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Everything posted by WOC

  1. It was painful! I think he may have even cracked a smirk when Alex was going on and on about getting a letter from her ex (which was the strangest part of the whole thing).
  2. No, I'm talking about the big blowup last week. The one Raven went hillbilly ballistic in, Alex tried to fit a set of balls in her already too skinny shorts and Josh was, well, just Josh. All while Paul stood in the background and cheered them on with an occasional barb himself. Even Xmas got in on the action. I believe it was after the veto or whatever. That bully session. (it's sad when you have to clarify which bully session you are talking about)
  3. It's a little of both,, actually because the HGs are such morons they make Paul look good. Putting Ramses up wasn't the brightest move to begin with, why stop there with stupid decisions? Rule #1 Last night Paul was lecturing his minions about how Jess destroyed her game over Cody. He was saying they gave her a chance to let Cody go and not use her hex but she didn't do it and now she's gone. And they all agree while patting themselves on their smug backs. I'm amazed while I watch! I clearly remember what they all seem to have conveniently forgot, that their plan was to convince her not to use the hex and then vote her out after they convinced her she was safe and Cody was the target.
  4. I wouldn't assume you actually hated her. I don't think anyone here actually hates her as much as they enjoy dissing her. As for the mean girl thing, there's some of that in all of them. You seem like a reasonable person, can you truly say you felt no compassion for Jody when the entire house followed them into the backyard that day and continued to verbally attack them? No one deserves such treatment IMHO.
  5. Maybe it's just me, but what a person does outside of the house means little to me. It's what they do in the house. I don't really care about if she is a call girl or if Paul is a pothead. I don't want to know either of them aside from what they do in the house. In all actuality, Jess has acted no worse then any of the other women in the house at this moment. I'd prefer her personality over Raven's,. Alex's, or Xmas' any day. I just never understood the constant degrading of Jess. Raven has extensions too. Raven wears the fake eyelashes too. Yet Raven runs around the house with diarrhea of the mouth and Jess is laid up with Cody. I really don't get the apparent "hate". She's gone now so what does it matter? I did enjoy defending her because so many seemed to relish in putting her down.
  6. Lol! I'm talking about the Cody is dangerous/scary crowd. If Jess is selling that ass it's not really my business cause I ain't buying.
  7. I seriously doubt anything will come of this season. There are people out there who really like this. They repeat their mantra of it's only a game. It doesn't matter about the bullying. They justify it because it's a game. They feel Jody deserved it because Jody didn't run around they house and play nice by fake laughing at Paul's jokes and kissing his ass. The internet is full of people who claim Cody is mentally unstable and Jess is a prostitute. I never knew there were that many psychology majors from the University of Phoenix out there. Fact is, if Paul was being treated like he has treated or directed others to treat Jody, I'd feel sorry for him too.
  8. Exactly! She's always in the background laughing and celebrating when something like that is going on. She said it herself, she loves chaos. The hat she wears now is so fitting; petty.
  9. And more over the top fake laughing from Matt and Raven at Paul's half witted banter and critique of Jessica. Have they been pumping laughing gas into the house?
  10. What is Raven's obsession with the word twat-waffle lately? She used it several times in conversation and then always seems to look around the room to see if anyone noticed witty she is in her put-downs.
  11. Paul and his brain trust are discussing who should throw the temptation thing so that Cody can be backdoored if he doesn't win. Paul is looking for a volunteer. I like how he keeps saying if no one else will do it he will. Just do it then asshole! Which of course he will not because then he's on the block as the third nom. But he talks such a good game to these idiots like he is willing to sacrifice for the betterment of the house. Freaking laughable!
  12. Heck, I've done the same thing before. It didn't mean I was interested in the other gal. There was a point when I liked Alex. Now I wanna hide those stupid ears too.
  13. Stop it! That's impossible when you have fake eyelashes, hair extensions and most likely a prostitute.
  14. Goodbye Jessica. I would say I'm going to miss you, but that would be a lie and the posters around here who are obsessed with talking about your hair and eyelashes will probably not let me.
  15. There's no comparison. Fat chance Cody would even let her smell his dirty underwear.
  16. The HGs have shown they're not that bright or forward thinking. I'd bet most of them think they are playing a really good game and have a great chance of winning on their own merits.
  17. Cody should let the couples and Josh know how Kevin wanted to work a deal that protected Paul, Alex, Jason and himself at the other HGs expense. These idiots wouldn't believe it, but if I was Cody I'd work that angle. He should also go to Kevin and ask if the deal is still good? Act like he's biting at the bit to get at the couples. Maybe he could fool them.
  18. If she spent half as much time thinking about the game as she does pulling her shorts out of her crotch she might be dangerous.
  19. I hear ya. I believe DVR is one of the greatest things ever invented. Right up there with caller ID.
  20. I have a nephew who believes swimming in a pool is good enough too. Maybe Elena is just embracing her inner child? Her stank ass nasty inner child!
  21. I want Cody to win HOH too. If he doesn't it will be another long boring week with Paul and his butt buddies repeating the same convos over and over and over as they plan his exit.



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