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Everything posted by carmen

  1. Yes and if anyone would know this to be true, it's Dick Donato.
  2. ROFL Dan probably shouldn't have thrown that last HOH part but that's Dan's general mode of operation and everyone sees through it. Danielle should have refused him her vote just on that basis alone.
  3. Looks like some peeps on here have a serious case of sour grapes since their guy Dan didn't win. ITA
  4. Will Kirby was also on the block multiple times. I don't think being on the block per se is necessarily an indicator of doing something wrong. It might even mean that that player is doing something right, depending on the specific circumstances of how that player plays. I am one to normally be skeptical of those voting things (all of them, not just AC); but Frank's win squares up with my (albeit limited) awareness of what others felt and saw. Internet generally is only a portion of the viewing audience as well.
  5. I agree. They seemed absolutely bored out of their minds when Dan was giving his final spiel, like they'd had enough of his BS and wanted it to be over already.
  6. Actually, except for Morty's, Frank is very well liked by many, many fans. This is one AC that feels pretty accurate.
  7. Absolutely. ITA Looks like the jury wasn't "misted" after all. LOL
  8. I think you're getting me confused with another poster. While I am a Frank fan, I haven't posted that much at Morty's in the last couple of weeks. And actually, we get it that you love Dan. But isn't that the whole point of a discussion forum? To exchange viewpoints rather than having yours constantly reinforced? I suggest you quit with the attacks on those of us who have a differing perspective from yours.
  9. Seriously? Just because some members of Morty's have a different perspective and aren't Dan lovers? I thought there was room for us all here.
  10. Actually, it's what I call the "reality" check on Dan. And frankly it's refreshing to see. I realize you call it "bashing" but it's no different from comments that have been directed at many of the houseguests (Frank certainly got his share....). Does it get old? Yeah sometimes. But I find there are many, many, many more posts directed at Dan in the OTHER direction. The Dan Kool-Aid never ends. But as you point out, what do you expect? It's a message board for Big Brother discussion ad nauseum.
  11. Still love the Frank. I see Britney must still be steamed and needs somewhere to channel her anger. She needs to get over herself.
  12. As far as the quack pack he wasn't playing with the sharpest tools in the shed.
  13. If I hear him say I did that to get you to the finish line one more time I'll puke. Not only did it feel scripted, it's bad writing to boot.
  14. Again, looks like bad acting to me. The show felt really scripted tonight.
  15. Looks like some really bad acting. I think he knew what was going to happen. Seemed rather scripted.
  16. Yet what I think Ian is going to be most known for is joining a 5-person alliance knowing he was the 5th person! For what? So he could say he masterminded the demise of Mike Boogie?! Really? He looks like a fool. And if he doesn't make the final two, he really looks like a fool. At that point, I hope he feels it was worth losing a half million dollars over.
  17. Wouldn't mind a Shane win at all. He's pretty useless, but it would keep Ian or Dan from winning and that's all that matters at this point.
  18. Hope you get evicted real soon, and I hope you are never on my tv screen again. I didn't like Dan in his previous season and I couldn't stand him this season.
  19. Can't stand her but hope she or Shane wins. Better yet, hope she and Shane make it to the final two together to squeeze out Ian and Dan.
  20. ITA and this is what I kept hoping she would do. I think she was too afraid to play hard, especially after seeing what happened to Mike and Frank.
  21. Hope Ian loses and gets voted out. Dweeb should never have gotten as far as he has.
  22. Interesting. Has Ian indicated that he is for sure down with keeping Jenn around?
  23. True dat. HOwever, with absolutely nothing in her favor she still survived to the end. That has to count for something, right? That and I get sick and tired of the so-called "good" players taking someone into the final two that they think is lame. Just once, I'd like to see it backfire and blow up in their face. If anyone has ever deserved for this to happen, it's Dan.
  24. But how will Dan convince Shane to vote her out?? Wouldn't that make it a tie situation that Ian would have to break? And isn't Ian determined to get rid of Jenn? I'm just curious how this would work.
  25. Ian is not the brightest bulb on the tree that's for sure. How he doesn't see through Dan is beyond me.



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