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Everything posted by LenRay

  1. Ginger, I believe Dan was only AP for one week only. I thought they may select a new AP or give Dan a new assignment. So He got $20,000 for this week I believe. If they were going to have America "help" nominate nominee it would have been announced tonight. Libra will go but I think Dan will be on block too. I hope Michelle leaves next week. then April, Jerry, Ollie, leave Keesha, Memphis, Renny F3. I think tonight's HOH was so dumb.
  2. I so hope they do! I'd just love to be in that live audience and boo as loud as possible or have a sign that says, "Good Riddance"....
  3. I hope April's caked-on mudpack/makeup will start exploding all over the place!
  4. OK, BFFTW, Best Friend For This Week!!!
  5. That's true, straycat....whoever wins HOH will become Ollie's new BFF!!!!
  6. And what about Ollie? I bet those eyes of his will roll right out of their sockets!!!
  7. I can't wait for Jesse's reaction if he does get the boot on live TV!!! I'll bet he'd be 'roiding out on us!!! Let's just hope the audience at FOTH boos him!!! Think Jesse would just lose it with HG if they do boot him? If K, L, R & D have any sense after Jesse is voted out, they should just tell them April made them vote this way!!!
  8. Sparklet, would you wrestle Michelle for him?
  9. It's too April's credit, I guess, she doesn't go after other women's men! Keesha should be careful if her "rich" boyfriend sees her get too chummy with Memphis!
  10. I'm not generally a Jesse fan (of his game play) but he did stir up a wasp nest last night (no pun intended!!!) And looks like April still wants him to stick around!
  11. I like Renny best. Jerry is laying low too!!!
  12. How did they find Manchelle? Under what rock?
  13. I think Manchelle has been stealing Jesse's testosterone pills!
  14. Too bad Dumbo only loses weight in his tiny head(s)!!!
  15. Just read on feeds page Jesse is crying because he's been put up!!! LOL!!!
  16. His body looks great. But he should swim laps/cross train and get really flexible. He needs to lay off the muscle training, start simming 10 miles per week; running 10 miles per week; and biking 10 miles per week. I swim a couple of miles per day but that's it but hey, I'm almost 60. But I know a lot of guys Jessie's age or older who cross train and they are, in my opinion, the best, most in shape bunch of guys I know. Plus they often train in packs, so it's good for the morale!!! I'm just watching BBAD from about 1:45 a.m. EST and Jesse is in the BR w/Memphis planning who April must put up!!! The guy needs to seriously cool it. And if I were Memphis I would be playing footsie with Keesha right now, so she'll put in a good word for him to April. Don't know who April will put up, Jerry and Jesse (or wait and back door Jesse...this kid might have a Veto Comp Giant Chess Game (remember that from seasons past???))
  17. Dep, Jesse is "muscle bound" he looks strong but he ain't agile!!! I hope he gets slop. And don't put him up, wait and backdoor him!!
  18. Probably the smoking has hurt Angie. In BB9, Angie would have done better hanging with the guys who also smoked. And on BB8, ED might have been a close ally since they smoked. Since L.A. is so smoke free, it's lucky smokers can still smoke outside!!! I don't smoke but don't freak out over others smoking. Angie has been friendly to all, but I guess she could have paid homage to Libra and her royal court, although I do dig Angie cause she don't kiss no butt!!! What's not to love about her?
  19. What can I say, straycat? Just substitute "Georgia" for "Marty" in "Georgia on my Mind"...and that would about sum it up!!
  20. Thanks, Marty!!! And if you were on the block I would post my little fingers to the bone to get you to campaign and STAY!!! I'd still love a fans vs. favs BB!!!
  21. I want Marty to really campaign to stay!!! I haven't heard from one fan that hates this girl. She's so likeable and doesn't not need to go out the door. I'm still holding out for Jesse being evicted Thusday and walking out that door to boos, hisses and rotten tomatoes being hurled his way!!
  22. I agree with that assessment, Dood. Could some of these HGs be jealous of the cool ones and think they might get more "air time" or something? I hate the pack mentality!!!
  23. Angie should tell Keesha that she, Steven and Brian are going to Mexico for two weeks.
  24. I think Angie's deepest secret is that she's actually a shy person. She's a very funny girl and could care less about all the games in the house.
  25. I agree, Iva, Angie could care less about this game. Maybe she just wants to get out before sequester comes up! Looks like Libra will be in sequester. That'll be too bad for the rest of the HGs.



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