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Everything posted by GreatSaltLuke

  1. Who do you guys think these two would put up? Ian: Frank and Jenn Shane: Really a mystery... I could see him putting up anybody but Dani and probably not Joe.
  2. Yeah all but one. I would just put the target up to begin with at this point in the game. Come on Captain America!
  3. Hey Marty, are we actually on the same train this week!? Feeds back! I don't think Shane is going to do to good if he is already squatting. Ian looks the most comfortable by far up there.
  4. People go way too far with the reality show conspiracy theories! The fact that people think that actors have memorized a 24/7, three month script is insane! Not only is that wildly unrealistic but a secret that enormous could not stay hidden considering how many people work on these reality shows. Producers do plenty of things to favor the players that are the best for the ratings including special powers, twists, and tailoring competitions. Hell, they threw an extra veto in this week to give Dan double the opportunity to save himself even though he ended up failing to win both. He ended up saving himself anyways because he had 24 hours to run scenarios through that strategic brain of his and come up with a hail mary plan. 24 hours is a LONG time to think about strategy and if you give such a great player that long to come up with a game plan, it's gonna be a good one. The only thing that comes close to scripts in this show is when they are hosting competitions and when the DR encourages them to embellish on the things they say for more interesting DR sessions.
  5. Tuesday, August 28, 8:51 pm, Feed 1 & 2- It is a tearful moment as Ian pulls Britney to the hammock to tell her that he can't get the votes to save her.
  6. Monday, August 27, 12:35, All Feeds- Watch the aftermath of the bomb dropped during the veto ceremony! Highlights include some great Frank/Ian fights, lots of tears and lots of HGs scrambling around dazed and confused! You're very welcome, thanks!
  7. Sunday, August 26, 7:51 pm, All Feeds- It's the house meeting you have to see to believe. Stick around afterward as Dan lays everything out for Frank in the HOH.
  8. At first I thought Shane was a nice guy then I realized that agreeing with what everyone says and telling everyone only what they want to hear whether it is true or not makes you look nice for a while but at a certain point it just makes you look like an imbecile.
  9. I lost a lot of respect for Dan's game when he told Boogie Frank was being blindsided and tried to sell to Boogie that he was hitting the reset button just to save Frank. Even the dumbest rookie ever to play wouldn't have bought that load, let alone a veteran. And Frank only wanted Dan out because he had heard over and over that Dan wanted him out so he could work with Boogie. If Dan had just been loyal to Froogie, he could have sat back behind the biggest target in the game knowing that Frank was bound to be taken out eventually, leaving him with his hands clean and free to work with Boogie, who was also likely to be targeted before him. Taking all the heat for all of the Quack Pack's wrongdoings against Froogie was also pretty foolish and unnecessary and just ensured that he was the biggest target in his alliance. I don't think that these are things that you only realize when you are outside looking in, they are just really bad gameplay decisions from any point of view.
  10. Yeah, before this season I saw him through nostalgia goggles and thought he was the 2nd best player ever behind Dr. Will but watching him this season I don't think that anymore and I realize how lucky he was his first season. From some of the things he says, he seems to think he is one of the greatest but he's been making some pretty dumb moves this season.
  11. Yeah I agree that Ian could very well have been making it up as he loves to make up excuses for the actions he takes. Like you say, I've never heard of production telling people to nominate certain people or whether to use a POV or who to vote for; I've only heard of them telling them to campaign hard and make sure to talk to certain people because that makes better tv. Frank got DQ'ed from the POV comp for breaking some rule but no one seems to know the specifics.
  12. I think it was a bad decision too but the thing is, he already couldn't play for the next HOH so he was only losing one HOH comp. Maybe he felt secure enough on the deals he's making this week that it was worth it if it got Dan out. Maybe he also realizes that it isn't realistic that he is going to be able to win every single competition for the rest of the season and if it was the will of the whole house to get him out then one extra HOH comp wasn't gonna save him anyways. Who knows?
  13. If he pulled that off, I would become a Dan fan. I don't think there's any way Frank is gonna trust him though and, to make matters worse, he's spending most of the time before the veto ceremony by himself and is going to be getting really poor sleep in there so he is gonna be sleep deprived when he gets out. Kinda sucks how much this hurts his campaigning chances.
  14. Jenn gained a little respect from me for winning that. Now she is only my 2nd least favorite house guest.
  15. I can't really discuss what's going on in the DR because me and know one else knows what is said in there. Anybody saying production is trying to force Ian not to use it is just speculating. It doesn't make sense that they would do a double POV this week if they wanted nominations to stay the same.
  16. Confirmed: Jenn won it by taking slop for the rest of the summer!
  17. Sounds like Frank took lots of punishments and might have won. Dan has to be quarantined in a room with rave music and strobe lights hehe Why did he take this punishment? He said he was going to throw the comp.
  18. Feeds back. Frank wearing a pumpkin suit. Can't tell who won yet.
  19. So... everyone complaining that production is helping Frank, please explain to me how having double POVs on a week when he is HOH and trying to get his biggest enemy out of the house is good for him in any way, shape or form? Sounds like quite the opposite to me. With this twist, the Quack Pack could easily make all five of themselves safe this week, forcing Frank to waste his HOH AND he won't be able to play for HOH next week on top of that. Sounds like production is trying to screw him over to me.
  20. Favorite- Frank. It's one man against the whole house and I love an underdog. If he makes it to the end he deserves to win period! Least- Joe. Eagle Eye is irritating me especially bad this week! What a creepy dude!
  21. What a surprise that AG has decided to roll out the double POV when Dan is on the block! Pandora's Box is such an insult to the intelligence of the fans. This is no better than the Coup d' Jeff or the Rachel/Jordo pairs veto.
  22. I'm glad to see that some Frank supporters are finally emerging. I felt like I was alone for most of the season. I think Boogie leaving has really softened him up and made him more likeable to people. This guy has had maybe the hardest road of any BB player in history and if he doesn't deserve to win this season, I can't imagine who does. He has been playing a straight game the whole season. I can't even think of any major lies he has told while I could put together a big list of what other people in the house have lied about. He's a really nice guy, too, when he's on his own and not under the influence of Boogie. People don't seem to like him because he doesn't wear deodorant and has a ton of self-confidence that can sometimes border on arrogance. Well I can't smell him so I don't care about the first and I'll take cockiness from someone who is out there dominating comps and surviving the block week after week anyday rather then a waste of space like Jenn!
  23. What do you mean? This is obviously a ploy by AG to double her "pet" Dan's odds of staying in the game. In fact, it more than doubled it because Frank didn't even get to play in the first POV. It is pretty much the same scenario as last year when AG saved Rachel by giving Porsche a Pandora's Box that doubled Rachel's POV odds on top of a competition that she was unlikely to lose.
  24. Friday, August 24, 4:06 pm, Feed 3 & 4- Dan and Frank have a heart to heart before nominations.



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