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Everything posted by stevea11

  1. Guess I'm weird but I kind of enjoy watching the ladies (loose term) fall to peices when their men get evicted. Maybe next week McCrea will leave and we can watch Amanda fall apart. Hell, if that happens then Howard's gonna be covered in bitches!
  2. Looks like Amanda nailed it last night.
  3. I kew last week when Helen asked Howard about TMC and he denied knowledge of it that sooner or later Helen would find out the truth. Howard should have realized that as soon as TMC was out of business the other HG's would find out about it.
  4. I'm not buying the crocadile tears. She's a ballsy "I'll get in yo face" New Yorker. If she's tough enough dish out the slander to the people she dislikes (Candice) then she deserves what she has single handedly earned.
  5. Boy do I feel like a dumb ass. In the beginning of the vid I'm thinking WTF. The next minute I'm rockin to a Funky Cold Medina!!
  6. Jeremy kind of reminding me of Jase Wirley from BB whatever. He's pleading his case to stay but knows he's a gonner.
  7. Spencer will be lucky to make the jury, nothing more. His only real friend is Howard and I don't see either one winning.
  8. I like Amanda, and her two friends. I just don't understand her taste in men.
  9. Damn, you girls be hatin' worse than the ones in da house.
  10. Nobody's posted anything, which makes me suspious if this is true. If it is true I would not be surprized at all.
  11. When this show is over Aaryn can be proud of one thing for sure. She's the first house guest in BB history to get her very own disclaimer before the start of the show. CONGRATULATION on a job well done.
  12. If anything Amanda is keeping her feelings in check, which has got to be tough. She's smart enough to figure out Aaryn and know that when she's gone there's gonna be hell to pay on the outside. In the mean time Aaryn is a lame duck with no real allies. Katelin should be the same way if Jeremy gets the boot. Amanda's bigger fish to fry should be Jeremy. I suspect she is aware of that and that's how I think she will vote.
  13. Don't bogart that joint my friend.......pass it o'ver herrreeeeeeee
  14. Ginia Marie looked liked she was ready to throw down tonight. Her true colors came out. How ghetto. How classless.
  15. Is it me or is CBS milking Aaryn's racial comments for all there worth. This is the third (I think) week in a row her racial behavior has been spotlighted on the show. I know from expierence how they can give someone a "good" or "bad" edit on TV and make them a hero or villian. Of course Aaryn is shooting herself in the foot almost on a daily basis but the producers seem happy to show every moment of it. It's as if Grodner gave her an escavator to help dig her hole.
  16. Your right. That was the first time a disclaimer like that has ever been posted.
  17. There's some really cool caves in San Marcos. Might be a good place to hide out.
  18. Q: How do you know when Aaryn's making racial remarks? A: Her lips are moving.......zzzziiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnggggggggggggggggggggg!
  19. Without a doubt Aaryn has become this seasons most favorite houseguest to despise. Good for her. I beleive her skin is thick enough to survive post BB.
  20. Somebody need to go to flashback and post a clip of that conversation on every BB site on the internet. Too bad neither one had the guts to tell production no. What could they have done?



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