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Everything posted by GreatSaltLuke

  1. Ian MUST have won if Frank is this happy and Dan knows Frank is going home.
  2. Keep in mind Frank would also be very happy if Ian won it.
  3. Boogie just sitting on outdoor couch and Ian/Danielle playing pool. No indication of who won yet.
  4. Well I guess we were bound to disagree on something Dan drives me absolutely crazy with how cryptic he is about everything. He's a great player, I'll give you that, but I just find him super boring and tedious to watch because he gives as little and as vague of information as possible to people in the house and to the people watching. I prefer players that are a little more outspoken cause it creates a lot more drama. I'm not saying I like Boogie/Frank as people but I do like them as players and think they are good villains for the show.
  5. No that wouldn't make sense because in Boogie/Frank's eyes anyone that wins POV gives them hope because all of their biggest enemies aren't playing, except Shane who they think they can manipulate. And both of them are far more in control of their emotions than Willie. Oh wow! I wonder if it was Ashley's back? I hope they are okay, whoever it is.
  6. That sounds like a super boring week to me. I really don't see them campaigning too hard against each other as those two have been more loyal to each other than anyone else in the house. Maybe, I'm alone here but I want Boogie/Frank to get their revenge. They are the most entertaining players to me and if they go one after another we're probably left with a craptastic rest of the season. The Quack Pack needs an enemy and I don't want the annoyingly cryptic Dan, who can't give a straight answer to anybody, the selfish Bratney, the spineless Shane, or crazy Danielle to win the game at this point. Ian is the only one I could root for in the house if Boogie and Frank leave. Oh I definitely think he would. He would do whatever Britney wanted him to. Earlier, when Britney was talking about how she was mad at Dan for keeping things from them, he even hinted that maybe they should get him out before she immediately shut that idea down. He is so easy to manipulate that I don't even see Boogie convincing him to backdoor Dan outside the realm of possibility.
  7. Yeah, who knows with all the injuries going on this season. Half the people playing have serious physical ailments. I also think they could have done Pandora's box right after the comp and punishments/rewards are going on. Who knows, but it definitely isn't the standard POV since feeds have been off for almost 6 hours now.
  8. Friday, August 17, 7:08 pm, All Feeds- Last night was one of the best feed nights all season and it's pointless to post a clip because the entire night was constant drama. I suggest starting at this time, when the feeds came back and watching until 1:00 AM or so when things finally started to die down because it's worth it. Highlights include Britney confronting Boogie/Frank after Shane blames her for nominations, Britney unleashing on Shane and Boogie/Frank calling out Dan.
  9. You can't deny that It's been a great night of feeds! Almost makes up for the horribly dull week we've had before this.
  10. Britney's "I've been protecting Shane the whole game and he throws me under the bus the first chance he gets" routine is very indicative of her selfish delusions. Britney hasn't won crap and all of her actions have protected herself more than anyone while Shane is out there busting his butt to win competitions to keep her safe and take all the heat in the process. It's about time she takes a little heat. Putting most of the responsibility on her was a bit harsh but her attitude and threatening to never speak to him again is a super overreaction when she should be willing to take some heat off his shoulders after using him as her human shield the whole game.
  11. Shane deserves the 500k just for surviving the real life Alex Forrest.
  12. Yeah, now that the Silent Six are all gonna go to war I wouldn't be surprised at all to see a final 4 of Joe, Ashley, Jenn and Ian.
  13. I saw the convo too and right after that Joe said "I'm not saying if I'm in the Final 4 I wouldn't try to win the game." The stuff he says is so nonsensical it's not worth thinking too hard about. Still, if I was Shane, I would keep that favor Joe owes in my back pocket in case it gets him an extra vote when he's on the block.
  14. Yeah I figure it is something out of context like that but people are already so paranoid about the game being rigged that this kind of stuff fuels the fire
  15. I can't believe how cocky they are to assume they are completely safe without talking to anyone. They don't find it odd that we're getting close to nominations and the Silent Six still hasn't game talked at all? I don't get it but it's gonna be a fun night after nominations.
  16. Thursday, August 16, 2:55 pm, Feed 1 & 2 (make sure you're listening to what Danielle says about 35 seconds in)- Ever wonder why BB does NOT want HGs talking about production? They might give away things like this...
  17. Joe just compared his and Shane's alliance to the Brigade. No Joe, sorry.
  18. Me too, as much as I hate to see Jenn, Ashley and Joe float through while the strong players take each other out. I don't think it will be a blindside because Shane isn't very good at lying, doesn't really have a reason to lie and Boogie is good at sniffing out lies. I'm just looking forward to the scrambling once Boogie/Frank figure out what's going on. I hope they don't just mope around like the last time they were in trouble.
  19. Favorite- Switched to Shane this week. I know the guy isn't very bright but I still think he is the most likeable guy in the house, could probably use the money more than anyone, I respect his beastly comp record and it looks like he is gonna make a big move this week. Least- Still Jenn, the ultimate black hole of entertainment on the show. Please... go... home...
  20. Friday, August 17, 2:20 am, Feed 1 & 2- The quack pack gets together before bed time to plot the demise of Frank and Boogie.
  21. He sure seems confident that he and Frank are safe this week. The second he talks to Shane he's gonna sniff the plan out and shi_ is going to hit the fan. Should be an interesting day.
  22. Frank is probably going out the door Thursday, well over the halfway mark in the game, having never gotten the chance to vote. I can't figure out whether that is really impressive or really sad.



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