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Posts posted by joystiick

  1. 1 hour ago, WOC said:


    Plus Paul is starting the whole "we need to throw the next HOH to Josh" crap. Why Paul? Oh yeah, that way Josh can take out Alex or Jason, most likely Jason because he has won more then Alex (she's had more then one comp thrown her way as it is, but she thinks she's brilliant) and Jason isn't hanging on Paul's nuts at the moment like Alex, Xmas, and Josh.


    This is one of the main areas where having a full year of experience over the other players gives Paul a huge advantage. While they are thinking about their next move or the next event, he's thinking 3 or 4 moves down the line. This is why it is so unfair to put a vet in with a bunch of 1st time players. 

  2. 5 hours ago, WOC said:

    He's not the only one playing. The other HGs are playing too. They're just playing really crappy. Paul is so paranoid that he may not be able to contain the HGs he is now working hard on getting Kevin out instead of Matt. Without pause his two little stupid sidekicks, Alex and Xmas, fall right in line.




    They are playing, but, they are all playing for Paul. Hell, they are working so hard for Paul, you might think they are his employees. 

  3. 15 minutes ago, WOC said:


    Expect the expected! 

    I really wasn't expecting this. I expected Matta and Raven to be nominated. To my surprise, Raven and Matt was nominated. I wonder if they are going to do the unexpected and target Kevin as the backup.


    If you are confused, I am trying to make the season a little bit interesting for myself. 

  4. 2 hours ago, wingfan728 said:

    This is my fantasy.... Paul is in the diary room for one of his many sessions...and one by one his Minions gather round to await their Master's return.  Suddenly Kevin ponders aloud, do any of you think Paul might be playing us against one another ?  One by one virtual light bulbs start going off in Christmas, Alex and....nope, not gonna happen the spell cannot be broken this year.

    I was just starting to wonder if you had you been watching this season. Light bulbs going off...LOL, apparently, they never paid the electric bill for any light bulbs to come on.

  5. 1 hour ago, bluesky said:

    It’s a slow day, have some random thoughts to get off my chest.  It’s bugged me since the start of this season how many showmances there were and how quickly they were established. Plus, I remember Jillian saying she wanted a showmance, and I think Josh said that too.   I’m more than a bit suspicious that BB offered some extra monetary incentive for the houseguests to get into a showmance.  Either $x amount per week they remain in the game as a couple, or maybe only if they make it to the final together.  I don’t mind ONE entertaining hook-up, but this season was ridiculous and to me, it was really, really boring.  Matt & Raven especially puzzle me…they rarely get any screen time and don’t seem at all interested in playing the game of Big Brother.  Guess I’m just trying to justify why 3 couples that don’t seem like good matches hooked up so fast and have stayed together.

    Some people use showmances for strategic purposes. As a team, you generally form an instant alliance and since you have two votes to negotiate with, it is easier to form or be accepted in bigger alliances. There's also the companionship benefits.

  6. 1 hour ago, stevea11 said:

    I'm guessing either Kevin, Raven or Matt go to jury next. Jason will be on a quest to protect his lord and savior pope Paul. Gotta make sure he protects his position as Paul's wingman.

    Jason has to have somebody protect him because he doesn't know what he's doing. I hate the way Alex treats him, but, he is a dumbass. 


    I was surprised by their votes for Matt. I am even more surprised that they would want to blame Raven for one of them. But no to worries, this will be another successful HOH for Paul. 

  7. 7 hours ago, kindofabbfan said:

    if the vote had tied who do you think Xmas would've voted out?  She would have had the perfect chance to get Matt out but I am afraid that she would not want to upset King Paul and voted Mark out.

    If xmas was really going to do anything, she would have put Alex on the block and worked with Maven to send her home. But, she shook up the game by making sure the guy that was all alone in the game was sent to jury. 

  8. 1 hour ago, stevea11 said:



    "Alex, what do you call someone with bleached blonde hair, likes to wear cat ears and handles lots of wieners? A (horn blows) and all the HGs burst out laughing."


    My guess would be "a whore."

    That's what I was thinking, but I was wondering if anyone with feeds heard the hg say what exactly was said. 

  9. 13 hours ago, jersey721 said:

    Am I the only one who feels it's time to retire Zingbot?  The over-the-top reactions are so cringe.

    I actually thought zingbot was very good this year. I am talking about zingbot and his jokes. The hg was too over the top. 


    When zingbot was bleeped on the Alex punchline, do anyone know exactly what he called her? 

  10. 4 hours ago, PinkyLee said:


    Gotta agree if Paul is with anyone Id say its Josh.  I would have said Kevin awhile back but now Id say Josh.  Pauls odds of taking Kevin to the end would be to bleak because tech Kevin has been social and not done anything except follow along.  For Paul to have Josh as his side kick would be the only logical thing for Paul to do at this point.  Think about it who would you vote for in the end?  The so called Master mind Paul.....or the tool with the pots and pans?  

    Until somebody does something, it doesn't matter who Paul goes against in a f2, he would win. As of right now, none of the others have any game moves that they can put on their resume that Pual didn't also have a hand in. That's what I do not believe these people understand, you need some accomplishment to present to the jury and say this is what I did in the game that got me here. And, they can't say I teamed up with Paul when Paul is sitting right there and can make a claim to every decisive moment in the game. In the end, a social game is an enhancement to for your game moves and comp wins, it is not what wins you the money. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Slowpoke said:

    Worst casting....

    Worst editing....

    Worst Twist (Temptations)... that just drags on and on and on...


    And it seems like ALL the 'one on ones' with the cameras are pre-written and rehearsed.


    ..... guess you can tell I'm really PO'd at BB this season (but I'm still watching ! !)

    The temptations and "consequences" have been the biggest disappointment in history. If you ask me, there wasn't and are not any real consequence.  

  12. 9 minutes ago, Newby said:

    Oh, how I wish this is what happened.  I can't stand how production is interceding in Paul behalf.  If Mark gets voted out (and I think he will) I don't know who I will be pulling for.  NOT Paul, Alex or Christmas.  NOT Matt or Raven.  That only leaves Jason, Kevin and Josh and I really don't want any of the to win.  I guess Kevin, although he hasn't done anything in the game yet, but he has not been mean or as two-faced as the other two.

    It usually takes me a few weeks to pick a favorite, but, usually by the time they get to 10 people left, I have a favorite. This year, I have no favorite and I do not care who wins. 

  13. 9 hours ago, WOC said:


    We all see how Paul is paranoid. I'd tell him on the side that he may not know it but I just saved him with my "save a friend" thing because there was talk of backdooring him. But I would have been starting crap for a while. Paul isn't the only sneaky bitch around, he's just the only one in the house. 

    Now that would be sweet if Mark could plant that seed and really sell it. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, WOC said:

    I just don't get Mark. He plays chess; why isn't he thinking ahead and finding angles to play? Just sit back and take it? I'd be planting seeds left and right while I could. I'd be the F'ing Johnny Appleseed of doubt right up till I walked out.

    Mark really should be following up on the lie started by Cody. I would be throwing plenty of shade towards Alex and Jason. 

  15. 3 minutes ago, WOC said:

    Paul is playing these fools like the only drum at a boy scout jamboree! If he makes it to final two he so deserves to win. 


    I think I just threw up a little in my mouth typing that, but it's true.

    If Paul makes it to f2, he has a 3-page resume. all the others have a resume with the same line, "I did what Paul said". 

  16. 4 minutes ago, WOC said:


    Yes, and Josh was part of the plan to evict Jess if she didn't use the hex. I'm telling you, these people are delusional. Just like justifying their bullying by saying they were bullying the bullies. The only people buying that were themselves and, well I won't go there...

    LOL, you are absolutely on the money.

  17. 25 minutes ago, Shirley said:

    I have been watching Big Brother since the first one. This has been the worse yet. So many bullies from the very beginning with Josh starting crap with Megan and running her out. Josh is the worst of them all.. calling people names and making fun of people crying when he is the biggest cry baby of them all! HE lies about everything and won't admit when he is wrong. Everyone attacking one person till they get them out like sharks.. they taste a little blood and they attack till they are gone. They all follow Paul like he's god or something to look up to. .. oh my.. I thought they all wanted to win money,  By following Paul they are like lost sheep following the wolf. I thought Cody said it all with his leaving the house.. NO FAKING FRIENDSHIP!! They hated him so why should he care what they thought. I guess none of these people ever watched Big Brother before coming into the house or they wouldn't have jumped into a showmance so fast and they would have seen Paul for what he is. Too bad.. might have been a good season if they hadn't brought Paul back. I would have liked to see how they would have played without him!

    If Paul wasn't given the 3 weeks safety and he was backdoored by Cody, I think we would have seen a completely different season that would have been much more competitive.

  18. 2 minutes ago, WOC said:


    Exactly! Just like Jess saving Cody and the mob starts boohooing about she messed up and she ruined her game. Her ass was gone if she didn't use it, that was the freaking plan. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Cody, Jess, Elena, and Mark have been doomed for weeks. It doesn't matter what they did/do, it's over. The mob tries to justify their gameplay, but they're unable to divert from the path Paul has set before them. Xmas is just as much a follower as was Alex, Jason, and Josh were with their HOHs. Paul laid it out perfectly tonight when he said he was aligned with all of the couples so whichever way it goes he is golden. Cody was the only HOH who actually tried to make an independent move. Even Jess blew her HOH.

    On tonight's show, I couldn't believe Josh saying that Jess made a mistake by playing her hex. If she would not have played the hex, she would have gone home with it in her pocket. But, I guess Josh has deluded himself into believing that if she would not have played the hex, Cody would have gone home and they would have pulled her into the fold and she would be there now. 

  19. 2 minutes ago, HeleneL said:

    Earlier in another post I saw that Paul had the Save a Friend apple but only after seeing tonight's show did I find out that Mark had picked it and gave it to him. 

    BB Production write your cheque to Paul right now.  No need to continue this charade.  Unbelievable!  Can't believe I'm still watching this horrible season but of course I'll continue to the bitter end.

    The Save A Friend was about as worthless to Mark as it could get. I can see why he gave it to Paul. Giving it to someone else wasn't going to gain him anything. 

  20. 4 hours ago, Lamasquerade said:

    Lol on bbad last night he and Xmas were talking about second chances and Mark said that "Cody got the buy back and it was all wasted on a shitty game player ." Xmas corrected him and said "shitty person.". Matt Also said "I got too caught up with Elena."  Mark sees the error of his ways.

    What error? Mark is in the same position now that he would have been if he never said a single word to Cody after Cody came back. He was always on the bottom of Paul's side of the house. The pecking order hasn't changed for weeks. If Cody never came back, Jessica would have still gone out in the position she did. Elena or Mark was next, followed by the other. 

  21. 4 minutes ago, straykat said:


    I know there were a lot of conversations in smaller groups and a lot of mistrust being started but I don't remember the three couples all together discussing what happened and why. But they might have. I just remember everything being so chaotic, with frantic convos all over the house. And in that chaos, Paul was able to pull the couples to him.  

    I think it was smaller groups. I don't even know if he spoke to both of the other couples, I just vaguely remember him talking about it. They all flowed to Paul so fast, I don't think it was a whole lot of time to explain things and make amends. 



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