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Everything posted by joystiick

  1. This is one of the main areas where having a full year of experience over the other players gives Paul a huge advantage. While they are thinking about their next move or the next event, he's thinking 3 or 4 moves down the line. This is why it is so unfair to put a vet in with a bunch of 1st time players.
  2. They are playing, but, they are all playing for Paul. Hell, they are working so hard for Paul, you might think they are his employees.
  3. I really wasn't expecting this. I expected Matta and Raven to be nominated. To my surprise, Raven and Matt was nominated. I wonder if they are going to do the unexpected and target Kevin as the backup. If you are confused, I am trying to make the season a little bit interesting for myself.
  4. I was just starting to wonder if you had you been watching this season. Light bulbs going off...LOL, apparently, they never paid the electric bill for any light bulbs to come on.
  5. Some people use showmances for strategic purposes. As a team, you generally form an instant alliance and since you have two votes to negotiate with, it is easier to form or be accepted in bigger alliances. There's also the companionship benefits.
  6. Jason has to have somebody protect him because he doesn't know what he's doing. I hate the way Alex treats him, but, he is a dumbass. I was surprised by their votes for Matt. I am even more surprised that they would want to blame Raven for one of them. But no to worries, this will be another successful HOH for Paul.
  7. Big Brother Over The Top. It is a season that was played during the winter, starting last year. It is not on regular tv, it is online viewing only.
  8. If xmas was really going to do anything, she would have put Alex on the block and worked with Maven to send her home. But, she shook up the game by making sure the guy that was all alone in the game was sent to jury.
  9. I don't have the feeds, I get all my info from the forums and the folks who do updates. But, I was wondering, has any of the couples gotten together with another couple and even discussed making a move as a foursome?
  10. That's what I was thinking, but I was wondering if anyone with feeds heard the hg say what exactly was said.
  11. I usually do not care about afp. I care even less this season.
  12. I actually thought zingbot was very good this year. I am talking about zingbot and his jokes. The hg was too over the top. When zingbot was bleeped on the Alex punchline, do anyone know exactly what he called her?
  13. Until somebody does something, it doesn't matter who Paul goes against in a f2, he would win. As of right now, none of the others have any game moves that they can put on their resume that Pual didn't also have a hand in. That's what I do not believe these people understand, you need some accomplishment to present to the jury and say this is what I did in the game that got me here. And, they can't say I teamed up with Paul when Paul is sitting right there and can make a claim to every decisive moment in the game. In the end, a social game is an enhancement to for your game moves and comp wins, it is not what wins you the money.
  14. The temptations and "consequences" have been the biggest disappointment in history. If you ask me, there wasn't and are not any real consequence.
  15. It usually takes me a few weeks to pick a favorite, but, usually by the time they get to 10 people left, I have a favorite. This year, I have no favorite and I do not care who wins.
  16. Now that would be sweet if Mark could plant that seed and really sell it.
  17. Mark really should be following up on the lie started by Cody. I would be throwing plenty of shade towards Alex and Jason.
  18. If Paul makes it to f2, he has a 3-page resume. all the others have a resume with the same line, "I did what Paul said".
  19. If Paul wasn't given the 3 weeks safety and he was backdoored by Cody, I think we would have seen a completely different season that would have been much more competitive.
  20. On tonight's show, I couldn't believe Josh saying that Jess made a mistake by playing her hex. If she would not have played the hex, she would have gone home with it in her pocket. But, I guess Josh has deluded himself into believing that if she would not have played the hex, Cody would have gone home and they would have pulled her into the fold and she would be there now.
  21. The Save A Friend was about as worthless to Mark as it could get. I can see why he gave it to Paul. Giving it to someone else wasn't going to gain him anything.
  22. What error? Mark is in the same position now that he would have been if he never said a single word to Cody after Cody came back. He was always on the bottom of Paul's side of the house. The pecking order hasn't changed for weeks. If Cody never came back, Jessica would have still gone out in the position she did. Elena or Mark was next, followed by the other.
  23. I think it was smaller groups. I don't even know if he spoke to both of the other couples, I just vaguely remember him talking about it. They all flowed to Paul so fast, I don't think it was a whole lot of time to explain things and make amends.



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