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Everything posted by GreatSaltLuke

  1. What a surpise that when he retold the story to others he said that Dan claimed he was Shane and was trying to impersonate Shane to learn all Joe's secrets.
  2. I think Dan is in really good shape for the double eviction because the only person that might put him up is Joe and even if Joe put him up, he'd have the votes to stay. The only person Joe could put him up against to get him evicted would be Danielle and I don't think Joe would do that.
  3. Yeah, like others have mentioned, Dan knew he was going and Frank seems pretty oblivious so he doesn't realize that he needs a hail mary. I think if he could wake up and realize what is going on there is always that 5% chance you can make something happen if you out your alliance and shuffle the deck like Dan did.
  4. Marty, now that my man is out the door, I have come to a decision. I’m boarding the Dan train! It’s not so much that I like Dan as much as it is that I am baffled and disgusted at what these people continue to let him get away with. Even to those that haven’t seen season 10, he has proved more untrustworthy than all of the coaches combined yet these people just let him keep slithering through the game, backstabbing one HG after another. At this point I just want the house cleansed of all these imbeciles so they can go back and watch the tapes and feel ashamed of every stupid decision they have made since the day they wasted an eviction on freaking Jo Jo rather than sending one of the greatest players of all time and his puppet out in one knockout punch! I’d rather Dan win a second 500k than to see any of these idiots make a penny!
  5. The QP alliance should be renamed the Dan's Bitches alliance. Dan: Hey guys, even though I cruelly played with all your emotions last week, threw a fake funeral, ratted out every secret about our alliance to Frank and Jenn, got Britney sent home and made sure Ian is Frank and Jenn's main target, let's not dwell on the past. Let's use Ian's HOH to get the Quack Pack back together! QP: Okay Dan! Quack quack quack! Dan: Guys, I'm gonna go ahead and change your nominations to make sure Jenn doesn't come after me next week cool? And Ian, even though you should be really pissed that I'm making you get more blood on your hands just to take a little heat off myself, just be pretend pissed okay? Ian: That sounds like a great plan Dan! This will be perfect! We'll make sure Jenn comes after me next week instead of you and piss off Joe a little bit too. Dan: Also guys, I'm gonna go ahead and vote for Frank to stay okay? QP: Great idea! We wouldn't want Frank to be mad at you on Thursday cause then he might not vote for you in jury. And this way it can be a tie vote and Ian can take all the heat for sending Frank out. You're so smart Dan! Dan: I know, I know. Let's get the QP together again Thursday night if Shane wins HOH. QP: But what if someone else wins? Dan: I better go. I don't want anyone to get suspicious. QP: Okay, good night Dan! Quack quack quack!
  6. Sunday, September 2, 6:46 pm, Feed 3 & 4- Ian proposes Operation Floaters Grab A Life Vest to Dan to ensure that Jenn and Joe go before anyone in the QP Sunday, September 2, 8:56 pm, Feed 3 & 4- Joe asks Dan not to use the veto and offers 1 week of safety in exchange
  7. Saturday, September 1, 5:29 pm, Feed 3 & 4- Good game talk was a bit scarce today but here is the best of it. Dan discusses the plan to get Frank out with Ian and Shane then goes downstairs to get Jenn in on it.
  8. Nope, Frank is telling Dan to use it on Jenn and explain it is just to pay her back from last week in order to disguise their "alliance". That's because Frank is a team player and is willing to take risks to protect those in his alliance. He has this thing called integrity unlike most of the others left in the house, who can't wait to backstab him on Thursday and laugh at how many times they had to lie to and betray him to get him out of the house.
  9. Yeah, Frank has been screwed every which way by these people. It's amazing that he hasn't had more of a mental breakdown, although you can tell he is worn out from pretty much having to win the majority of the competitions just to stay in the house
  10. Janelle wasn't blindsided by F/B. Frank was on the block with her and she obviously knew she didn't have Boogie's vote. It was the rest of the house that blindsided her.
  11. Yes he did, they very clearly shook on an F2 deal after Dan's "funeral".
  12. The way Dan has been talking it seems pretty clear he is backstabbing Frank this week. He even has Jenn in on the plan. Oh well, I suppose Frank wasn't gonna be able to take on the whole house week after week forever. It was a fun underdog story while it lasted though. Too bad he is part of the most disloyal, flip floppy cast I think I've ever seen on BB.
  13. Wow, after Frank brings Dan back from the dead last week and Dan swears up and down he will be loyal to the end, he's just gonna turn right around the next week and stick a knife in Frank's back? That's some dirty dirty gameplay Dan...
  14. Danielle is easily in the best position in the house right now. She might as well go to sleep for a few weeks and have the other finalist wake her up for the jury questions.
  15. Yeah there is obviously something about him that just puts people that he is talking with under a spell and makes them believe anything he says. When I'm listening to the audio, I just hear him ask a bunch of leading questions and then sit back and listen while these people are spilling their guts to him, sharing all their deepest secrets while he shares nothing in return. Then he'll suggest something that sounds really silly to me and they will eat it up. I look at the guy and think he seems like a stand offish douche but he has all these people wrapped around his fingers. I think he really must have a mist.
  16. Yeah I think that if Dan can take at least 4th place this season to tie Dr. Will's record, then he could be considered the greatest player of all time. If he won the season, there really wouldn't be any dispute that he is the greatest. I still say he is a bore to watch though.
  17. ITA Ceci! Unfortunately, most people seem to think every season is the worst season ever while it is going on. I think this season will be remembered fondly as long as someone really embarrassing doesn't win like Joe or Jenn.
  18. Dan has got to be loving that these fools welcomed him right back into the QP even after he ratted them all out last week, got Britney sent home and made it so apparent that he made a deal with Frank/Jenn. He's gotta be thinking "what a bunch of amateurs!"
  19. Friday, August 31, 1:39 am, Feed 1 & 2- Dan attempts to make yet another F2 deal with Ian and Shane and Danielle are brought in to reform the Quack Pack.
  20. Thursday, August 30, 7:09 pm, All Feeds- You only get to watch comps on live feeds a few times per season and here is another opportunity!
  21. Oh no they are gonna make a deal! Ian won... Time to pull off yet another POV carrot...
  22. So true! Problem is Dan has Dani and Dani has Shane. Your boy is really covered from all angles right now...



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