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Everything posted by Kekila

  1. 10:53 PM BBT If the final HOH comp was sleeping - the remaining HG would all still be in the running.
  2. 10:03 AM BBT The HG getting a late morning snoozefest. Ian has covered his head with his comforter. 10:16 PM BBT In the BB house - still snoozing. Ian has uncovered his head and Dani has rolled over. Dan hasn't moved in the last hour. 10:28 PM BBT The lights have been on in the KT/LR area. HG still sleeping in the BR.
  3. 9:00 AM BBT All 3 HG are still sleeping away their Sunday morning. 9:16 AM BBT All HG still in bed - Dani lifted her head for a moment but that excitement is over and she is back to Zzzzzz. 9:30 AM BBT Still sleeping....waiting for the wake up call. Ian just moved but not enough to wake himself up from his slumber.
  4. 3:32 PM BBT Ian knocks over the tower. Ian starts to whisper about he hopes something is tonight. Dan says to him he better win. Dan upset by what Ian is saying. Ian says Jenn wants a girl to win. 3:36 PM BBT Dan has gone off to use the WC and Ian has picked up a ceramic owl to make a musical instrument out of as he paces. He mumbles something about he could just sleep. They decide to go another round of Jenga. Ian getting something to drink - says the coke was to strong. Dan says he prob won't be able to watch Pt. 2. 3:45 PM BBT Dan and Ian now discussing linear Algebra and other math terms. 3:48 PM BBT Ian is called to exchange his mic and Dan takes the time to brush his teeth. Dani in a long DR session. 3:52 PM BBT Dani out of DR and heads to WC. As she passes the KT Dan tells her Ian is about to lose for the 3rd time. 3:58 PM BBT Ian knocks the tower over. Ian says that it is designed for the youngest person to win every time (because they go first). Ian lets out a string of obscene words. And then says "Good Game" 4:00 PM BBT Dan and Dani start a game of Connect Four.
  5. 3:05 PM BBT Dan asked Dani to describe hr In and Out experience in one word - she says "everything" and Ian says "orgasm". He apologizes to Dani but Dani tells him he is fine. 3:12 PM BBT Dan says it was the best meal of his BB experience. Ian says it was "so cash". The HG sit down to a game of backgammon. 3:22 PM BBT Talk about the magazine modeling Dani did - discussion about which one. Ian says Dani told them before it wasn't a gentleman's magazine. Ian's phrase of the day is now "It was very cash". Seems everything he is talking about is cash. 3:26 PM BBT Ian tells Dan that BB3 Kiara and Boogie had a relationship outside of the house. Says that she now looks like a Mom and has calmed way down.
  6. 4:33 PM BBT All 4 feeds on Dan sleeping. 4:38 PM BBT Dani and Ian play a round of cards in the KT. Dan still sleeping. 4:48 PM BBT Dani teaching Ian how to play a card game. Dan still asleep in the SBR. 4:55 PM BBT Dani is teaching Ian Rummy. Ian says he is getting it. This was a practice round. Ian says he doesn't need another practice round.
  7. 4:05 PM BBT Ian and Dani talking about Dan evicting Shane. Dani wants him out. Dani says Dan swore but not on anything - just swore. Dani says she wants hm out more then anything. 4:09 PM BBT Dani/Ian talk about how the audience reacted when Shane finished his interview with Julie. Dani tells Ian that she doesn't think he would win with Ian but it won't stop her from taking him. Dani tells Ian that it sounds like he won't take her. Ian says not necessarily. 4:15 PM BBT Ian says the power is out. The stove just went out. The fridge was cut too. They still have the lights. Yo can hear them building outside. People talking loud and someone let out a yell. Dani asks if they will have the comp tonight. Ian says no - it's just an elaborate set up. Ian tells one of the cameras the power is out and the camera nodded yes - it knew that. Ian then says they are building risers out front. He goes into the WC and leaves his mic on. 4:28 PM BBT Dani says that she feels she carried Dan this entire game. She says Shane didn't want to hurt her and supported her. She says she saved him last night.
  8. 2:27 PM BBT Dan does a call out to St. Mary's - students and teachers - hopes he didn't let any of them down. Ian is up and in the WC. 2:33 PM BBT Ian joins Dan in the arcade room. Ian:This is nuts. Dan asks Ian if he had a good nap. Ian says he had a terrible night of sleep. Ian says he felt he was the wall last night between Dani and Dan. Dan tells Ian Dani has to understand it's a game. Ian asks Dan if he is still taking him to F2. Dan says yes. Dan says that she will get to see him in 6 days. Ian says he isn't going to throw the comp to Dani. Dan says he isn't asking him to. Dan says the F3 should be celebrating. Ian tells Dan he was jealous that Dan could fall asleep last night so easily. Ian says his heart was racing. Ian tells Dan that Dani wants Dan's head on a platter. Ian says if he is against Dani - he will lose. Now talking about the number of comps they each would have won. Ian says Jenn will vote against him just because he has a penis. 2:40 PM BBT Dan asks Ian if Ian won round 3 - would he (Dan) have Dani's vote. Ian shakes his head no. Dan says if he votes her out there is no way to get her vote. Ian says that if he got down to3rd HOH and he threw it to Dan - he would win 7-0 because he (Ian) didn't have to send Dani out. He explains that is how Richard Hatch won Survivor. 2:44 PM BBT Ian finishes with Dan and heads out to read some sort of HOH books he says. Dan cleans up some Poptart crumbs and lays back down. Ian fixing his stuffed animals and tucks them under a blanket. Dani still asleep. Ian is cleaning the KT table with some cleaner. The towel looks filthy. Ian complaining about the ants again. Ian is finished cleaning and gets his HOH letter to sit down at the table with. He is mumbling a bit. He doesn't sit down but instead is looking at the memory wall and pacing. He finally sits to read his letter. 2:56 PM BBT Ian rocking at the KT table. Reading his HOH letter and sometimes looking at the memory wall.
  9. 2:04 PM BBT Ian and Dani snoozing in the SBR and Dan in thought in the arcade room. 2:11 PM BBT Dan asks America (via the feeds) to please vote for Ian for America's Favorite. He asks us twice to vote for Ian. Dan doing some call outs to tweets etc. In the SBR - just dreams of winning Part 2 of HOH. 2:24 PM BBT Dan just talking about what he did before he came into the house. He mentions some family and friends. Dan saying a lot has gone right in his life. About his best friend and his great girlfriend. Talking about other friends and how wonderful they are. Smiling and reminiscing.
  10. 9:31 PM BBT Dani into the shower and Dan wraps a towel around him until his turn. 9:33 PM BBT Dan is shivering in WCA - Dani says she is almost done 9:38 PM BBT Ian rocking at the KT table. Mumbling but can not make it out. He says he did not expect to see that. Dan is showering. 9:44 PM BBT Ian talking about "The Mist" Continues to rock in the KT. 9:47 PM BBT Dan still in the shower. Ian making noises in the kitchen and chokes on a swig of beer. Says "It's so bad and yet so good". 9:52 PM BBT Ian goes into the WC and asks Dan how far he got with Dani - Dan says something to him about the mist. Ian walks out. Dani going through bathroom stuff looking for Shane's things. 9:57 PM BBT Ian preps his pizza. Appears to burn himself on the oven. Dan still in the shower. Ian begins to pace the KT and dining areas while drinking a beer. Ian finishes his beer and coughs - say it's no the night for that and that he will request Bud Light from now on. 10:00 PM BBT Ian says it's been a crappy night. He continues to pace the KT while Dan uses up all of the water in the house for his shower.
  11. 9:16 POM BBT The dunking, swinging and slamming continue. Both sitting very calmly on their hooks. Dan asks Ian for something but difficult to hear. Dan/Dani talking but mics not picking it up. Ian in the WCA saying "Hook Line Sinker". 9:20 PM BBT Dani tells Dan he is driving her crazy. Dan just smiles at her. Dani tels Dan he is an easy win. She can't beat Ian. Dan is swearing on Chelsea that he will take her. Dani tells him she will drop. She says if he screws her over she will castrate slowly him with a butter knife. Dan tells her when they go to F2 and she wins - he will be able to say he coached someone to a million dollars. Dan:It's not about friends, it's about duty as a coach. He isn't my player. Ian inside the house getting cleaned up from the comp. Dani says she will go down when they dunk them again - she doesn't want to fall. It starts to rain again. 9:24 PM They are perched over the water and in they go! Dani crawls off her hook and Dan stays on. Dan wins Part 1 of the HOH! BB lowers Dan to the ground. He hugs Dani. Dani tells him "good job" and he returns the sentiment. Dani then appears to hit him a few times. Ian comes out and asks what happened. Can't hear what Dani says. Ian tells Dani good effort.
  12. 2:29 PM BBT Ian in the shower. Dani in the WC and Dan packing. 2:34 PM BBT Dani asks Shane if he would make sure she is awake at 4. She is going to lie down. She is not feeling well. Shane tells her he will. Dan continues to pack. 2:48 PM BBT Shane in th KT eating. Ian still shaving and Dan still packing. Dan checks on Dani to see what is going on. Dan asks asks what's going on. Dani says that she is going to use the POV tonight. She makes Dan swear he is sending Ian out the door. He says he is. Talk about who she can beat in final HOH. She says she can't beat Ian. She asks Dan if he doesn't mind voting out Ian. Dan/Dani talk about Shane giving her the endurance but she is going to pretend she slipped or something and give it to Dan. 2:55 PM BBT Dani asks Ian why she has to move out of HOH today since no one will be crowned HOH tonight. He says that there won't be another HOH for the season.
  13. 2:03 PM BBT Shane is packing up some of his items. Everyone else in HOH still Zzzzzzz away. Ian (in his underwear) has just left the HOH room. Dan and Dani are now awake. Can not hear them as neither one is wearing their mics. 2:10 PM BBT Everyone now up and moving about. Shane packing. Dan arrives in the SBR. Dan calls in Shane and asks about Shane's vote. They both agree that they are good with each other no matter what Dani does. 2:21 PM BBT Dan and Dani head to the side room. Dani says that BB told her she had to be up at 11:30. She doesn't understand why she can't stay in the room since no HOH will be crowned today. She wants her pictures. Dan says something to Dani about packing. He says he doesn't want to be disrespectful like Frank was when Frank didn't pack.
  14. 1:34 PM BBT Shane enters the shower while Ian/Dan/Dani sleep in the HOH room. 1:51 PM BBT Shane doing ADLs. All other HG sleeping in the HOH room.
  15. 1:04 BBT Everyone in the HOH catching some Zzzzzzz. The only thing that has happened since our last update is that Dan has rolled over slightly. 1:30 PM BBT Shane is downstairs in the BR getting some clothes. He is heading to the WCA.
  16. 10:53 PM BBT Shane in HOH listening to HOH CD. Ian is off to look for Dan. Ian heads outside. 10:56 PM BBT Ian on the hammock. Rocking and eating ice cream. Dan/Dani still talking. Dani says she knows she can't play this game emotionally. In the BY Shane and Ian talk about getting the camera tomorrow and Ian doing his blog. 10:58 PM BBT Ian talks about tomorrow being 9/11 and he wants to devote part of his blog to a serious note about it. Dan/Dani talking about Dan tying Dr. Will today. They are talking about Dan being the only coach to get this far this year.
  17. 10:24PM BBT SHane tells Dani that she can only be nominated once more. Dani says she will be tied with Frank. Shane tells her to use the number of times she has been on the block with the jury house for her speech. Dan/Ian talking about Chelsea watching BB10 with Dan. About Chelsea being okay with him going back into the house. 10:34 PM BBT Dani still lying by herself in the SBR. Ian/Shane and Dan still playing chess and gen chit chat.
  18. 10:05 PM BBT Shane finishes his shower. Dan heads to HOH and asks Ian if he wants to pay chess. Dan takes a Cosmic Brownie from Ian's basket and splits it in half and sends the rest down to Dani. Ian and Dan sit down to as a game of chess. 10:10 PM BBT Dani lying in bed a little teary. Nerves about being voted out instead of Jenn. Shane joins Dani in the BR and asks her if she is okay. Dani says she knows she is the safer one up but it's her 5th time and it's hard. Dani says she doesn't know how Dan is going to vote. 10:15 PM BBT Shane tells Dani that she has to stay strong but she only has a week and a half left. Shane tells her to be strong for both of them. Shane says he was the same way after noms. Shane tells her to trust him. 10:18 PM BBT Shane tells Dani that everything works out for a reason. Shane says that he has not thrown a comp - make a deal on the sun one only. Dani says yesterday was so nice because they didn't have to watch what they said or what they did. Shane says he knows.
  19. 9:54 PM BBT Dani collecting her clothes around the house. Shane kicking back and says he is still exhausted from yesterday. Dan in KT marinading some meat. Dani upset. Dan trying to get her to talk. Dani says she doesn't want to. It has to do with Jenn and the block. Dan trying to get her to talk and she doesn't want to. Dani concerned that Jenn has become really happy and doing things for Dan/Shane like cooking food she can't eat. 10:00 PM BBT Dani/Dan talking about the Veto for the next HOH - Dani sure it will be the face game. Dani says she didn't want to talk about it because she knows she is still here. Dan says he just doesn't want to go to the negative place.
  20. 9:40 PM BBT Still cleaning and still working out in the BY. (Nice to see the kitchen so clean!) 9:45 PM BBT The KT is clean. Shane announces he needs a shower because he hasn't taken one today. Jenn still working out.
  21. 9:29 PM BBT Dan and Ian say they saw them cleaning up on one of the monitors in the window. BB says "stop that". Dan replies: You left the curtain open. Ian: Another thing about Frank, he would pee all over the toilet seat. Shane: He was that guy?
  22. 9:06 PM BBT Dinner has been prepared. Jenn working the fryer. Dan/Ian eating. Dani is waiting for the others to sit down. 9:11 PM BBT Jenn leaves to go work out and the others enjoy dinner that Jenn helped make. Talk about Joe getting upset when they tried to cook in the house. DIscussion about the turkey burgers and too much Wheat Chex. 9:23 PM BBT The QP in the KT talking about past HG being in the jury house playing the woulda, shoulda, coulda game (Frank specifically). 9:27 PM BBT DInner clean up begins. Jenn outside working out running laps.
  23. 12:32 PM BBT Dan and Dan talk about Dani's Dad and the fact that he is a recovering alcoholic and his temper. Says his Dad yells at his family all the time. Says that her Dad can not admit that he is ever wrong. Shane/Ian in the KT. Talking about Jenn being upset and that she feels they are all working together to get her out. Ian tells Shane not to say a word. 12:38 PM BBT Ian and Shane talking about a test they did on college students where they gave them a taco salad from Taco Bell and asked them to guess the calories. THey then put the sald and rearranged it on a nice plate and told them it was from a restaurant called California Garden Grill. The student thought and guessed they were eating a healthier salad. 12:44 PM BBT Ian joins Dani/Dan in the SBR. Dan tells Ian he has the final choice if a tie. Ian says Jenn told him that she knows they are trying to get rid of her. Ian explains that yesterday they stayed with Jenn all day. Dani says that she will always care for her Dad - he has the biggest heart of anyone she knows. She just wants him to control his anger with the family. 12:50 PM BBT Ian rocking on the hammock and Jenn getting ready to sun bathe in the BY. Jenn asks Ian if he and Dan have a F2. Ian says no - he is too wily. Jenn says she hopes he is being somewhat honest with her.
  24. 12:08 PM BBT Dan/Dan talking about Jenn being angry at Dani going up. Jenn pacing in the side room. Dani says you never feel safe. Dan says he would have felt safe if he went up. Dani: Fair enough. Shane/Jenn in the side room. Jenn tells Shane she isn't going to offer him some deal but just thinks about his own game. Shane says he isn't playing romantically. What happened outside is outside of the house. 12:13 PM BBT Dan asks Dani if Jenn asks him if Dani is campaigning - what does Dani want him to say. Dani : No - clearly. In the side room Jenn is saying how much she loves Dani but she has to try to stay. She won't thrown Dani under the bus. 12:17 PM BBT Dani asks Dan what he is going to say to Jenn - is he going to tell her she is safe. Dan says something that isn't heard but Dani nods at him. In the side room Jenn is telling Shane that she has been truthful. Shane says you never know until Thursday. Shane said people assume he and Dani are closer then they are. He didn't come in to play that way. 12:20 PM BBT Dan/Dani talk about the week Dan almost went home. Dani was so upset that Dan was going to go home. Jenn and Shane have finished thier convo. Jenn is gong to head outside to the BY. 12:24 PM BBT Dan tells Dani that if she pisses off Jenn and Dani cuts in and say no way! She isn't pissing Jenn off. They are talking about votes in the jury house now. 12:28 PM BBT Dan asking Dani if he is getting paranoid. Dani: yes - in the last two weeks you have been way more paranoid. Dani tells Dan that her relationship with her Dad is garbage. Dan tells her that she should start forgiving him.
  25. 10:36 AM BBT Dan eating breakfast. Ian prepping breakfast. Dani putting on her makeup. 10:39 AM BBT Dan and Ian have a discussion about cereal in the KT. Kelloggs is made in Mi. so Dan says he may purchase that in the future. Exciting talk about marshmellows etc. 10:42 AM BBT Ian and Dan whispering. You can not hear what Ian is saying. Ian rocking in his chair. Dan and Ian going over the cereal box. Dan says his Mom uses an arbitrary name to post on a BB fan site. Jenn enjoying the sun in the BY. 10:50 AM BBT Ian/Shane/Dan discuss their injuries from comps. Ian wonders why they didn't get gloves for the sun HOH. Now playing with guessing what card Shane will flip over from the stack of cards. 10:54 AM BBT Dan asks Ian what he feels is his most Ebay Gold item. Ian says his dog suit. 10:58 AM BBT Ian and Shane discuss Britt's habits for leaving glasses around and how much sugar she used in her coffee.



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