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Everything posted by joystiick

  1. The ice cream coats her stomach and helps her digest her food better.
  2. Yeah, I wish we could get another season like season 6 with two sides that basically hate each other.
  3. I wasn't trying to dislodge what you said. I was just offering a different perspective. Bullying, lying, stabbing people in the back, it is all part of that game and may be the right strategy for some people. But what I am saying is that there is a whole lot of real life taking place in the game and game strategies often have an impact on "real life" feelings. Where game ends and real life begins can be murky and completely different for different people. For some, the whole thing may be about playing a silly game, but, for others, the "game" may be as serious as taking a second job so they can afford braces for their kid. As to Paul, he's playing a great game that is taylored to the people in the game. I can't fault him for taking advantage of all the advantages that BB gave him. However, I can't pat him on the back for being a great player. He's been given too many advantages for that. Basically, I would make this comparison...there are a lot of great college football players. But, when they move up and play against the pro's, they are just average and many are below average. But, if they went back to play college, they would be even greater than before. That is the way I see Paul. He's a pro that got a chance to go back and play against college players. So, he looks a lot greater than what he is.
  4. The walk made for great tv. I also like that he just walked out without going through the phony great game I love you crap. When he got to the door, I wish he would have turned around and gave them "deuces bitches".
  5. they did a season similar to that. It wasn't all the first persons voted out but it was a bunch of players that were voted out early. I can't remember which season or what players, but I do remember them doing that.
  6. I could be wrong, my memory is not what it used to be, but, I am not sure when, but I thought Cody did talk to them and tell them about why he tried to backdoor Paul, his being a vet that made it to f2 last year, etc. And I seem to remember him pointing out to other folks that Paul had kept the 3 weeks safety secret from the rest of the alliance. As I said, I could be wrong, I always thought his fatal flaw was not telling the main alliance about his plan before the backdoor move. After he had thrown the veto to Alex, it made it look like he was just playing for himself and could not be trusted.
  7. I don't have any problem with Cody coming to play a game and try to win $500,000 to improve his life. I served in the military and spent up to a year away from my family. I know plenty of folks that left their family and went on remote assignments, to training schools, special duty assignments, etc, to improve their career prospects. Oftentimes, those assignments were not required. I also know people who went to Afganistan and Iraq as civilian contractors to improve the family finances. I don't look down on those folks or question their motives. So when I see people downing Cody for coming on BB, I just chalk it up to "know it alls" that think that their life is the only acceptable way to make it through life. However, I am not going to spend my whole life trying to judge how everyone else lives theirs.
  8. Blurred the concept? Maybe. But I look at it like this, some things and some actions are just part of the game, such as lying and deceiving. However, bullying is not just part the game. Bullying is personal. As part of the game, would you think it would be ok if one player disparaged your mother and your children? When I was younger, trashing each others gf/bf, spouses, parents, etc was done on a regular basis and we had a good laugh. We don't do it anymore because it is not funny and will get you hurt. Some people take things more seriously than others and when Cody said that it was not a game, I took it as him saying he didn't come for summer camp. He came to work. When he arrived, he was reporting to do a job that pays real money and he was there to earn $500,000. I guess it is a matter of perspective. For some, it is just a game. For others, it is a job. And for others, it is a competition in which an alt-reality meets real life. Considering that Cody was a sniper, I don't think many things are a game to him. More than likely, he's deadly serious about pretty much everything.
  9. The problem with getting Paul out now is that not only does someone have to get the backbone to put him on the block, they have to trust that the other minions will vote him out. That is why I do not think he will be voted out. There is no opposing alliance to put the votes together.
  10. Is that what it was? I thought she was just doing the standard cowardly cop-out of blaming the house.
  11. Were they all too afraid to pick Paul or was it they were just trying to make him win. If he would not have been forced to take a shot in shuffleboard, he would have been HOH by default. Just a spineless bunch.
  12. That would be nice, but right now three of those are on the block.
  13. ITA. She's at the bottom of the alliance and she knows that. She would have been a fool to pass up the $5000. If she would have kept the punishment, she would still be in the same position in the alliance. She could have taken the veto and ensured that she would go next week instead of this week, but that is it. Chances are she's still slotted for eviction next week.
  14. Good analysis, but he apparently forgot the Coup-de-ta or whatever it was to save Jeff and Jordan. In my opinion, that was one of the biggest screw jobs of all time, with the Pandora's box to save Rachel and Jordan. But back to this season, Evil Dick is saying what I have said all along. BB set it up so that Paul could be safe and control the 1st half of the game.
  15. I think as far as Alex is concerned, Paul is her ride or die and Jason is her side piece. Early in the game when she and Paul made the f2 deal, she said that was what she was really looking for. So, in her mind, everything that Paul does is for the benefit of both of them.
  16. I think Alex had a lot of fans for the first two weeks. Then she showed her true colors. That color is brown from being so far up Paul's ass. I don't think I have ever seen a person more giddy about being a minion.
  17. In Josh's mind, once Cody, Mark and Elena are gone, they will be in rapture and everything will be at peace in summer camp.
  18. Yeah, I would not have blamed Cameron if he would have given CBS the double salute after the competition to get back in the house. He probably spent 50 times more hours in seclusion than he did in the house.
  19. I've never understood why BB does the opening night eviction BS, but they seem to do it about every season. In a game where inter-personal relationships are such a huge part of the game, it doesn't make sense to have such quick evictions. I would prefer a double eviction after two "get to know you weeks" rather than the quick eviction.
  20. Why would you think you are in the minority? Josh is probably one of the biggest punks to ever be in the BB house. He went on the attack against Megan before she even knew what was going on. His biggest contribution to the season is being a big mouth attack dog and Paul's flunky. I don't see where he brings anything of value to the game.
  21. Every year there's a level of contestant hate directed at one or two players that just seems over-the-top. But, this year is going to a whole new level in my opinion. I believe we are moving into the irrational obsession level.
  22. I couldn't remember her name, and yes, they spent a lot of time in bed. For a major part of the game, she was basically running the show. She could be a bully also and she treated Rachel's sister so bad. But, in that situation, they eventually voted her out because the guys had a strong side alliance going and they were ready to take advantage when they got the opportunity. Personally, I don't see that happening here. I could be proven wrong, but, I think they all see themselves being f2 with Paul.
  23. Josh would have gone home, but her goal of re-establishing herself with the group would have been destroyed.



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