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Everything posted by carmen

  1. Seems like a stretch between Will and Dan, but hey I'm all for connections between all bb plays regardless of season or thread b/c it's all good. Just wish the same people who have a problem with it in some threads would practice what they preach in others.
  2. Yes, one additional difference: Dick was not above physical assault. I don't know that Mike has engaged in that kind of activity yet. But then again, Mike doesn't have the anger / rage issues that Dick Donato has. One seeming similarity (at least so far, we'll see how the rest of the season plays out): Production behind both of them.
  3. No, I'm not. This is my opinion which I see others give all the time. If this makes Boogie a bully, then what does it make Dick Donato?
  4. I hope Frank wins also. What I don't understand is how Shane wins as many (maybe more?) of the comps but no one thinks of him as a "beast." Why is it just Frank? Is it really just the hair? LOL
  5. I do agree that Will was the driving force behind chilltown's strength (Mike was gone from season 2 fairly early if I recall correctly), so Will pretty much had to wing it that year (and for me was the most satisfying win in all big brother history imho). Allstars: Will totally propelled him to the finish line. So I've never been too impressed with Mike's abilities, but I think this season is showing him to be quite good. Much better and more savvy than I thought he was capable of on his own. And if he can get anyone backdoored this week (esp. Dan), then I think Mike deserves to be considered one of the greats and definitely more than just Will's sidekick.
  6. Ian flipped to the quack pack, and hopefully it will be his undoing. If Boogie finds out just how much he ratted them out, I figure he'll put in a real attempt to get Ian backdoored. Ian hasn't been playing as carefully as one would think an "expert" would.
  7. I agree. In fact, they're all wimping except Frank, Boogie, Shane (for comp wins), and Danielle. They're the only ones I see actually winning comps (or trying to) or taking a strong position on where they stand.
  8. But Frank was already on to the whole Dan smack. Dan's game is tired and old. He needs to adapt to the new surroundings. I hope it bites him fast. Outing him may be enough to throw him off -- or else force him to come up with something new.
  9. But is this safety for just the noms or does it also apply to veto?
  10. Yeah, I think if Mike had worked it before the noms and was the last person to speak to Shane he probably could have got Shane to put up just about anybody. What was Mike thinking? The key with Shane, always be the last person to speak to him to get him to do what you want him to do.
  11. I don't think Janelle is bitter at all. I think she is just pointing out that Wil could have played a bit smarter -- I mean, it was only $500,000 and a rare chance to be in the bb house. Honestly, Wil was his own worst enemy. He had a number of good opportunities to advance further but chose not to. That doesn't make him independent or admirable. Just a loser.
  12. Ohhhh. that's right. Darn it. I think she's going to end up winning this year.
  13. I agree -- Shane is a ??? very difficult to pin down. Slippery all the way. That can be very dangerous.
  14. Maybe Boogie can get in Shane's ear and get the big Brit nominated or better yet, J-a-n-e-l-l-e-d.
  15. Unfortunately for you, I didn't care one way or the other. And no, I don't think Janelle knew necessarily that she was leaving -- she apparently doesn't know the game that well despite three times around. In fact, had she known the game better she might have been better able to gauge where she stood and took action.
  16. Britney thinks as long as she has male attention, all is good. She is probably the one who will lose the most by having Janelle out of the house. I think some part of her was starting to connect those dots but I also think she's not quite ready for the full consciousness of being disadvantaged as a female. Being around the guys just feels too good to her! Hope she realizes it's a half million feel-good!
  17. Yeah, I would agree Dan might be easier to sneak up on since he's throwing the comps -- assuming, of course, he keeps doing it and just honestly doesn't win one. On the other hand, I think you have to weigh his sneakiness and how much influence he has over Danielle and possibly even Brittany (and maybe Ian?) to go after Frank yet again. The real concern Frank has to consider is Dan's desire to eliminate him. Dan's a difficult case. Frank and Boogie need him for the time being, but at what cost to Frank? I think Frank's in a tough spot. Probably not the best week to win HOH.
  18. I would agree that it's too soon to backdoor Dan. With two exceptions: 1. Dan throws comps. He just doesn't want to be in a position of (knowable) power. He prefers to work in the dark. Most of the houseguests know this -- and it just might bite Dan in the butt this season if he's not careful. Since he's a comp-thrower, any alliance members cannot rely on Dan to carry any weight. 2. Frank may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I do think he knows that Dan wants him out of the way so he can work with Boogie alone.
  19. I'm not so sure he's a goner if Dan decides he wants to save him in order to work with Boogie. I think what we're really going to find out is just how much control Dan ultimately has over Danielle.
  20. She should think seriously about backdooring Janelle. Getting rid of Frank is more in line with what Britney and Janelle want. She needs to wake up fast.
  21. So true, she's letting Dan call the shots. But Shane did the same thing by letting Britney control his HOH.
  22. While a fight between Wil and Joe would be interesting, they may need to re-think. When it comes down to numbers, they just may end needing Joe to side with them (against the Brit/Dan/Dani/Shane alliance).
  23. I fear Dan may be messing up at this point. Unless he can really coalesce some numbers, he's putting quite a bit out there. Frank and Boogie already don't trust him after last night. And the only ones I can see he has for sure (to vote Frank out) are Britney, Shane, and himself since Danielle can't vote. Getting some "committment" from Ian isn't going to be enough.
  24. Ian may be trying to avoid that HOH crowd upstairs as Britney was grilling him hard (would she answer to someone else the kinds of questions she was popping? I don't think so). He said he would like to work with them already. They need to back off at this point.



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