clay and Shelli know.  Liz is worried about others finding out and using it against him.  Austin thinks it’s okay because only their alliance members know.  He says he owes them so much.  Austin tells Liz about Shelli wanting to keep the Sixth Sense alliance to the final six.  Liz is worried about Vanessa and how she could turn on Austin like that.  Austin just wants to forget about all the bad stuff that happened this week. 


    12:11 AM BBT John and Steve still in the KT.  Steve comments about almost making jury.  John tells Steve about a conversation he had with Meg that if he goes before he reaches jury he could go home and make money.  If he makes jury, he can’t go home.  Steve says it’s his last chance for fall semester too.  But of course they want to play!  Steve talks about avoiding any accusations of eavesdropping.  He stayed in areas that won’t make others suspicious.  They joke about how everyone thinks Steve is a mastermind that he isn’t.  Steve says it’s because he wears glasses and went to Engineering school and that he spelled “trombonist.”  John goes to brush his teeth and Steve wanders around the kitchen making noises with a glass and talking himself into not throwing it.  He goes to get two fake oranges and starts pseudo-juggling with them.  Steve thinks that with Jason gone, there will be less talk about him being a snooper.


    12:16 AM BBT  Liz telling Austin about getting evicted from an apartment.  They talk about having to get up early.  Liz suggests that Austin can always teach gymnastics and it could be a new kind of fitness class.  Austin says that’s what he’s trying to do and then he plugs his website.


    12:22 AM BBT On the hammock in the BY, Liz and Austin talk about having Julia come into the game.  Liz is worried about what a big target they will be because they are three strong. Austin sees Jackie as the biggest threat to the three of them.  He sees Meg and James as easily led and not a threat without Jason.  Liz is looking forward to being able to hang out with Julia and tells him not to get jealous of her time…he can hang out with them, but he’ll be the third wheel. Liz says she’s worried about how he was okay with Julia leaving, and he claims that he never said that, and that Jason just added that to blow up his game. 


    12:28 AM BBT Steve and John are having a game of chess while Liz and Austin continue their conversation about trust and alliances on the BY hammock.  Austin thinks it’s been a great week and that they made great TV, and that Liz is going to look great as a genuine person.  Liz points out that they learned a lesson: “Do NOT lie to Vanessa!”  


    12:33 AM BBT Vanessa comes up to John and Steve as they play chess.  They talk a bit about playing poker and how people sometimes try to hide their chips.  Vanessa ask if everyone is sleeping.  All but Vanessa, Steve, John, Austin and Liz.  John is up later than usual because Steve wanted to play chess.  Vanessa explains “castleing” and then wishes them well with their chess game.  She’s ready to sleep from pure emotional exhaustion.


    12:48 AM BBT John and Steve continue their chess game.  Vanessa is laying down, but lights are still on in the HOHR as Jackie uses the HOH WA. 


    12:53 AM BBT At Vanessa’s request, Jackie turns out the lights in the HOHR as she leaves.  John and Steve are still playing chess.


    12:55 AM BBT  Jackie, Austin and Liz are in the KT.  Jackie is wondering where everyone is, and Austin and Liz tell her that everyone is sleeping.  Austin and Liz go up to HOHR to talk to Vanessa.  They turn the light back on.  Austin tells her that all is quiet.  They start talking about getting ready for the next competition, and Steve comes in.  They ask him what they should be “Jedi-drilling” to prep for HOH.  Vanessa suggests studying faces and Steve says no way, that’s much later Steve thinks the next eviction will be a double eviction and they won’t want to do questions two weeks in a row.  They keep discussing different competitions.  Steve suggests studying comps and things in the house.


    1:06 AM BBT Steve asks if they have recruited Becky and Johnny Mac.  Vanessa explains that they are for comfort, yes.  There are levels of loyalty.  They aren’t on their way out, but they are not in the primary alliance.  It all depends on who wins HOH.  Steve is self-conscious about being the only one in the room who hasn’t won an HOH yet.  They start drilling again.


    1:18 AM BBT Liz, Austin, Vanessa, and Steve are still “Jedi-drilling” in the HOHR. 


    1:19 AM BBT Vanessa asks Steve what Johnny Mac thought about everything that happened with the PoV ceremony.  Austin says that John gave Austin a hug.  Steve says that John wasn’t surprised because Vanessa had told John a few days prior that she didn’t want to put Austin up.  John had no loyalties to Jason, so he was fine with it.  They start talking about underdogs.  Steve says he doesn’t understand about popularity, and talks about how some people in prior seasons are loved for the same thing that others are hated for.


    1:22 AM BBT In the HOHR, Liz and Vanessa watch silently as Steve and Austin animatedly discuss their favorite players of past seasons.


    1:24 AM BBT Steve is telling Liz, Austin, and Vanessa the twitter handle he wants, but he’s sure it will already be taken. 


    1:26 AM BBT The HOHR group are back to discussing prior houseguests and trying to understand why some are loved and others are hated. 


    1:29 AM BBT Steve and Austin have opposing views on everyone from past seasons that they talk about.  They start talking about favorites from each season trying to find someone they both like.




  8. 12:01 AM BBT  HG in the KT talking about how long BB will continue.  Jason tells Liz, Clay, Shelli, John, Meg and James that it will continue until Julie Chen wants to retire.  James is sitting by himself at the DT, listening.  Steve is working out on the LR floor and muttering to himself. 


    12:06 AM BBT Austin comes in and sits down with James at the DT while Meg heckles James to give them a “cockadoodledoooo”  James is not doing it and Meg tells him he’s no fun.  Conversation turns to “Lambchop.”  We get FotH.


    12:12 AM BBT  Lots of chatter among the HGs in the KT as they make snacks.  They are eating cookies and ice cream. The HOHR room is dark, with only Jackie sleeping in the HOHR bed.


    12:19 AM BBT Jason is talking up chow mein sandwiches as they eat their ice cream and cookies.


    12:22 AM BBT HGs in the KT chatting about movies and how much they cost.  Someone comments on how much ice cream Shelli has and she explains that she is more of a sweets person and not into savoury treats so much.


    12:25 AM BBT In the WA, Steve is having a shower.  John is flossing while Liz brushes her teeth.   


    12:27 AM BBT In the KT, Jason is talking about movies on flights.  Meg tells the group that she doesn’t usually go to the theatre because she likes to talk.  She has to be in a specific mood to go to the theatre.  Meg says she cried over “Still Alice”…she saw it on the plane ride there and she was a mess watching it.

  9. 11:07 PM BBT James, John, and Becky sitting at the beam counter in the KT and talking about the competitions.  They have not had physical comps, and that’s evident in the number of women HOH winners.  Becky complains about being called a comp beast because she looks fit, even though Vanessa and Shelli have won a lot more than she has.


    11:47 PM BBT Becky and John are in the CBR.  Becky complaining again to John about how everyone is telling her she is so great at comps.  She’s so frustrated that she keeps getting that message when she isn’t winning that much.  She wants people to stop saying that because that’s what got her on the block.  She is aggravated just because smartness does not show physically so no one else gets labelled.  John comments that Vanessa has put a target on her back by winning as much as she has.  John tries to encourage her and Becky says she is going to take a nap.  John leaves.  


    11:51 PM BBT  Vanessa is frustrated thinking about the lack of privacy.  She just wants to be “alone with her acne.”  She has been feeling like a mess….she’s had so little sleep.

  10. 12:00 AM BBT Jackie talking to Austin in the HOHR.  Austin says he will keep open communication.  He doesn’t think they have been lying to each other and he plans to continue not lying to her.  She tells him she appreciates that he didn’t put her up when he was HOH.  They part ways.  Steve comes to HOHR to talk to Jackie.  “It’s midnight”…but Jackie has gone into the 2nd HOHR and isn’t available.


    12:01 AM BBT Jackie comes into the 2nd HOHR and de-briefs Shelli and Vanessa on his conversation with Austin while Clay steps out to use the HOH WA.  Jackie tells them that Austin seems neutral about Jackie nominating Liz.  Clay comes back into the room and Vanessa tells Jackie that asking John to throw the BotB again is risky because John may be ticked off and also everyone will know what’s up.  Vanessa suggests asking Meg to do it but Jackie is doubtful. 


    12:13 AM BBT Meg, James and Jason talking in the OBR.  Meg says that James thinks Vanessa will put up Meg.  They think that would be stupid because they are just starting to have a relationship.  In the WA, Austin is telling Liz (Julia) that she needs to make a deal with Jackie.  He tells her that she will be nominated but she isn’t Jackie’s target [before he left his conversation with Jackie, Jackie directly asked him if he was going to tell Liz and he said no.]


    12:17 AM BBT Shelli and Clay are laying on the HOHR bed while Jackie and Vanessa are sitting on the floor.  Vanessa says that it’s better if Austin goes before the twins, because then there are 2 more targets that would go ahead of them.  They are discussing the final 8 that they want:  Jason, Meg, James, Becky, and the four in the room.  Shelli says “so John is on the outside?”  They say “poor guy” but Vanessa points out that you can have everyone on the inside, and they think John would do what they want even if he wins the HOH.   Plus, they can’t let him in because of his connection with Steve.


    12:21 AM BBT  Vanessa coaches Jackie on what to say to Steve.  Shelli adds her suggestion on how to handle questions from others.  Vanessa is excited to work with Meg, James, and Jason. 


    12:24 AM BBT Austin telling Liz what he’s been saying to others and Liz is trying to get a handle on how she is supposed to approach things.  Austin coaches her to make sure that she tells others that she thinks Steve is the one who voted to keep Audrey, and he plans to do the same.  Liz rehearses telling Jackie that she knows she put Jackie up, but she was not her target…she was purely a pawn. 


    12:26 AM BBT Steve comes into the HOHR and talks to both Vanessa and Jackie.  They tell him that he is not going up on the block.  Jackie leaves so that Steve can talk with Vanessa.  Steve asks Vanessa if they are still working together.  Steve seems really upset and she reassures him.  She says she will tell him later in the week because there is stuff he needs to know but she wants to wait so that he isn’t put in any awkward situations with conversations during the week.  Liz (Julia) comes into HOHR.  Liz wants to talk to Vanessa before she talks to Jackie.  Vanessa tells her that the first words out of Jackie’s mouth were that she would put Liz up.  Liz (Julia) tells Vanessa what Austin’s advice was but she feels uncomfortable with trusting Jackie with twin info.  She asks Vanessa’s advice.  Vanessa tells her that she has information that she needs to know, but she doesn’t want to break anyone’s trust so she can’t tell her right now.

  11. 11:15 PM BBT Meg and Jason talking in the OBR.  Meg is concerned about how honest Clay has been, and mentions how she’s noticed Shelli pulling Vanessa aside.


    11:18 PM BBT In the HOHR, Vanessa tells Shelli and Clay that she no longer trusts Austin because he lied to her, but she’s worried because he knows everything.  Jackie’s two targets are Liz and Steve.  Vanessa wants to approach Jason, Meg, and Jackie and tell them they know about the twins.  She thinks they should keep the twins.  Jackie wants to put Liz on the block because Liz nominated her, plus someone who will throw the BotB.  Steve is Jackie’s backup target. 


    11:43 PM BBT Shelli asks Vanessa what Jackie said about Shelli and Clay.  Vanessa tells them that Jackie says Shelli and Clay are the ones she trusts most in the house.  Clay asks “what if you put up me and Austin” and Vanessa says she can do it, but then there is no backdoor option.  Vanessa is considering putting up Clay with Becky, but if she doesn’t get de-throned, then both Clay and Becky are up and there is only one PoV so one of them would be at risk.  Shelli, Clay and Vanessa keep discussing pros and cons of various alternatives.

  12. 12:01 PM BBT Vanessa and Austin in the WA doing ADLs and talking about contact lenses.  Austin says he’d like to make a truce with Meg, James, and Jason.  He plans to talk to Jason today because Jason said something he connected with about being a super fan.  Austin heard from Steve that Jason can tell the twins apart, and he wants to counteract that. 


    12:09 PM BBT  Jason and Becky talking about the twins and saying that it’s obvious.  They begin talking about Steve.  Jason has told Steve that if he is everywhere, people think he is just gathering information.  Becky points out that Steve mostly listens but he doesn’t talk about things so people don’t know where he stands.  They think Steve is playing defensively and just trading information. 


    12:09 PM BBT Steve and James are lounging in the Comic Book Room.  Shelli and Vanessa are in the WA talking about Audrey and thinking they won’t see her again this week.  Shelli is brushing her hair and talking about what she should put in her HOH blog.  Vanessa says she said what she was thinking about the house.  Shelli is worried about giving out spoilers so she made her first blog very vague.  Vanessa asked when she did hers and was told not to worry about spoilers because of the live feeds.


    12:16 PM BBT Shelli is going around the house taking pictures with her HOH camera.  Shelli does a selfie with Austin …she is standing in front of Austin so the picture shows how much taller he is.  Shelli heads out to the BY to take more pictures.


    12:21 PM BBT Clay is in the Hot Tub in the BY, chatting with Meg who is sitting by the HT.  Meg thinks will be an easy target because he isn’t really with anyone.  Clay asks about Jackie and Meg says Jackie is fine…she would be targeting Austin/Vanessa/Liz.  Meg says that if she won HOH, she would put up Steve and Austin.  Austin because he put her up and she has a speech she wants to give.  She wouldn’t backdoor anyone.


    12:25 PM BBT Shelli is still taking pictures.  Jason and Steve are still chilling in the Comic Book Room.  Steve is trying to figure out where he stands with people in the house.  James just hopes he doesn’t get nominated.  Steve figures John will probably go up.  Steve has a zero percent chance of eviction, but a 90 percent chance of nomination.  They start counting how many times each person has been nominated.


    12:27 PM BBT Steve lists off those who have not yet been nominated…Shelli, Clay, Liz, Vanessa, Austin… just as they say his name, Austin walks in.  He’s been in the HNR to get some shoes, but he took three people with him.  Audrey was sleeping.  Austin thinks they are just giving her meds to get her through until Thursday.  James and Steve point out that Jocasta missed a ceremony because she was sick.  They put a bow tie on the seat to represent Jocasta.  Austin says they could put Audrey’s hat in her chair.  Austin leaves and James goes back to the list of unnominated HGs and asks if Steve would target any of them.  Steve says it’s possible, but he isn’t sure he wants to start talking about targets yet.


    12:36 PM BBT  Clay comes into the Comic Book Room to change.  Steve leaves and James tells Clay that Steve is interested in people who haven’t been nominated.  James tells Clay that he was trying to get targets out of Steve and that Steve replied with a list of people who haven’t been nominated [not quite how the conversation went…Steve mentioned who hadn’t been nominated and James is the one who brought up the question of targets and that it would be fair for people who haven’t been nominated to take a turn]. 


    12:40 PM BBT  Clay says that he understands that not having been nominated is something that could make them a target.  James tells Clay that he isn’t targeting them.  James thinks that James, Jason, Meg, Shelli and Clay would be a good group and they can work together.  Clay tells James that he seems kind of skeptical the last few days with Audrey.  James says he has no doubts about Shelli and Clay.  Clay encourages James to come to him with any concerns. 


    12:49 PM BBT Austin, Vanessa and John are putting up awnings in the BY.   Austin begins working out.  Several HGs are in the KT.  Meg, Jason, Liz, Jackie, and Becky are talking about clothing. 


    12:56 PM BBT Vanessa is working out on the elliptical trainer in the BY.  Most of the HGs are in the KT area.  Shelli, Austin, Liz, John, Jackie, and Becky go into the HNR to take a picture.  Audrey is laying in the chair and covered up by a blanket.  They apologize to Audrey saying they are just going to take a picture and don’t worry, you won’t be in it.  Audrey pulls the blanket over her head.


    12:58 PM BBT  Shelly, Jackie, and Becky are the last to leave and they turn the lights out as they go out.  Audrey remains covered up for a bit and then sighs and pulls the blanket down from her head.  She is wearing sunglasses and a hood, so she is still almost completely covered. 


    1:01 PM BBT More pictures in the Ocean BR.  Meg taking one of Shelli, Clay, Austin and Liz.  Vanessa and Jason are looking on saying how cute it looks.  Shelli asks Vanessa to take a pic of all of them.  Meg and Jason find a spot in the picture.  Austin and Clay are holding hands.  Vanessa says it’s a cute picture and hands the camera back. 


    1:04 PM BBT Shelli and Clay are going through all the pictures they have taken and picking favourites.  Clay is thinking about in future when they will be looking at these pictures.  They take a selfie and it’s so bad that Clay says “delete that immediately!!”


    1:06 PM BBT In the BY, Vanessa is laying out in the sun while Austin works out.  Jason is jealous of Vanessa because he can’t lay out in the sun in the clothes that he has to wear for Whack Street Boys performances. 


    1:10 PM BBT In the KT, Liz is doing dishes while Steve mills around.  John and Meg are sitting at the counter and drumming.  Becky comes through on her way out to the BY.  Steve tries to join in the drumming and they stop. 


    1:14 PM BBT On the BY couches, Becky tells Jason about a dream she had when she and Shelli were both HOH.  She dreamed that every time she turned around there was a different person where Shelli was supposed to be. Every time she found Shelli, Shelli’s face would change.  Jason shares a dream that he had too, where Jackie was Susan Sarandon. 


    1:17 PM BBT In the KT, Meg and Jackie are talking about slop.  Jackie is measuring it into a cup.  Becky walks through and they talk about frying some slop. 


    1:19 PM BBT Jason and Clay are on the BY couches.  Jason tells Clay that he calls Julie something different each week in the DR.  Jason says he keeps forgetting who he is supposed to nominate.  Clay agrees that he has to keep saying the name in his head before he votes so he doesn’t say the wrong name. 


    1:21 PM BBT  In the KT area, Jackie says that making slop takes so long.   John agrees that it’s like watching water boil.  Meg comments that slop is annoying to have to eat, and also to make.  Jackie says that’s why she makes a big batch.  John says “everything is annoying to Meg… all food is annoying.”


    1:26 PM BBT Liz is still doing dishes in the KT, while Jackie makes slop.  Shelli is slicing something and then looking in the fridge.  Out in the BY, Jason is hanging out in the pool and talking to Steve who is standing at the side of the pool holding a beach ball.  Becky is laying at the side of the pool and soaking in the sun.  They are talking about the pool and how small it is.


    1:28 PM BBT  Steve starts to come into the pool.  Jason accidentally calls Steve “Ian” and then laughs.  Steve claims to be offended.  They make comparisons to Ian.  Steve tells a story about seeing Ian’s picture and admits that they do look somewhat alike. 


    1:33 PM BBT By the pool, Jason and Becky are talking about vehicles, and the kind of vehicles you need for snowy weather.   Jason says “a sedan in the snow is no go.”


    1:35 PM BBT Jason gets out of the pool and stretches out on the ground near the pool’s edge.  Becky is commenting on Clay who was doing a move called a “scorpion”…she asks Clay to do it again so Steve and Jason can see.  Becky thinks it looks cool because Clay is so flexible.


    1:37 PM BBT Shelli and Jackie are eating in the KT.  Jackie is saying the slop is better after it sits in the refrigerator.  She’s philosophical about slop being like being on a diet.  It’s harder with all the food around.  James ate an omelette, and the smell of it made it harder to be on slop.  Shelli asks if anyone James brought it in for Audrey.  Jackie says yes.  Jackie says “she’s had pizza and omelette, so if I’m surviving, so is she.”  Jackie thinks Audrey should be able to come out and get her own food.  They have talked to her to ask if she needs anything, and she thanks them but says she’s fine. 


    1:42 PM BBT  The Whack Street Boys get set to perform in the BY, we get Fish


    1:45 PM BBT John and Jason are lounging on the BY couches in their white outfits.  Austin and Clay are working out.  Shelli and Jackie are still in the KT.


    1:51 PM BBT Jason says it figures that they called for a Whack Street Boys performance while he was sunning by the pool.  He complains that he is so pale that his friends won’t believe he’s been in California.  Shelli and Jason agree that they couldn’t work out in the sun like Austin and Clay are doing.  Shelli says she is enjoying the view. 


    1:53 PM BBT  Shelli, John and Jason are on the BY couches.  Shelli says she hashtagged “Liztin” and Jason tells her that they have re-named what they are calling twins.  Jason says there was mention of an “Angela” in Liz’s HOH letter who could be the twin, so that's what they are calling her now.  John points out that they could have an older sister with that name. Jason tells Shelli that Meg walked in on Austin telling “Angela” about his date with Liz.  He was telling one twin about the other twin, so obviously he knows.  Shelli asks where it happened (CBR) and if he stopped when Meg walked in.  Jason said Austin didn’t stop talking.  Shelli is shocked.  Jason says you can tell he’s helping them out.  John says that maybe Austin just figures everyone knows anyway. Jason says that they know but are speculating, but he thinks they have told Austin.

  13. 11:00 PM BBT Clay is in the WA.  Most of the HGs are in the LR.  Meg is stretched out on the middle of the floor face down, and Becky is massaging her lower back.  Austin, James, Jason, John, and Liz are there also, and they are talking about the stages of grief.  James thinks he goes through all of them every day with Meg.  John says it’s like groundhog day.


    11:04 PM BBT Shelli goes to the Diary Room.  Everyone admiring Becky’s massaging technique and saying she could charge for that.  Meg thanks Becky, and Becky says “Okay.  Return the favor.” Meg and Becky trade places.  The HGs heckle Meg on her technique. 


    11:08 PM BBT John and Steve are in the BY talking about laundry.  Meg continues giving Becky a massage on her lower back. 


    11:11 PM BBT In the BY, Clay is helping Steve bench press while John lounges in the hammock.


    11:15 PM BBT In the LR, Jason is saying he has never had a massage.  Austin says he’ll give him a massage if he wants.  They talk about the need to drink lots of water after a massage to help clear toxins.   


    11:18 PM BBT Conversation in the LR has turned to chiropractors and whether it’s good to have your back “cracked.”  Austin says you have to find the root cause of why it’s going out.   James says cracking your back could cause arthritis, and they talk about whether that’s a myth.  They go on to talk about arthritis. 


    11:21 PM BBT Clay is helping Steve with his workout, and giving him feedback on how he does his push-ups.  Steve asks Clay if he is in reasonable shape and whether he is in a healthy range. 


    11:26 PM BBT Jason is trying to use the foam roller on the LR floor.  Becky is directing him.  In the BY, Liz is swinging on the hammock, and John is lounging on the couch while Clay spots Steve on the bench press.  John’s pager goes off, so it’s time for a Whack Street Boys performance in the Living Room! 


    11:31 PM BBT The Whack Street Boys (Liz, John, Jason) have acquired backup dancers (Clay, Meg, and Steve).  They start their routine and then we get FotH.  When we come back they are giving each other high fives and saying how great the backup dancers are.  They call for an encore from the backup dancers, so the Clay, Meg and Steve go through the routine for the group.


    11:40 PM BBT Liz and Austin are on the hammock in the BY talking about his wrestling name.  Austin tells her that he uses “Judas” as his alter ego in the DR. 


    11:44 PM BBT Clay, Shelli, James, Jackie and Jason are in the LR talking about Audrey and speculating about her meds.  FotH. 


    11:48 PM BBT Vanessa comes by the LR asking if the DR is available. BB had called Vanessa about 2 hours earlier, but then seemed to stop for awhile.  The HGs talk about the content of the next episode.  They start talking about Audrey again and wondering whether she got food.  Shelli says that when you are on meds, you don’t necessarily eat.  FotH.


    11:52 PM BBT Meg wants to watch a movie so badly.  When she asks “Where are all the luxury comps??” they tease her that hey at least she won the luxury cruise!


    11:54 PM BBT On the BY Hammock, Austin is telling Liz about an incident where he had to drive while his knee was injured and he has various other pains.  He finally goes to the doc and the doc diagnoses a sports hernia.


    11:55 PM BBT  The HGs in the LR are talking about sleep and being tired.  James talks about a nightmare.  Meg says he woke up so mad.  Shelli asks what happened, so James explains his dream.  James says that he dreamt that Meg kicked him out of her bed.  Intermittent FotH breaks up the story. James says he’s been rejected more this month than in his whole life.

  14. 12:05 AM BBT Feeds are down.


    12:20 AM BBT Shelli, Clay and Vanessa talking in the Ocean BR, and Vanessa tells them that Audrey is in the HNR.  The only other person in there is John, and he was already sleeping. Clay makes a joke in poor taste and Vanessa looks stunned and then fakes a laugh.  Shelli and Clay leave and go up to HOHR.  Shelli cautions Clay to avoid making jokes at Audrey's expense.


    12:30 AM BBT  Becky, Jackie, James, and Jason talking on the BY couches.  Becky is talking about Audrey missing for a long time in the DR.  Becky thought Audrey was being stealthy and that maybe Audrey had been hiding there.  She was checking for Audrey under pillows. 


    12:35 AM BBT James comments to the group on the BY couches that he would hate for Audrey to be bullied.  None of them feel they have bullied her.  James thinks Audrey would have gone far if she would have made friends with people in the house.


    12:38 AM BBT Clay and Shelli talking in the HOHR with the lights out.  Jason and Vanessa talking in a darkened Ocean BR.  Jackie and James continue chatting on the BY couches. 


    12:40 AM BBT Steve is sleeping in the Comic Book Room, while Liz (Julia) and Austin chat.  They are counting the people they have deals with.   


    12:43 AM BBT Jackie and James are talking about how frustrating it is to be nominated for unclear reasons.  Jackie is irritated by the idea of trying not to get blood on your hands.  She says “man up!”  They are replaying the week and congratulating themselves on winning BotB.


    12:45 AM BBT Liz and Austin in the CBR are speculating on the type of competition they will have for the next HOH.


    12:47 AM BBT Becky, James, and Jackie are replaying the Battle of the Block.  Jackie is describing how physically difficult it was.  Jackie and James were so far behind with the keys and they still managed to pull it out.  Becky said it was so intense, and that it was like watching a sporting event.  It was exciting that the underdogs won.

  15. 10:49 PM BBT Austin and Jackie are in the Ocean BR trying to think of a 90’s movie to act out for their charade.  They can’t think of anything that isn’t too easy to get, and then they decide on “Mighty Joe Young.”  He is getting “strong” and “Tarzan” when he tries to act out “Mighty.”  He thinks they’ll get it from the one word, but has to keep going to the second word.  He tries for the rhyme with “toe” and then tells them to go through the alphabet. They finally get it.  Liz and Austin are next.


    10:55 PM BBT Still playing charades, Liz and Austin decide that Liz will do “Little Rascals”  She puts her hair in a little pony tail like the Alfalfa character and they get it immediately.  Liz coaches Clay for his charade.  He does “Big Daddy.”  John is up next.


    10:59 PM BBT John does “Pet Detective” and Shelli gets it.  John has two suggestions.  Shelli picks “American Pie.”  Clay gets it, so he’s next.  He chooses an 8-word title “How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days”.  Liz is up next… she chooses “Troy” but has trouble getting it across.  She has only one idea on how to act it out.  Austin finally gets it. 


    11:12 PM BBT Meg helping Steve choose a movie to act out for the Charades game.  It’s challenging to find a movie that he knows.  Meg is running out of ideas.  Meg suggests “Cone Heads” and Steve agrees.  He does a good job and Vanessa gets it.  Steve gives Vanessa one option “The Holy Grail.”  Vanessa is wearing shades.


    11:18 PM BBT Meg does “Urban Legend” and is shocked when Vanessa actually guesses it.  She can’t believe Vanessa pulled that out of what she acted out.  Meg can’t think of anything, so Vanessa suggests “Vanilla Sky”  Vanessa doesn’t even get to finish acting it out when Austin guesses it.  Vanessa tries to think of one that Steve might have a chance of guessing...he mostly watches Disney movies.  They decide on “The Games of New York.”  Vanessa thinks this one will be hard, but it only takes a few minutes and Shelli gets it.


    11:29 PM BBT Shelli and Jason are trying to pick a movie for charades and they pause to whisper.  Jason notices that James is not there… must be in DR.  That thought leads to a serious moment where Shelli confides that she thinks Audrey is talking to a psychiatrist and wanting to leave.  That’s why Audrey has been in there for so long… they are trying to convince her not to leave.


    11:30 PM BBT Last round of charades… Meg does “Back to the Future”  Shelli gets it right away… Meg is shocked and then Jason owns up that he just told Shelli what it was.


    11:31 PM BBT Austin says all the lights are out in the HNR…it’s weird and he doesn’t want to look anymore into it.  We get FotH. 


    11:41 PM BBT Feeds come back to all four feeds on the WA.  The shower is running.  Austin comes in and is checking out the pony tail in his beard and then brushing his teeth.  It looks like Becky is in the shower.   In the HNR, John has his eyes covered with a bandanna and is trying to sleep. 


    11:53 PM BBT In the WA, Liz (Julia) is preparing for a shower and chatting with Becky about cold showers and the coldness of the water in mountain springs.

  16. 12:30 AM BBT – 1:00 AM BBT –  In the HOHR Jason points out to Shelli and Clay that Audrey can’t do her sleeping hibernation trick this week because she is in the HNR.  Shelli feels bad to put up Audrey while she is a Have-Not but Clay says “who cares?”  Jason reminds Shelli that Have-Nots this week volunteered.  He thinks that next time Have-Nots will be determined by who drops off first during an endurance comp.  The meeting breaks up and Shelli goes to have a shower in the HOH WA while Clay and Jason join Austin, Steve and John in the KT where there is chatter about the white outfits they have to wear.  Liz (Julia) has taken hers off and is sleeping in her PJs.


    1:00 AM BBT – 2:00 AM BBT Vanessa and Austin meet up in the WA.  Vanessa tells Austin that she is a good deal-maker. Vanessa running ideas for deals with Austin.  They plan to work separately a bit and make deals with others independently so that it doesn’t seem like they are working as closely together [is this strategy, or is Vanessa distancing herself from Austin after hearing Shelli's and Jackie's reservations about him? -app]. Steve is sitting in the photo booth and notices the camera following him.  He talks to the camera and apologizes to the cameraman “I’m so sorry that your job is to follow me around with a camera at 1 in the morning” and then goes to do dishes in the KT.   Jason and Vanessa chat in a darkened Ocean BR as they settle in to sleep, but James and Meg wake up and start talking with Jason.  Others join and lights go on. Audrey and Jackie talk about whether the Veto will be used.  Jackie says John is worried for the first time, but points out that no one can win every time, so they need to stop putting him up as a pawn. Jackie and Audrey both say they would not put John up. Steve joins the conversation and contributes strategy observations from other BB shows.  Steve’s statement “there are no secrets because there AREN’T secrets” is met with awkward silence.

  17. 12:00 AM BBT Jason, Clay and Shelli in the HOHR are still talking about Audrey; how she tries to talk about millions of iterations, how she is always bringing up dreams. 


    12:02 AM BBT Steve and John are in the KT still, now talking about classes they took.  Feeds cut to Liz(Julia) and Austin in the Comic Book Room.  Austin tells Liz(Julia) that James is kind of floating, and isn’t so connected to Meg and Jason anymore.  Austin thinks they can make a deal with Jason and with John and there are only 4 people in their way. 


    12:08 AM BBT In the KT, John telling Steve a bit about some of the skills you need to master as a dentist.


    12:14 AM BBT Conversation in the HOHR has turned to general chit chat about birth certificates and social security cards.


    12:15 AM BBT Jason thinks that they will get the BY tonight because they are still out there dismantling.  If they were going to stop and wait til morning, Jason thinks that BB would have already done that.  Shelli thinks they will get the photo booth again tomorrow because they get that every other Sunday. 


    12:20 AM BBT  Austin is working out in the LR.  Steve is at the KT counter, and John is sitting at the Dining Table.  Shelli, Clay and Jason chit-chatting in the HOHR about production.  BB reminds them that they aren’t allowed.  Jason speculates that the furniture in the house will be worth more after the show is over. 


    12:23 AM BBT Jason says the worst part of the summer is that he doesn’t get to watch BB this year.  He’ll have to wait until next year to watch the show.  When they get out of the house, they are thinking they will binge-watch all the episodes.  And no matter what happens, it will be like a family reunion at the end. 


    12:25 AM BBT Jason, Shelli, and Clay are talking about how loud they talk in the DR.  Jason starts to talk about who is the DR “sleeper” and we get FotH.  When feeds come back, Jason is still talking and Shelli is saying “stop, stop”…she doesn’t want to be in trouble.  BB says “thank you” and they laugh. 

  18. 10:30 PM BBT Shelli, Clay and Vanessa in the HOHR talking about Austin.  Shirley questioning Austin’s loyalty because he warned Jackie about Liz possibly nominating her.  Shelli advises Vanessa to approach Jackie.  They find Jackie very tight-lipped, and vague in her communication.


    10:45 PM BBT Shelli, Clay, Austin and Vanessa are talking in the HOHR.  Vanessa asks Shelli if she has Shelli’s permission to use the veto.  Shelli says yes.  Even if they decide they are no longer protecting Audrey, Shelli thinks there are bigger targets than Jason and John and she doesn’t really want to send Jason home.  


    11:00 PM BBT The group in the HOHR are talking about Jason’s game and whether or not he would throw HOH next week.  Austin points out that Audrey’s main contribution has been that she was throwing HOH each week and that was one less person to compete against, but she was supposed to help in HOH, so that’s been a waste.  She’s not voting with them, she’s not winning HOH…what is she doing?  She’s creating doubts and discord and making it hard for them to work as a team.


    11:05 PM BBT  Steve comes into the HOHR and tells the group that everyone is sleeping.  Vanessa and Austin leave while Steve shows off his “boy band” routine.  Steve tells them about something happening right after veto picks.  James, Meg, and Jason were talking openly in the LR that they should help Meg with Veto because then Meg would be safe, she could take Jason off, and James couldn’t be put up because he won BotB. 


    11:17 PM BBT Austin is talking Liz(Julia) in the WA, repeating his comments about how Audrey does not contribute in the house.  Liz (Julia) agrees and says that Jason is a lot more fun.  Austin likes the idea of getting Jeff and Audrey out back to back.  Liz (Julia) is worried about Becky putting her up, but Austin points out that Liz kept Becky safe.  They discuss who they think is coming for Liz.  Austin thinks Jackie is the one that Liz(Julia) should worry about. 


    11:22 PM BBT Shelli and Clay are in the HOHR discussing getting Audrey out.  Shelli is debating because she would feel bad about it.  Clay encourages Shelli to be objective and see that Audrey is hurting her game.  Clay reiterates what Austin said about Audrey not contributing anything positive to their alliance.  Clay points out that putting Audrey up would probably show what kind of person she is.  Clay tells Shelli that she doesn’t owe Audrey anything.  Shelli is thinking about how hard the veto ceremony will be and then the days between the ceremony and eviction night.  Clay tells her that if they are going to do this, they are doing what the house wants, and it’s an opportunity to make deals for safety.


    11:29 PM BBT Shelli is telling Clay what she would say to Jason about wanting to use the Veto to save Jason. 


    11:36 PM BBT Jason talking to Shelli in the HOHR about how fun the Veto comp was.  Shelli tells Jason that he should not be worried.  Shelli thinks John is safer on the block than Jason, so Shelli is on board for Vanessa to use the Veto on Jason.  Shelli promises that she and Clay will not put Jason up again, and they would ask the same from him.  She asks who Jason would like to go up as the replacement nom.  Jason picks Audrey, and points out that she would have a hard time to campaign against John.  Austin is his second choice. 


    11:41 PM BBT Shelli asks Jason’s opinion on who in the house that Audrey might be able to get support from, and also who would tell her about any conversations about putting her up.  Jason thinks that James is the one most likely to tell Audrey about it.  Shelli wants to know how dangerous Jason thinks this is.  Jason thinks this week is the least dangerous it could be. 


    11:48 PM BBT Shelli, Clay and Jason talking about how to prepare for Audrey’s campaigning, and that everyone has to be on board to not believe what Audrey is telling them.  They all need to be solid in order to prevent any damage that Audrey might do in terms of blowing up peoples’ games.   In the KT, John and Steve are talking about Bill Nye. Steve tells John that his major at Cornell was actually Mechnical and Aerospace Engineering, but he never did the Aerospace part. 


    11:52 PM BBT Jason commenting that Audrey can’t not play and repeats an earlier comment that they must have found her at manipulator boot camp!  She’s so adamant and because she believes it so much she is convincing.  Jason thinks she lies so much that she doesn’t even know what is true. 


    11:56 PM BBT Shelli, Clay and Jason talk about how Audrey operates and how good she is at controlling her expressions so that there are no telltale signs when she is lying. 

  19. 12:05 PM BBT  Liz returns to the Comic Book Room saying that the power went out, and the feeds go to “We’ll Be Right Back”


    12:07 PM BBT Feeds return with John coming into the Comic Book Room.  Austin asks if everyone is freaking out.  John says they all think it’s cool and they should tell ghost stories.  John asks who he is sleeping with, and then figures out that he doesn’t have to share.

  20. 9:54 PM BBT Jackie, Jason, James, and Vanessa are in the Ocean Bedroom talking about the competition and how close things were.  It sounds like there were mannequins and honey involved. James said it was definitely a fight.


    10:01 PM BBT Liz is clearing her stuff out of the HOHR.  She is returning her HOH robe and her music to the Storage Room, and says bye.  Becky is laying on the HOHR couch.  Shelli and HOHR are watching the TV screen of what’s going on in the house. 


    10:04 PM BBT Clay and Meg have joine the others in the Ocean BR.  Clay is wearing a platinum blonde wig.  They are talking about playing a prank on Meg and she thanks them for the warning.


    10:06 PM BBT Becky and Shelli talking about working out and making good use of the BY when it’s available. 


    10:09 PM BBT Jackie remains skeptical about the twin twist, and Jason says he can’t wait until she sees the twins side by side.  He can’t believe that she doesn’t see the differences. 


    10:13 PM BBT Clay joins Becky and Shelli in the HOHR.  They tease him about his wig.  Clay really likes the wig.


    10:18 PM BBT In the WA, Meg is flossing and James is brushing his teeth.  In the HOHR, Shelli, Clay and Becky talking about snoring and sleep, and how you sometimes can wake with a jolt when you are super tired.  They go on to talk about food. 


    10:22 PM BBT In the HOHR, Becky, Shelli, and Clay are speculating about the next BB Takeover.  They wonder if it will happen during the PoV or something. 


    10:25 PM BBT James and Meg are whispering in the WA.  James thinks that Jason would have three solid votes and would only need two more.  Meg says that last week was so risky.  James could have gone home.  Becky is coming in and out of the WA trying to do some cleaning.  They talk about Jeff and how he was using emotion to try and manipulate others into keeping him.  Meg tells James that Jeff never tried to switch Meg’s vote.


    10:29 PM BBT Shelli, Clay and Austin are in the Living Room.  Shelli is munching.  Clay asks Austin if he would still give Clay kisses on the cheek with his hair like this.  Austin says sure.  Shelli says yes if he says the right thing.  That starts a jokingly philosophical conversation about right and wrong.  Austin:  “Pontification with Clay and Austin.”  Shelli says it creeps her out when people go to bed on time. 


    10:32 PM BBT Austin is working out in the LR.  Becky is in the KT.  Meg is trying out Clay’s wig in the WA.  Becky joins Clay, James and Meg in the WA, and laughs about Meg trying the wig.  James wants to give Meg another name while she is wearing the wig.  Becky suggests “Marilyn.”  Meg has trouble with the headband, and says that Clay is better at being a girl than she is!  She figures it out and Becky says “yeahhh…hot!”


    10:40 PM BBT  Meg is showing off the wig to various HGs.  James has the hiccups.  Shelli is in and out of the Storage Room and brings Clay a treat.  Meg hands off the wig to Austin.   Austin tries it on and comes into the KT saying he feels really good.


    10:44 PM BBT Austin loves the wig, but he gives it back to Clay.  Clay hands it to Becky to try on and Becky goes to the WA to put it on.  She comes back rocking it. 


    10:51 PM BBT Lights are out in the Ocean BR.  Austin is in the WA getting ready for a shower.  Meg, Shelli Clay, and Becky are sitting at the Dining Table chatting and James is looking in the fridge.  Shelli is still talking about food… she tells the group how she likes her pizza.


    10:55 PM BBT In the KT, the discussion about pizza continues with comparisons of the different kinds of crust.


    10:57 PM BBT Johnny Mack comes into the KT, and is told he has to try on the wig.  He readily complies but has trouble with the headband.  Clay helps him out.  They tell him “oh wow, it looks so natural!” [which, of course, it doesn’t]  Johnny keeps the wig on, and says that he looks like Meg.


    11:03 PM BBT In the KT, Meg comments on how empty the house feels.  They talk about how it gets more boring when there are fewer people, and that’s why the do different things like give the HGs a dog.  Shelli loves that idea of a Puppy Takeover. 


    11:06 PM BBT James and Shelli are drilling Meg on whether she has ever camped or sat around a campfire and done s’mores, or gone in a canoe, or jumped through a creek, swung on a tire swing into a river.  Shelli is incredulous that Meg is so sheltered.  Shelli doesn’t think Meg would like sleeping in a tent.


    11:12 PM BBT Austin is out of the shower and has joined the group in the KT.  Becky is cleaning the floor near the sliding door.  In the Comic Book Room, all is quiet as the HGs there are sleeping. 


    11:16 PM BBT Meg is talking about sleep and feeling sleep-deprived..  They didn’t have a full night of sleep last night.  Vanessa says that today felt like swimming upstream.  Meg says to James that they are making a sleep pact that they will actually sleep tonight.  James refuses, and then says he is just trying to make her made because she’s hot when she’s mad.


    11:19 PM BBT Vanessa is talking about how she has gained weight.  She went from a flat stomach that she was proud of to having a muffin top.  She says it started when she was a Have-Not.  After that she felt like she had to eat everything, and then being HOH she had so much food.  Meg is still trying to convince James to go to sleep at a reasonable hour and let her sleep.


    11:21 PM BBT James has made a pizza that everyone is saying looks good.  Vanessa says she’ll have a piece.  At the Dining Table, Shelli is putting polish on her nails.  John and Meg are sitting at the table, and Jason joins as well.  Vanessa, Austin and James are standing at the KT counter. 


    11:26 PM BBT   Shelli speculates that the BB Takeover might be a luxury comp that decides Have-Nots.  Meg says she gives up trying to guess what the Takeover might be.  Shelli thinks it was probably dumb to think it would be the same every week.


    11:29 PM BBT Jason shouts out to K-Mart.  He loves that they give him free stuff all the time.  Meg misses going to Target. 


    11:31 PM BBT All remains quiet in the Comic Book Room.  In the KT, James and Vanessa sit down at the Dining Table to have their slice of pizza while Jason, Meg, Shelli and Becky talk about buying beer and the cost of beer in different places.


    11:33 PM BBT Austin tries a piece of pizza.  Steve is up and comes in and out of the KT.  Shelli admires the pizza that James made.  Becky is still straightening up in the KT.  Vanessa helps herself to more pizza. 


    11:37 PM BBT  Austin, Becky, Meg, Steve, Jason, James and Vanessa are sitting at the Dining Table.  John is at the KT counter cutting a piece of pizza.  Shelli walks through the KT area. 


    11:39 PM BBT Jason is talking about going to a fancy restaurant and having them bring something between courses to cleanse your palate.  Becky talks about nice restaurants that give you a liqueur.  James asks where he is sleeping… with Steve?  Or with Johnny Mack?  Steve says James is sleeping with him.  They talk about Johnny Mack giving a bedtime story.  You pick a place, an animal, and an object, and Johnny Mack creates a story around it.


    11:44 PM BBT Becky is getting a nectarine and offers one to Jason.  Shelli is suggesting another dessert made from a nectarine and brown sugar, and drizzled over ice cream.  Meg says she loves Shelli’s sweet tooth.


    11:49 PM BBT Jason tells the group that he sleeps with his TV on.  That’s his night light. 


    11:51 PM BBT Clay is laying down in the HOHR.  Austin and Vanessa are in the WA saying they are ready for bed.  Vanessa is washing her face.  She says to Austin that “we just have to ride out this week.”  Austin says he’ ll have to win next week.  It’s a stress-free week for Austin.  Meg comes in to brush her teeth.  Meg chimes in saying that sometimes you have to just “let it go.”   There is only so much you can do, and there’s no point in worrying and stressing.  James comes in to brush his teeth also, saying that “those onions got me.” [from the pizza]  They are all feeling ready to sleep.


    11:56 PM BBT Austin, James and Meg come in to the Comic Book Room to sleep, and they wake Liz who has been napping.  Liz gets up to wash her face.  The lights aren’t working properly in the room.  They can’t turn them fully off, so they have kind of a half-light.  James asks Austin if he’s ever been asked to play in any “Roman movies” like Gladiator.  Austin says he wants to, but his tattoos are an issue.

  21. 3:58 PM BBT Austin and Liz snacking in the HOHR while John looks on.  They are out of things to do and missing Netflix.  Shelli and Clay talking about drinking beers and eating sushi.



    4:05 PM BBT Clay and Shelli talking about favourite desserts… pizookie [a giant cookie served slight undercooked a la mode, according to food.com -app] and tira misu.  Austin, Liz and John talking about workouts. 


    4:11 PM BBT Shelli and Clay are laughing hysterically about how obsessive they both are with sweets. 


    4:15 PM BBT Shelli, Clay and John talking in Shelli’s HOHR.  John tells them that Steve wants a final two with him.  John trusts Becky more even though they don’t talk a lot of game.  They ask him about Jackie and John says he doesn’t have a relationship with Jackie.  John suggests bringing in Steve and Becky, and then Becky would have Jackie on the outside.  Audrey’s name comes up …she thinks John will be upset at being on the block.  John tells them that Audrey always asks him to pick her for Veto.  John says that Audrey wants to work with him. 


    4:25 PM BBT Vanessa whispering with Liz (Julia) in Liz’s HOHR.  Julia telling Vanessa some of what Liz told her, and then asks if she plays veto if she gets de-throned.  Vanessa says “only if you get picked”.  Audrey is called to the DR.  Vanessa asks Julia how long she is here, and Julia says she is there til Monday.  Julia will be in the house for the comps.  One more week to get through to the fifth eviction. 


    4:31 PM BBT Liz, Vanessa, Austin, John and Shelli are all together in Liz’s HOHR.  They think Clay will be hosting the Battle of the Block.  Liz thinks it will be something like “Saved by the Bell.”  Shelli talks about feeding the fish.


    4:35 PM BBT Vanessa tells a story about her half-brother having a big turtle and a little turtle, and when he tried to make them “kiss” the big turtle ate the little turtle.  Her brother was traumatized.  Vanessa is called to the DR.  Vanessa leaves the HOHR, and Clay returns.  Liz is anxious to get the BotB over with already. 


    4:38 PM BBT Shelli is munching on snack food and then saying she is hungry.  Clay and Shelli leave to go find something to eat in the KT.  John asks Liz if he can nap on her couch because he doesn’t want to the Comic Book Room and get cornered in a conversation.  Liz tells John she is tired as she puts headphones on.  She finds it cold in the HOHR.


    4:42 PM BBT Clay and Shelli munching on crackers in the KT.  Clay slicing some salami.  He prefers summer sausage.   Austin joins Liz and John in the HOHR.  He’s commenting on the picture of her parents.  Liz says she wants to dye her hair but she can't do it until the live show.  Austin says they don't want you to change your look during the week so that they can edit.


    4:46 PM BBT John talking about the sleeping arrangements in the Comic Book Room. Jackie and Beckie moved, and Steve slept in their bed, so John had a bed to himself. They fall silent, as John and Austin snooze and Liz listens to music.


    4:49 PM BBT Jackie and Becky in the KT with Clay and Shelli.  Clay and Shelli invite them to share the snacks they are eating.  The four of them are milling about the KT.  Vanessa comes out of the DR and Audrey is called to the DR.


    4:55 PM BBT In the KT Jackie tells Shelli and Clay something that Liz said.  Liz pointed out to Jackie that with Jeff gone she is a free agent.  Jackie feels like Austin and Liz are trying to reel her in.  Shelli suggests it’s Austin trying to keep both of them close.  Jackie says she is going to talk to Liz.  Steve walks through the KT.  Shelli gets up to make coffee.  They wonder what is taking so long, and we get fish. 


    4:58 PM BBT Feeds come back and the HGs in the KT are still milling about.  Audrey comes back from the DR and sits at the Dining Table.  Jackie is called to the DR. Shelli decides that she is going to take a nap because she’s tired of waiting for something to happen.


    5:00 PM BBT Steve asks Becky what she made to eat, and she says “BBQ Pork Chops”  Steve is surprised because he thought they were pancakes.  “Not even close,” he says.


    5:01 PM BBT In the WA, Clay is brushing his teeth as Vanessa looks on.  Audrey joins them.  Clay leaves and Vanessa and Audrey talk.  Vanessa tells Audrey that she thinks Audrey is on Shelli’s good side and that she’ll be ok.  They discuss votes, and they tell each other about dreams they had.    


    5:09 PM BBT Audrey telling Vanessa that she feels like Liz is targeting her.  Vanessa listening sympathetically to Audrey’s concerns.


    5:11 PM BBT Steve and James in the Comic Book Room.  They’re both wondering when the competition will be.  Steve says they’ve been done building for a few hours, and he thinks they are waiting for a night-time comp. 


    5:15 PM BBT Becky and Jackie talking in the KT.  Clay is called to the Diary Room.   Audrey and Vanessa are still in the WA.  They are quiet and they hear some background noise that sounds like screams.  Audrey says it’s been playing all day.  FotH. 


    5:19 PM BBT Jeff’s reels are playing.

  22. 12:01 AM BBT  Shelli and Liz are called to the Diary Room


    12:04 AM BBT All the HGs gather in the living room waiting for Liz and Shelli to come out of the Diary Room.  They expect to hear who the Have-Nots are going to be.  Vanessa notes that they haven’t had their “Takeover” yet.


    12:11 AM BBT  Feeds go to FotH.  When they return the HGs have left the living room.  Becky, Meg, Jackie, John, Jason, and Austin.  Austin talking about how Clay Aiken music works for everything.


    12:12 AM BBT James and Vanessa in the Ocean BR talking about food and overeating.  Vanessa is disgusted with herself for eating poorly and not working out.  James gives her an out saying it’s hard when you don’t have access to the BY, but Vanessa points out that Austin works out anyway. 


    12:16 AM BBT Feeds go out for a bit again, and we come back to James setting up one of the beds in the HOHR as if someone is in the bed.  Shelli comes in and asks if “she” is sleeping (pointing to the made-up bed), and they laugh. 


    12:17 AM BBT Audrey is talking to Clay in the HOHR.  They’re discussing the HOH competition.  Clay was trying too hard…he was trying to memorize more minute details and then didn’t pay attention to basics like how many dancers there were.  Becky joins Vanessa, James, and Shelli in the Ocean BR.  They think Audrey will think it’s cute that they made up the bed to look like she is sleeping in it.


    12:21 AM BBT Audrey telling Clay that she is tired of having to prove herself.  Audrey asks if they trust her, and Clay reassures her [even though they don’t trust her because they think she could be America’s player].  Clay is understanding, saying that it’s natural to get paranoid in the house.


    12:23 AM BBT Audrey tells Clay that she thinks she has gained John’s trust because she gave him a heads-up about Jeff and he didn’t believe it, but then it proved out.  Clay talks about the people he is worried about…a group that would have 7 votes.  Audrey thinks that if Steve feels like he is a target he will spill a lot of information. Audrey thinks that Steve is with Becky and Johnny Mac, but Clay doesn’t see them working that out.  Audrey thinks Steve threw the HOH.  Clay points out that he missed the first question too, and he wasn’t trying to throw it. 


    12:28 AM BBT  Audrey says that Jason is her number 1 target.  Audrey suggests putting up Jason and Meg on one side and Becky and Steve on the other.  Clay suggests putting up Jason with Johnny Mack and asking John to throw the BotB again.  Clay thinks it’s pointless to put up Meg. 


    12:32 AM BBT  Jason joins James, Vanessa, and Shelli in the Ocean BR and lays next to the fake Audrey.  Steve comes in and asks if that’s Audrey.  Steve points out that they put her in the wrong place because that’s not the bed that she normally sleeps in.  Audrey finally comes in.  They compliment her on how good she looks wearing Austin’s top hat.  Audrey notices the fake sleeping Audrey and tells them it’s pretty good. 


    12:36 PM BBT Clay is in the KT with Meg and John.  They’re talking about salad dressings.   John is pondering why “Thousand Island” is called that.  John says if they got together they could buy an island off of Nova Scotia.   Clay is eating Rice Krispies and honey pretzels. 


    12:40 PM BBT Audrey breaks out a British accent and Vanessa responds with a convincing Scottish accent.  They try out different accents.    


    12:43 PM BBT Shelli talking to Jackie in HOHR.  Shelli grilling Jackie about Jeff’s game.  Shelli doesn’t understand why Jeff broke up the alliance they had with Shelli/Clay, Jeff/Jackie, and John.  Shelli felt that Jeff was not protecting 3 of the 5 people in their alliance.  He was targeting the “power couple”[shelli and Clay] and telling everyone that he and Jackie were not that close and making her seem expendable.    Jackie explains that she was frustrated with him and the fact that he wouldn’t talk to her at all. 


    12:50 PM BBT Clay and James in the WA brushing and flossing and talking about who has been HOH so far.  Clay is tired of all the speculation.  Clay asks James if Audrey was talking game to James when Clay walked in.  James says that Audrey thinks it was Steve and Becky who had the unexpected votes against James.  Clay hates that it’s all assumptions and they have no facts. 


    12:52 PM BBT In the WA, James tells Clay that Audrey suggested that James get closer to John now that Jeff is gone. 


    12:54 PM BBT Jackie telling Shelli that Austin seems to be more concerned about his career after the show.  He told her that he sometimes plays things up for the show.  Shelli thinks that makes a lot of sense, and that she thinks that Austin is flippant with information.  Sometimes Austin doesn’t really know what he’s saying, and he generally just passes on whatever he hears.  Austin told Jackie that he was trying to protect Jackie from being backdoored.  Shelli tells Jackie that Austin made that up.  When Jackie checked with Vanessa, Vanessa told her that Jackie’s name never came up.  Austin just came to her again that Liz was thinking of putting her up.  Shelli advises Jackie to talk more game because people say they don’t know where she stands. 


    1:00 AM BBT Shelli is telling Jackie that she changes the subject when Audrey starts talking game because Audrey comes up with a lot of disconnected theories that confuse Shelli.  Shelli reiterates that Jackie and Becky both should try to sprinkle a bit of game.  Jackie notes that it seems like no one really wants to get rid of Audrey.  Shelli says that she hasn’t had a chance to talk to Liz so she isn’t sure how that will play out.  She knows she doesn’t want to have to calm Audrey’s paranoia all the time.  Shelli tells Jackie that she has no idea who she is going to target.  Shelli asks Jackie if she knows where Becky stands.  Jackie says that she and Becky are not working together.  They don’t talk game. 


    1:06 AM BBT Jackie tells Shelli that she wouldn’t blame Liz if Liz put her (Jackie) up because they haven’t talked game at all.  They talk about Liz not talking game at all, and about her being a twin, and Shelli says she doesn’t know what it would mean even if that were true.  Shelli is wondering what the twist is going to be. 


    1:09 AM BBT Jackie says everything feels weird to her right now with Jeff gone.  Shelli tells her that she feels for Jackie isn’t planning to put her through being on the block and she doesn’t plan to backdoor her, but she doesn’t know what Liz is going to do because she hasn’t had a chance to talk to her and doesn’t even know where she is.  Jackie says that Liz in in the DR.  Jackie is still weirded out by Austin.


    1:11 AM BBT James and John are in the WA.  James asks John if he has talked to Shelli and Clay yet.  John says no, and James lets him know that John is safe on Shelli’s side of HOH.  Liz is out of the DR, talking to Austin in HOHR.


    1:16 AM BBT Liz talking to Jackie in the her HOHR.  Becky goes through to Shelli’s “office”.  Jackie telling Liz about how weird it is without Jeff and also how difficult it was trying to play the game with Jeff there.  Liz says it’s worked in her favour that she didn’t talk so much like Jeff did.  Jackie feels like she couldn’t have Jeff’s back because he didn’t even know what he was up to.    


    1:18 AM BBT Becky is telling Shelli how shocked she is when she hears about where people think she is aligned.  People have a lot of random theories about Becky.  Shelli tells Becky she is concerned about whether all those theories are coming from Audrey.  Becky wonders how much of the theories about her came from Da’Vonne.  A lot of it stopped when Da’Vonne left.  Da’Vonne was Shelli’s target long before the house got upset with Audrey, and Audrey had given her a lot of information that saved her.  Becky is trying to make an effort to stop avoiding Audrey.  Becky wants to work with Clay and Shelli and since they trust Audrey, Becky is trying to be more open to the idea of Audrey being someone to work with.  Shelli tells Becky the same thing she told Jackie about not knowing the plan with respect to Audrey.  


    1:23 AM BBT Jackie tells Liz that her game is basically to try and get along with everyone.  She tells Liz that she is cool with Austin [even though she told Shelli that Austin is a concern for her].  Liz tells Jackie that she doesn’t know what to do.  Jackie asks Liz to please let her know if she is planning to put her up and lets Liz know that Austin warned her she might be going up as a pawn.  Liz tells her that there are bigger fish to fry, and tells Jackie that she will let her know.


    1:28 AM BBT Becky and Shelli talking about Liz and the twin twist, and Jeff’s behaviour around Liz.  Becky notes that it’s pure speculation, but she thinks Liz may have been one of the votes against James.  Becky’s speculation is based on the belief that Jeff had gotten direct confirmation of the twin twist and that he was in a position to help Liz with the twist.


    1:36 AM BBT Becky asks Shelli if she is on Shelli’s block this week and Shelli gives an emphatic no and tells Becky she needs help figuring it out!  Becky thinks Steve is more likely to be America’s player than Audrey is.  Becky thinks that Steve threw the HOH comp, and she doesn’t know who Steve is working with. 


    1:40 AM BBT Jackie leaves the HOHR and Meg comes up to talk to Liz.  Meg feels like she has nothing to say to Liz.  They talk about the fourth vote (they were expecting one weird vote, but not two), but don’t have any theories of who it was.  Meg tells Liz she has her support.  Liz tells Meg she loves her and enjoys laughing with her.  Liz tells Meg that she isn’t planning to put her up.   


    1:45 AM BBT Becky and Shelli walk through Meg and Liz’s meeting and leave the HOHR.


    1:46 AM BBT Liz asks Meg who she thinks is a threat to her game.  Meg just says she feels thrown off and doesn’t know.  Shelli and Vanessa barge through looking for Vanessa’s face wipes.  Vanessa and Shelli go into Shelli’s HOHR.  Meg tells Liz that she thinks this week is a blank page.  Liz says that Audrey is someone who would have to be backdoored, and Audrey is not someone that Liz is afraid of. 


    1:48 AM BBT Shelli is telling Vanessa that she is only going to half-listen to Austin. She tells Vanessa that Liz is thinking of putting Jackie up, but Shelli likes Jackie and has a good rapport with her.  Vanessa tries to explain where Austin is coming from, and ends up admitting that maybe Austin is just not really good at the game.  Shelli shares what Jackie said about Austin being worried about performing.  Vanessa tries to defend Austin’s intentions because Shelli wants Austin to clear things with them before he does them. 


    1:56 AM BBT Shelli tells Vanessa about Becky’s theory that Liz might be the fourth vote, and about Becky’s observation that a lot of the rumours about her stopped after Da’Vonne left.  Becky and Liz are talking in the other HOHR about the HOH competition and about the bagel pizza pockets that Becky made.  Liz asks how Becky’s convo with Shelli went, and Becky says it went well.  Liz tells Becky that she appreciates that Becky didn’t put her up when Becky was HOH.  Clay comes in looking for Shelli.

  23. 10:58 PM BBT Audrey and James talking in the Ocean BR about what got Jeff chopped. Audrey points out that Jeff was good if he was able to get four people to vote for him.  Audrey wonders if Jackie thinks Audrey is responsible for Jeff leaving.  James says that Jackie doesn’t say much.  They note that Jeff and Jackie were clearly much closer than they let on based on their good-bye as Jeff was leaving.  


    11:10 PM BBT Clay telling Shelli, Austin and Liz in HOHR that Audrey and James were chatting in the Ocean BR with the lights out.  Austin says she [Audrey] just can’t stop making her plays.  They are still trying to figure out the votes, and someone has suggested that Steve is America’s player and was responsible for one of the four votes to keep Jeff.


    11:13 PM BBT The group in HOHR are talking about who is clearly on the other side (Meg, Jason, James) and who is up in the air (Becky, Steve, Johnny Mack).  Liz is talking about putting up Jackie and someone else. 


    11:18 PM BBT The group in the HOHR are convinced that Becky just “showed her hand” … that Jeff convinced her at the last minute to vote for him.  Becky is friends with Jackie and Jackie is alone in the game now. 


    11:22 PM BBT Vanessa, James and Audrey talking the Ocean BR.  Audrey talking about a dream she had that had her dad, a friend of hers and Haydn from BB16.  They start talking about BB16 players.


    11:24 PM BBT  Shelli, Clay and Austin giving Liz advice on being HOH.  She should take in information only without giving any information.  Don’t throw out other people’s names so that it doesn’t start anyone worrying.  Shelli recommends asking “who do you see as a threat in this game?” 


    11:26 PM BBT Clay suggests that Audrey should be a secondary target.  She could always be backdoored if the PoV doesn’t go as planned.  Austin believes that James threw the HOH competition.  Liz is thinking she will target people who have never talked game with her.  Clay advises Liz to tell Jackie she is a pawn so that if she wins BotB that Jackie won’t feel she was targeted.  Clay suggests that Jason is the one that holds things together on that side.  They consider different possibilities, and it all still depends on who Shelli puts up.


    11:32 PM BBT Liz still doesn’t want to put Audrey on the block because Audrey plays so hard, and if she gets put up early, there will be more time for her to talk to people. 


    11:38 PM BBT Vanessa in the HOHR with Clay and Shelli, Liz and Austin.  She suggests they should be figuring things out as the “Sixth Sense” alliance.  Vanessa points out that the vote tonight shows how hard it is to control the votes, so make sure you put up people you are okay with going home.   They ask Vanessa who she thinks the votes were from.  She talks through who she thinks it can’t be and concludes that it has to be Steve or Audrey. 


    11:44 PM BBT Vanessa thinks it would be foolish to assume that Becky and Jackie are not working together because they spend so much time together.  They talk more about how Becky is positioning herself in the middle.  Vanessa brings out more “evidence” on why Becky is probably the other unexplained vote. 


    11:50 PM BBT Shelli talking about how Steve has been loyal and how he did what Shelli asked when Shelli was HOH.  Now Shelli has a theory that Audrey was one vote and that she got Steve on board to vote to evict James so that Audrey could suggest that it was Shelli and Clay that voted to keep Jeff.  


    11:54 PM BBT  Becky telling Audrey that she would be game to play Hide n Seek especially since no one is officially on the block yet, so everyone should be in reasonable spirits.  They head to the KT to ask Jason, James, Meg, Steve and John if they want to play. 


    11:56 PM BBT Audrey and James go up to HOHR to ask if anyone wants to play Hide n Seek.  Jason follows, and Liz tells Jason she has a surprise for him….Oreos dipped in Nutella.  Jackie, Meg, Steve and John come into HOHR.

  24. 2:01 PM BBT Austin and Liz in the Cabana Room Lounge.  Liz is telling Austin about what Jeff has said to her.  Jeff commenting on Austin “turning” on Jace and not even giving Jace a sympathy vote.  Austin is miffed, because Jace told him not to vote for him.  They keep talking about how sick they are of Jeff. 


    2:09 PM BBT In the Ocean Bedroom, Jeff is talking to Meg and James about how stressful this game is.  James is reassuring Jeff that he has a lot of things going for him, and that he will be known just having been on BB, and that he has a line on a job.   


    2:14 PM BBT Audrey at the dining table, chatting with Clay, Shelli and John in the KT.  Audrey jokes with Clay: “I can’t wait to make you a have-not”  Clay responds that he will make her a HN every time he gets HOH.  Audrey zings back “if you win one.” 


    2:18 PM BBT Austin talking to Vanessa in the WA.  Vanessa has a mud mask on.  Austin telling her how ugly things are getting, with Jeff saying he is telling everyone that  Austin and Vanessa can’t be trusted and how he is turning the house and that he’s going to stay and stand up and say “Blindside!”  Vanessa isn’t buying it.  She doesn’t think Jeff as the votes.  Austin speculating about Steve’s and Meg’s votes.  


    2:23 PM BBT Audrey comes into the WA and Vanessa is stressing about being thrown under the bus by Jeff.  Becky comes in and points out that it’s to be expected that people will be campaigning hard on the last day.  Anyone on the block is gonna be stressed until the vote is done.


    2:28 PM BBT Vanessa, Audrey and Austin in the WA.  Vanessa notes that Austin is stressed, and he agrees that he doesn’t know how to handle this sort of stuff.  It’s not the sort of thing that happens in his regular life.  Austin is called to the DR.


    2:31 PM BBT Liz and James are cleaning mirrors in the WA while Vanessa gets ready for a shower. 


    2:34 PM BBT  Audrey vacuuming in the WA while Liz wipes the counter and Steve looks on.  Shelli and Clay washing dishes in the KT.


    2:37 PM BBT Clay and Shelli talking about Audrey as they wash dishes, and speculate about her being America’s player.  Clay suggests confronting her, but Shelli says that Audrey probably wouldn’t be allowed to tell them anyway.


    2:45 PM BBT John vacuuming in the colorful BR.  Shelli and Clay still in the KT washing dishes.


    2:49 PM BBT Vanessa is out of the shower and blow-drying her hair in the WA.  Jackie’s turn in the shower.


    2:50 PM BBT In the colorful BR, James is telling Austin and Liz about a conversation he overhead between Jeff and Clay where Clay said “if anything you backstabbed me” … Jeff claimed he was joking.  James says Meg and Jason were also there.  James feels sure of Clay and Shelli’s vote and knows that Jason and Meg will vote to keep him.  James is sure he has the votes to stay. 


    2:54 PM BBT James, Austin, and Liz talking about the upcoming HOH comp.  Liz is anxious to win it.  All three of them were very close last week.  James thinks it might be an egg-through-chicken-wire competition.  They discuss what gives a person an advantage for that type of competition.



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