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Everything posted by GreatSaltLuke

  1. Well you gotta admit, he did play one of the cleanest games in terms of least number of lies...
  2. This guy is seriously gonna catch a cold from the ice inside his soul! I tip my hat (if I was wearing one) to the best player of all time.
  3. I feel really cheated that they didn't start the endurance at the end of the show and as a result we probably won't be able to watch it on the feeds! The endurance comps are one of the best parts about the feeds...
  4. Yeah he's going to be more bitter than Frank. He really is a terrible player though! How many times did he volunteer to go on the block? You NEVER do that! How many times did he passionately tell people he was with them for no reason before screwing them and building unnecessary resentment? How many times was he shown that Dan can't be trusted without losing trust? This guy belongs on the Bachelor not BB.
  5. This guy is a BB god and has already cemented his place as the best player to ever play. Plus, if he takes Dani to the end he either wins as a player or he wins as a coach by getting his player the win!
  6. Priceless reaction by Dani! One of the best blindsides ever! And after all this I bet she goes right back to being loyal to him again...
  7. Thank you so much feed updaters! You make the BB experience far more enjoyable for everyone!
  8. That could be but I don't know because it just makes no sense that she would want to keep Ian in the game when he has the highest likelyhood of winning the final HOH and a very low likelyhood that he would take her, even not knowing about the Ian/Dan F2 deal. And why make Dan swear he's voting Ian out then? I think she really might think he's keeping Shane and this will be an epic triple blindside!
  9. I can't believe the balls/brilliance of this guy! With one move he is going to breakup Dani/Shane and ensure that whoever wins final HOH will take him to F2 (Ian will feel very grateful to Dan and Dani knows she can't beat Ian in F2). Sometimes I wonder if he is playing for 2nd though. He has brutally backstabbed the majority of the jury. Can he really suck the votes out of them for a win? If he does it will be beyond anything anyone has ever accomplished in BB by far!
  10. Thursday, September 13, 2:49 pm, Feed 1 & 2- Danielle tells Dan she will use the veto on him and makes him swear to vote Ian out (unfortunately it is difficult to hear them because they are whispering so quietly).
  11. Let's think about this for a second Dani... you could go against Shane and Dan in the F3 and have a guaranteed F2 spot OR you could keep Ian in the game, who WILL NOT take you to F2, who WILL probably win both the part 1 endurance and part 3 quiz comps AND who you have NO CHANCE at beating in F2. Oh Dan wants Shane out? Well you can always trust Dan!
  12. Better pack your bags Shane! Here comes the DAN TRAIN! CHOO CHOO!
  13. I don't know but I would guess it has been played because there isn't much time for POV on a live eviction day. It could be that Dan won the POV and both Ian and Shane feel pretty comfortable being that Dan tells EVERYONE he's with them to the end.
  14. I almost fell out of my chair when I found out this wasn't just another AG hate thread. Thanks for showing some appreciation for once LW! After all, we're all here posting on the message board because we love BB enough to go post at a BB message board. And I may be alone here, but I don't mind Jessie coming in to punish people every year. That's why it is a punishment... because he is so annoying. I like running jokes in the show like Jessie and Zingbot and I thought it was funny that he came in and threw all the junk food away. That's a way better punishment than Joe's stupid hula hoop party thing.
  15. They all seem to be acting kinda cocky. No one seems nervous.



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