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Everything posted by LenRay

  1. His neighbors will take Mrs. Jerry with them. Plus the kids will step up. I really like Jerry's wife. She's a peach!!!
  2. Does Jerry live near Houston or Dallas? If Houston it could hit there and he would chose to leave, letting Renny, Keesha, Mem, Dan go F4. Really though neither Renny nor Jerry could do any good going home, just let them know their loved ones are alright. If Renny leaves Thursday then she will get phone calls. Storm should hit Monday or Tuesday and it always takes days to know extent of damages. Right now I wish they had BB in New Orleans (on high ground) so they would have to stay or lose $500,000!!!! UVP...Your holiness...shouldn't you drive the Pope Mobile through NOLA right about now, ensuring the city would be safe????
  3. Fasten your seatbealts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride here on out.
  4. Then Renny dug herself the hole she is currently in!
  5. If Jerry was half as smart as he thinks he is....
  6. Thanks, Marty. I would've answered you sooner but had crashed shortly after that statement. For some nutty reason, I thought Renny's remarks were on BBAD, that's all I have! But I totally believe what you said! Well, Renny is playing the game. I have had Renny on a pedestal the whole game because she has been so funny. Guess I was having Sheila (BB9) flashbacks when she turned on Nat. But Sheila ain't fit to polish Renny's shoes, IMO!!!! I will vote for Renny to get the $25,000 America's Choice prize this year!
  7. Sorry SugarB...I was way wrong about Renny. Had heard online that Renny had turned on Keesha, finally saw BBAD and I saw nothing like that!!!! So much for the internet grapevine!!!
  8. Oops, I was misinformed about Renny turning on Keesha. Sorry guys!!
  9. I'm sure April never goes anywhere without her Alum...it shrinks EVERYTHING.
  10. I think April can take care of herself just fine. April may, in Ollie's mind, be his first "girlfriend" but I don't think she is Ollie's first woman he has ever "made love to"...
  11. Not to mention, April's family. They seemed petrified in their brief appearance. I noticed her twin sister seemed to infer in so many words that April is "not the marrying kind." April wants Ollie to have his own place. I'll bet April has a perfect house in everyway and couldn't see her living with Ollie. But stranger things have happened.
  12. It was a happy night. Michelle leaves, then Ollie. Later, Jerry gets hoh some one of the F4 Dream Teamer's nightmare will begin at eviction Thursday!!!! I hope slug Memphis leaves, but it may be a tie and HOH Jerry will decide (get blood on his hands)!
  13. Ah...who was Michelle again???? Oh, she was that funny looking gal who left first!!! Well she's drunk about now and doesn't know who or where she is? Michelle reminds me of one of Marge Simpson's old maid sisters!!!!!
  14. Plus they are all going to have to sleep in room with Jerry (HOH BR ain't ready yet.)
  15. Good post, Phone Actress! Actually Ollie did play Pin the Donkey this past week with Dan and Ollie Lost!!!! HeeeHawwww!!!! Ollie's on his way to Sequester Island with a big fat jackass tail stuck to his butt! Also Ollie seems to think he and April got the real thing going on. Remember when April left BB house, she told Julie, "We won't be living together. Ollie was thinking of moving to Phoenix before BB game..." April ain't the settling down type of woman. Ollie was her BB Bootie Call.
  16. Funniest thought about Sequester House: Libra will be doing most of the cooking, so she can fix some real soul food for Ollie!
  17. Unfortunately for Mitchelle, I think you are right Ginger and MI does have drinking issues. She looks like a heavy drinker and goes through the stuff when she has access to it.
  18. Good post, Ginger. How long have we seen Michelle go without booze on BB? I'm sure Mitchelle has an ample supply of Rubbing Alcohol, Mouthwash, Aqua Velva, etc.!!!
  19. Good point, Ginger....if Michelle was a drug dealer, she'd be rich already! Wouldn't need to go on BB. Also would NOT want the publicity!
  20. Maybe Michelle is a drug dealer? If you worked at the Amsterdam Airport would YOU want to cavity search Michelle? Not me! And Michelle could have some of those "special" seeds germinating right in her own personal little oven!
  21. Well, Ollie did "verbally rape" Memphis.
  22. Michelle is just upset because she weally, weally desoives to win.... Talk about desperate, can you imagine how hard up she gets when it "Last Call" at the R.I. Bars?
  23. Re: Leno getting his chin back....Is it possible Leno was doing a standup gig on R.I., say about 30 years ago, got lucky and left a little piece of himself behind? Hmmm....
  24. Yes, anything's an improvement. I just read Steven's last post on live feeds. Sounds like Ollie thinks he's controlling the game. Ollie's out for revenge. Hope one of Ollie's goes!
  25. I hope April and Ollie get married in his dad's church. Although I can tell Ollie's parents are good people and very polite. And April's sister looked like and acted like the "nice" twin.



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