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Everything posted by GreatSaltLuke

  1. Friday, August 10, 12:12 pm, Feed 3 & 4- Wil's bad attitude during his conversation with Boogie and Franks lead them to target him instead of Joe this week. Although this clip is interrupted several times by Wil having to go get his mic and WBRBs, it is the most important conversation of the day.
  2. Jeez, no wonder they haven't done another All-Stars.
  3. I love how Wil has been lying the whole game for no good reason and the one time he has a good reason to lie he tells the truth.
  4. Frank just told Joe the official target is Wil this week.
  5. This guy is unbelievable! He's talking with Frank again with the F YOU attitude and taking lots of subtle shots at him and Boogie. Frank was speechless at one point . It's like he's trying to get evicted!
  6. Wil just semi-threatened Boogie and Frank in the HOH room and now they want him out this week. Good move Wil...
  7. Frank just said he wants to backdoor Dan this week, although Boogie is trying to talk him out of it.
  8. Favorite: Boogie- He was billed as the scumbag of the season and he has been playing the cleanest game of all of the coaches and making strong moves. I respect that even if his arrogance and trash talk gets under some people's skin. Least Favorite: Jenn- If you're gonna sit around and do nothing you could at least do or say something entertaining once in a while like Ashley and Wil. Jenn is an absolute waste of space in the house and I have no use for her. Even Joe, inept as he is, will at least go to people to talk game and try to make moves. Jenn just sits there waiting for people to come to her. I want her gone so bad!
  9. Thursday, August 9, 10:59 pm, Feed 3 & 4- When Frank joins Boogie and Dan in HOH, the scheming begins.
  10. I kinda hope he does that to shake things up but it might be a little too reckless. Joe and Will is the obvious choice.
  11. Frank HOH might make for an interesting week. Will he play play it predictable and go for Joe or get revenge on people in his alliance?
  12. This fabrication of showmances is getting so ridiculous! Ashley has said many times she wants Ian gone ASAP!
  13. Boogie/Frank were already talking about putting Dan and Britney up a little earlier.
  14. Yeah I'm pretty certain the DR told everyone not to make a peep about it because Joe was all worked up at the time and then suddenly quiet the rest of the day. There is no way Joe's big mouth would have kept that quiet without them asking him to.
  15. So this is turning into quite the conspiracy theory! In fact, hamsterwatch.com is going on strike because they believe the leak was a deliberate attempt by production to save Janie! http://www.hamsterwatch.com/
  16. Yeah it seemed like a big deal at the time but I haven't heard any HGs mention it since. It seems like everyone would be talking about it if they heard Dan talk about his F3 or the silent 6. That info could easily flip the house into voting out Frank.
  17. Yeah I guess she was only alone for a little while. Now that lockdown is over she still seems to think she is staying. This might be a blindside after all and a pretty brutal one the way everyone is lying to her.
  18. What a cluster F week it will be if she wins HOH.
  19. Awww, Janelle is laying by herself on the bathroom floor during HOH lockdown. She must have finally figured it out. I do feel bad for her...
  20. I think Dan's DR session got leaked to the house speakers. You could hear it on the live feeds and then Joe got up and told Boogie he and Dan needed to talk after hearing Dan's DR session and then he went and found Dan as said "That was quite the DR session Dan" before the feeds were cut. Hope he didn't say anything too incriminating or production just screwed him over.
  21. Wednesday, August 8, 4:56 pm, Feed 3 & 4- After lying to Janelle all day, Britney has a mini-breakdown in the HOH room and questions why they are voting out Janelle and why they shouldn't tell her the truth.
  22. I'll give ya an A for optimism. I don't know if I ever recall someone being able to change a vote on Thursday. Wednesday at the latest.
  23. And now she is talking about the guy she is dating back home. Run Trey! Run!



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