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Everything posted by LenRay

  1. Even though Renny was outplayed from a game standpoint, she offended very few of the Sequestered HGs. Dan (as AP for one week, a few other things) isn't that well liked by the voters (depending on whether they vote for best gamer or least offensive); Keesha rubbed a few the wrong way (to help her game); Jerry was offensive to many but could beat K,D or M I'd think; Mem isn't liked by Apr, Oll, possibly Mich. It depends on how bitter the Sequestered Ones remain when voting comes up. When Dani/ED on BB8 were F2, Dani had won many more comps than ED from a game standpoint; ED has yelled and bullied all; out of spite for Dani the sequestered HGs reluctantly chose ED over Dani. Anyone else with either ED or Dani would have won big money over ED or Dani. That group of Sequestered HGs were all pretty bitter.
  2. BBAD becomes unwatchable. Why not have Sequestered Ones having last chance luxury comp...more comp fewer luxuries?
  3. I'm just grateful this cruel show will end Tuesday next!!!
  4. Me too, Erin! I also loved it when Renny told Keesha re: April..."I've hated that bitch since day 1!!"
  5. Renny could well have a brother who goes around yelling "STELLAAAAAA" when is wife locks him out for drinking all night!!!! I heard on news people were allowed to come back to their homes but not necessarily stay due to power outages. They still don't know how messed up outlying districts are from Gustav and it is moving up the Mississippi River...hmmm, isn't St. Paul up that away. Just kidding. I love the midwest. But after over covering the storm Monday it is now being underplayed for other, shall we say orchestrated events. I hope someday everyone has their own power girds to generate what they need as they need it. The grid system is so 1879 and it sucks. Sorry, off topic. At least Renny's family can find out what damage has been done to their home and their businesses. Renny would have freaked out had she known Sunday. Hope they reopen the region soon! Renny can stay with me at my house. My Persian Cat and I both need hair cuts!!! And some good cookin!!!!
  6. If there was such a thing as "Miss Congeniality" chosen by HGs it would have to be Renny!!!!
  7. Thanks, Sono!!! That fake fur would be full of boogers!
  8. Maybe Memphis will let Jerry wear his coon skin hat!!! Jerry met Davy Crocket when dating Crocket's daughter!
  9. It just occurred to me that Dan could have a lot of the same clothes. I used to buy like these certain pairs of gray jeans that fit me just right. I'd have at least 4 or 5 pair. But maybe I am being optimistic about Dan!
  10. Dan makes turkey meat loaf. Hope they get their fill of that!!! Hope Renny stops cooking at SH!!! She won't be stressed there and doesn't owe that bunch of vipers anything! Dan and Memphis F2 is boring. Keesha and Jerry would be better!
  11. She's just got this innocent crush on the guy. He would be so petite in person it might freak out some girls. Dan is charming but a bit annoying. And I'm convinced the guy is still a virgin. He covers his head up like a 10 year old would everytime the other HGs are talking about sex. I used to do that sort of thing when my older male cousins and brother would do locker room talk too, but I was 11...not 25!!! We would all have to share this one big room in my grandmother's house. At least we had our own beds!!!
  12. Wonder if Memphis would vote Dan the little money if Dan/Jerry are F2? At least Keesha can finally get her "moment" with Memphis, although Memphis doesn't act like he has any sex drive. Dan is another story. Why would he choose to sleep in the Doomed Room ... to be lone to..errr...satisfy himself???? Marty may be waiting for him in there in her bat girl getup!!!LOL!!!
  13. I wish he would pit Dan against Memphis! Probably though Jerry doesn't want any more "blood" on his hands!!!
  14. Jerry's the only one who could orchestrate this, but he probably won't.
  15. With Jerry in F3, I hope he does get F2 and beat any of the others at this point! I also hope Jerry can spend the big money on himself and his wife. His kids are all grown up and probably don't want or need their dad's help. JMHO.
  16. You're right, Ginger. Jerry wants to lose Keesha over Renny. Wonder if Dan/Memphis could keep Jerry for F3 and lose Keesha during F4? I still think maybe Jerry could beat K/D/M hands down. But who knows!
  17. Ginger, the only "Hail, Mary" pass Jerry could make was tell Dan and Memphis..."I hope you two guys vote whoever you want gone...that could be two more jury votes for me." Better still, Jerry should tell them separately, pit one against the other!
  18. How Renny could be saved... If Dan/Memphis decide to have a 'tie' vote and make Jerry the 'bad guy'...then Jerry would possibly save Renny, since he wants R to go next week. But they won't do it...but a nice thought anyway!
  19. I think Keesha's unfortunate laugh is why she's still single. I generally like Keesha better than many this year, but a good speech therapist could work wonders!
  20. I don't think Renny will pull a Chelsia. Renny just thinks Keesha is her estranged child. I know I'll vote for Renny to win the $25,000 if they have that this year. Speaking of Chelsutia, I'll bet Renny would know how to put Cwazy James in his insignificant little place. I could hear Renny saying, "Go back to that tent behind Wal Mart and shut the f#@k up!!!" Then Keesha could do her little Dolphin schreech so blood would come spurting out of James' ears!!! BB voice: "Keesha, STOP THAT!!!" LOL!
  21. Re: Keesha and the wine The unopened wine bottles (Keesha's) were there and Jerry talks Keesha into opening the wine. Jerry, Keesha and (I think) Renny were drinking the wine when BB announced "The Veto Comp will be held in two hours." Memphis also had wine after the announcement. Jerry went to HOH and laid down a while. By the time of the comp Keesha had had two cups of coffee and sobered up quite a bit. Renny did not drink coffee. Dan did not drink wine. Memphis did not get too drunk.
  22. Renny was a real trouper!!! One of a kind lady!
  23. So if Libra, Jerry or Renny leave BB house or SH after storm before finale, they would lose all their stipends? Trips?
  24. East Coast Native American's build mud based ROUND homes. Withstood toronados better! And they NEVER lived on the beach!!!
  25. During Katrina, the homes in Garden District/Bourbon Street/historic section were on high ground and spared flooding damages. But this time NOLA could be on the other side of the storm (the wrong side of the storm) and get the crap kicked out of them. Remember how Devastated/flattened SW Mississippi was in 2005? That could be Garden District...hope not. We need more wetlands along the coasts and fewer high rises. Until the early 1900s there were no ocean front villas. Maybe our forebearers knew what they were doing.



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