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Everything posted by Fatcat

  1. I wonder how soon they will get to the eviction after the show starts as they are having a ff this week, hope the get to it right out the gate
  2. its scary but I think the consensus is that Rachel will vote to evict Dani
  3. I don't think that is what was being said but rather the whining and pity party Daniele has been on, whiney baby is how she is acting and she goes waay beyond it being a game, she is one vindictive beotch comes on at 8 here too, and I am happy to see I am not the only one who does the peeking here at Mortys before I watch the show, also if I see a tweet where say like Dani is evicted, then I start watching, I have to get over the bad stuff by watching here first, we all have our ways,lol
  4. It is the "I dont care" medicine", I have trouble sleeping (It's age kids, you dont sleep like a baby when you get my age,lol)so that is what I take it for, but it literally puts me to sleep so I cannot ever take it unless I am home and at least close to the bed,lololol, ppl can scream all they want about how unfair it is of Jeff to have broken his so called promise but Dani is the one who broke up the alliance waayy too early in the game, she would be in a much different position had she just waited it out and not tried to be the BEST like her dad, she just wants so badly to prove to him she shoulda won their season, well, she certainly has blown that
  5. lol, yes is works well, I have it for sleep, but will make an exception for tonights show to be less nervous, as a matter of fact, I am doing all my houswork today, laundry to keep busy and then will get on my ps3 and play a game till I can get on Mortys to see wht is happening on the show I never watch the show live, I usually come here, get on the page with the tweets and keep up like that, then go back and watch it in its entirity later, I know I'm crazy, I may squeeze in a little updating later today too, here is hoping Dani walks out the door tonight, plz and thank you Baby Jeasus!!!!!!
  6. yeah right, that really made me laugh, that ED would hate Adam and his game play, what the hell ever, I think it pissed Adam off big time, that was the wrong thing to say, she is more upset over the fact that Jeff one upped her, and she did not win the veto,it didn't look to me as if she was really tryin that hard, I saw her durning her seasonwork a lot faster, I loved it when Janell said "by by Bitches" best line evah,lololol, I am gonna have to take a xanax for tonights show. I keep my hair as red as possible Janis to cover the gray,lololol, I am 24 yrs older than Shelly, she will be sorry for the sun and cig smoking later, oh yeah
  7. I need to get on my flashbacks for the storage room convo, surely rachel is just plyin Dani,lol I hope Shelly gets busted and I loved what Jordo said about lets not be too bad on her as for Josie not to see them yelling at her mom, amen Jordo aw shucks on the comment on my photo, I was t the MS clinic with my middle son the other day and the nurse thought I was his sister,lolol, cracked me up, I haven't tanned myself the way shelly has, and so shellys skin is lookin leather like
  8. Yes, the america vote,, hello and yes Dani can win comps that is why she needs to go, she is dangerous and you have to get the dangerous ppl out, social game is the worst, she is seriously a brat thanks slim, this is new yrs eve like I think 2005, those are some cute boys I work with,lol Daniel just has to go, and it has been sooo nerve wracking the last cpl days, then I come home afte only one day and night to see allthe craziness with Rachel maybe flipping, plz let it be ovvvveerr,lolol
  9. I find this laughable, Dani is not one of the GREATS to play the game, she is gonna be number 2 in the jury house, the only reason she was anywhere nea winning her season is because of ED, and she is only here to prove she should've won that season and not him, I heard her say that which shows me what a silly vindictive person she is, what a beauty she would be if her personality and who she is inside matched the outside. Jeff is being smart not ot go off and say things to her to aggravait her any more, refferring to your DR comment you think Jeff is a coward?? that too is laughable, oh but you want Dani to let it out on Rachel and Jeff, to bring out the ED on them , Sorrry Dani is not her father if she was she surely would not be in this position, and I am sick of hearing how Jeff did not keep his promise well lets just Quote Dani when she was backdooring Brendon, "I'ts only a game" alls fair in love and BB,lolol Cannot wait till she walks out the door
  10. she doesn't hear it, all she hears is he doesn't love me when he uses that tone, and she gets defensive and starts whining again, it's a never ending battle with her, and the 2 of them going in a constant circle of co dependent bs, she does need to stfu, I just don't know who the hell he thinks he is to tell her her every move, it is sickening on both sides
  11. Well now it is not just telling her tstfu, he is aggrivated with everything she is doing, he even told her to not SIT the way she is, that it makes it look like she is uncomfortable, she tries to say she is comfortable sitting the way she is, then she asks him if he wants to know what she said to someone did not catch who, and he says NO I really don't care, then in the next breath after all the put downs he wants to know if she wants to go lay down, he is an idiot, passive agressive, controlling, and she is a major needy, cry baby
  12. I listened to all that and he is a D***, the way he was treating her, and it started way before Adam left the BY, but as soon as he did, Brendon was on her big time. I should add that I agree with everything he said ,especially that she needs to squash it and make it work with Shelly, and she really eggs him on with that trying to reason by syaing its all everyone elses fault, I just do not thnk you treat the ppl you really love that way
  13. I have a feeling that is exactly what is going to happen, and I will be loving it!!!!!
  14. I cannot believe he volunteered for a replacement, has he not watched this game before?? Poor Lawon, but that will be what he gets if he goes up and out, then I reallly think ppl out there are gonna either vote Brendon or Cassi back in, so look out there too, Lawon does not stand a snowballs chance if he has to go up against them, unless he has been fooling us all this time,lol
  15. hey Pinkie, thanks for the friend request, of course I accepted,lolol, today should be nail biting

  16. so tired of hateful mean ppl

  17. thanks Janis, I always read and enjoy your comments and posts

  18. thanks Jammer and ditto

  19. I'm with you Marty, all we need is him stayin in the house to thow fuel on her fire, it's not a smart fire right now either, he bores me,is too juvinile, so by by Dom, hope you walk out the door tonight,
  20. I did not hear him talking about any plot or plan, it is just clear to me ge is smitten with her and I couldnt believe either that he ran right to her and said "I didn't trow you under the bus",lol but ge did. Now he is like beggin her tp hang out with him, it is pitiful, by by Dom
  21. exactly Marty, he is pissed and I don't blame him cause they made it real clear to him that she used him and now he is going home because she f'd him, she is a very cold fish, she could care less and is plotting her next move with Kalia



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