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Everything posted by LenRay

  1. Fatcat it was on Dingo's Hamsterwatch - BB10 Some "strange" young man was interviewing Dan and he sounded sold on the idea. Hope Monica gets a hold of him. Why is Jerry stilll "right" about dan being Judas, when America made him vote that way...so that means America is "Judas"? And re: the Houston phone service going downl...that is bogus...Ike hit Friday p.m., voting began on Thursday at 10 p.m. They knew Ike was coming. If they were going to vote, they would have voted. You could also vote on cell phones. Re: Galveston Island...sorry but they should make it a Federal Park where you can bring tents during the summer!!!
  2. The local CBS station in LA has interviews with every HG (Gretchen)...It CBS/2.com...or go to CBS site click on video....Also go the Hamsterwatch. Jerry still thinks he was right to call Dan Judas (After learning as AP, Dan was not playing, America was .... so Jerry called America "Judas".... Dan said he plans to make a substantial investment in Memphis's 'business'. Monica...earth to monica... Jerry said he lost AC because of that blame Hurricane Ike turning Housons electricity off. Gost Darn it.... I wasn't, Babaloo. I was surprised he said as much as he did. I expected stuff like "Uggggg...yep...or Hmmmm, nope"
  3. Just saw CBS local affiliate interviews...Dan is saying he's going to put a big investment in Memphis's business...MONICA????WHERE ARE YOU!!!!! Jerry said post show he called dan Judas to take religion. "That's not my religion..." Meaning he's not Catholic. Hello, Jerry...Catholic is the latin word for Christian...DUH!!! JERRY WAS OBVIOUSLY CALLING AMERICA JUDAS, BECAUSE DAN WAS PLAYING FOR US, AMERICA!!!!
  4. The only down side to Dan's winning is Memphis is gonna try his best to mooch off Dan. Dan, be a man, kick Memphis to the dust.
  5. Chip off the block? So THAT's how Jerry reproduces. Occasionally one of his flicked boogers grow into another Jerry? I thought that guy looked familiar.
  6. that would be more like it, Sono!
  7. Not a good idea to buy your son a house. What about your other kids?
  8. Wow, Marty! Wonder why his son has NO self esteem...? Maybe Jerry's son will write book... JERRY DEAREST
  9. Me too, Tarheeltitan....It all comes down to winning comps to save your butt. April wasn't backdoored ...she was frontdoored and couldn't win VetoComp. Keesha couldn't win when she needed too.
  10. Prop plane message idea for today! Jerry, a Killer Hurricane approaches Magnolia!!
  11. The whole "Sneeze Burgers" Jerry just fixed for Dan and Memphis (yes he sneezed on them tonight) finally gave me a good idea for the Horror Film based on Jerry.... The Poison Booger Killer
  12. Marty, how would you feel if Memphis picks Jerry over Dan (pardon the use of "picks")!! Dan should win at this point. Me, I would start sticking pins in my niece's old Red Headed Cabbage Doll!
  13. And that booger block is sadly inoperable. They'd need to cut it out with one of those dental drills!!!!!
  14. Memphis won't make it. Even against Godzilla. Hope the price of that car he won will be deducted from his $50,000 and he doesn't lose Stipend anyway as F2, right? OMG, Jerry on that plane! I told everyone here keep'em all up all night.
  15. Congratulations, Jem!!! I hope you will share your love of horses with your young one(s)! I will be going to the donations page ASAP. Thank you and all the great Mods here for your hard, dedicated work. If you want, let me know the time, place, date of birth and you might actually get a 5% accurate horoscope at the potential the child has. I take this with a grain of salt. I know from personal experience, all children come into this world with many personality traits that never change. But I also believe parents who love and (emotionally) support them can bring out the best in them. My brother was always very cranky and cried a lot, but this helped him greatly in his career. What is that old saying, "The squeaky wheel gets oiled first?"
  16. By the Way...re: Renny's NOLA...there is a really good movie called "Juda Kiss" (1998) about crime in NOLA...Emma Thompson is fantastic with a truely great Southern accent...She plays cop...Check this out. When Googling, Put "Judas Kiss" (1998) Emma Thompson, not to be confused with music group. This shows the gritty side of NOLA.
  17. Of all the HGs, I think Dan could have some sort of On Camera/film/tv career. He is what's considered to be the ideal size for an on screen performer. Memphis would need to lose a few, unless he wants to be an oversized character actor.
  18. Hey, Marty. Love your latest pix of Dan. Reminds me of "The Karate Kid."
  19. Her husband is from the Scottish Highlands, so if Remy Martin is Scotch...hmmm...
  20. Look we all kid about April/Keesha "cat fights" etc. But to see such different women from different eras, different cultures, bond like Renny/Keesha did and NEVER turn on each other is proof that women CAN and DO form strong, lasting bonds. I think Keesha needed a strong maternal figure/as Renny needed to be a mom to a girl. Maybe Renny's "estranged" child never mentioned on CBS maybe a long, lost female (or male) child. And IVgal, I have NEVER heard such rousing applause as when Renny exited the BB house Thurs. I grew up in the 50s watching the old "women's pictures" from the 30s, 40s and enjoy positive female roles. Starting in the 50s, women largely becase sex objects/victims.
  21. Me, too. IVgal. Renny was my girl from first week! I think I'll miss Renny most of all! I am glad neither Renny nor Keesha ever dissed each other behind the others's back.
  22. I sooo agree with you, catwishes. Renny is one of my personal all time Reality Star favorites. She had her fans near tears at her eviction. Then walked out to THUNDEROUS applause. And had me LMAO at Renny's comical reaction when Jerry said in goodbye tape, "I enjoyed your cooking.! Only the greatest entertainers can have you crying one minute and then make you laugh the next. Like Renny's idol, Judy Garland (watch Judy in Dressing Room scene in "A Star is Born" where her character is discussing her unhappy life, then she has to shoot this really upbeat musical number, taking the viewer from utter despair to joyous abandon.Go to Y..T..., search Lenswims, then go to favorites...It's top of list, A Star Is Born, Lose that Long Face. Actually beginning with her taping upbeat dance number, then during Break she loses it over husband problems, great dramatic scene, then is called back to complete number and goes from despair to utter joy in one instant.) Hey, Renny's got a life. And she's already won the $25,000!!!!
  23. No, sisu, that was part of her Judy Garland gig. Judy often entered/left concert stage by walking through the cheering audience. Also, J.G. made a point to stop by and say hello to all the fans who couldn't get in to see her on stage.
  24. Thanks, Moxie!!! I'll put those on my FAV list!!! I lived through the aftermath of HUGO!!!!
  25. Glad you made it, MsT. But the effects of Gustav will take months to recover!!! We should have our own solar/wind generators for every household so the need for that 1879 model of an antique power grid would be obsolete. Didn't Bush "declare Victory over Gustav" Monday? Maybe after the party in St. Paul is over talking heads will mention the word "Gustav" again!!! Sorry, OFF TOPIC. Re: Renny. She still ain't gonna be to happy knowing there is no power, her business is shut down, etc. I guess I'll need to catch BBC TV news to keep up with the storm aftermath!!!!



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