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Everything posted by LenRay

  1. That cow can't help grazing has she goes along...it's all in her nature!!!! Don't you mean, a vet???? Poor calf...she so overates herself!!! And underestimates karma.
  2. Isn't that how they paint the Egyptian pyramids every 500 years? You got that right, baby, Gimme that damn duct tape...so she can STFU!!!
  3. Also she will be shedding more and more skin...is there enough makeup in Hollywood to keep this bitch together?
  4. The moment Shelly wakes up, before she puts on her makeup... forever, forever, forever, forever....
  5. Unfortunately, I believe they FORCE the audience to applaude loudly. They could have armed security guards pointing guns at them...
  6. Don't hold your breath. Maybe J may not be joining in JH so soon..btw...thurs. shelly or adam go, then next eviction is Wed. Sept 7, next eviction Thurs Sept 8...then F3 finale Sun, sept 11
  7. As per usual, Ivgal, ITA. Hope she gets to talk to her family from JH...
  8. Some of these comps are so ridiculous and as numbers diminish, Shelly actually likely to finally win one by default....
  9. Shelly is on her last legs. Will do/say anything. Might ironically make ideal F2 but who can really trust her on either side? She shouldn't have blown her cover to either side.
  10. I think she will have to be guaranteed a face-lift first. At least I hope so.
  11. Putting aside my natural aversion to skunks (Shelly)), I don't want her to stay because she's won nothing. At least Jordan, Rachel, Adam, Porch, Kalia have won stuff. Wouldn't that be an interesting concept? No dead weights in F5...next year all the weak ones should go first, then lets have real comps...
  12. Welcome, kayLu...ITA...Shelly is pathetic she still thinks her, Jeff, Jordan will be BFFs after the show. I just don't see them attending any LSU games together anytime soon! BTW, when seeing the show Sunday didn't it also show Shelly crashing into Jeff's HOH the morrning of the double eviction stirring up a fight with him too, just like Shelly did with Jordan after Jeff's eviction. Shelly's gameplay is "go on the offense"...she has certainly offended lits of BB Fans.Shelly was a day late and a dollar short.
  13. Firstly they should not tell Shelly about these threats. She's got enough to deal with. Fer sure the BB House will be cleaner than it has ever been by Thursday thanks to Shelly. I don't hate Shelly just think her game choices sucked. For those of you who have seen BB in previous seasons, how long do you remember the HGs. Few stick in my mind. Shelly has pretty much played out her hand. Who could hate her now. She is now being nice to Jordan again. So the J/J Jihad Squad will probably evaporate. If her life is in danger then call the police/FBI/CIA/Dixie Mafia/IHOP, etc. etc...
  14. So typical Shelby...let's hope Jordan stays with Rachel, the only one in BB house who has been str8 with her. Surely Jordan won't save Shelby. I refuse to believe it. Shelby never told J/J she was fighting for her kid, family, etc....I personally think Jordan has been de-Shelbied...Forgiveness is fine...forgetting ...no way. Sleep well...
  15. Eh, Gads...there IS a resemblence...here is a couple of Shelly I found....
  16. Shelly acts as if nothings wrong between her and JoRach...delusional.... Survivor Sucks, which I often avoid, has hilarious posts re: Shelly...I always like a good laugh before bedtime...
  17. Sadly this is another case of Reality Shows getting a little too real. Hope Shelly gets counseling...BB should provide this. Remember the tragedy "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.." It would be awful for Shelly to be confronted by haters IRL. I hope she will be happy in the bosom of her family. I can't stand her on this show but wouldn't want to meet any of these people IRL. Usually, most BB HGs are forgotten within a few weeks. Which is ultimately a good and merciful thing.
  18. If Shelly goes to JH, there will be more drama there than in BBH.....
  19. I'd be cool with Shelly winning a Trip for One to Aruba, with no return and free Scuba lessons....



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