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Everything posted by Kekila

  1. #BB15 12:02 PM BBT Jessie and Helen are talking in the cockpit room. Helen says that she now has a huge target on her back. Helen tells Jessie that she (Jessie) is the reason they have gotten do far in the game. Helen says everything she did for Elissa was undone yesterday. #BB15 12:11 PM BBT Jessie, Andy and McCrae in the BY discussing the finale and Jessie asking how many people are left on finale night. They are trying to decide when the 3rd person (3rd place) is evicted. McCrae says it is finale night. #Bb15 12:PM BBT Judd joins the BY HG as they discuss who would be their targets if there is a double eviction. Andy says he would put up Candice and Spencer so that Howard may not get a chance to play and then backdoor Howard. Now general chit chat about how double eviction works. #BB15 12:19 PM BBT Helen and Amanda now in cockpit room. Helen rehashing the Elissa story. Says that she told Elissa that she can't work with someone who has poor judgement. She says she told her that she is with Amanda and MccRae because they have good judgement. Amanda just keeps saying "umm hmm" #BB15 12:27 PM BBT McCae, Amanda, Judd and Jessie in the BY. Talk of how Elissa is ruining all of their games. Amanda directing how things should be done next week since Elissa can't play POV. Andy joins in and says that he feels they may be playing a double eviction soon.
  2. #Bb15 3:52 PM BBT we are back from trivia and all of the HG are in the HOH room.
  3. #BB15 3:46 PM BBT We have FOTH. We now have trivia.
  4. #BB15 3:21 PM BBT Elissa leaves the BY. It seems that she was getting a bit loud in voicing her being offended at Howard swearing on the bible. Andy and McCrae laughed at how loud she was getting and she thought they were laughing at religion She was offended. Andy and Mccrae head inside to apologize. #BB15 3:28 PM BBT Andy and McCrae continue to try and apologize. Elissa does not want any of it at the moment. Says that she doesn't use religion as a weapon. Andy trying to calm her down as she is getting very overworked about it. BB announces a LD.
  5. #BB15 2:55 Candice and Howard in the HN room. He tells her that Spencer is comparing apples to oranges between Kaitlin and Aaryn. Candice asks who Judd wants out. You can not hear what Howard says but then says something about upsetting the house. He says he is down worrying about it. #BB15 3:01 PM BBT Amanda telling Elissa and Andy about her job life. Saying she could never be the main actress but would be the funny sidekick. She is pretty but would never be cast as that. Telling about everywhere she moved and boyfriends #BB15 3:08 PM BBT In the By Amanda still talking about her real estate career and how she go into it. Spencer and Howard sit down to play chess. #BB15 3:16 PM BBT Howard and Spencer rehash the options and the game. Nothing really new. In the BY Andy, McCrae and Elissa talking about religion. She is offended that Gina and Howard swear on the bible. She is religious.
  6. #BB15 2:30 PM BBT Kaitlin, Gina and Aaryn discuss MVP in the bedroom. Kaitlin says it was a brilliant move for Elissa to put herself up if she had MVP. Gina says instead the 3 girls who have no back are up [i think she means backing but not sure]. #BB15 2:34 PM BBT Picture taking continues in the BY. In the BR Gina, Kait and Aaryn going through their clothes. Aaryn offers to loan Gina a bathing suit. Gina says no. Jessie had worn it and parts of her chest freak Gina out [her words]. Gina is upset that Jessie keeps coming in and drops things off and disturbs her. #BB15 2:43 PM BBT Andy is eating the slop balls Helen has prepared. Her new secret ingredient is dijon mustard. Amanda has laid the keys out on the KT table and Judd comes in to take a picture.
  7. #BB15 1:59 Helen, Elissa, Jessie and Kaitlin in the KT discussing the cinnamon challenge. Helen is making slop balls. Now discussing the benefits of cinnamon overall. #BB15 2:19 PM BBT In the BY Howard explaining to Jessie and Amanda about the entertainment business. Amanda says she stopped being an actress after a web show during the writers strike. She says she worked in the reality television area for a couple of years and then got into real estate. #BB15 2:24 PM BBT Gina and Aaryn talking in the BR. Kaitlin comes in. Arryn talking about people who twist words and as a result she is perceived differently then she is. Kaitlin suggests she has people repeat what she said and what they got from that. Now Gina and Aaryn talk about when to pack. Aaryn says she doesn't pack until Thursday. #BB15 2:27 PM BBT The HOH camera has come out - it's picture time! Judd goes around the house taking pictures and having pictures taken.
  8. #BB15 1:33 PM BBT Jessie and Spencer on the BY sofa. Jessie talking abut that she would just like the house to get clean. She knows it won't stay that way but it would be better then grime building on grime. She says she doesn't mind doing it herself. Spencer says that Andy told him that it keeps her from having a slop meltdown. She agrees. #BB15 1:37 PM BBT In the WA Kait, Aaryn and Elissa are doing facial products and make up. They discuss facials and other products. Kait asks Aaryn how to wash her hair extensions. Aaryn says "just like you wash your regular hair". #BB15 1:43 PM BBT In the BY Amanda is sunning, Andy and Candice on the loungers chatting. Candice is wearing footie pajamas. Says she is thawing out from the HN room. Kait in the KT making eggs. #BB 15 1:49 PM BBT In the KT Helen is prepping slop for the HNs. Kait says she would have volunteered to do slop. Kait upset that there is no dishwasher. Says its ridiculous. She says at least they could have a bigger sink or dish rack.
  9. #BB15 1:15 PM BBT Andy, Kaitlin, and Spencer in the WA. Kaitlin realizes the sink is loose. She can't figure out why it is moving. Spencer says it is just put in with silicone. Now they are discussing things of theirs that are missing. #BB15 1:21 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae have a discussion about if CBS was around when the Brady Bunch was on. She wants to know who PBS is affiliated with. McCrae says he isn't sure. #BB15 1:25 PM BBT Andy and Kait whispering in the WA. Kait talking about Spencer/Howard and the deals they are making with everyone. Andy says they told him that they have his back but they haven't made a deal. Elissa comes in and says she wonders what Marilyn thinks when Spencer says things about Jessie and how much he likes her in her bathing suit.
  10. #BB15 11:52 AM BBT Helen says she doesn't feel America made the decision anymore. She feels it was someone in the house. She has no idea who got MVP. #BB15 11:57 PM BBT Judd is roaming the house trying to find where he put his bear shirt.
  11. #BB15 11:26 AM BBT Gina is nominated. Gina is upset because she doesn't get to play veto to get herself off of the block. Gina says she can not wait to get her interview from Julie and blow "stuff" [insert Gina's favorite word here] up. They still feel Elissa nominated herself. #BB15 11:30 AM BBT Gina saying that it's ok. She is a threat and they can't handle playing with the best. She keeps repeating herself. She says that people are shady and don't have their own minds. #BB15 11:34 AM BBT HG eating in the KT. Aaryn moving stuff around in the bedroom Gina lying on the bed in sunglasses. #BB15 11:40 AM BBT Judd comes in to talk to Gina. Gina upset but says she is fine. Judd tells her not to ruffle any feathers and she will be fine this week. Gina says she was put up by Elissa because Elissa doesn't like her. Says she is going to take a nap and think about Nick.
  12. #BB15 10:07 AM BBT Elissa, Judd and Andy joking about Andy being the villain of the season. Talking about fans. In the WA, the girls put on make up and prep for the day. #BB15 10:14 AM BBT Elissa is called to the DR. In the BR Andy joking if he goes up then he is going on a rampage. Says he will toss all the clothes, flip mattresses, etc. Jessie jokes that it will be entertaining to watch. #BB15 10:24 AM BBT Andy and Helen in the BY chatting. They are discussing that Howard needs to go. They agree that Kaitlin and Howard need to go before Aaryn. They are trying to decide who should go if Howard goes up. Helen tells Andy that she was told that Candice is now working with Aaryn (per Aaryn). Jessie comes out and says that they should respect Judd's wants as HOH and send Kaitlin home. Andy and Helen says that's fine. #BB15 10:31 AM BBT The veto meeting is close to starting and Amanda and McCrae are still in bed. They are starting to move as Elissa is called back to the DR after Judd just got out of the DR. BB just called an outside LD. We now have FOTH. #BB15 10:40 AM BBT We have trivia. The veto meeting should be under way.
  13. #BB15 11:53 AM BBT McCrae is in the HOH room with Gina and Spencer. Telling them how strategic it is if Elissa put herself up. McCrae leaves the room. Gina and Spencer talk about how smart McCrae is and how Amanda is trouble. #BB15 11:59 AM BBT Gin tells Spencer that maybe Elissa gets 20K for making it 4 weeks and the end of MVP so she nominated herself so she can go home.
  14. #BB15 11:31 AM BBT Elissa spoke with Judd in the BR room. She tells Judd that she feels Howard has the MVP and put her up. She joins Candice and Howard in the HN room. Elissa tells them that she feels that BB changed something with the MVP. She asks Howard if he knows that his name was brought last week and she didn't put him up. He says he knows. #BB15 11:37 AM BBT Andy in the cockpit room discussing the Christmas song "Christmas Shoes" and how it is the worst and most depressing song ever. McCrae agrees. #BB15 11:39 AM BBT Amanda enters the cockpit room and tells Andy and MCCrae that Elissa nominated herself. Her gut feel sit and she is usually right. Says that Elissa isn't acting how she should. #BB15 11:45 AM BBT Elissa and Candice continue to talk with Howard. Candice and Howard commit to Elissa that she has their votes. Howard says if he had it he would have put up Gina. #BB15 11:48 AM BBTJessie and Amanda are in the cockpit room. Jessie says she is worried that people are going to start working with Kaitlin. Amana says she isn't going to. Amanda tells Jessie that Kaitlin is a much bigger target then her.
  15. #BB15 11:01 AM BBT Helen giving Elissa a pep talk about being on the block. In the HOH Gina is positive that Elissa put herself up and is MVP. #BB15 11:06AM BBT Kaitlin goes to Elissa and tells her that she doesn't think Aaryn got MVP and put her up. Gina came down to give Elissa a hug. She likes Elissa and tells her so. Elissa says maybe Jeremy got to pick. #BB15 11:10 AM BBT Judd comes in and apologizes for thinking she was lying about the MVP. Elissa tells him it's ok. They discuss who has the best chance of winning VETO. #BB15 11:21 Amanda, McCrae and Aaryn talking. Aaryn says that Elissa being put up fames her. McCrae says he just wants to get veto over with. Amanda says that Elissa is acting and makes her feel she really has MVP. #BB15 11:26 AM BBT Amanda is insisting that Elissa is acting and knows the twist. She insists that Elissa is the MVP. Aaryn tells Judd that he has to damage control now since everyone thinks she is MVP. Amanda tells her just to stay low and not game talk.
  16. #BB15 3:46 PM BBT Amanda talking to Judd now. Judd tells her that he asked Elissa not to put up Gina so in case he needs a back up nom for veto. Amanda says that's good because no matter what Gina isn't gong home .#BB15 3:48 PM BBT Helen is now in the cockpit room with Judd. He tells her his plan is to nom Aaryn and Kaitlin and asked Elissa not to put up Gina in case he needs a back up. Helen says she is fine with that. Helen reminds him that they do not know what the twist is so best to get them on the block. Judd tells Helen that Kaitlin has been told she is a pawn. #BB15 3:53 PM BBT Gen movement in the house. Judd getting ready to take a shower. Howard cooking in the KT.
  17. #BB15 3:25 PM BBT Gina returns to the room. She asks Judd if he was going to back door someone. He said he wasn't sure. It's very confusing because he then tells her that he told Elissa not to put her up. #BB15 3:32 PM BBT Jessie, Candice and Helen talking in the HN room. Jessie talking about Amanda and McCrae being a power couple in the house. Jessie says that is why she wants Kaitlin out this week. She is strong. #BB15 3:37 PM BBT In the HOH room there is a discussion about the HN food. Andy is happy with macaroni. McCrae says that it must have been the worst choice. Amanda says that Gina single handed won the HN comp for her team. #BB15 3:42 PM BBT Howard now talking to Judd. Sounds as though he is suggesting to Howard that he will put up Kaitlin and Aaryn. Tells Howard hat Elissa may put up Gina. Howard tells Judd that he wants him to understand that although he is with Candice a lot, he doesn't tell her everything.
  18. #BB15 3:02 PM BBT Judd now talking to Aaryn. Talk about who Elissa would put up as MVP. Judd says she may put up Gina. #BB15 3:05 PM BBT Aaryn asks Judd if the house wants her to go home this week. He says not everyone but he has to put her up. #BB15 3:09 PM BBT Judd calls Elissa in to the cockpit room. He tells her he has heard that Elissa will put up Aaryn if he doesn't. He says everyone he has spoken to says that Helen and Kaitlin have a deal. Eissa says if she knew she had it she would put up Aaryn. Elisa says she thinks everyone wants Aaryn gone and not Kaitlin. Judd says that he guesses everyone wants to be beat by her. #BB15 3:14 PM BBT Helen and Howard talking. Helen concerned that Judd seems to be believing what Aaryn is saying about Helen. Helen wanted a calm week. She wanted to go with the house and now finds out Judd wanted to put up this morning. She doesn't want to speak to Aaryn at all. #BB15 3:18 PM BBT Andy comes in to talk to Judd. He decided to put up Gina and Kaitlin. He says if Elissa wins she will put up Aaryn. Andy agrees. #BB15 3:22 PM BBT Judd tells Andy that he may backdoor someone. He will just need to see how the veto plays out. He says it would be dumb to get rid of another guy.
  19. #BB15 1:00 PM BBT We still have trivia - HN comp still going on. #BB15 1:20 PM BBT Still trivia - we will bring you the HN as soon as we know. #BB15 1:33 PM BBT We are about 2 hours in on trivia. #BB15 1:50 PM BBT Still trivia... #BB15 2:00 PM BBT Still trivia...
  20. #BB15 10:31 AM BBT Judd and Elissa in the HOH room throwing out names and who has done what in the comps. #BB15 10:40 AM BBT Spencer and Howard in the KT prepping food. They are whispering so difficult to hear. Spencer says something about "him" going to be early allows for 3 more hours to do his pimp game. Jessie and Elissa in the HOH discussing who should go up. Jessie doesn't feel Howard or Spencer should be targets this week because they can't do anything without the numbers. #BB15 10:52 AM BBT Helen joins Elissa in the HOH room. Elissa asks Helen what does she think of Gina and Kaitlin going up. Helen says that she promised Kaitlin that she would be protected as much as possible. Elissa says that only Helen told her that. Helen agrees. Helen says that she told Kaitlin that she doesn't think that Kaitlin is the target. #BB15 10:56 AM BBT Elissa tells Helen that Judd was told that Helen said that Kaitlin WAS Judd's target. Aaryn is starting things in the house. Helen very upset and tells Judd that she would never tell her that. #BB15 10:00 AM BBT Judd says they will just put up the three - Gina, Aaryn and Kaitlin. And depending who wins POV, they can change who the target is. Helen very upset that Aaryn is putting words in her mouth.
  21. #BB15 5:00 PM BBT All of the HG are just gen chit chatting and prepping for the show. #‎BB15‬ 5:07 PM BBT HG complimenting each other on their outfits and discussions of shoe size. Andy wonders who Julie will ask questions of tonight. #BB15 5:17 Andy, Spencer and Aaryn in the BR talking. Spencer just wants healthy kids. Andy too. Aaryn tells Andy that he will have a daughter just like her. He says that's ok, he likes her. Aaryn says she tells that to guys who mess her over so they think about what they do to people. Aaryn says you don't understand until you have kids. Spencer says "uh huh". #BB15 5:27 PM BBT Jessie curling her hair in the WA. Judd and Spencer talk about what the vote count should be. #BB15 5:34 PM BBT McCrae in the WA brushing his teeth. Other HG in KT counting down until the show. #BB15 5:43 M BBT We have just gone to trivia - counting down until show time!
  22. #BB15 1:00 PM BBT Andy and Spencer in the cockpit room. Laughing about someone searching for hair spray and stressing out. They joke that Helen took it because as HOH she thinks she can have anything. #BB15 1:02 PM BBT It was Jessie missing the hair spray. She thinks someone used it because it is now only half full. #BB15 1:05 PM Most HG in the WA doing ADLs and getting made up. Spencer lying by himself in the cockpit room. #BB15 1:12 PM BBT Elissa and Jessie in the KT talking about others using their lotions and face product. Elissa says hers is prescription. Otherwise general chit chat going on. #BB15 1:14 PM BBT Spencer and Jeremy talking in the BR. Jeremy says that it would be great to get the stipend before the finale. Says he is going home and going to lay some concrete. Wanted his stipend to get his sleeve done. Says he will go to Vegas only if it is an official reunion. #BB15 1:19 PM BBT Jeremy looking for his $100 Kenneth Cole cologne and his toothpaste. He tells Howard that he took someone else's because he needs toothpaste. The girls are still doing their make up in the WA with the exception of Helen and Elissa. #BB15 1:24 PM BBT Spencer and McCrae talking about the sleeping situation and where McCrae will be sleeping. He says he doesn't care, he is just happy to have a bed.
  23. #BB15 3:44 PM BBT McCrae trying to make a ring. Elissa finds some crystals for him to use to look like diamonds. #BB15 3:48 PM BBT Judd talks to Jessie in the HN room. Says that he heard that Jessie was in an alliance. Difficult to hear who he says. Jessie says that is BS. Judd says just to agree to whatever they say to her. #BB15 3:50 PM BBT Judd tells Jessie that Howard is a big target next week on both sides. #BB15 3:55 PM BBT Kaitlin talks to Amanda. Talking her about keeping Jeremy and voting out Aaryn. Amanda says she is onboard with it but the rest of the house isn't. Kaitlin throwing Aaryn under the bus some more.
  24. #BB15 3:26 PM BBT Kait and Jeremy talking. Jeremy says he has one more offer. He is going to offer to throw the comps until Sequester. He wants to get sequester. Kait tells him that Gina offered to vote out Aaryn. #BB15 3:30 PM BBT Aaryn, Gina and Kaitlin on the BY couch comparing the length of their real hair and their extensions. #BB15 3:38 PM In the BY - HG are general chit chat. Amanda says she hasn't taken a shower since Monday. She has taken 2 since the HN comp. The first one was right after the comp. #BB15 3:41 PM BBT Jeremy talks to Elissa and offers his plan to throw things until sequester. Says he can use the money and thinks the experience would be good. Offers to pull her in when he talks to Helen. He thanks her for listening.



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