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Everything posted by WOC

  1. This is right here, Cody just wasn't cut out for BB. Neither were most of the HGs when you consider their games.
  2. I would take Josh over Paul. But that's like saying I prefer you punch me in the stomach and not the face.
  3. I haven't been keeping up, but I would think there is a good chance this is Paul's plan. He's gonna work Josh because this is the last obstacle in his way. If Josh wins, and that's a big if, he would have to know that ditching Paul would be the move to win the game for him.
  4. Exactly, this is why I'm a little tired if hearing people defend Paul/Josh/Alex/Xmas with it's a game! Or Paul played the best game. It's not a game, even by CBS standards. Those people are just nasty.
  5. Seriously, this is how I see Paul. I may be wrong, but, he strikes me as someone who has been coddled. I didn't realize he still lives at home. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but he talks a good talk like he's so cosmopolitan. Truth is he has probably had everything handed to him. He says he's a clothes designer, heck I know two people who do the same thing. Printing graphics on t-shirts is not exactly being Hugo Boss. He's a beard model. What the F is that? Is he gonna get a gig for Just For Men and get featured on their hair care box? I have no idea. I'm a man and I have never been influenced by a beard model. Might as well be a hand model for all I care. He's also in a rock band. I checked it out on Youtube and was not impressed. I like all kinds of music. When it comes to rock I've always liked bands like Zeppelin, the Stones, Chili Peppers, and the Foo Fighters, but what do I know? His music reminds me of the high school bands back in the day trying to sound like Metallica. I'm sure he is making money with these ventures and his new found celebrity will help, I just don't see a real future in it for him. After last years show he must have really thought he was the shit because of his fans. Everybody on tv ends up with fans. It doesn't matter if you're a second rate reality star or in the number one show in America. So I'm sure he has his own crew of "yes" men. In reality (no pun intended) he still has a lot of growing up to do. Hopefully, one day he will be a person with a good heart. He just needs to mature some more. Still wanna see him lose and get boo'ed as he exits from my tv screen, never to return.
  6. Good point and possibly true. All of the sites I check on have Cody leading in the polls for AFP. It's overwhelmingly anti Paul too.
  7. If I wasn't so lazy I'd vote for Cody too.
  8. Usually when a reality show's season is over I forget about it and move on. I don't really care what the people from the show do from then on. But I may have to follow up on these folks just so I may have a little personal satisfaction seeing their egos deflate as they reenter the real world. I detest most of these HGs. I don't wish them bad or ill, I just kinda hope they will see themselves in a new light as their delusions of grandeur go down in flames like the Hindenburg.
  9. I finally took BBAD off of my record list. There's no redeeming factors in the final 3 and at this point watching C-Span is more interesting.
  10. Someone once said that posters make multiple accounts to push their point. They may be right. LOL!
  11. Yes I had to look up harridan! lmao! If Matt was a friend of mine I would have a field day with him over Raven.
  12. That is the only hope I have left for this season. There's no stopping one of those rotten people from winning so hopefully the AFP isn't rigged and Cody or Jess will win.
  13. And then Josh kept saying "don't touch me, don't touch me." What a freakin' punk! I wonder if they will still have their boxing match?
  14. Ok, just finished watching tonight's episode. What a waste. The only good parts was Kevin telling Alex she wasn't going to win and Mark starting to cry in the DR (and all of the crying). I don't know if they are trying to paint the gnome and black Xmas in a good light, but it didn't work.
  15. Thanks. You are my ride or die so I'm glad I can be there for ya!



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