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Everything posted by Fatcat

  1. I agree, she shoulda just sat around like ol Memphis,lol, and not done anything and being a social butt head, I am not sure she was relying that, maybe in her mind she thought she was giving a trade off because she cannot compete like the others, but you really can't look at it like that in BB. I just feel for her.But I am happy if it is her that she is not going to F3 like it will be for Keesha and get the boot then, that is the rough one to take, a real bitter pill,lol
  2. lolololol thank you UPV, no doubt
  3. well if there is 500 grand on the tbl, I think I would be a little on edge myself. I do not blame Renny one bit, I am sure she feels she has done her part for them, and she prolly can feel the shift and knows deep down she is going, does not make her a bad person. I'll tell ya what, I would have beats Dans ass by now in there, he would have driven me bats with the BS he plays, I really have no tolerance for those kinds of shennanigans, so I think Renny has done well not to have gone off on him more than she has, everyone has their way of acting or reacting to whatever is goin on in there, I say cut the gal some slack. Like I said, the woman has her ways of things just like everone else she is not stupid, to me she isn't
  4. at tis stage of the game they are gonna turn and I do not think what Renny said to Jerry is anything but the truth, they would get rid of her first, and they do want to go to F3 if they can, Renny is finally doin somthing about not just following Keesha around and not speakin up for herself. sShe has spoken up for herself before and always then done what the others wanted, so I am all for her doin whatever she has got to do.
  5. prolly so bored that she can't help but jazz herself up, it always makes you feel good to dress up and fox out,lol
  6. so for the very first time in the game Renny steps up and does her thing and gets caled out for it?? She has been in Keeshas cornor since the beginning, it is every man for him or herself, Keesha has already let it be known she would indeed think of herself first if it came down to that, so I think what Renny said or did in Jerry's hoh is just fine.
  7. I so agree, and I know some do not like Renny here on this board, but me , I love her, would love to see her over Jerry any day
  8. well Grammy3 Ollie did say what you just posted, but he also said quite clearly, was you are a red headed cabbage patch kid, I heard it very clear.
  9. The differnce in Renny's ass kissing and Jerry's is that she has been kind to the others in the house, she has comforted the ones crying, and Cooked , cut hair, laughed, put on antics and been entertaining. Jerry's ass kissing has included saying really hateful uncalled for stuff about women in the house, his buddying up always has been mean in it's highest form, he is a bitter old coot, and I for one, think Renny is mountains higher than Jerry. . Just because she was grumbling about her conditioner does not make her a beeotch from hell, they are all tired from that long dbl eviction nite, and I would want my conditioner too, hell they constantly passified Michelle with booze, I guess Renny could ask for her conditioner, just sayin!!!!!
  10. How could anyone be so lame to think that we did not see the sexcapades,lol Not in this day and age of the World Wide Web. What an idiot. His mother and Father may not have seen the you tubes, even if someone told them about the videos, I doubt the went for a look see, but they are gonna be very dissapointed in his immaturity and actions in the house, his temper tantrum, poor sportsmanship, hearing about the sex on video, etc, oh yeah he has lots of splainin,lol
  11. yeah, I get that, but maybe with that flip there won't be a big ol alliance, it is at the point that it is me time, not us time, so we will have to see. I do not think for one minute that it will come down to anything but Michelle going first, and if I am wrong I will come back here and eat crow,lol
  12. yeah but what you see and hear even on the feeds and such never play out usually, I think Michelle will be going, and if she does not when they find out it is dbl eviction she will.
  13. well it won't matter for Keesha one bit how hard she worked to keep Memphis because Dan will keep him over her, if he is in the position to do so, so it will be all for naught.
  14. well if Renny and Keesha are that stupid to listen and then vote to keep her in, then they are stupid and deserve whatever they get.
  15. I don't think so, they will listen, but when it gets right down to it, this time around they know she is bad news and she will be going tonight. I think any thoughts Renny might get about it would be fleeting, and out of her paranoia, deep down Renny knows michelle would turn on them in a heartbeat, Michelle is going tonight,lol
  16. I just watched yesterdays Housecalls, with Sheila, and even Sheila is callin Michelle MANCHELLE,lol, that tag has reached far and wide, you can tell Sheila has no use whatsoever for Michelle, or Ollie for that matter, She said right out " Ollie has NO game" lol There was pro and con on housecalls for Dans Game of POV roulette, most really did not care for it and said it was not necessary, and Sheila says Dan is playing for second place, but neither Sheila or Gretch (who drives me bats by the way) said who they thought was in !st place contention. I found that weird,lol I think it will be interesting when Michelle has to go on Housecalls and if she talks about Dan bein a plant theory, both Gretchen and Sheila were doggin on her for all her theories,lol
  17. Lordy, she would never get playboy, maybe Screw Magazine,lol but never Playboy, hell she would prolly take the lowest of offers the way she acts, she is always on the pity pot cause she only won a uunniitaaaaawwdd,lolol Libra will be waiting at the jury house talkin about her trip to Maui,lololol
  18. she ain't backdoored yet, let's us not count our chickens,lol
  19. OMG, she is gonna get herself kicked off that show id she isn't careful, she does not care at this point prolly, she knows she is a goner,lol
  20. Joy, I have waited on many easterners in my restaurant, and i can always distinguish NY from Boston, but her accent is really the heaviest I have ever heard, almost unable to decipher it,lol
  21. I love an eastern accent, from New York to Boston, but Michelle is ruining it, it is because along with the sound we are getting a nasty skank to go along with it, I certainly will never think of easterners as being like her when I hear that accent, so all of you east coasters breathe easy, we know it is just her,lol
  22. I think Micheele will continue her silly vendetta against who she thinks has wronged "Jesse' and herself,lol she really has not a clue how to play BB, and is only there by pure D luck, that is it, but she is soon to go by by,lol
  23. I get what you were syain about her mouth, it is the worst potty mouth to me besides Chelskanka, she really had a bad mouth too. Michelle really comes off rough, and it is not appealing,lol
  24. hey Nursing school is tough, and you must know your math very well, cause you need it when you are in nursing. I am always able to understand you UPV,lol
  25. I think Michelle is not in college because she is extreamly immature, has not really given a thought to her future, she says she is attracted and hangs out with all the wrong people, I deep down think she thinks a man will come along and take care of her, she is interested more in "paaaty time" than in an education, she is 29, she needs to get a grip and figure out what it is that she wants to pursue, so far all I have heard is rough stuff, fighting, and drinking, the way she speaks has nothing to do with why she is not in school.



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