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Everything posted by stevea11

  1. My votes go to Jessie. Maybe if she's on the block she will do something, anything.
  2. So, your totally convinced Aaryn is out to get Candice because she's black. I guess we need to brand Amanda a racist too because she lies on Howard and is obsessed with getting him out. Why do you think she is targeting him??? You tell me. She hates him and it's personel!!!!
  3. I don't mean to disagree with you 6Borders but with or without the twist the same thing happens in POV. If your on the block and win POV you take (hopefully) yourself off the block and somebody else goes up. That person has no chance to get off the block. Probably why they call it a backdoor.
  4. To borrow a quote from Martha Stewart... "That's a good thing". You think your confused Hawknose, try being a house guest right about now. The "twist" this year may not be a big hit with everyone here at Morty's but it sure is wreaking havic in the house. I've never seen a more parinoid group of HG's in all my years of watching BB. Mission acomplished, I guess.
  5. Spencer is becoming the house prev.
  6. Call her what you will but one things for sure. You can't call her a floater. She is deffinately playing the game hard, sometimes too hard but I'm OK with that. As for what she says in the house that bothers me not. She can curse like a sailor for all I care. Just play the game and not hide behind someone (like McCrea is doing) It's funny how posters here despise the floaters and attack the ones that do play the game, good or bad. Amanda and Helen are playing the game big time, an yes sometimes too much but I'm not going to fault them for that.
  7. I agree NYROSE. Just because you make a comment like "go make some rice" to an Asian does not make you a racist, at least not in my book. I understand that making comments like that on TV is not a smart thing to do as it makes her "look" like a racist. When I think of racists I think of skinheads, KKK members, black panthers, etc. When they are pissed at some one in the house they say mean things and call each other names like bitch and asshole to berate them. Some of the HG's (Aaryn, GM) toss some ethnic insults in there along with the profanity to their face and behind their backs during the heat of an argument/discussion. That may make them low or no class people but a true racist, naaaaaaa.
  8. I knew that gurl had the ability to suck a golf ball thru 30 ft. of garden hose.
  9. I put mine to Andy. I'm not voting for anyone who's getting their hands dirty and playing the game, regardless of wether or not I like the way they are playing. I hate floaters.
  10. No need to. He already has one.
  11. Naaaaaaa, understood every word you said..
  12. Don't be hatin on his first cousin now.
  13. I'm beginning to beleive Amanda has never watched this show before. She is so obsessed with getting Howard out because he's a phyiscal threat but she dosen't realize many of these comps are not phyiscal but mental and sheer luck comps. Even when there s a phyiscal comp that does not mean Howard has a better chance of winning (see Jessie)
  14. Sorry but by dumb high school grad ass had to look up "proclivities" to see WTF it meant. Here it is in a sentance. "His proclivity for cooking made him a big hit in the homeowner’s association." I'm still f'in confused.
  15. You mean to tell me WE are the hamsters!!!
  16. 2:19PM BBT: In the backyard, Howard is explaining to Jessie and Amanda about the entertainment business. Amanda says she stopped being an actress after a web show during the writers strike. She says she worked in the reality television area for a couple of years and then got into real estate. Marty, you could be on to something.
  17. The best way to describe who's on first and who's on second today is: F U B A R
  18. I'll never eat a Keebler again!
  19. I wonder if Ginia Marie goes home Thursday if she will be wearing Nick;s cap?
  20. Don't they have the best politicians that money can buy?



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