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Posts posted by joystiick

  1. 24 minutes ago, HeleneL said:

    Surprise surprise!  Josh nominated Alex and Kevin.  

    Dummy. I wonder if he figured out that Paul could win the veto, pull one of the nominees down and Josh will be forced to nom xmas and then Paul and the other person vote her out. on top of that, josh cannot play for the next hoh. He should have put Paul on the block. Then if paul won, he could only remove himself. If one of the others won, xmas could guarantee that Josh's pick went home. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Tiger87 said:


    I can appreciate that. Probably just my conspiracy imagination. But with all the psych evals and testing that they put applicants through before selecting the cast, I believe they probably have a good idea how many and who will follow the "celebrity" leader.

    These people went way beyond following the celebrity. They literally let him make all their decisions. I don't think there has been a season with less game talk and scheming. Basically, Paul gave everyone their instructions, they said ok and that was it until the vote. No way production could have foreseen that over half the house would be that sorry and that dumb. 

  3. 29 minutes ago, carmen said:


    Or whatever production told me.  If Paul really does end up the "winner," it will absolutely be b/c that was the script from the start of the season, and these people in the house are simply following what production tells them to do.  There is no "reality" about it -- this will have become a full-blown drama series with low-paid amateur "actors" who are just excited to be on national television. 

    As I indicated before, I am pretty sure production orchestrated some things, but, I really doubt that production told these people to lay down and quit playing. For production value and ratings, the producers need and want drama. During this season, there were literally weeks without any drama at all, other than people going after the other players that were being targeted, and, the targeting wasn't to change votes or anything. It was just bullying. If production was directing everything, I think they would have setup a rivalry side of the house. It sure would have been more tv worthy if there would have been 2 or 3 people to turn on Paul and try and take out a couple of Paul minions. But, you had none of that. You just had a house full of sheep for like the last 5 weeks. It's been a snoozefest. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Vista said:

    I do not view Josh's message as good game play. Josh is a back stabbing idiot. If he was a stand up guy, josh would be loyal to those who kept him in the game. Josh did not get this far on his own merit. Of all players, I loathe josh l.

    If you are part of an alliance larger than two, you are pretty much going to have to backstab some folks to make it to the end. If you do want to make it to the end, you won't get there if you keep all the strongest players in the game, otherwise, you are asking to be backstabbed. I am not sure who you feel he's backstabbed, but, he's been with xmas since the early part of the game and he's stuck with her and deferred to her even when it wasn't the best for his game. 

  5. People can wish and wish, but, if you think someone will beat Paul in the f2, you will be sorely disappointed. Hate may change one or two votes, but it will not change enough to win. To have "hater" votes come into play, the player sitting next to Paul has to have a resume. It is possible for Josh to go on a run and make it to f2, but, he would not take Paul and Paul would not take him. So, that scenario is dead. No one else has a resume to brag on. Xmas has two wins, both given to her courtesy of Paul. I know Alex won something, but, how long ago was that. What was rememberable about anything she did other lead Jason around. No need to waste brain power on Kevin. Paul will be able to tell the jury that he not only orchestrated every eviction, he directed the whole game. The jurors may be mad, but, their choice would be between a guy with a 3-page resume and people with one or two sentences. And, one of those sentences would say I did whatever Paul told me. 

  6. 30 minutes ago, stevea11 said:


    Is it me or did Jason seem a wee bit unhappy last night? Me thinks he got totally blindsided.

    It is hard for me to call it a blindside because all the signs were there that he was going home. From the time of nominations, he should have known something was up. Even Kevin told him that either he or Alex were going home.  Plus, he was becoming a comp beast. Why did he think Josh broke down in the pool? The signs were there. So, I can't call it a blindside since he chose to keep his eyes closed. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, Tiger87 said:

    It's definitely an unfair advantage for the vets. They have already progressed on the game's learning curve. They know the competitions. And they are revered by the newbies as "celebrities". Also, makes it easier for CBS to market, because the public knows the vets, so we already are vested.


    This particular season was sooooo stacked for Paul to win. I have to think they intentionally vetted the cast with Paul's victory in mind.

    I can blame CBS for rigging the 3 week safety vote and a few other things, but, I can no longer blame CBS for the actions of this cast. There is no way CBS could have known the level of stupid that these people would rise to. I am sure they probably could point to this person being dumb and that person being stupid. But, they could not know what would happen when you put them all together. There is no way CBS could have known that over half the people would just fall in line, quit playing the game and do Paul's bidding. You had people literally ask Paul if he thought it would be a good idea if they took a nap. So, I just cannot continue blaming CBS and letting these idiots off the hook. 

  8. 38 minutes ago, PinkyLee said:



    Well now Josh has the chance to show us all how much he really wants to WIN.  If he has the balls to put up Paul and Alex that is.  Worse thing to happen would be Paul winning veto and taking himself down.  Hmmm maybe Josh can convince Paul he is a PAWN lol.  If he puts up Alex and Paul assuming Kevin votes for Alex and Christmas votes for Paul or visa versa Josh will be deciding vote.  The only line he would need to vote Paul out at this point is " Buddy I just cant win against you "  I still want to see Kevin get an HOH.  Im so tired of seeing Paul tell the others what they should be doing and not doing.  They are all talk about how Paul is running things Id just like to see one of them stand up for themselves and do what they want to to not what they are told to do.  So be a man JOSH!!! Just do it for gods sakes.

    In my opinion, it is now or never. I think Josh will put Paul up. But, if Paul slips thru this week, Josh will be gone next week unless he wins veto. 


    I think Josh really has to draw a line in the sand with xmas this week. She will feel very vulnerable knowing that Josh can not play in the next HOH and protect her and if Paul is gone, she's really on her own. He has to make her see that voting Paul is in her best interest in the end.  I think Kevin will follow the power, but, if it is Paul vs Alex, I would not trust Kevin to vote out Paul. Even with Paul on the block, it is still a dicey vote and Josh better not count his chickens too early.  

  9. 2 minutes ago, fredtheturtle said:

    Plus Alex didn't have the votes. Raven loves Paul and so does Xmas.  It would have made it harder on her.

    It would have been possible with Josh and Kevin voting, but, the only way that could work was if Josh had enough time to explain it to Alex and talk with Kevin. I just don't think there was enough time. 

  10. 48 minutes ago, straykat said:


    But was this the fake fight Paul convinced Josh they needed to have right after eviction?

    It seemed to be a completely staged fight to me. I don't know why Josh played along.  From what I could hear, Josh kept apologizing for voting Jason out, but, I don't think he ever accused Paul of doing anything.  

  11. They should have a college course on how a person can be completely delusional and live in an alternate universe. I can't see how in the hell she could believe she was playing a good game, However, she did think throwing comps for Paul was good game play. And, I have to admit that Matt thought the same way. 

  12. 7 minutes ago, JessicaRocks said:

    When Josh won veto, I really thought he was going to grow a pair and tell Alex it was all Paul's idea to evict Jason and that she was next.  Then I thought he would use the veto, whereupon Alex would put Paul on block and they'd vote him out...but no, sadly these HG's are like the rats following after the pied piper (Paul being the pied piper) to their deaths in the game.

    There was not enough time for Josh to convince Alex that Paul was the mastermind. All Paul would have had to do was deny that he didn't it and Alex would have been left with deciding if Josh was telling the truth and remembering that it was xmas and josh that lead her and Jason to believe that Jason was safe. And, what happened to Jason and who voted him out?  Bingo! If Josh would pulled anyone off the block, xmas would have been put up.


  13. 1 hour ago, WOC said:

    I have come to the conclusion that I deserve AFP for sitting through this waste of a season and subjecting myself to some of the most useless, socially inept, rotten people I have ever had the displeasure of watching on a reality show. I am a glutton for punishment to continue, but I'm no quitter! LOL!

    If you make the list, i'll vote for you...:D:D:D

  14. 1 hour ago, PAULISABUNION said:

    I can't even remember which HG is from one season to the next. I wouldn't ever have an interest in chatting or going to a party/event regarding a BB HG. None of them are relevant to anyone other than the folks who in that reality TV world. Jessica probably would get more attention than Alex or Xmas anyway, at least from dudes.

    I am always amused when someone comments on a player from season #whatever, and, I'm thinking, I can't even remember that person even being on BB (I have watched every season) and you remember what season they were on? If you gave me one of those match games where the players are on one side and the seasons are on the other, and, I had to draw lines to match the player with the season, I doubt if I could get 10%.

  15. 1 minute ago, WOC said:


    I agree with this. Cody made a smart play by trying to put Paul up. He should have told his "alliance" what time it was. Things may have played out differently.

    Cody had the right reasoning. He knew Paul would suck up all the air in the room and that the other hg would be enamored with him. He said the reason he didn't tell the others is that he didn't want them to try to talk him out of it. He clearly didn't understand how important it was to keep his team informed and let them feel like they were part of the decision making process. 

  16. 2 hours ago, JessicaRocks said:


    Oh, no doubt Cody would have blown up his own game no matter what, but that one fateful week when he was HOH, had Paul's super safety sprung on him, had to put 5 people on the block in less than 24 hours, including having to nominate someone on the spot in like 10 seconds put him into a position that NO ONE could have recovered from...THAT was my point.

    Even with all that went wrong for Cody the first week, I think the fatal flaw was the fact that he did not tell his alliance what the plan was in advance. I think if had told everyone, when things went bad, the alliance would have held together. But not telling them made him look shady and like someone who could not be trusted. He had the right plan, but, his poor execution doomed the alliance. 

  17. 1 hour ago, JessicaRocks said:


    They absolutely CAN force them to forfeit money they have already "earned" if the contract says that they can - businesses have clauses in their contracts like that all the time (VERY standard stuff).


    I worked in HR for a major company for over 16 years, and trust me, companies can pretty much do what they want (especially when the employee has agreed to it with their signature).  You can believe what you want, but those are the real world facts. Big companies have armies of lawyers and they know from experience how to word contracts in their favor (and so they can't be easily contested).  'Sorry...

    First off, don't take this the wrong way, but, I think you may be obsessing way too much on these rules when it comes to a part of the game that really doesn't give the player an advantage over the other players. Although the have and have nots are subjective to uncomfortable sleeping arrangements and the players are on slop, I don't think it is really that big of a part of the game. Just not something to get all bent out of shape over as the posters here has indicated.


    I was a union president and I have read lots and lots of case law. When it comes to pay, judges loathe employment contracts that are one sided and not fair to the employee. If an employee is promised $1000 per week, the company will end up paying him that $1000 dollars. The company can recoup the cost of equipment or product that the employee willfully damages, but, they will not get away with simply docking someones pay. The company can refuse to pay "bonuses" or other pay that is not yet earned. For example, if the bonus is to be paid for completing the show, the company will not have to pay if the employee doesn't complete the show. However, even those type stipulations may be overcome by the employee if they complete a substantial portion of the contract. Although I am just guessing, I am willing to bet that Chima, Willie Hantz and others who were expelled from the game got their full pay and an airline ticket home. Putting something into a contract doesn't automatically mean it will stand up to legal scrutiny. 

  18. 1 hour ago, JessicaRocks said:


    If America has ONE vote (out of 7 or whatever the jury is), I don't see that as a problem - the HG's would have to be even dumber than they are to worry about what we think over the other 6 jury members.   No, the bottom line to me is that they cannot continue to let the spoiled HG's get away with trashing the rules and telling the production staff to "f**k off".  It's time the BB staff grew a pair and swatted the disrespectful players down for the d-bags that they are!  There simply MUST be consequences for bad behavior...they cannot continue to simply let the HG's get away with anything and everything!

    It would be completely unfair to replace a jury vote of a hg with that of the public. First and foremost, you would be replacing an individual that only had a limited view of what was going on around him with the public who had full access to everything that was happening in the house. The view of the game and who was the most worthy to win would probably be completely different.  If there's going to be a vote by the public, the players need to know at the start of the game and it has to be a definite part of the rules.


    As far as evicting people because they break the rules, I have no problem with that as long as it is clearly part of the rules at the start of the game. In the case of Matt and previous hg, the rule was one eviction vote. Matt simply took advantage of the rule. You can't change it midstream.  

  19. 1 hour ago, WOC said:


    I think getting rid of Jason would be good for Josh's game. It will be hard to get rid of Paul because he seems to have Alex, Xmas, and Raven wrapped around his fingers. I think Josh has it figured out, but when he talks to Xmas she seems to always squash it. Josh would do good to convince Paul to make sure everyone throws him the HOH next so he can get rid of Alex or Raven. Paul has an incredible ability to get these ding dongs to throw things and he might go for it to keep his hands clean. Then Josh needs to get rid of Paul. 


    As much as I detest the remaining HGs, anyone capable of getting rid of Paul will deserve to win. IMO 

    Yes, even though Josh may have Paul figured out, he would be stupid to keep Jason at this point. 



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