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Everything posted by WOC

  1. There's no way I would pay to watch this stuff. Most of it is a snooze fest as it is. I watch BBAD too. You ever notice that just when you think the convo is going to get good it cuts to a commercial! LOL!
  2. Not be argumentative, but I have never felt any negativity towards stay at home fathers. With sexual equality and all I always thought it was a good thing for those that choose that lifestyle.
  3. Thank you! LMAO! 1,000,000 years of human norms! I guess all the women out there making their way in the world better kick their shoes off and get their pregnant asses back in the kitchen!
  4. Yeah they will. They have to make their selection of HGs look good. They never seem to show in full the nitty gritty of what is happening and the dirty side of things. They're afraid of the potential backlash and loss of viewership. They've been painting Paul as a mastermind and genius at the game all season and couldn't possibly show how he is such a douche. There are millions of people out there who only get their info from the three weekly shows, I used to be one.
  5. I fast forwarded much of their convo, I just don't have an interest. But I did catch a part where Matt was telling Raven that there are two or three people left in the house that would throw themselves in front of a train for her still. Or something like that. I'm thinking holy crap! They seriously believe that! Ignorance is bliss.
  6. Alex is a real scum bag. I hope no one buys her crappy looking bathing suits.
  7. Yeah, they probably are the same way in real life. It's just magnified now due to the circumstances. Hell, even Marlon Brando couldn't keep up an act this long!
  8. I hope he is booed too. I seriously doubt he will be though. CBS will probably not allow it. They can't have the show or their choices look bad. Plus there are plenty of people out there who don't seem to care what anyone does, it's just a show.
  9. Everyone (except Alex) wants him gone anyways. Can you imagine what Jason is going to do if the mob turns on him! Did you see how he reacted when Maven went after him after the veto? He talks a good game when he's talking in private with the other idiots in the house, but he doesn't dish it like the rest. I think his only hope is Kevin or Alex winning the next HOH.
  10. This sounds about right. Even though I knew what was going to happen, I was happy to watch Jason swim against the tide and do his own thing by not using the veto. I think this was the first time this has happened this season. About freaking time!
  11. Alex is constantly pulling her shorts out of her crotch because her shorts are so small. Just saying.
  12. Jess wasn't making a show of praying with her rosary either. You have her pegged because she acts like she's a kid.
  13. I will add, I feel free to judge any of the HGs for how that act because they signed on for this. To judge "most of the population" based on a handful of people is over reaching. If they wanted to be handled with kid gloves they should have stayed home with their mommies and off national television.
  14. I wouldn't know, I'm not a Catholic. But judging (and I am judging Alex) from her actions I think she probably should have went.
  15. Well religion was brought up so we talk about it. It's a free country right? Well I guess it would be if everything wasn't taxed so much! But we have those great politicians to thank for all of that.
  16. Or they would at least try to act respectfully. Thing is, you can only act so long then the true person will show. As far as religion goes, last time I checked Catholics worshiped Jesus. Jesus was all about love and treating others in a kind and loving way. I think Alex didn't pay attention in Sunday school.
  17. And what does Josh do? He runs straight to HOH and tells everyone about the convo. But I do think Josh is starting to figure things out, He just doesn't seem to have the brain power to connect the dots and complete the picture.
  18. Yes, but everyone was in on it. Everyone. They all stand there like bitches letting Jason take all of the heat. I would have told Maven right in front of everyone.
  19. After watching the aftermath of the noms for myself it is apparent that Jason does not do well with confrontations. Watching this makes me wish I was in Jason's place just to set Maven straight. At least he could have told them it was the house agenda because it was. Dude, grow a set!
  20. Well didn't that woman also destroy all of Dick's cigarettes? I believe she poured bleach on them and all. But who cares? Matt should be punished just to keep other HGs inline the rest of this season and seasons to come.
  21. I liked Marcellas, but really? If you have a veto and you're on the block, USE IT!



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