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Everything posted by Kekila

  1. #BB15 1:44 PM BBT Helen takes Elissa to the HN room. Helen tells her they need to get Judd out. She says she won't say who told her but that Elissa is supposed to be out before jury. Judd breaks in to apologize to Elissa. #BB15 1:48 PM BBY Amanda in the KT with McCrae. She tells him that if she is his sugar Momma - he has to clean up after himself or they are getting a maid. #BB15 1:53 PM BBT Elissa and Helen talking in the HN room. Elissa trying to talk her into getting rid of Amanda. Helen says that the guys would link together and take them out. #BB15 1:57 PM BBT McCrae comes into the Hn room. Helen asks McCrae if he would be okay with taking Judd out (sounded like she said Judd). McCrae says yes as long as he doesn't have to do it.
  2. #BB15 1:04 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae head to the cockpit after Amanda packs a bit. They snuggle under a blanket. Amanda says that she is so happy she got her period today. McCrae asks why would he care. Amanda says she was worried she was pregnant. McCrae says he has super sperm but he wasn't worried. Amanda then says something about an immaculate conception. #BB15 1:16 PM BBT Amanda asks McCrae if he wants to go talk to the house to see if something is going on and she is going out. McCrae says he is just thinking. Amanda is bothered that Candice is so happy today. It makes her worry. #BB15 1:26 PM BBT Helen called Judd into the WA for his comment to Jessie. (He told Andy that Jessie sounded like she was having a sex dream last night). He says that he was joking and didn't hurt her feelings. He then tells Jessie that she is the worst person in the house and did tell her to shut the **-up. He tells her to never speak to him again. They go back and forth about how he didn't hurt her feelings and she just wants attention. #BB15 1:39 PM BBT Judd goes into the WA and apologizes to Helen and Candice for what he said. Says that Jessie only had crocodile tears and went off on him.
  3. #BB15 3:41 PM BBT HG primping to head outside. Candice asks BB if they are getting filmed and we get FOTH. We have occasional FOTH. #BB15 3:47 PM BBT The HG are prepping for something. Helen in the cockpit room counting pillows. #BB15 3:50 PM BBT Amanda doesn't understand why they have to get dressed up for the Zingbot. She says it's stupid. Spencer says because they are going to be on TV.
  4. #BB15 3:22 PM BB Andy has been correcting the grammer of HG in the cockpit room. They are all laughing as Spencer tries to say different sayings. #BB15 3:26 PM BBT Talk in the cockpit room about porn and what people are doing now. Andy says he went to school with a guy who did porn. #BB15 3:29 PM BBT Now talk about past HG. Talk about what kind of name is Nickomis [sorry if mis-spelled] and Amanda says "a bad one". Andy say she came into the house with her real name of Jennifer. Judd doesn't like her because he thinks it is dumb to make up your own name. #BB15 3:35 PM BBT Judd just said that LD will be an hour. Aaryn says that no one is allowed to be asleep. She wonders if they are going to be taped outside. Judd says maybe the Zingbot?
  5. #BB15 2:57 PM BBT Excitement in the BB house - Judd taking a shower, Elissa folding towels and Helen and Andy playing finger football. #BB15 3:03 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae in the cockpit room. Amanda sawing [really - back and forth] her finger nails. Talk about Jessie and some bashing. She says if she is voted out, she will be blindsided. #Bb15 3:15 PM BBT Amanda in cockpit room with the guy. She says something smells like mold. Spencer says it may be his feet.
  6. #BB15 2:40 PM BBT HG in the BY sun bathing. Spencer and Helen play chess. #BB15 2:44 PM BBT BB calls an ILD. Aaryn upset that they have to come out of the sun. #BB15 2:48 PM BBT Judd and McCrae decide to smoke before going into the house. McCrae wants a 5 minute warning for lock downs. He and Judd discuss if tomorrow will be a double eviction. #BB15 2:52 PM BBT The HG in the By trying to decide what they should bring in the house from the washer. Amanda notices a pair of her undies are on the ground and asks Andy if he can pick them up. He says sure and they he says "With your teeth". The HG head inside.
  7. #BB15 2:06 PM BBT Discussion in the BY about musicals. Judd doesn't like Grease. He says he doesn't like stories that break out into song. #BB15 2:16 PM BBT Amanda wants McCrae to come to the cockpit room to talk. She is going over why Jessie is chatting with someone in the HN room. He is worried. Now talk about who Jessie would put up. #AGT: Andy comes in to the cockpit room when Amanda leaves. he talks to McCrae about that Amanda worries to much. McCrae agrees. McCrae tells Andy that he has to win this week. #BB15 2:25 PM BBT McCrae tells Andy that he is worried about Aaryn. He says that she is in Amanda's head and can wreak havoc. Andy says he trusts McCrae, Amanda and Helen. #BB15 2:31 PM BBT Helen playing chess with Spencer and starts to tell him that word on the street is that he is confiding in people he shouldn't. Tells him that others don't want him to go to jury and she and Judd do. Spencer says that isn't true. [difficult to hear what she is saying]. Helen says that someone is trying to get her to put him out. She says that she is putting her trust in him.
  8. #BB15 3:39 PM BBT We still have no signal on the feeds. #BB15 3:57 PM BBT half an hour of no signal on the feeds.
  9. #BB15 3:18 PM BBT The camera is being used in the BY. Amanda having different poses with McCrae. Helen comes out to get the camera for Gina. #BB15 3:23 PM BBT Picture taking is happening in the HOH room. They are dressing up and laughing. #BB15 We currently have no signal
  10. #BB15 2:47 PM BBT Andy comes in to the KT. Andy talking about that he normally runs a 7 minute mile. They talk about running half marathons. Helen wants to run one. #BB15 2:53 PM BBT Gina comes down stairs crying. She tells them that she can't spell or do anything. She is upset about her blog. #BB15 2:57 PM BBT Gina has gone into the cockpit room and collapsed on the sofa. She wants to be alone. The HG are in the BY eating and telling the other HG that Gina is upset. #BB15 3:02 PM BBT Gina asks for Helen. Andy and Amanda go in as well. They give her a pep talk and tell her that she is her own person and people will love it.
  11. #BB15 2:03 PM BBT Elissa and Judd in the BY talking about yoga. In the KT, Helen, Candice and Jessie cooking. #BB15 2:09 PM BBT Cam changes to BR with Andy, McCrae and Amanda. No game talk but not sure if Andy told them abut Helen's talk with him. Amanda is up but McCrae still in bed. Now talk about wake up songs. #BB15 2:15 PM BBT still cooking going on in the KT. In the BY McCrae and Jessie sitting on the couch. Just gen chit chat. #BB15 2:21 PM BBT Judd and Andy stretch in the BY. Judd tells Andy that they may not need to run after working out. In the KT, Aaryn finishes the bacon for the BLTs she is making Amanda and herself. She asks Amanda if she wants egg or meat on the sandwich as well. #BB15 2:36 PM BBT Judd has given up running after a few laps. Andy and Elissa still running. Cooking still going on in the kitchen.
  12. #BB15 3:06 PM BBT Candice has joined the BY crew. Gen talk about music. #BB15 3:19 PM BBT Amanda in the HOH WA. Aaryn asks Amanda if she has a deal with Elissa. Amanda says no. Aaryn says she was just asking. Amanda says that Elissa flip slops. Talk about if the house betrays McCrae who would he work with .Amanda says McCrae won't work with anyone who betrays him. #BB15 3:23 PM BY Aaryn and Gina have a conversation. Aaryn says that she thinks Elissa and Helen are working with Amanda. She doesn't see why they would go against her. Gina talks about how strong McCrae is. She then says that Howard wasn't strong at all. Says that Howard was not a bad person but Candice is a bad person. #BB15 3:26 M BBT Amanda has been called to tan. Some of the HG in the BY are ribbing her. #BB15 3:29 PM BBT Amanda is having trouble getting the machine to work. She is cussing up a storm at production.
  13. #BB15 2:34 PM BBT Aaryn goes inside the house and places the dental dam beside a sleeping McCrae and Amanda. [i guess they do know what 2 HGs would use it after all]. #BB15 2:39 PM BBT Aaryn goes back in to the bedroom and picks back up the dental dam package. She then lays it back down by McCrae's hand and leaves the room. #BB15 2:41 PM BBT Aaryn says she couldn't get the actual item so she wiped the package with Vaseline. Now she says she is going to try and put it by his face so when he rolls over, he will land on it. #BB15 2:49 PM BBT Aaryn telling the BY crew that Gina has HOH-it is. Helen says she never heard of the term. Aaryn says that Gina has it bad. Gina wouldn't even let Aaryn talk to her. #BB15 2:55 PM BBT Just some more Gina bashing in the BY. Aaryn says that Gina told her she could put up who-ever she wants. Aaryn seems shocked by that.
  14. #BB15 2:07 PM BBT Andy and Judd in BY general chit chat. Andy says POV meeting looked absurd with Amanda in spray tan, Gina in the cone of shame and Candice in the clown costume. #BB15 2:15 PM BBT Helen, Andy and Judd - just general chit chat. They said they are the only ones awake. Helen says the bachelorette party is tonight. #BB15 2:23 PM BBT Aaryn joins the trio in the BY. She tells them that she found a dental dam in the house and goes to get it. She brings it out. Helen says she learned something today. Elissa is by the pool and Helen calls her over. They are all getting a laugh over it. Judd says who would need/use it in the house [we can think of two of the house guests]. Aaryn reads the instructions and we get FOTH. Andy says how sad, someone had to go buy this for the house. #BB15 2:30 PM BBT Helen takes it out of the package and inquires how it actually works. Aaryn tells her what it does and how it works. She then reads the package again for Helen. Helen says it looks like something someone found while cleaning out the garage.
  15. #BB15 7:09 PM BBT McCrae joins Amanda and Aaryn in the HN room. Aaryn tells him that Helen is leaning towards voting out Amanda. McCrae upset. Amanda says they need to decide who should go up to replace Jessie.
  16. #BB15 6:00 PM Amanda says that the only way to get rid of the MVP is to get him out. Aryan says the already got rid of Howard and it turns out he wasn't it. Amanda says that she was told eventually she would need to go. Aaryn says eventually they all have to go. #BB15 6:02 PM BBT McCrae wants to get up. Amanda upset and asks him if he is being bothered by her talking. He says no. Amanda asks him if he is mad. He says no. He just wants to go look at props. Amanda tells him she will be right there. #BB15 6:08 PM BBT Amanda and Aaryn talk about that Elissa will not put up the three of them. Amanda says Helen will put them up openly. Aaryn says that Elissa will never win HOH anyways.
  17. #BB15 4:41 PM BBT Still trivia! Lots of you have shared your choice for who you think will go up and who you would like to go up. We will see Gina's choices when the feeds return.
  18. #BB15 4:02 PM BBT It's Elissa's time in the HOH room with Gina. Elissa tells her how happy she is for her. Gina says that they agreed they wouldn't put each other up and she isn't putting Elissa up. Tells Elissa that anything she needs, just let her know. #BB15 4:09 PM BBT Gina is called into the DR. She said she got dressed up so she doesn't appear thugged out on camera. She says it may be time to give her noms. #BB15 4:11 PM BBT We get bits and pieces of gen chit chat. Various FOTH as well. No game talk. #BB15 4:16 PM BBT In the WA Judd, Aaryn, McCrae and Amanda talk about the video Kaitlin was in. Amanda says that Kaitlin was a naughty girl. McCrae says Kaitlin once asked if anyone has had a popsicle inside of them. Aaryn say that will lead to an infection. BB calls for an OLD. We get FOTH. #BB15 4:17 PM BBT Correction. We have trivia! The nomination ceremony will be starting. Who will Gina put up for nominations? Who would you like to see her put up?
  19. #BB15 10:33 AM BBT GIna in HOH putting the bed back together with McCrae. She tells him if he wants it another night to just let her know. They talk about how they are sore from the comp. #BB15 10:38 AM BBT Amanda comes into HOH and craws back into the bed Gina just made. Starts talking about the argument she had with Jessie. #BB15 10:44 AM BBT Helen in the BY running. Aaryn comes up and crawls into the HOH bed with Amanda. Amanda asks Aaryn what her discussion with Judd was. Aaryn tells her that there was nothing she hadn't already talked about with Amanda. Amanda says Judd was MVP and he slipped up about it. #BB15 10:51 AM BBt In the HOH room Amanda tells Gina that she wants to host the Veto because she got messed over by someone in house that put her up. Gina says that she was "axed" to let Aaryn do it since Aaryn let her do it. #BB15 10:54AM BBT McCrae comes into the HOH room and crawls in bed after Aaryn leaves. Gina being funny that they have until 3PM and then it's check out time. Amanda tells her to stop being funny, she is trying to sleep.
  20. #BB15 10:02 AM BBT Candice comes out of the WC. All other HG are still sleeping. #BB15 10:07 AM BBT Candice and Helen in the WA - They discuss Howard. Helen tells Candice she is happy she is there but knows it is hard that Howard left. Now they discuss if Jessie is okay. #BB15 10:11 AM BBT Helen tells Candice that she knows what Jessie is doing but she isn't going to go around and ruin Jessie's game. Helen says they all could use the money. Helen quit her job to come into the house. The money would help her spend time with her kids. #BB15 10:17 AM BBT Helen crying in the WA with Candice. Talking about how Jessie has ruined her game. Helen says Jessie is like a little devil. Candice says that Jessie woke up yesterday like another person. Helen says she was trying to motivate Jessie but she threw it out the window. #BB15 Aaryn in WA doing ADL and McCrae in the kitchen getting food.
  21. #BB15 4:26 PM BBT In the K McCrae and Elissa tell Helen that there was a bat flying around by the pool last night. Amanda prepping a slop meal. #BB15 4:36 PM BBT In HOH room Aaryn, Andy and Gina talk about the comments Helen makes. Gina says that they are not funny comments. Gina says her comments are funny but Helen's are not Now talk of Judd and how he pushes everyone's buttons. #BB15 4:40 PM BBT Aaryn and Gina talk about comp tomorrow night. Gina hopes they are not going ot get wet. Talk about comps and Aaryn can't figure out why anyone would throw a comp #BB15 4:44 PM BBT In the cockpit room Andy, Amanda and McCrae talk about they have a F3 deal. In the HOH room Aaryn telling Gina about convo with Helen. Aaryn says that Jessie was to hang out with her and repot everything back to Helen [this is per Helen]. #BB15 4:47 PM BBT Elissa and Helen are in the SR. Helen telling Elissa that they need to take out Candice otherwise the house wants Elissa out. Says that they are worried if Elissa gets to the F2, Elissa will win. #BB15 4:49 PM BBT Amanda comes into the storage and says they need to keep Amanda. Helen says that she was told they want Candice out Amanda says no s Candice will be a larger target. #BB15 4:57 PM BBT In the cockpit room Amanda tells McCrae and Andy about her convo with Helen and Elissa. Amanda admits she was listening at the SR door so she went in. Andy says that one night he listened to a whole convo with Helen and Howard in the SR.
  22. #Bb15 4:05 PM BBT Helen in the HOH talking to Aaryn about Jessie. Helen says Jessie was talking to her about what she would do with the money if she won. Helen says she already has the money spent. Andy in the room and says that there is no way Jessie will get to F2. #BB15 4:07 PM BBT Amanda comes into the WA and whispers to McCrae something about not being alone. He gets up and heads with her to the KT. Howard is in the KT but I don't know if that is who she was referring to. #BB15 4:09 PM BBT Candice in the KT as well now. McCrae and Amanda talk about the Pirates ride at Disneyland. Amanda tells McCrae that the sweatshirt she is wearing is so dirty. #BB15 4:17 PM BBT In the HOH room talk of the finale. Helen and Aaryn want a picture with Rachel and Elissa. They want to be in the middle. Andy wants Regan Fox to come to the finale.
  23. #BB15 2:30 PM BBT Andy and Amanda now in the SR. Andy repeating his concern about Judd and Aaryn and Gina. Amanda says she doesn't think so. Andy says that they will see after the vote tomorrow. #BB15 2:36 PM BBY Amanda heads to Aaryn (she wakes her up) and tells her that McCrae and Andy think she is working with Judd. Aaryn says that Judd thinks that but Judd wants Judd wants Howard out. She says Judd told her that he kept her because he thought he can work with her more so then Kaitlin. #BB15 2:40 PM BBT McCrae and Andy talking in the cockpit. Talk turns to Judd again. Andy says Judd needs to be gone. Andy says Judd is the most dangerous person in the house. #BB15 2:44 PM BBT Amanda and Aaryn still in HOH. Amanda talking about others being sketchy. She says Judd wants Howard to stay in the house because he keeps the target off of Judd's back. #BB15 2:48 PM BBT Andy joins the HOH room. Amanda tells Andy that Aaryn is not working with Judd. Aaryn says that she is only working with the three of them. Andy says he is loyal to the end. He says you won't find 4 more loyal people. #BB15 2:56 PM BBT All cams on HOH room. Aaryn says that any info she gets she will tell them. Says that Judd thinks she is working with him but she isn't and she swears to God that she won't with anyone without telling the 3 of them.
  24. 2:07PM BBT: Elissa doing ADLs in the bathroom area. Jessie is showering. Helen cleaning in the kitchen. 2:11PM BBT: Elissa and Jessie discuss babies and being pregnant. Elissa says she can't wait for Rachel to be pregnant. 2:13PM BBT: Andy and Helen in the storage room. They feel Judd needs to go next. Helen is concerned that Judd may be MVP next week. 2:15PM BBT: Helen concerned that Judd is working with Aaryn and GinaMarie. Helen says Aaryn should have gone last week. 2:26PM BBT: In the bathroom area Jessie tells Spencer about a dream she had. It was about her family and eating together. Spencer had a dream that he lived in another house then he does at home.
  25. #BB15 4:31 PM BBT Nothing really going on in the house. Andy joking that Elissa is obsessed with him. They all laugh. #BB15 4:37 PM BBT Amanda and Aaryn in the HOH bathroom. Talking about that Candice didn't know the whole plan or she wouldn't have done that. #BB15 4:43 PM BBT Amanda telling Aaryn that Candice did the best thing today. Says that the only fight she has been in is because Candice can't keep her name out of her mouth. #BB15 4:49 PM BBT Helen telling McC that Candice used her jewelry the first week and assigned a piece of jewelry to each HG to figure out the vote. #BB15 4:51 PM BBT Amanda in HOH repeating that Spencer said he hopes she chokes on her spit and dies. She still can't believe it. She has never said anything like that about anyone. #BB15 4:54 PM BBT Aaryn in HOH telling the HG what she put in her blog. Says she did 10 hashtags and remembers her sisters twitter name so she is excited.



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