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Everything posted by Iris

  1. I like Derrick so far. And he is putting his police skills to good use. He is a great listener and shares info when it's needed.
  2. He and Cody did have a great conversation together. I really like Derrick so far.
  3. That's true, he may be just taking it all in before he starts his evil stuff. Or he could be all-talk-and-no-action,
  4. I get that Slim, but he hasn't shown many things that would suspect anyone of him being a cop. I do like him so far.
  5. Oh brother Devin, get over the sheets and lotion incidents!
  6. He's gonna get you for that! I'm surprised she's crying. She is such a vocal person and seemed somewhat put together.
  7. LOL Slim! I'm watching a little more of the feeds from just before the veto ceremony. Still don't like him.
  8. She should NOT get a free pass. She should follow the same rules as everyone else or she should not have applied for the show.
  9. I like it. It's definitely different and it gives them plenty to talk about.
  10. I liked him in his bio, but after watching him on the live feeds, I think he's a big baby. He complains about doing all the cleaning, which he doesn't have to do. If he leaves it alone, someone else will clean. Watch the interaction between him and Brittany about 12:15 AM today in the HoH room. She did the right thing by wanting to talk to him, but he kept talking over her and not letting her say her side. She was very smart to get up and walk out the room saying she can't get a word in with him. The fact that he's in the house on his daughter's birthday is totally up to him. If he didn't want to be in the house on her birthday, then he shouldn't have applied to go on the show.
  11. ITA, Slim. She can't have it both ways; it just doesn't work that way. How can she say that she can't sleep in a room with guys but she can dress however she wants?
  12. "Live from the BB16 house, good morning America"
  13. 2:25 PM BBT, the HG's were called to the pantry. You can hear BB saying "HG's please clean off the center" and then the audio went. A few minutes later, they showed the pantry with the HG's talking about food since Jon is eating the sandwich he brought into the pantry. They are hoping it will be the POV ceremony or they would be getting some kind of food.
  14. There isn't a whole lot of positive to say about Spencer, but when GM asked for someone to go in with her while she got stitched up, he offered to go with no hesitation.
  15. Seems GM really gashed her knee in a comp today. This picture is graphic. The doctor has just arrived to sew it up , which is good timing because she is definitely in pain.
  16. 5:50 PM BBT: McCrae and Amanda have cleaned up their bedroom. You can actually see the floor! 6:00 PM BBT: Andy, Spencer and McCrae in the cockpit talking about forming a boys alliance - one that doesn't include Judd or Amanda. McCrae saying he can't tell Amanda anything because she repeats it. 6:05 PM BBT: Amanda just brought a load of laundry out to the washer and dropped it there. Elissa is doing yoga in the back yard. Amanda seems to be in quite a cleaning mood. 6:16 PM BBT: Spencer telling Andy and McCrae in the cockpit that he wants Elissa to go home so bad. Says "every week that she continues to make it just sickens me more and more". Andy says Jessie needed the money more and it killed him to get rid of her. Now they're saying that they would like Howard to have been in the jury house. He wanted to fly his mom and sisters to DC to see the MLK Memorial. Spencer says if he gets jury money, he would like to give him the money to do that. Andy says if he wins, he would like to give him money to do that. Conversation changes when Amanda comes in and says they're having a BB15 beer pong contest tonight and to pick your partners. Spencer says he picks McCrae. Amanda says OK, then "Andy, do you want to be my partner?" They all laugh. 6:20 PM BBT: Elissa still doing yoga in a very quiet back yard. Aaryn was in the hammock, but went inside. Spencer, Andy and McCrae are still talking in the cockpit. 6:30 PM BBT: Aaryn laying in bed very quiet, looks deep in thought. Spencer, Andy and McCrae still in the cockpit talking. It's humid outside and they're more comfortable in the cockpit.
  17. I will be very glad if Aaryn leaves this week, but you watch, Amanda will take credit for her going.
  18. OK Judd, though I am happy you're back in the house, I'm getting tired of listening to you talking about how you have an upset stomach and want to throw up. There are some things that you need to keep to yourself.
  19. She has been sitting with her feet in the hot tub for a while now. McCrae, Judd and Aaryn are all talking on the BY couces and she's just sitting there being very quiet. They have all four people on cam 2.
  20. I saw that too. I wonder if he's referring to the fact that he asked for nicotine patches because he's almost out of cigarettes and he hasn't gotten them yet? Not sure as there is a lot happening today and it's hard to tell which story is the right one.
  21. I watched Amanda blow her nose on a towel today after her shower. It was so gross, I had to change the feed.
  22. Well "the plan" messed with me too - I thought it was real!



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