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Everything posted by Kekila

  1. #BB15 12:04 PM BBT Gina is called to the DR. Spencer crawls back in bed. #BB15 12:25 PM BBT Andy and Spencer sleeping on feeds. #BB15 12:53 PM BBT HG all sleeping.
  2. #BB15 3:12 PM BBT GM can't get the vacuum to work. Spencer trying to assist. Andy asking Mccrae if he would have taken him to the F2. MCrae says yes. #BB15 3:25 PM BBT General chit chat. #BB15 3:29 PM BBT We have trivia.
  3. #BB15 1:33 PM BBT Gina tells McCrae he doesn't have to apologize to Elissa. Now Mccrae is figuring everything out and that Amanda was right about most things. Andy telling him how he moved around so they didn't get suspicious. #BB15 1:45 PM BBT McCrae keeps walking around saying he messed up so bad. #BB15 1:57 PM BBT The Exterminators say they are responsible for braking up Elissa and Amanda too. They knew Elissa had to go. #BB15 1:59 PM BBT Some Elissa bashing ensues. Andy says Elissa didn't act well under pressure and they all did.
  4. #BB15 1:05 PM BBT The meeting continues in the KT. McCrae says he knows Andy did something. McCrae is bummed that he was taken for a ride but understands. #BB15 1:07 PM BBT Spencer tells McCrae that he should be proud of the veto win last week. They all tell McCrae they love him. #BB15 1:11 PM BBT The meeting continues. Andy, Spencer and Gina filling McCrae in on the various ways they set everything up. Mc is pacing the KT upset at himself but not yelling. Just frustrated that his game is over. #BB15 1:22 PM BBT They tell McCrae that it was easy for them to talk because he was always in bed with Amanda. #BB15 1:27 PM BBT The Exterminators continue to spill all of their secrets to McCrae. McCrae says that he has to apologize to Elissa.
  5. #BB!5 11:04 AM BBT Gina is sleeping. Andy listening to music. We can hear the music it is very loud through his headphones. #BB15 11:26 AM BBT All HG is bed. Andy just in thought. #BB15 We have FOTH and when we come back Gina is up and Andy is asking if they can not put the BB theme on repeat. It's time for the HOH LD. #BB15 11:33 We have FOTH.
  6. #BB15 9:30 AM BBT The HG get more crafts and activities out of the SR. #BB15 9:35 AM BBT Now the HG are saying that Rachel was in the house and bashed the fans calling them names (they are all laughing the entire time and bashing Rachel - the HG feel this is going on BBAD). Now Spencer is saying that Rachel told them a story that Elissa used to eat her own feces. (We are only reporting what is said - there is no proof that Rachel was in the house this morning during trivia or said anything). #BB15 9:56 AM BBT HG continue to do arts and crafts and pretend previous HG were/are in the house. Gina is painting a pig.
  7. #BB15 9:02 AM BBT Feeds return. Gina is putting on make up. The guys are at the KT table. Andy and McCrae are painting ceramics. #BB15 9:05 AM BBT The guys are talking about that this morning past HG from 9 seasons were at the house today. Spencer keeps referring it as it is after dark. (They may be taping for BBAD tonight). They keep talking about what a long day they have had. (No idea if past HG actually visited today or not or if HG are just being silly.) #BB15 9:24 AM BBT The guys continue to pretend it's "night time" while giggling about their comments. Gina continues to pack her stuff.
  8. #BB15 2:32 PM BBT Gina is packing her bags. Spencer and Andy talking about one of the HOH comps. #BB15 2:36 PM BBT The BY has opened and Judd/Andy say nothing was done. Andy says he got all dressed up for no reason. #BB15 2:46 PM BBT Andy and Judd talk in the BY about blindsides etc. Andy thinks the jury is bitter.
  9. #BB15 2:32 PM BBT Gina is packing her bags. Spencer and Andy talking about one of the HOH comps. #BB15 2:36 PM BBT The BY has opened and Judd/Andy say nothing was done. Andy says he got all dressed up for no reason. #BB15 2:46 PM BBT Andy and Judd talk in the BY about blindsides etc. Andy thinks the jury is bitter.
  10. #BB15 12:55 PM BBT The Hg are dressing up thinking it is a Pandora Box Spencer is getting. They think they will be on TV so they want to look nice. McCrae still in bed.
  11. #BB15 12:24 PM BBT Spencer comes out of DR and heads to his old bed downstairs. Possibly getting ready in HOH for his blog. #BB15 12:30 PM BBT Judd wakes up Gina. He says something isn't right. First the bags and now Spencer. Judd says he asked about packing and wasn't given a straight answer. They wonder if there is a Pandora's Box. #BB!5 12:38 PM BBT Judd and Andy talk. Judd trying to solidify with Andy that he is staying. #BB15 12:40 PM BBT An ILD has been called and Spencer is in HOH. Andy going up to see if can get into HOH room. Andy announces that it's locked. He is pacing. #BB!5 12:49 PM BBT Andy pacing the floor. So excited and nervous with what might be happening. McCrae still in bed. #BB!5 12:51 PM BBT Andy and Gina talking. Gina says that she needs to shave. Andy asks her legs? and she replies her privates (insert another word here). They then discuss other things and Gina throws in some Candice bashing.
  12. #BB!5 9:24 AM BBT Judd and Gina getting ready for the day. Spencer called to DR. #BB15 9:34 AM BBT Judd goes to HOH and talks to Spencer. Spencer tells him he has nothing to worry about. Says that Andy is keeping Judd and he is the tie breaker in case anything happens. He says Gina is going home. #BB15 9:42 AM BBT Judd and Spencer continue the talk. Spencer assures him he is fine. Judd asks him to let him know if something changes. #BB15 9:58 AM BBT Gina does laundry. HG snoozing again.
  13. #BB15 10:43 PM BBT Now talk about how Elissa didn't hug anyone good bye. McCrae says because they were all below her and she doesn't care about any of them. #BB15 10:53 PM BBT Spencer and Andy in HOH talking about if McCrae is down playing his memory and counting abilities. Spencer says he wonders too.
  14. #BB!5 10:08 PM BBT Mc talking about Amanda and why she is with him. Gina tells him that Amanda is a mutant. Andy tells her to be nice that McCrae likes her. Gina tells Andy to stop laughing and she is referring to future for McCrae. And tells him eyes open. #BB!5 10:10 PM BBT Gina says that she and Nick live near each so if it doesn't work out that's ok. She says he could be dating right now and he better not be. McCrae tells Gina that he is logical and reasonable. #BB15 10:17 PM BBT Gina talking about how Nick would look at her certain ways and make her melt. Andy wonders what Elissa's husband is like. #BB15 10:23 PM BBT Judd has to do 10 sit ups. Half way through, they tell him to start over. #BB15 10:32 PM BBT They talk about comps and outfits. Andy says that his HOH wasn't live but he still didn't get a fun outfit.
  15. #BB!5 9:35 PM BBT Andy, Spencer and Judd are now in HOH bashing Amanda and her yeast infection. #BB15 9:40 PM BBT All HG are in HOH room. They are giving there performance on how they act in the DR. #BB15 9:45 PM BBT HG talk about if they left their FB on and other social media. Andy wonder if they have had death threats. McCrae says he hopes so because it means they stirred a lot of emotion in someone. They move on to bashing Elissa and her husband. #BB15 9:55 PM BBT HG play the what date/what happened game. McCrae having trouble with the dates. #BB15 10:04 PM BBT Talk in the HOh about if Howard actually said to Amanda what Amanda said he did. McCrae doesn't know. He think Howard really did want to have sex with her.
  16. #BB!5 9:02 PM BBT HG sitting around the table and bashing each of the HG especially Elissa. Bashing that she wears fake rings and how much money she has. #BB15 9:08 PM BBT Andy makes fun of E's eyes in her picture on the memory wall. McCrae says that she has the Scoobie Doo bad guy eyes and that she couldn't play the game. They talk about defacing her picture. #BB!5 9:14 PM BBT The HG have moved on to some Helen bashing and now talking about past comps. Gina and Mccrae clean up after dinner. #BB!5 9:18 PM BT More Elissa bashing. Now bashing of her son's artwork and how 3rd graders shouldn't be painting at that age and it looked like Kindergarten work. Spencer says he never wants to talk to Elissa again. They all talk about how much they actually hate her. #BB15 9:28 PM BBT Mc in DR and Gina tethered to the door. The exterminators talk about if Mc suspects things yet. Gina tells them he thinks Andy and Spencer are working together.
  17. #BB15 2:40 PM BBT Judd and Elissa in the WA. Whispering. Difficult to hear. Elissa whispers McCrae and Gina Marie. Judd says as long as it's not me and walks out. #BB15 2:54 PM BBT Spencer is moving his bags to the SR. McCrae is brushing his teeth. Andy tells Spencer how to play the majority rules game for HOH. #BB15 2:58 PM BBT Judd, McCrae and andy in the BR. Talking about how bad E is at question comps. Judd says if they can't win against her then they don't deserve it. #BB15 3:05 PM BBT McCrae tells Spencer that he brought it up to Amanda if he voted her out and she got upset. They are laughing. Andy says he doesn't know why because she seems so low key. Amanda shaving her legs in the bathroom sink. #BB15 3:09 PM BBT We have trivia.
  18. #BB15 2:05 PM BBT Spencer showering and Elissa applying lotion. Gina is stretching. #BB15 2:17 PM BBT Gina is putting on makeup. Judd slowly waking up. Andy gen chit chat with Gina. #BB15 2:28 PM BBT Gina is still putting on makeup. Spencer lying down on one of the LR sofas.
  19. #BB15 10:7 AM BBT Judd and Elissa doing ADLs. Mccrae and Amanda still in bed in HOH. #BB15 10:09 AM BBT We have FOTH and when we return Spencer is up and Judd is heading to HOH room. Possible HOH lock down starting soon. #BB15 10:12 AM BBT All HG are in HOH - we have trivia. HOH LD has begun.
  20. #BB!5 9:49 AM BBT Elissa in the KT. Amanda gets up and wraps a sheet around her. Mccrae gets up with her. They go down tot he KT and get a banana. They both go back to HOH and crawl back in bed. Banana is on the nightstand. BB!5 9:07 AM BBT All HG sleeping away. #BB15 9:10 AM BBT We have FOTH - maybe wake up music? #BB!5 9:29 AM BBT We are back. HG back in bed and lights are on. BB tells HG that there are fresh batteries available.
  21. #BB15 4:17 PM BBT In the WA Elissa and Amanda mock Jessie and how she would ask questions for F2. Gina curling her hair. #BB15 4:41 PM BBT Andy reports back to the exterminators what was said in the WA by McCrae and Amanda being excited that Gina will be blindsided by the vote. #BB15 4:27 PM BBT Amanda is packing her bags. McCrae is putting his stuff together in case of a double eviction. He is having trouble finding his bandanas. #BB15 4:43 PM BBT Amanda continues to pack. In HOH, the rest of the Hg talk about the concerts they have gone to and their favorites. #BB15 4:52 PM BBT McCrae is searching through the house. he has lost his yellow bandana and is stressing about it.
  22. #BB!5 3:55 PM BBT In the HOH they discuss past HG in the seasons. In the WA Elissa is fixing her make up. #BB!5 3:58 PM BBT In the WA McCrae tells Elissa he wants her to help him study tonight. Elissa tells him she isn't any good at anything. #BB15 4:03 PM BBT McCrae and Amanda and Elissa talking about cool this will be when Spencer goes home. In HOH Gina in complaining that she hasn't gotten her hair dye and she needs it. #BB15 4:07 PM BBT Andy has joined McCrae, Amanda and Elissa in the WA. They talk more about how exciting it will be when Amanda stays. Now talk about what Andy misses most about home.
  23. #BB15 3:09 PM BBT Amanda telling McCrae that he needs to wash his face. He says no and no one cares. She says she cares and he says "so what". #BB15 3:19 PM BBT McCrae tells the Hg about a dream he had where he was walking through fire. Amanda asks him if she was with him. He says no. Gina is asleep in the HOH. #BB15 3:25 PM BBT The HG joke in the KT about Jessie. They say that she probably whined at the jury house that Aaryn gets a birthday and it's not fair. #BB15 3:43 PM BBT In the HOH Gina has woken up and is applying make up. Andy and Spencer in HOH with her. Spencer talking about how Amanda yelling at McCrae to get up. Amanda also made an entire package of bacon. She said it was for everyone but Spencer says no one else was having breakfast.



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