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Everything posted by Kekila

  1. 1:57 PM BBT HG start to talk about pre-production. One of the guys say that they saw Andy at everything and we get FOTH.
  2. 1:43 PM BBT Helen in the pool talking about if her Father's health gets worse, she will have to leave. He is in chemo right now. He is 83 years old. Spencer says that if anyone in his family passes away, he doesn't want to know. There isn't anything they can do. 1:50 PM BBT In the pool, the HG talk about what their families thought of them being on the show. They talk about trying to explain what the show is. Now talk about what celebrities they would like to see come into the house.
  3. Aaryn tells David that if he wants to be an actor it's easy. You take classes and audition - she can help with that. It's not hard at all. Tells him she does 12 hour days on commercials. It tedious but if he stays in classes, he will be picked up quick because he is beautiful. 1:36 PM BBT N HOH McCrae and Judd are talking about being final 2 together. Judd heads out of the room. Various rooms have HG getting dressed. Aaryn in the WA still telling David about someone who creates "stars".
  4. 1:06 PM BBT Jessie and Kaitlin are in the BY sunning. Talking about the HG and who has been playing the game. Jessie says she is scared to win HOH for next week. Kaitlin tells Jessie that everyone wants Candice out. Jessie says she would feel terrible putting Candice up because they were on the block together. Kaitlin says that there is motive since Jessie wasn't taken off the block. Jessie and Kaitlin continue with their assessment of the HG. Saying that the HG are talking crap and putting targets on their backs. They head into the pool saying it is to hot to sit outside. In the WA - Elissa and Aaryn do ADLS 1:21 PM BBT The girls in the pool tell Jeremy that Elissa was searching for info last night. Asking about a showmance etc. Kaitlin says she told her that she knew what she was doing. In the WA David and Aaryn talking in general - Aaryn wants to hang outside for a bit and then work out sometime today. David whispered something but we couldn't hear it.
  5. 10:46 PM BBT Getting small snipets of feeds. Gen chit chat. Nothing going on but different conversations about life and people they know. In the HOH room - several HG are playing "Would You Rather".
  6. 10:09 PM BBT We seem to have feeds at the moment. Andy and Spencer are talking about the letter the HOH gets. Andy wonders if they just take notes over the phone. Spencer tells him it would be by email. We now have FOTH. 10:20 PM BBT Amanda, Nick, David and McCrae are in HOH. Discussion over where David wants to sleep in the house. David leaves and GinaMarie enters. She tells them David told her he wanted to sleep in the same bed with Nick. 10:33 PM BBT McCrae and Andy talking about a pool suction suctioning out someone's insides. Talk now turns to alcohol and what they requested if HOH.
  7. 9:54 PM BBT In the HOH Amanda and McCrae have a talk about being in love. McCrae asks how do you know if it's love. Amanda says she loves her boyfriend but... we get FOTH. When we come back she is talking about a guy who has cheated on his girlfriends. She says he threatened her that if she hooked up on the show that her career would be over.
  8. 9:42 PM BBT The charades breaks up and the HG head inside. It appears to be snack time as many of them hit the fridge. General chit chat. Kaitlin tells Jeremy she is nervous about him being HOH. He tells her he will be the exact same person. She says she hopes so. He makes reference to Evil Dick winning his season.
  9. 9:22 PM BBT In the HOH McCrae and Amanda talking about when she was producing a film of some type. Now chatting about Amanda's boyfriend. Amanda says she loves him but this situation is weird. 9:35 PM BBT Not much going on. Charades still in the BY. Amanda and McCrae talking about his hopes and dreams. Spencer and Jeremy eating and gen chatting in the KT. Kaitlin and Jeremy now in the BR. Jeremy tries to give Kaitlin a hickey. She stops him. He tells her he had one once and had to wear a turtleneck to cover it. He asks her if she is about ready to get up. She tells him she feels like she has been awake the whole time
  10. 9:06 PM BBT Charades going on in the BY. Howard reading the bible inside the house.
  11. 12:00 PM BBT Jessie and Aaryn on the hammock. They discuss the stubble on Aaryn's legs. Jessie now giving Aaryn the run down of her morning.
  12. 11:38 AM BBT Helen running laps in the BY. Kaitlin in the pool. Amanda and McCrae still in the HOH. Amanda telling McCrae that he is such a baby at 23 and telling him what she was doing at 23. Amanda says that she is SAG and AFTRA eligible. She never joined. She is telling McCrae what acting she has done. She can't remember since it was a lifetime ago. 11:44 AM BBT Helen finishes running. She takes off her shoes and dips her feet in the pool and back out. Now discussing with Kaitlin that BB did not give them a dishwasher. They feel the pool is to small as well. Helen now washes her face in the pool. They also feel the house is much smaller then appears on TV. 11:51 AM BBT Helen stops in the LR where David and Howard are sitting. Helen says she has a schedule of food for the day. She goes over a large list of food to eat today.
  13. 11:21 AM BBT In the BY a game of 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon is being played. First up was Julia Roberts. Next is Robert Downey Jr. In the HOH the HG bashing continues. 11:27 AM BBT In the HOH the HG discuss that they feel that Aaryn has true mean tendencies. They can't believe David fell for her. Andy says he will keep pretending with Jeremy to be his friend. McCrae tells them he started reading his Bible last night after yelling at Elissa. Andy says he debated about bringing a Bible but he has never read it. They agree there are some good stories in it. Andy heads downstairs. Amanda and McCrae crawl under the covers. You can hear kissing. The covers are pushed back and Amanda asks him why his hands are so cold. He says he doesn't know. McCrae appears to be watching the TV. 11:32 AM BBT In the KT Andy and Jessie have a discussion over grapes. Both prefer green grapes. Andy is making a PB sandwich.
  14. 10:58 AM BBT Spencer and Howard have a discussion that the trash in BY smells really bad. Spencer hauls the trashcan into the house. 11:02 AM BBT Andy, McCrae and Amanda and in the HOH room talking about the HG. Andy says that on Wednesday that his story will be that he is voting out Elissa. Andy tells McCrae and Amanda that if Aaryn wasn't in the house he feels David would have been a good player. Now Andy switches to talking about where the HG are from. 11:11 AM BBT In the BY Howard is telling others about services at his church. In the HOH, Andy still talking about each of the HG. Says if he was on a date with Nick he would be bored as NIck likes to talk about himself all the time. 11:15 AM BBT Andy says his concerned was that someone stupid would win HOH - he was glad it was McCrae. Amanda says her worry was that Aaryn would win in it and she feels Aaryn is a mean girl. Difficult to hear but sounds as though Amanda says she is a nurturer.
  15. 10:32 AM BBT We have FOTH - may be wake up time! 10:46 AM BBT We are back. The HG are up. BB tells the HG that there are fresh batteries on the SR. 10:51 AM BBT Amanda in the WA saying that she hate Kayne West and that his baby will be ugly. Spencer in the BY sitting on the couch. Andy walks into the WA and tells Judd and Helen to keep his name out of the drama and they laugh.
  16. 10:10 AM BBT Judd and Jessie are in the BY talking about not sleeping well and what happened last night. Jessie wants to know if people hung out. Judd says he slept in the HN room. Jessie asks Judd if he is going to go for HOH next week. He says between them - he didn't want HOH the first 3 or 4 weeks. He says he needs to go for it every time. Jessie says to give everyone a run for their money so that they can't say anything about him. 10:18AM BBT Jessie and Judd talk about working out. Say how difficult it is with the heat they are having. Judd says he may run a bit this morning. He heads inside to the WA to do some ADLS. 10:27 AM BBT Judd getting some breakfast in the KT. Jessie reading her Bible in the BY and the rest of the HG still appear to be sleeping.
  17. 4:13 PM BBT Dani tells Dan she can't tell if he is awake or asleep as she can not see through his sunglasses. Ian gets off of the hammock to join Dani/Dan on the couches. We have identified Ian's lunch - it was left over chicken parm. Ian says it was a 7.3 on the John Blaze scale. 4:16 PM BBT We just got a brief glimpse of trivia. The feeds are back and Ian is talking about plates and cups.
  18. 3:40 PM BBT Dani snoozing on BY couch. Dan resting and Ian rocking on the hammock. 3:45 PM BBT Ian now in the KT getting a snack. Dan and Dani still on the BY couches. 3:48 PM BBT Dan still resting. Dani called to DR. and Ian pacing around the house. 3:50 PM All is right with the world - Ian is back to rocking on his hammock. 3:58 PM BBT Ian is off of the hammock after mumbling for a bit. He heads inside and checks the oven. Looks like his food is done. He puts some in a bowl and gets a refill on his water. Dan still resting on the BY couch. 4:01 PM BBT Dani out of the DR. No convo going on in the BY at all. Ian rocking again on his hammock. He is eating his food. 3:40 PM BBT Dani snoozing on BY couch. Dan resting and Ian rocking on the hammock. 3:45 PM BBT Ian now in the KT getting a snack. Dan and Dani still on the BY couches. 3:48 PM BBT Dan still resting. Dani called to DR. and Ian pacing around the house. 3:50 PM All is right with the world - Ian is back to rocking on his hammock. 3:58 PM BBT Ian is off of the hammock after mumbling for a bit. He heads inside and checks the oven. Looks like his food is done. He puts some in a bowl and gets a refill on his water. Dan still resting on the BY couch. 4:01 PM BBT Dani out of the DR. No convo going on in the BY at all. Ian rocking again on his hammock. He is eating his food.
  19. 3:23 PM BBT Ian and Dan discuss the HOH Pt. 2 comp - BB acknowledged the teddy bear. Ian's new favorite phrase is that things are "John Blaze". The comp as John Blaze. Dan wonders if Boogie spiked Ian's glasses when he went out. (Boogie actually put them up for sell on Ebay). 3:29 PM BBT Dani has joined them in the BY. They watch a Southwest plan fly over the house. Dan says it's headed towards Hawaii. Dani says SW doesn't fly to Hawaii she thinks. Talk about Dan's dog and how he isn't allowed on the bed. Says he doesn't behave well at home when he and his wife are not at home. 3:37 PM BBT Dan tells Dani that Janelle promised Joe one of her puppies as long as he would name the puppy Janelle. 3:40 PM BBT Frank got in trouble for not wearing his Spiritard because the live feeders were complaining. 3:43 PM BBT Dan talks about their families will be arriving tomorrow. Dani says it's so weird to think they will be in the area and they can't see them. They explain to Dani that only the top 3 HG families get to watch in the audience. The HG wonder if when Willie left if they even let him sit down in the DR. 3:51 PM BBT Dan tells Dani/Ian about what used to be at the wrap party - props and the DR and slop for people to try. Says they don't do it anymore. 3:55 PM BBT Dani asks Dan what he is going to wear for the finale. He says his swim suit and the Mi. shirt. Dani tells him he has to dress nice.
  20. 3:10 PM BBT Complete and total silence in the BY. Ian rocking in the hammock and Dani on the couch. 3:14 PM BBT Dani called to DR. Dan comes out to the By couches and Ian is being Ian...rocking on the hammock. Ian and Dan talk. Tired of the Dr sessions. Ian says he has explained 8 times how this is going down. They get a warning from BB. 3:17 PM BBT Dan/Ian talk about Dani being better today but Dan says she may be wound up when she comes out of DR.
  21. 1:27 PM BBT Dani confirms that BB called him 3 times and he didn't move. Dani and Ian became concerned. Dan and Dani throwing a piece of fruit back and forth. BB telling Dan to "stop that". Dan is hitting things with the fruit instead of letting Dani catch it. 1:39 PM BBT Ian is rocking in the hammock. Dan is snorkeling in the pool and Dani is sunbathing. 1:51 PM BBT Dan in the pool. Dani sitting in the sun and Ian is...rocking on the hammock. 1:55 PM BBT All 4 feeds on Ian rocking.
  22. 1:04 PM BBT Ian rocking on the hammock. Dani lying out and Dan playing in the pool. Dan attempting to "ride" the giant inflatable ball in the pool. Dani counting how long he can stay on. His record is 4 seconds. He wants 10. 1:09 PM BBT Dani attempts it now to show Dan what he looked like. She can't stay on at all in her first attempt. Dan makes it to 7 seconds and BB issues a "stop that 1:15 PM BBT The HG are watching a very low helicopter go over the house. Ian waves at them. 1:21 PM BBT Dan being creative in the pool. Says there was a dolphin and now making a shark cage out of the basketball net. 1:26 PM BBT Dan was underwater a long time not moving. We went to FOTH. When we came back Dan was askin g if they thought he was dead. BB must have called him to stop it.
  23. 10:46 AM BBT All 4 feeds on Ian in bed. BB has called him to change batteries but he hasn't gotten up. 10:53 AM BBT Dani says that she has dreams when she sleeps. Now telling Dan that she asked him if he and Ian had F2 deal. Dan says she never asked. Dan says it wasn't 100% that he was safe when Ian was HOH. Dan and Dani now talking votes. Dani says Dan has the votes from the jury. She won't vote for Ian and nor will a lot of them. 10:56 AM BBT Dan tells Dani that Ian may take her. Dani says that she has accepted she isn't going to F2. She knows now that they have had a F2 deal. Dani says she is ok if she leaves. At least Dan will make the F2. Dan says that's not his goal that she leaves. Dani says if Dan can do it again, he will be the best player to play this game for sure. 11:00 AM BBT Dani tells Dan that if she goes home she just wants him to see them as a team effort and not that Dan carried her the entire season. Dan says he doesn't feel he carried her because without her he would have gone home week 4.
  24. 10:02 AM BBT We have FOTH - wake up call? 10:14 AM BBT We are back - it was the wake up call. Dan in the WC and out - washes his hands. Dani is up. Do not see Ian on the feeds. Ian's covers just moved. He is still snuggled in bed with the comforter over his head. Dan talking to the feeds. Says Good morning. Says the wake up call included the Michigan State Fight Song. 10:19 AM BBT Dan sprays some food bowls and leftover food with a cleaner (guessing ants). Dani heads to SR and looks like she gets batteries or new mic. Dani heads outside to the BY couch and Dan putting in his contacts in the WCA. 10:25 AM BBT Dan and Dani in the BY. Appears during the wake up call Dan was jumping up and down on Dani's bed and stepped on her leg. Dan says Dani being dramatic about it. Dan says if you hear a Wheezer song you have to jump and down or you are not living. 10:30 AM BBT All four feeds on Ian in bed. BB asks Dan to lower the awnings. 10:33 AM BBT Dan and Dani going over what Dani does for a living. She says she primarily does the shots, wounds and meds.
  25. 9:04 AM BBT All 3 HG are still in snoozing mode. 9:20 AM BBT All 3 HG still in bed. Dani is very restless and moving about but still in bed. 9:39 AM BBT Still snoozing away. A few random shots with the LR camera - a plant etc. Just cameraman having some fun. 9:57 AM Dan and Dani seem restless. Ian just sleeping away. No one has gotten up though.



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