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Everything posted by WOC

  1. You're wasting your time. Yeah, Cody told Megan he didn't like her (after she said she hated Marines) and he talked bad about her (with the rest of the house) while in the HOHR. Big freaking deal! I didn't much care for him at the time myself, but what he's gone through has changed my mind. He made the best play in the game by attempting to backdoor Paul. It would have worked too, if BB didn't allow Paul three weeks safety. People will say Cody is a bad player, but the Paul move was smart. Now what's he to do? Paul and his minions have ostracized Jody. Heck, I'd lay up in bed with Jess all day too if given the choice between that and hanging with the rest of that idiot crowd.
  2. So what's the consensus? Will BB show what really happened, as far as the bullying goes, this week? Or will they show Paul telling his minions that they have to stay classy. I'm betting on them trying to show Paul in a good light and not the ringleader of hate that he let loose on the house. I hope they show the dirty side of it all, especially how Raven lied and then was jumping all bad in the back yard. But I won't get my hopes up.
  3. Yeah, at least Mark didn't join in. I don't recall Matt, Kevin, Elena or Jason yelling at Jody either during the attacks yesterday. I don't think they did at least. Hopefully this will have them thinking about how they play their game.
  4. I wasn't bashing you, just disagreeing. You never offer up how Cody is being an ass, so that's your opinion and your welcome to it. If Cody is being an ass for sitting around and not talking to people I'd hate to imagine what you think of Paul (sarcasm)! I guess with some people it's ok to act anyway you want, even at the expense of others.
  5. Harsh? What happened to the thick skin? lol! I was being nice.
  6. I'm sorry but you're delusional. How is Cody being an ass? Paul, Raven, Xmas, and Alex have done more in the ass realm then Cody. How is Cody broken? You'd make a good minion for Paul. I watched the first 10 or so seasons of this show before getting bored with the format and walking away; this season is nothing like what the show was meant to be. I just watched the BS from yesterday on Youtube and I have to say that Jess held her ground while being attacked by the Gnome, Raven Lunatic and Alexandria the douche to the point I was impressed. The fact that Jody could sit on the hammock and ignore the bullying that Paul was orchestrating, and he clearly is, towards them was also impressive. And again, what did Cody do to Megan? He told her he didn't like her! Wow! Big freaking deal! If that makes him an ass in your book there is nothing I can say to help you. Josh berated Megan to the point she left the show. In the long run it doesn't matter. Paul, Alex, Xmas, Josh and Raven are first class a-holes. Matt, Mark, Elena, Jason and Kevin are weak and follow the majority. Cody and Jess are not innocent in this game but no one deserves the treatment they are getting. My only hope is to see some kind of justice in the house for the deplorable behavior that is being exhibited.
  7. I'd almost bet that CBS will paint it as good humored fun in the house. Paul is their boy and we can't show him in a bad light. All season long they've been painting him as some kind of game wizard. I don't think CBS cast a bunch of dolts to be his minions, but it seems to have turned out that way.
  8. Paul is one of the nastiest people I have ever had the displeasure of watching on any reality tv show.
  9. I agree with this. I don't agree with these people are actors like another poster wrote. Most of them are just straight up fucktards. Xmas was talking about demanding to see Cody's dogtags. I thought something was wrong with Cody when the game started, I didn't know he was a Marine. Do these people really think they can rattle this guy by yelling at him? The Jess hate is just jealousy by the other women in the house. Heck, I see it here on this site. People implying she must be a prostitute because she's hot and lives in LA. Seriously? Jess hasn't been as near as hateful or mean some in this house. Half of the time Jody keeps to their self. What are they supposed to do? Hang out with all of these rotten people who have lied repeatedly to them? The only person Jody has been outright mean to was Josh, and I think we can all agree that he is just as rude and obnoxious to them, if not more. For those of you who constantly berate them and talk bad about them (Jody), you make me wonder. It's not that I think they are great people or anything, they're no better then most people from the game in the past. The rest of this brainless crew though have shown themselves to be rotten, delusional people. Paul, Xmas and Alex are the leaders of the rest of the zombies. Jess was straight up right with what she said to Raven yesterday and Raven is a liar for how she portrayed the convo to rest of the house. I hope they look at these tapes after they leave and realize what fools they are. But I doubt they will or if they did it would register. They probably grew up coddled by their helicopter moms being told that whatever they did was ok.
  10. I saw that and I didn't see it the way your saying. I keep hearing how he was mean to Meagan, but seriously? The stuff you mentioned and Cody telling her he didn't like her pails in comparison to what Paul and his minions are doing.
  11. Anybody? Anybody? She let him go to save herself at this point. If she uses the hex the eviction is over for everyone. I'm sure Paul will try and convince her again that they will vote him out if she doesn't use it but she would be an idiot to believe him at this point.
  12. What did he say to Megan? He put her up and told her he didn't like her. What else was there? My understanding was she said she hated marines and he took it personal. What else did he say to her? I'm not being smart, I just don't remember. I do remember him talking crap in the HOH, but so was the rest of the crew. Paul was his real target, not Megan.
  13. This is how I feel. I was no Cody fan at the beginning, I kind of like the guy now. Seeing the treatment he's getting makes me hope he can get some power back and get rid of some of these idiots. Paul is totally manipulating his crowd. He's a ringmaster of hate and if there ever was a bully this season it is Paul. There is nothing Cody or Jess did to equal what Paul is doing now, nothing.
  14. Really? LOL! I really tried not to comment on this. I'm sure your father never discussed sex with his friends. He certainly would have discussed it with his kid if he was like that. Cody spent 10 years in the corp and 2 tours in Afghanistan, I think he earned the title.
  15. I agree. I was just reading the updates and after they had their "how we can bully and taunt Cody" meeting Xmas said she hates bullies! Lmao! These people are delusional. This makes me like Cody even more! I know if I were in the house I would have baby Josh crying and freaking out if he came at me like he is Cody. He's too much of an emotional cripple to try and bully anyone.
  16. Paul is where Josh got the pots and pans idea. He told Josh about Evil Dick and how everybody loved him (personally I thought he lived up to his name a dick). Josh isn't bright enough to get pass the "hey meatball" stage on his own.
  17. Kind of like Raven, Jason, and Kevin saying Jess would be an idiot to use her hex (just read that in the live feed update). Why would they think that? Because Paul them this so and if they really believe it they are the idiots.
  18. I’m sick of several people in the house, but… Mark just strikes me as a guy that hasn’t had much experience with women. I think he’s desperate for affection and that’s why he latched onto Elena. She never really seemed as into him as he was her. He was always giving her those puppy dog eyes and hanging onto her every word. I don’t know what he seen in her. She’s not anywhere in shape like him, her make up is always caked on, and I don’t think she ever mastered breathing with her mouth closed. (not that looks are all there is, just saying) The guy is hurting now and I feel for him, but he needs to regroup and start playing the game for himself. I bet he’ll have lots of women looking to date him now. It doesn’t matter how he plays the game; he’s on tv. Cody told him the other day that Paul is probably behind the breakup by telling Elena that Mark is bad for her game. Not everyone is fooled by the gnome.
  19. It may have something to do with being told Paul has a final four and he's not in it. I wish I remembered the details, but Kevin asked Paul about it last night on BBAD. Someone mentioned it to Kevin and he went to Paul about it.
  20. I think you have Jess confused with Raven or Elena.



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