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  1. 2:48 PM BBT Tim and Nikki are talking in the blue room and discussing available beds.  Nikki says that Ramsey and Maddy's bed will be available because they will be in the HOH room.  Tim didn't realize that Maddy had invited Ramsey.  Nikki says that they were supposed to have a girl's night, but Maddy changed her mind and invited Ramsey instead.  Tim says Maddy will make her own bed, and proceeds to point out that there is no promise that Maddy won't be put up again next week.  Ramsey and Maddy are only 2 of 8 people, so their chances of winning are quite low.  Tim tells Nikki that if she or anyone who wants to save Dallas come to him with a reason other than that Dallas wants Tim out, he is all ears, but that is the only reason anyone has given him.  Nikki tells Tim that he knows where he stands with Dallas, and Nikki trusts Dallas' word way more than Maddy's.  Tim asks Nikki if she thinks that Maddy will put up Nikki and Cass, and Nikki says yes.  Tim won't credit that Maddy would be that stupid to go back on a deal with him, because then she will be out next  [guess he doesn't mind if Cass or Nikki are collateral damage in the meantime ~app].  Tim is 95% sure that Maddy will not do that.  And if Nikki and Cass are up, he believes that Nikki is safe.  No one will send Nikki out over Cassandra.  Nikki says that she will vote out Dallas because she doesn't want Dallas coming after Tim, but she trusts Dallas much more than Maddy. Tim says maybe this is the real Maddy.  Tim says that if it becomes a tie, he will tell them both that he will keep the person who promises to never put him up or vote against him ever in this game.  If they both agree, then he will flip a coin.  He advises Nikki that when you have power, use it, but not in a way that you turn people against you.  It's about using your power to work with people. 


    1:36 PM BBT In the storage room, Phil is telling Ramsey that he is probably better off without Maddy. Ramsey tells the brothers that he isn't sure yet who he is going to vote to evict.  Just because he sleeps next to Maddy doesn't mean he will not vote her out.  Ramsey tells them that he knows that it's not them.  He says that if he wins HOH, he wants people to fear that he thinks it's them [that put gummy koala points against him?].   But the brothers should know that he knows it wasn't them. 


    1:38 PM BBT  Maddy and Ramsey are out in the BY talking about Dallas.  Maddy is shocked that Dallas has already asked Ramsey for his vote.


    1:57 PM BBT Dallas is talking to Cass in the pink room.  Cass tells Dallas that if the vote goes against him, she will have to go with it.  Dallas thinks that people need to speak up.  Cass says that she has, but people are getting irritated with her for bringing it up.  Cass confides that Tim does want him out.  She says that Tim has been so phony and she is not falling for it.  Dallas says to keep the faith and not give up on him yet.  Dallas leaves the room, as Cass drinks from her mug and continues to ponder.


    2:13 PM BBT Dallas and Joel play a game of pool.  Both are very quiet, and there is no game talk.


    2:30 PM BBT Nikki and Tim are in the pink room talking to Cass.  They are talking about bugs for Marinara, their pet spider.  If they can't find a bug for food for Marinara within the week, they will let him go.  That will be today or tomorrow.  Tim tells Cass that they will have a fun night, and she says she is fine, but she is irritated.  She has been trying to convince Tim to send Maddy home instead of Dallas. Tim tells her that in BB a lot of things are irritating.  BB is not living comfortably and powerful, and as soon as you think you can win by voting out people [that you don't like].  Cass complains that she is not being emotional.  She believes Maddy will come after Cass.  Tim says he has made Maddy promise that she won't, but Cass says Maddy is lying.  Tim leaves to go have a bath.  After Tim leaves, Nikki whispers to Cass that she agrees with her.  Cass says that she is not going to hang around with people who won't listen to her.  Cass tells Nikki that she feels that Dallas is being much more straight with her than Maddy.  Cass tells Nikki about something Dallas told her.  Maddy told Dallas and Ramsey that she is telling Tim whatever he wants to hear, but next week her target is the brothers and Cassandra.  Nikki suggests that Cass talk to Tim about it tonight, but Cass says Tim doesn't listen.  Cass says it's frustrating that you build all these relationships and then it doesn't matter unless you win HOH because she supports the group, and then the group doesn't listen to what she has to say.  Cass says that she will vote Dallas out.  She isn't going against the group, but what ticks her off is that Tim threatens her that she is done if she votes against him.  Cass insists that she always supports her group, and she was even nice to Loveita because she is NOT playing an emotional game.  Cass is irritated that Tim won't consider making a deal for safety with Dallas like he made with Maddy.  Cass repeats that Dallas has been straight with her, but that Maddy is constantly talking crap.  Maddy is completely fake and only nice to people when she is on the block. They keep talking examples of Maddy's treachery.

  3. 6:10 PM BBT Loveita and Kelsey are back in their secret suite.  There are two boards set up that are labelled "white team" and black team"  Each board has pictures of HGs on them.  Loveita and Kelsey are talking about how the HGs are going to rip things apart looking for the chips that Kelsey and Loveita just hid all over the house in every little nook and cranny that they could find.  They left chips in food containers in the storage room and kitchen, in the pockets of clothing in HG bags in the bedrooms, in kleenex boxes in the WA.  Even the HOHR was not off-limits, so the HGs must be on lockdown in the BY. 

  4. 5:27 PM BBT Jared comes into the HOH room.  Joel is sitting on the couch listening to music. Tim tells Jared that he should ask Cass to give him a massage.  Tim says that Cass could get immunity just by giving people back massages.  She is very good at it.  Jared tells Joel that he has staring contests with the camera.  Joel asks who wins, and Jared says that he does. Joel says he's not surprised. 

  5. 5:22 PM BBT Tim and Cassandra discuss Dallas again.  Tim thinks Dallas needs to go.  Cass says she doesn't care.  Tim says Cass and Nikki would have to decided.  Cass says that Nikki would keep Dallas if Maddy is out.  Tim says that he would give Nikki an ultimatum that if she went against what Tim advised that she would be dead to him as far as game/strategy.  Cass bursts out laughing as Tim continues saying that he could still be friends with Nikki.  Tim tells Cass that Maddy claims to have made a deal with Jared over the Loveita thing.  Ramsey is also saying that.  Cass says they are lying and she knows because she was there for the convo.  Tim says that the deal he was going to make with Maddy...that if Maddy agreed not to put up Nikki or Cassandra, that Nikki and Cassandra would vote to keep Maddy.  Cassandra asks if he could do that, and Tim says of course he could.  Cassandra says thank you.  If Maddy ends up on the block next week, Cass could vote her out then. Tim relays that he has told Maddy that it would be dumb for Maddy to go after players that are not likely to beat her in competitions (Nikki and Cassandra).  Tim has advised Maddy that if she wants to be in the game, she has to start playing and not just be someone in the house who gets cranky and makes a lot of mistakes.  Cass thinks that Maddy has already made her bed.  It's been a month.  Tim says that people can change, but Cass points out that people have already built relationships in the house.  Tim talks about people who stay in the game because people don't think they can win in the end.  Tim told Maddy that Loveita leaving was beneficial to everyone in the house except for Maddy.

  6. 5:18 PM BBT In the HOHR, Cass is giving Tim a back massage.  They talk about Dallas already campaigning, and about Maddy going around telling people that she will target the brothers.  Tim asks several times why Maddy is doing that, and Cass says because Maddy is stupid.  Cass tells Tim that Dallas asked her if it's a good idea to make a deal with Tim.  Cass told Dallas "why not?"  Tim says that he likes Dallas and Cass says that she does too.

  7. 5:03 PM BBT Maddy, Ramsey and Mitch are in the High Roller room playing a game where Maddy chooses a character and tells them the initial of the character's name, and Ramsey and Mitch have to guess which character.  Feeds switch to Dallas and Nikki at the KT table.  Dallas tells Nikki that Maddy will be up next to him, and he asks Nikki for her vote.  He promises that he is definitely not coming after her, and can give her a two or even three week deal.  He will be open in declaring that so that everyone knows his word.  He promises that she will always know what his game plan is, but Maddy is not so predictable or open.  Nikki says she wants to wait and see because Tim might not even put Maddy up.  Dallas agrees and tells Nikki that he is just going by what Tim told Maddy.  Dallas asks her to keep this conversation in mind.  Nikki asks who Dallas' confirmed votes are, and he tells her that Cassandra and Joel have both said they will vote to keep him.   He tells her that he will talk to Ramsey, Mitch and possibly the brothers.


    5:09 PM BBT Cassandra comes by the KT table and Nikki says hello and tells Cass they are talking about votes.  Dallas outlines where he thinks the votes are.  Cassandra doesn't think that Ramsey will go against Maddy.  Dallas says he doesn't know about that.  Dallas repeats to Cass and Nikki what he told Phil earlier about Maddy wanting the brothers put up. 

  8. 4:50 PM BBT A siren sounds.  Mitch comes out to the HT area.  They talk about the time and Dallas comments that it must not be a great birthday for Mitch.  Mitch asks Phil what he's thinking about and Phil says he is just looking at the sky and it makes him think of vacation.  Raul joins, and asks Phil if he can get under the blanket.  General chit chat about Mitch's birthday cupcakes. 

  9. 4:45 PM BBT Dallas campaigning to Phil by the HT. Phil is bundled under a blanket, and Dallas is smoking.  Dallas brings up that Maddy will be coming up on the block when Ramsey uses the veto.  He tells Phil that Maddy wanted him to campaign to Tim to get the brothers on the block because she finds them annoying.  There was another witness in the room who could vouch for what Dallas is telling him, but Dallas doesn't want to say who until he has the person's permission.  Dallas offers deals to keep the brothers safe if he wins HOH, and indicates he is willing to make promises for future weeks if the brothers vote to keep Dallas safe this week.  Phil keeps pressing about who heard what Maddy said until Dallas finally admits it was Joel.  Dallas asks Phil not to approach Joel, and Phil agrees.  Dallas says he will ask Joel to approach the brothers.  Dallas continues to press home that Maddy wants the brothers out.  Phil tells Dallas that it isn't Phil that he has to talk to, but Phil thinks that Dallas can do it.  Dallas says he thinks he has three votes already, and he needs five.  Dallas thinks Joel and Cassandra will vote to keep him, and he thinks he can convince Nikki to keep him because Nikki doesn't like Maddy.  If he can get Ramsey on-side and the brothers, then he has the five votes he needs.



    4:53 PM BBT In the BY, Tim is walking around with the big silver ball from the workout space and giving Mitch, Phil and Nick rules of a new game.  As they serve, they have to say “pussy wants some milk.”  If they don’t say it, they go to the bottom.  They can play with four or six.  If the ball hits a line, it’s considered “in.”  If the ball bounces in your square and you don’t capture it, then you’re out.  The ball can bounce once.  If there are discrepancies, they vote.  Tim says that it’s a game you learn as you go, but each time the others say let’s go, Tim keeps telling them more about rules. They try another area in the BY because they are worried about a camera but they end up moving back to where they started.  If you are in the “King’s square” you control the game.

    5:06 PM BBT Dallas has captured a fly and brings it up to Tim for a meal for Marinara.  They drop it into Marinara’s jar and note that it is still alive.  They are elated.  They watch Marinara spot the fly.  Cass comes in and Tim tells her that Dallas got it.  Cassandra tells Dallas she loves him. They watch Marinara stalk the fly and kill it.  They go nuts when Marinara kills the fly and devours it.  Tim draws and analogy to the BB game and declares that this is Big Brother in a jar.  They continue to rave about what a good kill that was. 


    7:58 PM BBT Jared and Mitch are talking about votes in the Hundo room.  They think Joel might end up being the tie-breaker.  Mitch says if they make a decision, they might be able to make it happen.  Jared asks Mitch what they should do.   Mitch says they can work with either one.  Having Kelsey gone would make Jared less of a target, which is good for both of them.  Mitch suggests talking to the brothers to bring them in, except that he thinks they don’t want to win HOHs.  They talk about Nikki accusing the brothers of having a special power from their isolation time on night one.  Jared tells Mitch about a conversation he had with Dallas where Dallas offered to keep Jared safe and go after the brothers.  Jared didn’t commit to that, claiming that he was feeling low with his two alliance-mates on the block.  Jared thinks that Dallas might put the brothers up if he won HOH and then just remind Jared of what Dallas had talked to him about.  Mitch is annoyed that he didn’t take HOH this week...he regrets giving it to Joel.  Mitch thinks that Joel wants to protect Loveita and that Kelsey would be more likely to target Loveita than Raul.  Mitch feels that he is on a more even keel with Jared and Raul than with Kelsey.  It would be an easier alliance if it was three guys.  Jared agrees with Mitch that it’s best for their game (and Mitch’s sanity) if they keep Raul.  Jared says he can understand wanting to have a friend to give you support.  He has had that for a month, and he can understand that Mitch needs that.  They talk about the brothers more, but are skeptical of getting a commitment from them.  They agree that Mitch will approach them.  Jared doesn’t want to because she doesn’t want it to get back to Kelsey who was thinking she wanted to leave but has been hinting that she wants to stay after all.  They discuss where Nikki is at.  Mitch feels that he could probably influence Nikki because Nikki likes him.  Jared thinks that with Kelsey is gone, there will be more opportunities to work with others in the game. 

    8:05 PM BBT Ramsey is preparing veggies in the KT and the brothers are sitting at the counter.  Phil is close to Ramsey.  Ramsey clarifies that the brothers are talking and that what he shares with Phil gets shared with Nick.  Ramsey says it’s good to know that. 


    8:07 PM BBT  Mitch and Jared discuss “the Dallas threat”... can they handle it socially or do they need to win and get him out?  Jared says the only people they don’t want to win HOH next week are Loveita, Maddy or Dallas.  Jared thinks that he and Mitch would be safe with Ramsey.  Raul may be in jeopardy with Ramsey, so Jared and Mitch may be able to influence Ramsey to keep Raul safe.  Raul comes into the Hundo suite and they talk about Cassandra.  Jared feels safe with Cass.  Jared says that Cass would be after Phil because Cass and Phil don’t get along.  Jared says that Tim is sketchy about the brothers.  Mitch points out that the brothers are well-positioned between both groups.  Jared fills Raul in on who they don’t want to win HOH.  Mitch adds Dallas to the list of people that they don’t want winning HOH.  Raul hates that the competitions have been luck.  They talk about what the next HOH comp will be if it’s a double eviction.  It will probably be something short, so that’s scary. 


    8:12 PM BBT Mitch and Jared tell Raul that they think it will be better for their game to keep Raul. Mitch tells Jared and Raul that working with them and the three of them winning back-to-back HOHs is his dream world.   They talk about where Joel is at with them.  Kelsey comes into the room and tells them that Joel and Kelsey’s aunt are both in the Leduc drama club, and they know each other well.  Kelsey asks if they are talking about her and Mitch says no, they are talking about Joel.  Kelsey thinks Joel needs to be a target.  They talk about ways they might approach Dallas.  Could they convince him that they are not targeting him... maybe by saying they are after Loveita.  Who else would Dallas want to leave?  The brothers, Jared, Mitch.  They talk about Tim and Nikki going far because no one has a reason to target them.  Kelsey says she thinks Nikki will leave on her own.  They agree that as soon as she is on slop, she would probably leave.  The jackpot lights go on and the four of them go out to see.  Mitch says the T is more red than the others, and there is an arrow going down.  They sound stops and Jared fakes seeing something, and then laughs. 


    8:19 PM BBT Jared, Kelsey, Raul, and Mitch re-convene in the WA and continue their discussions.  Kelsey starts putting makeup on Raul while Mitch and Jared talk strategy for next week.  Kelsey thinks they shouldn’t add anyone in.  They can just make one-week deals.  She wouldn’t trust any plan that involves working with Dallas.  Jared fills Kelsey in on Dallas’ proposal that he and Jared keep each other safe and both target the brothers.  Kelsey asks why would they give up the trust of the brothers in order to work with Dallas?  Kelsey asks about the plan between Kelsey and Raul.  Jared tells her that they feel Raul is better for their game but they don’t think Raul has the votes to stay. Kelsey says they will have to campaign against her.  Feeds go to “Zzzz...”




  11. 2:53 PM BBT In the HOHR, Loveita tells Joel that she knows Ramsey's cousin, so they have a real-life connection.  Loveita and Joel hope that Dallas will win the next HOH.  Loveita says that as soon as she sees the comp, she will know whether she can win it.  Joel tells Loveita that when he saw endurance in the first HOH comp, he was glad that the twist meant he only had to hang on for one other person. 

  12. 2:50 PM BBT Tim, Jared, Phil, and Cass are at the KT table talking about laying outside later on.  Nikki is in the KT.  At the table they are talking about the time.  Tim says he set the clock 2 hours forward.  Jared says that people have messed with it so much that no one has any idea of the real time now.  Kelsey comes to the table with bottles of water for herself and Jared.


    2:52 PM BBT Kelsey points out that they have 4 days til the next eviction.  Tim says it's different in Australia because the show is on every night. 

  13. 2:40 PM BBT Loveita and Joel still in the HOHR talking.  Loveita looking ahead.  They see themselves with Mitch as a core, and are counting on Nikki to vote with them.  They are keeping Mitch deeply inserted.  He needs to lay low with his game play.  Loveita is not certain of Mitch's loyalties, but thinks he is with them.  She trusts that Mitch is playing a smart game. Loveita wants to make sure MItch feels solid with them.


    2:43 PM BBT Dallas is flaked out on top of the covered HT in his cactus outfit [might be the only place cool enough for him to wear that!  --app]


    2:44 PM BBT In the HOHR, Joel and Loveita are talking about mitigation and damage control when twists happen.  Loveita says that Joel's advantage is that he knows all the seasons and knows about some of the twists.  They want to have plans in place so they know what to do.  Joel asks Loveita how she is with days and knowing what things happened which days.  Loveita says she isn't good with that.  Loveita thinks Maddy has a perfect memory.  Joel thinks he would do well in that sort of comp as well. 



  14. 12:04 PM BBT In the blue room, Tim and Nikki talk about the nominations and who will vote for who. Tim thinks Raul is a bigger threat because Raul might make a deal with Dallas to take Jared down.  Nikki thinks that Maddy and Ramsey are voting to keep Raul.  Tim says it's still early and it will likely develop over the next 24 hours.  Tim says he holds to wanting to work with Joel and Loveita until Dallas and Maddy are broken apart.  You can't break apart the three and not recognize that the other side is dangerous too.  Tim thinks Dallas and Maddy are more dangerous in a way.  Tim is glad that Dallas won because it makes him a bigger target because of being a competiton threat.  Tim doesn't understand why Loveita is joking the way she is...she is really just provoking fake arguments.  He thinks she is doing it in order to be able to point fingers at people.  Tim thinks Loveita is driving wedges between the girls who are working with guys that Loveita wants to work with.  Nikki asks why Loveita hasn't done that with Nikki, and Tim says it's because she thinks Tim is closer to Cass than Nikki.  Nikki says that she is voting for Raul to stay.  Tim says he likes Raul too, but he doesn't make his decisions that way.  His vote will be strategic and not about how much he likes people.  Loveita comes into the room and sits on the bed.

  15. 11:42 AM BBT Nikki joins the group in the LR and Tim tells her they have been told to gather in the LR.  Nikki thinks maybe they have a fun activity for them, but Tim tells her it is probably for Dallas to come out in his cactus outfit.  Cassandra and Joel take seats in the LR.  As they speculate about what the episodes will air, feeds go out.  Feeds are in and out.  Each time they return, the group is having general discussion in the LR. 


    11:57 AM BBT Feeds return and Dallas is wearing his cactus suit, complaining how warm it is. 

  16. 11:36 AM BBT Joel and Loveita are in the KT. Joel says he is planning to make a chicken breast with some bell peppers and some shrimp.  Loveita suggests some seasoning. 


    11:38 AM BBT Several HGs gathering in the LR.  Jared, Tim, Kelsey, Maddy, Ramsey, Phil.  Lots of coming and going.  They ask if Dallas is in the DR, and speculate that this might be him coming out in his cactus suit.  While they wait, they talk about swim wear. Ramsey is called to the DR, and Tim thinks maybe they were wrong about Dallas in the cactus suit...unless he needs Ramsey to guide him out of the DR. 

  17. 10:53 AM BBT Several HGs out in the HT area.  Mitch and Maddy on the bar, Cassandra on a lounger, cuddled in blankets.  Tim, Jared, Kelsey and Phil in the HT.  Phil leaves and Tim talks about being in the house being like Gilligan's Island.  They talk about Bachelor's Paradise, The Bachelor/ette.  Phil returns and gets back in the water.  Mitch joins Cassandra on the lounger.


    11:06 AM BBT Raul in the BY still roping the mechanical steer and bringing it back to the starting position himself.  Maddy and Ramsey are playing pool.  Inside the house, Dallas passes the doorway on his way upstairs, and says he doesn't have to do "it" because he won the veto.


    11:09 AM BBT Ramsey comes over to help Raul.  He asks Raul if he will take a break, and Raul says he can't except to use the bathroom.  Maddy comes over to keep him company.  She asks if it hurts his arms, and Raul says it hurts his hands.  Maddy asks if she can try it, and Raul says yes.  Maddy can't rope the steer at first, so Raul demonstrates.  Maddy is surprised at how heavy the apparatus is when she pulls it forward.  Raul takes the rope back and continues his task.



  18. 10:46 AM BBT Kelsey, Phil, Jared getting into the HT. Cass is snuggled under a blanket.  Maddy is sitting on the sectional.  Mitch is sitting cross-legged on the bar and watching.  Jared complaings that the water is way too hot...he feels like an egg in hot water. Phil gets in and sinks right down into the hot water.  The sun is shining.  BB tells Jared, Kelsey and Phil t ofix their microphones.


    10:48 AM BBT Joel and Loveita still talking in the HOHR about being cautious with the Wildcards in case they are Canada's players.  Joel says that they haven't done that in Canada before.  They speculate that the Wildcards have a different mission each week, and that will mean that they can't make a consistent commitment.  Loveita speculates that last week Tim was told he had a mission to vote to evict Cassandra, but that his personal preference was to keep Cassandra so he campaigned to keep her.  Loveita refers back to the catch phrase that things are not what they seem.  Loveita notes that Tim seems to hang out with whoever is on the block.  She thinks that might be an indication that Canada is having a say in Tim's choices.  Joel says that a hallmark of BB Canada is that Canadians are given more say in the game. 



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