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Everything posted by Kekila

  1. #BB15 3:54 PM BBT In HOH - gen chit chat and laughter. Amanda in KT tells Helen and Elissa that she knew from the moment Elissa won Veto that Helen was going home. She tells Helen that everyone wanted to blindside Helen.
  2. #BB15 3:27 PM BBT Amanda cleans some lint out of her belly button in the KT and then heads to the cockpit room. She is trying to sooth Elissa. Andy joins in. Pep talk time. #BB15 3:33 PM BBT Amanda, Elissa and Helen in the KT. Helen tells them to just have fun. No one feel uncomfortable about her. No more crying. #BB15 3:36 PM BBT In the HOH Aaryn still going over the talk from this morning. #BB15 3:4 PM BBT In the HOH McCrae tells Aaryn that she can get to Elissa by telling Elissa that all of Aaryn friends hate her and that Elissasize is stupid. #BB15 3:47 PM BBT Aaryn talking about Elissa again in the HOH room. Just some general bashing.
  3. #BB15 3:07 PM BBT Andy and Helen talking in BR. Andy wants Helen to be there when he talks to Elissa. Andy asks Helen if he was wrong to feel the way he does. Helen tells him he can feel how he feels. #BB15 3:11 PMN BBT Andy apologizes to Elissa. Says he got freaked out. Elissa apologizes to him. Says that she was just upset that Helen is going. #BB15 3:13 PM BBT Andy is crying. Elissa gives him a hug. Helen tells him there are much bigger targets then Elissa. #BB15 3:17 PM BBT Helen giving Andy a pep talk. Tells him to stay up on the wall. Elissa agrees. #BB15 3:21 PM BBT Amanda in HOH talking about how BB won't give her her medications. MCcrae says he doesn't understand what Xanax would do for them anyways. Aaryn says it would allow her to climb into her cave. Amanda says they don't understand that she is up all night and doesn't get her meds on time.
  4. #BB15 12:36 PM BBT Aaryn tells Helen that she was told Helen was targeting her. Helen upset. Says not true at all. She says she has never targeted her. #BB15 12:47 PM BBT Aaryn is starting to cry. Helen is crying. Same convo going round and round. Helen trying to tell sell Aaryn that she has been building a relationship with her. #BB15 12:52 PM BBT Spencer goes to HOH. Aaryn asks him for a few minutes. He heads back down stairs. #BB15 12:59 PM BBT Aaryn tells Halen that she has always wanted to work with her. This convo keeps going round and round. Targeting each other, etc. Lots of crying by Helen.
  5. #BB15 12:04 PM BBT Aaryn and Elissa rehashing the same things over and over. No one is budging. Just talking in circles. #BB15 12:14 PM BBT Aaryn and Elissa their conversation. Elissa pushing for Spencer to go. She tells Aaryn that Aaryn is not a threat to her. Aaryn disappointed that she isn't one. Says that she wants Spencer gone. #BB15 12:18 PM BBT Elissa and Arryn talking about who Candice would vote for in jury. Aaryn says it would be her over Gina. Aaryn said that Candice would vote for her over anyone left in the house if they were F2. Elissa pushing for Aaryn to send Spencer home. #Bb15 12:24 PM BBT Helen arrives in HOH. She tells Elissa that she would be up anyways. At this point, Helen is trying to bring them together. Elissa tells Helen that she is trying to impress how important it is that Spencer goes home. #BB15 12:31 PM BBT Elissa leaves HOH. Aaryn starts complaining to Helen about Elissa being threatening.
  6. #BB15 10:10 AM BBT Helen is up doing ADLs. The rest of the feeds are on sleeping HG. #BB15 10:22AM BBT Elissa and Helen are up. Elissa did not sleep well. Says the HN beds are so uncomfortable. Says that she thought Amanda and McCrae were in the room with them about 5Am because they were making so much noise. #BB15 10:37 AM BBT Helen is jogging in the house. All other HG sleeping on feeds. #BB15 10:51AM BBT Same update as 15 minutes ago - Helen jogging in the house. The rest of the HG sleeping on the feeds. Elissa is awake somewhere in the house.
  7. #BB15 3:41 PM BBT Amanda calls Elissa to the cockpit room. She tells Elissa that she has never ever said or attacked Elissa or Helen. Elissa tells Amanda that Aaryn is telling them that. Amanda stops her.Amanda says her feelings were hurt. Amanda tells Elissa that she wanted Elissa to win the veto. Amanda tells Elissa that she has been protecting her from the beginning. #BB15 3:51 PM BBT Amanda is telling Elissa what Helen said about her. Elissa says that Helen doesn't have the right to say things as Elissa. Elissa says that she speaks for herself.
  8. #BB15 3:13 PM BBT Aaryn cooking bacon in the KT. Gen chit chat in the BY,. #BB15 3:23 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae in the cockpit room and talking about Helen conversation with Helen. Amanda says that her feelings were hurt by Helen. Saying that she told Helen that they were never her target. #BB15 3:30 PM BBT Amnda telling McCrae that she just can't sleep. McCrae tells her she is lucky that she gets meds for it. She asks if he means her prescription. He says yes. #BB15 3:32 PM BBT Gina is cooking at the stove while sitting on a dining chair. No conversations going on in the KT. #BB15 3:35 PM BBT Andy comes in to ask Amanda what he should and shouldn't be saying to Helen. Amanda tells him about the conversation she had with Helen. She told Helen that she won't get her vote because Helen is after her. Says that she told Helen that Helen was never a target for her.
  9. #BB15 1:30 PM BBT BB has asked Aaryn to report to the HOH room. She goes up and we get a different camera view. #BB15 1:37 PM BBT Helen is starting to cry as she talks to Elissa about how beautiful the girls in the house have made her feel. She has never felt that way. #BB15 1:46 PM BBT Spencer is up and in the KT. Elissa goes through the house and out to the BY. Spencer calls her an idiot under his breath. #BB15 1:5 PM BBT Spencer gets food for lunch. Helen and Elissa talk in the BY about starting a business when they get out.
  10. #BB15 12:06 PM BBT Most HG sleeping. Elissa and Helen in the KT talking about clothes. #BB15 12:12 PM BBT Helen and Elissa talk in the By about how impressed they are by different HG and how they have played the game. They talk about who they would vote for in the F2. #BB15 12:25 PM BBT Wish we had something exciting to report but all we have is sleeping HG and Elissa making slop in the KT. #BB1512:54 PM BBT Andy was called to the DR so he is awake! Helen making slop and Elissa getting ready to exercise. #BB15 1:3 PM BBT Helen and Elissa are in the By talking about voting. And in breaking news - Spencer rolled over in bed. #BB15 1:15 PM BBT Elissa and Helen still talking about the game (not game - just about the game). Aaryn called to DR. #BB15 1:23 PM BBT Aaryn cutting up a watermelon. Helen and Elissa in the BY talking about HG lives.
  11. #BB15 2:30 PM BBT Andy goes into wake up Amanda. He briefly tells her about Helen. Amanda says something about evil. It is difficult to hear. They are whispering and can't quite make out what they are saying. Amanda says that she was loyal to her until she turned against Amanda. #BB15 2:39 PM BBT BB calls for an OLD. Gina is in the pool and happy it is an OLD. Says the HG will now have to get up and come outside. #BB15 2:53 PM BBT Amanda in the By talking about that she has a yeast infection. Elissa says probably because they wear bathing suits all the time. Aaryn says she should ask for the pill and not the Monistat as the Monistat gives other infections. #BB15 2:56 PM BBT McCrae starts telling Amanda that she needs Activia. Says Jamie Lee Curtis says that you have yellow circles and yellow arrows. Amanda says when she has an orgasm, it comes out as a yellow circle like a bubble and you can pop them (you can't make this stuff up folks).
  12. #BB15 2:06 PM BBT In the KT, Andy, Elissa and Helen talking about DR. Andy says he is called at either 4 AM or 7 AM. BB tells them not to talk about production. #BB15 2:09 PM BBT Andy and Helen talking about Andy's first day of the semester for school year. He always starts the first day with introducing himself and playing 2 truths and a lie. #BB15 2:18 PM BBT General chit chat in the KT about names and what is going on in the jury house. All other HG are still sleeping. Helen doing the dishes from the ants. #BB15 2:28 PM BBT Andy goes into the BR. Tries to wake up Spencer and McCrae. Tells them he is bored and they are going to stay up until 5AM and create a vicious cycle.
  13. #BB15 12:53 PM BBT Gina going off on Spencer and if people cross her etc. She is cursing so much it is difficult to follow. She says she wants Spencer out but flipping back and forth. #BB15 12:56 PM BBT Aaryn says if Helen goes, then Amanda and Mccrae have everyone. Aaryn says that Gina and herself have no one. Andy days that he has them. He will keep them safe.
  14. #BB15 12:43 PM BBT Andy in HOH room. Tells Aaryn and Gina that he does not trust Helen and Elissa. He says that Jessie told the truth that Helen wanted Amanda out. He says that Amanda never asked him to get Helen out even though Helen has asked him to get Amanda out. He thinks Amanda is more of a loyal person. #BB15 12:44 PM BBT Andy tells Gina and Aaryn that Helen needs to go. Andy says that he will make sure that Gina, Aaryn and himself are safe if Amanda and McCrae get power. He says he has been loyal to them and they to him. #BB15 12:47 PM BBT Gina tells Andythat she doesn't care about today, tomorrow or Wednesday. she only cares on Thursday on who Aaryn wants out and she will vote that way. She tells Andy if he is on the same page fine.
  15. #BB15 12:38 PM BBT Gina talks about if she knew Nick was going his week she would have spent more time with him. He was ripped away from her and it wasn't fair. She said that Judd was the biggest liar about Nick going.
  16. #BB15 12:04 PM BBT Andy, Aaryn and Gina sit in the HOH room. Aaryn doesn't like that Spencer feels so comfortable being on the block. Andy not saying a work and just taking it all in. Gina says Spencer will only have two votes on Thursday, Amanda and McCrae. #BB15 12:08 PM BBT Elissa in OH with Gina and Andy. Elissa says that she doesn't think there has ever been a season of BB that has been this intense. They fight every week. Gina tells Andy that he is his own person. He has his own brain and mouth. Andy says he knows. #BB15 12:18 PM BBT In HOH Elissa asks Aaryn if Amanda and McCrae have told her that they want her for F3. Aaryn says no. She thinks they wouldn't want her there because if she won, they couldn't both go to F2. #BB15 12:25 PM BBT Andy is called out of the HOH room. Aaryn says if it gets back, she will know it came from Andy. Elissa leaves HOH as well. Aaryn tells Gina that she will never trust Elissa. Gina says she has Aaryn's back. Aaryn says that Andy will never vote to keep Helen. #BB15 12:29 PM BBT Aaryn says that Spencer's girlfriend's family not liking him is a sign. She has never had a boyfriend that she hasn't been allowed around his family. She says that she has only had boyfriends who their family may not like her because the boy wants to settle down with her and the family is afraid she is taking him away from them. #BB15 12:32 PM BBT In the HOh room Aaryn and Gina talk about Spencer and how he called Marilyn his ex girlfriend and now he wants to marry her. Aaryn says when Spncer realized he wasn't going to have a showmance he started talking about how much he loved Marilyn. Gina says that Spencer is going home to no body. #BB15 12:34 PM BBT Aaryn says she is tired of giving everything to Amanda and McCrae. She says she is a giver. She gives them her food and her nominations and her beer. She is tired of being a giver.
  17. #BB15 10:04 AM BBT Elissa and Helen doing ADLs. No talking going on in the house on the cams we have. #BB15 10:14 AM BBT We still have Elissa getting dressed for the day and Helen in the KT. Nothing else going on. #BB15 10:23 AM BBT Helen sitting on BY couch. Elissa moving about the house. No other movement. #BB15 1:34 AM BBT We had 4 cams on sleeping HG. Elissa was called to DR and we now have trivia - Veto ceremony may be under way.
  18. #BB15 11:48 PM BBT In the BY HG talk about TV shows like Pawn Stars. In the WA Helen and Amanda still talking game but just rehashing old stuff. #BB15 11:55 PM BBT Spencer and Jessie are talking about cremation. Spencer tells her and McCrae about how cremation is done. Spencer says that the ashes are strange looking.
  19. #BB15 11:03 PM BBT McCrae and Spencer talking in the BY. They are worried about an all-girl alliance. McCrae wants Elissa out next because he is afraid she is planting seeds with Amanda. #BB15 11:07 PM BBT Andy and Helen talking in HOH. He is talking about scenarios. Seems Amanda suggested that he put up Helen as a pawn. Helen tells him she wouldn't be comfortable with that and she would go home. Andy says that he told Amanda that he wouldn't put up Helen if she wasn't comfortable with that. #BB15 11:11 AM BBT Andy tells Helen that he won't put out Amanda or McCrae. He says they have never lied to him and he trusts them but his first loyalty is to her. Helen asks him doesn't it worry him about how strong they are. He says no. He doesn't think they are strong at comps. #BB15 11:40 PM BBT Amanda and Helen in WA. Amanda plucking her eyebrows. Helen talking about Judd and that he waited to long to make moves. Andy in HOH listening to music.
  20. #BB15 9:34 PM BBT In the BY McCrae and Helen talk about a dream McCrae had last night. McCrae had a dream that he was in prison and one of the inmates was trying to kill him. Says that half was the BB house and the other half was a prison. #BB15 9:40 AM BBT Gina and Aaryn in the WA. Gina said Judd going up and going home came out of left field. She said that she wasn't aware anyone was even thinking about it. #BB15 9:45 AM BBT In the BY McCrae, Andy and Helen talk about different votes for different HG. What would have saved their game etc. #BB15 9:53 AM BBT Talk in the BY about Pandora's box. They tell Andy that if he gets the box, he should open it. They all agree they will not be upset if he opened it.
  21. #BB15 9:01 PM BBT Aaryn and Elissa in the KT. Elissa asks Aaryn if she would have been upset if she had never been a HN. Aaryn says yes and this is what she was storing up her winter coat for. Aaryn says she isn't sure she will lose weight though as it is very high in calories. #BB15 9:14 PM BBT Helen in the BY with Spencer and Andy. Now saying that Howard went out on a lie. Judd tipping them off was a lie. She now feels bad for Kaitlin with all the things Judd lied about. #BB15 9:20 AM BBT Elissa and Aaryn talk about pageants. Elissa asks Aaryn why she never went for Miss America. Aaryn says she did but only made the top 15 at state level. Aaryn starts talking about a fellow contestant from the pageant who was in the running for BB and we lose that camera to an empty LR. #BB15 9:26 AM BBT Helen is working out in the BY. McCrae and Gina are doing ADLs in the WA.
  22. #BB15 3:07 PM BBT Helen cleaning the kitchen and gen chit chat with Spencer. In the BR, Andy, Judd, Amanda, McCrae talk. Juddis trying to tell Andy he is aligned to him. Here is the covo: Judd: You are aligned Andy:I'm a lion? Judd: You are aligned! Andy: I am a lying? Amanda: You are a lion - roar. Judd: never mind. #BB15 3:10 PM BBT We have trivia!
  23. #BB15 2:30 PM BBT Judd is collecting his stuff in case of a DE so that it will be all together. After making lunch, Amanda has crawled back in bed. #BB15 2:37 PM BBT Judd now telling Gina about the fight with Jessie and that Jessie sent Helen in to get him so she could fight. Gina says the girls are crazy. #BB15 2:44 PM BBT In the BR - Judd, Gina, Spencer and McCrae are talking. Gina is telling them some things about women and sex. A little Jessie bashing as well. #BB15 2:48 PM BBT Judd was laughing about Gina showing him Jessie's undies that had a stain. Gina says that it was funny. They were hanging out of the drawer. She tells Spencer about it. Judd aks where the stain came from. Gina says it was a bowel movement (okay - not the word she used but this is a family feed). #BB15 3:01 PM BBT Judd joins Amanda and McCrae in the BR. Judd says he is only nervous about the 2nd one. McCrae says he wants to play the POV. Sounds as though they may know it's double eviction. Spencer says he has to pack as well from the other room.
  24. #BB15 2:3 PM BBT Judd, Helen, Elisa and Andy in the HN room. Discussing who each of them would put up. What different HG would do if they are HOH. Judd says he doesn't realize why Jessie is jealous of Aaryn and him. #BB15 2:13 PM BBT In the HN room. HG talk about if Candice will have a job when she goes home. Helen says she no longer has a job. Now talk about if the game they practiced is a POV or a HOH game. #BB15 2:22 PM BBT In the KT - talk about game shows and winning prizes. In the HN room, there is quizzing and training for comps and what comp was when. #BB15 2:28 PM BBT Nothing major going on in the house. Eating in the KT (Andy is easting the top of Kaitlin's head from the cake). and ADLs in the WA.



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