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Everything posted by Kekila

  1. #BB15 1:05 PM BBT Andy and Amanda compare the TV show Real World to BB. Andy says Real World used to have intresting people with real stories. Now it's just people who want to have sex, do drugs and yell at each other. @BB15 1:10PM BBT In the pool are Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard and Jessie. THe girls are on the guy's sholders and they are doing chicken fights. I the KY Helen makes some fried slop for her and and Elissa. #BB15 1:21 PM BBT IN the BY Spencer and McCrae talk about Candice. She worries them. Says she is always creeping around. McCare says he doesn't care who goes. #BB15 1:24 PM BBT SPencer asks McCrae if he likes AManda. McCrae says he does but hje is here to win. He knows BB and not going to get sidetracked.
  2. #BB15 11:39 AM BBT Helen and Andy talking in the WA about who has what votes. Helen says that they can go all the way with Aaryn. Talking about wining her over. Andy says it doesn't matter if they have Elissa. #BB15 11:55 AM BBT Jessie and Jeremy in BY talking. Jessie asking Jeremy how long he will stay in Houston. He isn't sure. He has to finish school before he goes anywhere. He has 20 hours left of school. He is studying interpersonal communications.
  3. #BB15 11:03 AM BBT Jeremy making scrambled eggs. IN the BY HG working out. #BB15 11:10 AM BBT Aaryn, Judd and Andy talk about their childhood. Judd said that in school he wouold get paddled if misbehaved. Aaryn says that is horrible. Aaryn takls about a time that she almost got hit by a car for running when she wasn't supposed to. Says her parents really never got angry at her. #BB15 11:17 AM BBT Andy and Helen are in the WA talking about kids names. Andy likes Harper, Rocco and Gideon. Helen likes traditional names. #BB15 11:23 Aaryn in HOH telling Kaitlin that she was just told that Gina and Nick had a hook up last night. Aaryn says she doesn't believe Judd. Jeremy says that she (Gina) is a typical Austin girl. Austin girls are wierd.
  4. #BB15 2:57 PM BBT In the BY Aaryn tells the others that she really only cares about meeting Janeille and hopes Janielle likes her. GIna wants to meet Carmen Electra #BB15 3:05 PM BBT Aaryn running through dates - Andy telling her if she is correct. Andy now helping her. In the KT Nick and Amanda telling life stories. Just gen chit chat. #BB15 3:11 PM BBT At the BY couch the came cuts in and Aaryn is saying that there should be an All Star of the most annoying people. Cam then cuts to Gina at the hammock with Kaitlin. GIna tells Kaitlin that she doesn't shave her armpits - she tweezes them. #BB15 3:14 PM BBT Kaitlin and Gina talk about how they can't stand Candice. They says she is fake. And can't stand the term BF. GIna says she has been with a guy for 6 months and won't refer to him as a boyfriend. Kaitlin agrees. Says that she won't refer to a guy as a boyfriend even being together for a long time. Now some ex-boyfriend bashig and we get FOTH. We are back. Gina says Candice tries to act white and then flips and goes ghetto. Kaitlin says that she doesn't feel bad that she makes fun of her, Gina says she doens't make fun of anyone in the house {really?]
  5. #BB15 2:32 PM BBT In the BY McCrae and Kaitlin talking about places near where they live. In the KY Amanda is cooking fish and discussing food with Nick. #BB15 2:40 PM BBT Feed cuts to Andy and Kaitlin on the BY Sofe talking with Jeremy. JEremy is saying he isn't raciest. Kaitlin syas it was a different era. Says that her Mom was 38 when she became pregnant with her. Says she called her Dad in Korea where he was stationed to tell him and her Dad said it wasn't his. Says she was an accident baby. Sibling is 10 years older. Now we have FOTH. #BB15 2:46 PM BBT Jeremy, Aaryn, and Andy in BY talking about gay marriage and adopting babies. Jeremy talking about how people can have babies. He says you can adopt or get someone's eggs and mix them with sperm and put them in someone's stomach. Jeremy feels that it's no ones business if someone is gay or wants to adopt. Aaryn says that she knows someone who donated enough of her eggs to get breast implants. #BB15 2:52 PM BBT We are getting FOTH several times as the BY HG talk about different celebrities possibly being gay. Now such Helen bashing. Some talk about that she smells. She is lying by the pool. Jeremy says that Helen keeps running her mouth says he warned her to knock it off or he will cut her.
  6. #BB15 1:46 PM BBT Aaryn talking to Gina and Nick. Telling them Elissa's strategy for putting NIck up. A little unclear what strategy was but Nick says he needs to learn the names of everyone who did so he can talk to him. {Sounds like Aaryn told him HG gave his name to put up.] #BB15 1:51 PM BBT Gina and Nick still talking. Gina tells Nick this is cake for them. Nick says that her true personality will shine because they have information. GIna lying on the bed with her arm over Nick's legs. Gina tells Nick that Amanda is good with them but to talk to her anyways. #BB15 1:54PM BBT Spencer and Andy talking. Spencer says he is willing to keep his options open. Andy says he is worried as he wants to go far with Helen but concerned they will go after her. #BB15 1:58 PM BBT Andy and Howard join Nick in the BR. Andy tells him to do the Jessie method - just sit back and don't say a word. She got zero votes. Nick says he is just going to chill.
  7. #BB15 1:02 PM BBT Candice, Howard and Spencer in the CP room. They are talking about the HN. Candice counting the hours until she can eat. Spencer talking about the cost of groceries. Now talking about how crazy being on slop makes you. #BB15 1:06 PM BBT Andy and Elissa talking in the HN room. Andy asks Elissa if she won HOH who does she think the letter would be from. She feels they would probably get one from Rachel just because of her history with the house. She tells Andy that she appreciates him so much and his support. #BB15 1:20 PM BBT In the KY - general lunch prep. No real talking going on. #BB15 1:25 PM BBT Aaryn, Amanda, and McCrae are in the pool. Talking low. None have mics on so difficult to hear. Sounds like they are referring to a comp. #BB15 1:39 PM BBT In the KY Jeremy is making Aaryn eggs. In the Pool Elissa, Amanda and McCrae talking about liver and if they still sell it in restaurants.
  8. #BB15 11:01 AM BBT We have trivia. Jeremy is in the R and the veto ceremony is about to start BB15 11:26 AM BBT We currently still have trivia. BB15 11;40 AM BBT Feeds are back. Camera 1 is on Nick and Amanda is telling him not to worry #BB15 11:42 AM BBT Gina and NIck are now in the bedroom. Nick is telling her to take a moment and compose themselves. He says that they have 48 hours. #BB15 11:43 PM GIna asks Nick and Nick says they were a target from the beginning. Nick is the replacement nominee. Gina says she hates weak people. She wants to be the prettiest and the best #BB15 11:51 AM BBT Andy and Elissa in the HN room. Andy tells her it should work. It's a matter of everyone remaining loyal. #BB15 11:52 AM BBT GIna in HOH with Aaryn. GIna upset about Nick. Aaryn tells her that Elissa has been making stupid decisions. Aaryn says that if Elissa comes into HOH, she will ask her to leave. #BB15 11:56 AM BBT Gina, Kaitlin, and Aaryn talking about tthat they text 24/7. Gina says she will wake up in the middle of the night and text and go back to bed. They can't beleieve when people tell them they didn't respond because they didn't have their phone ob them. They say that's not possible.
  9. #BB15 9:01 PM BBT Nick and GIna talkig in the bedroom. GIna telling him what she has learned about Kaitlin. Difficult to hear as she is whispering. BB tells Gina to not obstruct the mic.
  10. #BB15 8:33 PM BBT Some Kaitlin bashing happening in the HOH room. Aaryn complains that Kaitlin didn't know the first thing about BB. BB found her in a bar. Aaryn says she deserves to be there more then Kaitlin and she is worried she will go home before her. #BB15 8:39 PM BBT Andy enters HOH. They talk about feeling awkward. Aaryn says that she feels awkward being in HOH. She says she wants to tell Jeremy that she wants alternate nights. Andy says that he doesn't think Jeremy would be upset #BB15 8:44 PM BBT Aaryn explains to Andy that Jeremy is making deals without her. She says she has told him that he needs her as he can't win HOH every week. Andy is agreeing with her. #BB15 8:48 PM BBT Andy tells Aaryn that he has her back if she has his. It's time ot make a move and Aaryn agrees. They both agree to keep Helen. In the BY a game of bandana ball is going on. #BB15 8:51 PM BBT Kaitlin comes into HOH and tells Aaryn that the bed will smell tongiht because her spray tan will start to smell like somthing burnt. Aaryn says she will sleep downstairs. Kailtin says she can't because people will think she and Jeremy are having sex. #BB15 8:56 PM BBT Jeremy comes into HOH. Says he won the game. Andy tells him that he is a gracious winner but asks Jeremy if he beats him at HOH can he run up to him and get in his face? Jeremy says "Yeah, if you are still here". He then tries to lay on Kaitlin. Kaitlin moves over slightly.
  11. #BB15 8:12 PM BBT In the BY HG talk about past seasons. Referring to the team season and who was on Dan's team. Jeremy making up songs and singing them loud and over other HG. #BB15 8:12 PM BBT In the BY HG talk about past seasons. Referring to the team season and who was on Dan's team. Jeremy making up songs and singing them loud and over other HG. #BB15 8:20 PM BBT In the HOH room are Aaryn and Gina. Aaryn asks Gina why she doesn't drink. GIna says it's just that she doesn't like the taste of it. In the BY the HG are playing their ball game. McCrae is carrying around the flowers from the HN food and general chit chat going on. #BB15 8:24 PM BBT Aaryn and GIna talking about Aaryn sharing the HOH room. Aaryn says that she really wanted every other night but Jeremy insists sharing it. SHe says it feel awkward. GIna says she is surprised they all fit. Gina tells Aaryn that Kaitlin is only involved in the group because Jeremy hooked up with her. SHe knows she can beat her. #BB15 8:28 PM BBT GIna explaining to Aaryn why she likes her. Gina says that people are always going to judge them on their looks. They are pretty, blonde and attractive. Aaryn says that she is getting tired of Jeremy and they can't talk game. Jeremy and Kaitlin are always rolling around and making out. She says Jeremy just told Kaitlin he loves her in the pool.
  12. 8:00 PM BBT #BB15 In the BY Aaryn and GIna discuss fingernail polish. GIna says she can't wear polish.
  13. 3:02PM BBT #BB15 Helen is summoned to the HOH room. Jeremy tells her if she goes up - she will not be going home. He can guarantee it. He says that her name has come up against Elissa. He tells her everyone has faith that she can win POV.
  14. 2:27PM BBT #BB15 Judd has joined Jeremy and Aaryn in the HOH room. Jeremy has now talked to him about F4. He tells Judd that he has to vote Elissa out and then they will watch his back. Now telling Judd to stay clear of everyone who is supporting Elissa. 2:31PM BBT #BB15 Andy, Amanda, Spencer, and McCrae talk about if someone else gets MVP. They feel if Elissa wins POV, then Candice will go up on the block. Now McCrae shows how to roll up a pack of cigarettes into his t-shirt if he doesn't have pockets. Andy then says that they are going for whoever Elissa puts up. Andy really wants Jeremy out. 2:38PM BBT #BB15 Kaitlin called to HOH and told to calm down. Kaitlin tells them she is not feeling well and doesn't want to talk game. Jeremy tells her he has it on lockdown and will protect her. Kaitlin says they are attacking her. Jeremy tells her she is acting like a 2 year old right now. 2:45PM BBT #BB15 Nick has been summoned to the HOH room. Nick is telling them how he was quiet the first week so he could learn who to trust. He says that he will only talk game with those people. Aaryn is asking him if it's ok to bring Jeremy in to HOH. So all three will talk game. Nick says he would put up someone super week that no one wants to touch and Elissa. 2:49PM BBT #BB15 Jeremy trying to say that it makes more sense to put up Elissa after POV. Nick telling him that it makes more sense to put Elissa first and perhaps someone like Candice. 2:54PM BBT #BB15 Now trying to decide to put up against Elissa in HOH. Jeremy doesn't want to put up Candice as she is the target next week. Looks like Helen vs. Elissa is what they are considering.
  15. #BB15 2:03 PM BBT Candice and Howard talking on the BY couch. Candice upset that no one told her David was being voted out but she knew. Howard telling her to to hang back and do what she is doing. Howard says he trusts Spencer. Candice says that Spencer lies so much he scares her. 2:06PM BBT #BB15 Spencer, Andy and Helen in the SR. Helen is prepared to go up. Andy says Amanda and Judd are starting to freak out. Elissa comes in and Spencer and Andy leave. Helen tells Elissa to calm down. They both leave the SR. 2:13PM BBT #BB15 In the HOH Jeremy, Aaryn, McCrae discussing the votes. Jeremy tells Aaryn not to let anyone strong arm her into changing her decision. Jeremy says they have the votes. They decide not to say anything to anyone. Aaryn says she learned her lesson. They agree on Elissa 100%. 2:18PM BBT #BB15 Candice, Andy, Spencer are in the BY. Elissa had told them she wanted to go to HOH room. They tell her it is not a good idea and talk her out of it. Elissa goes inside. Now talk switches to talk about using their mics and forgetting them. Andy said Kaitlin is on reminder 9000. 2:23PM BBT Spencer goes off to the hammock and Candice goes inside. McCrae and Amanda join Andy in the BY. Andy says people are getting paranoid. Andy says he doesn't like that jeremy is bullying them into saying if they don't vote his way they are next.
  16. #BB15 12:39 PM BBT In the BY there is talk about religions. Camera 2 is on the SR where the food has been restocked for the HG. #BB15 12:43PM BBT In the HOH room McCrae, Aaryn and Kaitlin are discussing who the MVP may put up. Aaryn says that she needs someone on the block with Elissa who can beat Elissa and be a vote for her.
  17. #BB15 12:02 PM BBT HG on OLD still. Talk about the bedrooms and which ones they prefer. Talk about being gone from home 3 weeks and they feel each day is really long. Kaitlin says she was picked up on the 15th. BB reminds them to not talk about production. #BB15 12:13PM BBT Talk about what the HG have around their home towns. Talk about what restaurants they have and what there was to do. Basic chit chat. #BB15 12:26 PM BBT HG are back in the house. Seems they received liver to eat. They are looking over the foods on the dining table. Discussion how to cook the liver. They also got lima beans. #BB15 12:32 PM BBT Howard is praying in the booth while Nick is tossing lima beans into their bowls of liver in the KT.
  18. 5:11 PM BBT #BB15 Helen and Howard in the HN room. Helen talking to him about numbers but difficult to hear as she does not have her mic on. 5:13 PM BBT #BB15 Nick and Andy in HOH talking about winning HOH. Andy isn't sure he wants to draw the line yet. Andy states that BB has closed the BY. They wonder why - if it will be for a comp. 5:19 PM BBT #BB15 In HOH - Andy and Nick talking about food and candy that Nick will/won't eat. On another camera, HG talking about car accidents. Spencer starts talking about a friend who got in an accident and we get FOTH. 5:28 PM BBT #BB15 Candice talking about her husband leaving her and the kids and then says she shouldn't even mention his name.
  19. 4:30 PM BBT We currently have FOTH 4:48 PM BBT Still FOTH 5:02 PM BBT #BB15 Still have FOTH - Unclear what is happening in the house. 5:03 PM BBT #BB15 Feeds are back. Helen and Candice are talking in the BR. Helen tells Candice to stay low. Candice tells her the others were talking about it last night. Candice asks Helen if Crae wants this. Helen says she can't say much at this time. Candice says she can't wait until "she" goes.
  20. 3:40 PM BBT #BB15 We are back from FOTH. Howard, Aaryn, Kaitlin and McCrae in the BY talking about one of the female HG disrespecting Aaryn by telling her she wouldn't reach her goals in life. Kaitlin says that is the most disrespectful thing to say. How can anyone say something like that to someone they have known for 10 days. 3:47 PM BBT #BB15 Helen and Jeremy at the pool talking about breaking hearts. Jeremy says he has never had his heart broken but he thinks he may have broken the heart of one of his girlfriends. They talk about how hard it was to see that. 3:51 PM BBT #BB15 Spencer and Jessie on the hammock telling the story of Princess Aaryn and Prince David living happily ever after. Now Spencer is knocking out the Star Wars theme on the hammock. They have moved on to guessing the shapes of the clouds. 3:57 PM BBT #BB15 Elissa and Judd in the SR. Judd tells her to try and get the numbers right now. Elissa says if she has to threaten if she wins a power she will put them up - she will. Judd tells her to work on the numbers for now. BB calls for an ILD.
  21. 3:27 PM BBT #BB15 Nick is teaching David how to match potato wedges. Kaitlin is working on making meatballs. In the BY Aaryn talking about the commercials she has done. Spencer says he did a commercial once - for BB. 3:37 PM BBT #BB15 We currently have FOTH. HG were just general chit chat before they went to FOTH.
  22. 3:08 PM BBT #BB15 In talk of Walmart and what they carry in their stores. In the KT Jessie is making a tray of peanut butter on celery. Licking her fingers after she spreads the PB on each piece.
  23. 2:56 PM BBT #BB15 One camera on Candice sleeping and the other cameras on the HG in the pool talking about - you guessed it - actors and actresses. They have moved on to what costumes of characters they would like to wear. 2:59 PM BBT #BB15 They have now decided that the Progressive girl earns millions of dollars for being that character. Now talk of Julie Chen and being married to the head of CBS. GInaMarie didn't know that.
  24. 2:38 PM BBT #15 In the house, the camera is panning the memory wall. In the BR , Kaitlin enters and says something to Candice who is resting. Can't hear her as she doesn't have her mic. BB asks her to put it on and she says "Sorry BB". 2:46 PM BBT #BB15 BB calls Amanda, McCrae and Andy to put on their mics. Amanda calls out that she lays on her chest all the time.
  25. 2:02 PM BBT Just general conversations. Lots about actors and actresses. Nothing major. 2:10 PM BBT #BB15 Talk of actors/actresses and movies continue. Andy is working out. 2:24 PM BBT #BB15 Movie talk still going on. Spencer throws out an actor or actress and they discuss. 2:28 PM BBT #15 Elissa heads to the WA to wash up after exercising. We have a brief feed of a camera in the wall moving along the windows. In the BY movie talk continues.



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