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Everything posted by stevea11

  1. It's simply amazing what some people are willing to endure for the sake of $$$$$. Sorry, no sympathy here.
  2. Julie said in the beginning that the MVP twist would last all season. Of course, she also said last weeks eviction was "live". Who knows WTF will happen.
  3. On tonights show he shared his stragety with us. Make friends with everybody in the house............. How original.
  4. This girl is just one doughnut away from being full tilt fat.
  5. Depends on who your talking to and how pissed you are at them!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. When she starts freaking out w/o any stogies BB will restock her.
  7. I know this may be old news but I went back and rewatched last Thursdays show. Julie clearly stated "We'll be right back with tonights live vote and eviction." F'ing Liar. Go cook some rice.
  8. It's nice to see that Howard is still hanging on by this thread!
  9. What's the odds Andy gets back doored. From the game, that is!
  10. Wouldn't it be neat if: After the first eviction the HG's were told that tonights a double eviction and they have to vote again for one of the two remaining Hg's on the block!
  11. It's amazing how someone will forgo their dignity and pride and self esteem for money. I have no sympathy for Candice.
  12. If she does not wear it she could get a penalty vote and thats shooting yourself in the foot. Wear it in good nature just like everyone before her. Besides, Spencer could precede her.
  13. Who's afraid of the big bad Amanda/wolf? Apparently eneryone.
  14. Most CBS shows can be viewed on their website. cbs.com
  15. Andy is this years social butterfly. Thats a good way to play the game if all you want is to make it to the jury.
  16. Where's Sarah Palin when we need her.
  17. Howard has gotten a pretty good edit this year and seems to be a fan favorite. You could tell by how much the audience cheered for him as he left the house to sit with Julie. I noticed everyone gave him a great "goodbye" message, that is, execpt Amanda. I wasn't surprized by what she said as I was more surprized that her fairy Grodmother would let her be seen on TV in such a negative way. Since GM is not going to put her up this week and Aaryn has been somewhat behaving herself there's a good chance Amanda will get the nod from America this week. That will be a hoot to watch.
  18. Judging by the look on her face in the above pic I'd say her reading skills are so-so. Maybe the monkey can tell her what it says!
  19. Perhaps you nodded off during the show when Julie anounced it near the end of the show.



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