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Everything posted by WOC

  1. It's America's FAVORITE Player though. Paul may win, but only because more only watch what is fed to them on the network then those who really keep up on what is going on with the feeds.
  2. I also read a spoiler about what happens next. I put the text in white so if somebody doesn't want to see it they won't. Just highlight my post and you'll be able to read it. To recap Week 12, Alex Ow was sent to Jury with a 1-1 vote, forcing Josh Martinez to break the tie. Paul won the final four competition, the same competition he won in Big Brother 18. Ironically, it was the competition, too – What the Bleep. The spoilers indicate that Paul nominated Kevin Schlehuber and Josh. That means if the nominations stay the same, Christmas Abbott will cast the sole vote to evict. Big Brother 19 spoilers state that Josh likely would want to win the POV to secure his safety. It’s pretty clear that Josh believes that unless he wins Veto Paul will try to get him out of the game. Christmas will want to evict Kevin and take Josh to the final two. Christmas has started to figure out that Paul’s plan is to take Kevin to the end, evicting both herself and Josh. CDL expects that Paul will not try to win the Veto competition. He hasn’t wanted to put himself in a position to choose between Josh and Kevin, so we’d expect him to continue that trend. He probably will encourage Kevin and Josh both to win it, because he knows he can convince either person to take him to the end. I guess we'll know tonight!
  3. I couldn't find anything that put Xmas together with Paul's mom. I'll admit I didn't look all that hard though. I did find several places that gave the same story... "Apparently, Christmas worked for Paul’s mother. She never really clarified what she did for his mom or what type of business she has. Christmas suposedly told Josh Martinez that she worked for Paul’s mom – then the feeds shut off."
  4. Now I'm looking to see if there is any info on this aside from just saying it's so.
  5. Jason gave an interview after he was voted out and said this. http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/big-brothers-jason-dent-paul-is-toast-now-jury-wont-vote-for-him-w502369
  6. I wonder why they have only shown the jury house once. At this point the jury house may be more interesting to watch. I would love an entire episode of that.
  7. LOL! She was praying with her rosary for a AFP win the other night.
  8. I know one thing, I picked the wrong season to start watching again.
  9. I'm feeling ya Paulisabunion! I'm going to watch to the end too Roli, but I've taken BBAD off of my record list. I'm hoping that at the end the evicted HGs give Paul, and which ever lackey he drags with him, shit. They do that thing at the end where the evicted HGs get to ask questions right?
  10. I hope she does a Cody and walks across the table.
  11. Isn't this typical bully behavior? They're all bad and stuff and when they get a taste they cower down.
  12. I'm over this. I didn't see it as a big deal, and I think Paul is a tool. I'm sorry you're confused, I hope it doesn't keep you up at night.
  13. I'm getting a Bentley! I'm getting a Bentley! I'm getting a Bentley!
  14. I only posted that because some people think Kevin is much older then he is.
  15. From an article dated May 24th, 2010... A sickly 73-year-old grandfather sentenced to 10 years in state prison for trafficking in cocaine has been allowed to retire to home confinement while the appeal of his conviction winds its way through state court. Andrew “The Cheese” Schlehuber has been ordered to stay with family in Stoughton while being electronically monitored by a GPS bracelet. Schlehuber is the unlikely West Roxbury drug kingpin who Finagle-a-Bagel co-founder Mark Smith testified in 2006 destroyed his life by feeding his former $200-a-day coke habit. That would put Kevin's dad at around 80 now. I don't think Kevin is 67.
  16. They are undershirts but we call 'em wife beaters as a joke.
  17. And how is that different then what Alex did to Jason for weeks and weeks? She constantly berated him. For all of you having hissy fits over Paul slapping Josh I'd recommend you contacting CBS and request they evict Paul. Good luck with that!
  18. She has a huge following on social media because of her fitness stuff.
  19. I think I'm in pretty good shape for being in my mid forties. But my metabolism is defiantly slowing and it takes so much more work. I'm just saying, aside from his skin which does look like a little to much sun, Kevin isn't in bad shape. That's all.



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