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Posts posted by joystiick

  1. 2 minutes ago, Roli said:


    You have a very special way of interpreting the words of others.  It's more honest to at least TRY to comprehend before commenting.  Thanks.

    You said, "There are a lot of honorable great people who have served in the military, and then there are some like Cody. " meaning Cody is excluded from that group of "honorable great people who served in the military". Your words. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Roli said:


    I sure didn't see where PF364 disrespected his SERVICE.  We only see how he's acting in the BB house.  He certainly doesn't act honorably NOW.   He's acting like an ass.  It's no wonder that he's "not close" (his words) with his family.  

    He disrespects Cody's service by grouping him in with criminals. Please point to the criminal act that Cody committed against his country? 

  3. 11 hours ago, Roli said:


    I feel the same way.  There are a lot of honorable great people who have served in the military, and then there are some like Cody.  Social rejects and general assholes.  I have no respect for someone who acts like he does.  

    So, because of the way Cody plays or act on BB, he did not serve honorably in the military? Why is it people feel as though they have to trash the contestant's personal life to justify their feelings toward their BB life? I don't know Cody personally, but I do know that the people who serve in the military sacrifice a lot and their service to this country and the people of this country don't deserve to be crapped on. If you want to crap on his service, show me where he dishonored his uniform, his country, his service, his fellow marines, soldiers, etc.

  4. 12 hours ago, PF364 said:

    Concur!  Someone asked in another thread where my respect to Cody is as a former Marine...  Respect is EARNED in my book, not given away on a credit system.  Just because someone served, does not mean they deserve my, or anyone else's immediate respect. 


    Ex: Bo Berghahl served, do you respect him as much as Chris Kyle or Rob O'Neill?  How about the Manning kid?  He/She, Her/Him??  My respect?  They as well as a few others expect it... um, no, it MUST be earned in my book.  


    And my God, can they (Jess and Cody) ever go anywhere by themselves?  They even have to visit the commode together.  WTF???

    Cody is an honorably discharged veteran, yet, you group him in with a possible deserter and a guy/girl who was found guilty of leaking classified material. He's already served his time in service and was honorably discharged, he cannot "earn" your respect as a Marine. Whether you respect his game play on BB is up to you, but if you don't mind, please don't use his BB life to trash what he's done in his real life.  

  5. 51 minutes ago, Aldrich said:

    She is such a vulger slutty dirty dirty tramp.  What type of woman (?) tells men that she feel euphoric when she gives a bj, and yesterday tells them how to make a drink with sperm?  She is the most vulgar immoral woman I have ever witnessed.  She suits Paul very well. Disgusting on all levels. She will do well in LA.

    Wish I could have seen that. Nice to see a woman who embraces her sexuality and enjoys pleasing her partner.

  6. 5 minutes ago, PF364 said:

    Would NEVER slight anyone service, let's get that straight first. That being said, Thank you for your service.   I guess you took my post the wrong way.  The point I was making was that TMZ called him a HERO and not all who served are Heroes, thus rendering the true word ubiquitous.  And I never heard Cody say he was a sniper, but it would kinda make sense since he seems to enjoy solitude.  


    Now, if you read the bottom of my post I said I could not care less which girl goes home, I never said I wanted Cody out.  I just don't like the way they pick on Josh, they see him as weak and try to take advantage of it.

    I couldn't care less if you wanted Cody out. As I said, I have no problem if you want to bash his game or his decision making, all that is fair game. I just have a problem with your seeming to try to denigrate his service. Whether he was "just" a rifleman or a sniper, his contributions were important and don't deserve to be dismissed or minimized.

  7. 8 hours ago, PF364 said:

    LOL, I read the entire piece from TMZ on Mr. Nickson, and I'll be damned... He's a hero!  LOL Such a ubiquitous term these days, don't ya think?  Just because someone served (and I DO appreciate that, and do not make light of it) it does not automatically qualify them as a Hero.  If that were the case, then everyone would qualify for the MOH.  Someone on here, can't recall right now said he was a sniper.  I doubt it.  He may have qualified as rifleman, but that does not make him a sniper.


    Just watching BBAD tonight, Cody, Jessica and girl who keeps saying she is too skinny due to slop are really showing their colors.  Josh is HOH and they are treating him like chit.  I really could not care less which one of those girls go home, they are both equally nasty if you ask me.

    While you are trying to denigrate Cody's service, why don't you explain your service. I am retired military but one thing I always knew, whether you were a rifleman or sniper, plumber or pilot, cook or seaman, the job that you do is important to make sure the finest military in the world operates at peak performance. I have no problem if you want to bash his game play, his looks, his decision making, but, when you start trying to denigrate his service to the country, you are crossing the line. 

  8. 55 minutes ago, PF364 said:

    Me too.  I wonder what his MOS was in the Corps.  I guess I could find out if he had an honorable discharge or any disciplinary actions against him.  I could make a phone call, but naw....  Don't really care that much.  I just don't like the Corps being used every 15 minutes.  What other attributes does he have?  Not being a smart a$$, but if anyone knows, please enlighten me.

    I think he was a sniper. That is not a job for a guy like Josh who needs his mommy and his blanky all the time. 

  9. 31 minutes ago, Marty said:


    Just a bad day. This forum is the best place to be. Social media has gotten so mean and ugly and being bullied for saying I don't like bullies is just nuts


    example -
    Patsy Ryan Ok Marty... It's time to go to your safe space snow flake (you may want to put your protesting vagina hat in the closet and realize this is a big brother page and not a libtard page lol

    that's uncalled for. But i hope you will stick around and ignore the knuckleheads. 

  10. 10 hours ago, Spod said:

    Am i the only one that remembers Cody torpedoed his game sticking up for Alex. He's a dick but he stuck up for her even refering to Jess in bed as her and she screwed him over they were all team Cody til he saved her and she left him out to dry. These Paul worshipers will all get what they deserve some of the worsy game play ever. If a second alliance had formed around Jess and Cody  with Matt , elana, Kevin and Jason they could have had real power Jess putting any trust into that weasal paul was a huge mistake and the others sre just idiots kind of surprised by Kevins stitity a guy from Boston should have bern more smart

    Yes, I also remember he gave up on the veto and let her win, although his alliance wanted her out. Cody blew up his game that week. Some of it was his fault, a lot of it was BB fault for forcing him to keep putting people up, even though one of the first noms self-evicted. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, straykat said:


     For purely selfish reasons on my part, I just wanted it to be a complete shock to all of them. I'd have loved to see their jaws drop when she invoked it. Especially Paul. He wouldn't have been able to keep the shock and anger off his face on live TV. 

    For viewers, it would have been so sweet to see it be a total surprise to Paul. It would have been as sweet as it is when your most hated player is completely blindsided on survivor. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Marty said:

    I'm done. Worst season in all the 19 seasons. The Paul Show has totally taken Big Brother to the nastiest level ever. 


    Go adead attack me for saying I'm done. The posters have turned just as nasty as Paul. 

    On a personal level, as bad as this is going to get, I hope you will reconsider and stick around. I enjoy and appreciate your contributions to Morty's and I look forward to the information you gather from other websites and post here. But, if you just can't take it, I understand and I will look forward to seeing you next season. 

  13. 7 hours ago, Lamasquerade said:

    Clearly they are short term thinkers made evident by revealing the hex, and threatening the house with it all week. I'm sure there is a safety net in place to keep these teeny bopper favs. Otherwise, I'm sure they're looking forward to shacking up in jury and stay in bed all day, and continue the same game play from the beginning.  Is jury considered their second date?

    Revealing the hex was the best move she had at that time. If she would not have revealed the hex, Paul was going to put them up anyway and there was no doubt about that. By revealing the hex, she was attempting to get him to put up other people so that his HOH week would not be a waste. It didn't work out, so, she is not in any worse position than she would have been by keeping it a secret. Once Paul had the HOH, there was absolutely no strategic advantage that I can think of in keeping the hex secret. 

  14. 1 minute ago, WOC said:


    According to what Mgranny posted above Jess has the hex for 4 weeks, so she could have it next week if she doesn't use it today.

    I am pretty sure it is good for next week, otherwise it would not be any question about using it this week since it wouldn't be any good anymore. Also, now that I think about it, I am pretty sure she won the hex during her HOH because I remember Julie saying that she had one of the most successful weeks in BB history by winning HOH, veto and hex in the same week. 

  15. 1 minute ago, WOC said:


    Didn't she have it when she was on the block with Dom? Then she was HOH and Ramses went. Now she's on the block again. I'm thinking this is her third and last week. I may be wrong though.

    I was thinking that she got it while she was HOH. 

  16. 1 minute ago, WOC said:

    Mark was saying something about wanting Cody out so he could play his game without that cloud hanging over him. Or something like that, can't remember exactly. He doesn't get it, neither does it seem Jess, but once you're on the radar you don't get off. Once Cody is gone Jess and Mark are next.

    ITA. Once Cody is gone, they will just move up one spot on the hated list. 

  17. 8 minutes ago, WOC said:


    Isn't this the last week she can use it anyways? I believe it was only good for three weeks.

    As I remember things, the hex was good for three evictions from the time she was awarded. This is week 2 and she would be a fool not to use it. If she thinks they would vote Cody out instead of her, she should ask why they kept Josh and voted out Ramses, against her wishes. 

  18. 51 minutes ago, graceomalley said:

    right now I am rooting for Cody and Jess - they at this moment have more courage and honor in their pinkies than the rest of the house has in their combined bodies -  


    I definitely agree with that. Although things look bad for Jody right now, things could change with a couple of wins. If Jess saves them this week. Cody or Jess win HOH and makes the right move for eviction, they could end up with the upper hand in two weeks. They would need back to back wins for the core group of Jody and Mark. Then if they took out Alex and then Xmas, they would not have to specifically target Paul to rally the house to their side. But they have to win to get things started.

  19. 1 hour ago, Ems17 said:

    Cody makes me ill..if he and Jessica think they are the "beautiful people" they are both mistaken.  My father was in the First Marine Corps Division in the South Pacific during WWII and for Cody to call himself a Marine...there is no comparison.  He dishonors the title.  I watched After Dark for a bit last night and he and Jessica and Mark and Elana were talking about anal penetration to stimulate the prostate!!! After which Cody and Mark were alone and the F word was being used by both of them every other word. I can't believe they aired that!  It also made me dislike Mark.  Personally Cody and Mark should get real and get in a showmance together!

    I never met a Marine that wasn't well versed in the use of the F-word. I imagine your father has mellowed over the years, but, when he was Cody's age, I bet the F-bomb flowed pretty freely.

  20. 15 minutes ago, Hikiki said:

    Honestly, someone completely alone in the game can go far since someone can scoop them up and make use of them. It probably wouldn't work that way this session though since we are just dealing with a heard of Paul sheep

    Normally, people who are alone go far when there are two competitive sides. This season, there is one side and Jody. It is not competitive, so she would just be a sitting duck. When Cody went out of the house, she was next until Paul decided that the girl (forgot her name) had to go. Her position in the hierarchy didn't change, they just decided they would take out another player who didn't have much power because Paul wanted too. Jess was still on the bottom.  

  21. 8 minutes ago, WOC said:


    This! Why let him go? He's another chance at an HOH going her way. Plus if he's still there next week she's good because Cody is the target. The rest of the house are such a bunch of follers that it doesn't seem to occur to any of them that keeping Jody wouldn't be a bad thing because Jody wants Paul out and Paul is determined to to get them. Paul has to defeat Cody to keep his little man syndrome in check. At this point Jody only has Jody and Jess should realize this. I would love for them to win HOH next week because the herd mentality on the other side makes the game boring. Paul is trying to convince everyone in the house to push the idea on Jess that Cody is dragging her down. He's all she has at this point and if she isn't smart enough to realize this she'll be following him right out the door.

    Exactly. She really needs him in the game to have any chance of advancing further. 

  22. 1 hour ago, Roli said:


    I still think it was stupid of them not to study.  There's a chance she would win the POV.  She's got to realize that Cody is just dead weight to her.  Then she could have saved the Halting Hex for another week.  She's playing a really stupid game.  

    What good would it serve for her to let her only ally in the game get voted out? Even though he is a weak player strategically, he is still an ally and a possible shield, so, it is actually better for her if he's in than out. If he is voted out, she will still be on the bottom with no ally. Their best move is to start planting seeds against Paul. Paul will make a mistake sooner or later and if they can get the lemmings to start comparing notes, they may stand a chance. There's no need for them to care about pissing off paul, he's already after them.  



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