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Everything posted by Sara5229

  1. Elissa "Noone comes between me and my hot shower" at least she's got a sense of humor... Completely agree about the Judd and Howie thing.. during one of the first commercial, I thought at first glimpse it was Howie
  2. Me either and I can't believe she things she is going to be the MVP multiple times. If I ever vote for her then something has terribly gone wrong
  3. Yeah he's dumb.. he just said in his diary room that he was there more for a showmance then for the money.
  4. Man, did they hold auditions outside of Texas? I could see a Team Texas alliance forming. I'm glad to see all new houseguest and so many... sad to see that at 30 I am older then almost all the HG. The fam is watching a movie so I will have to catch the videos tomorrow.
  5. Real World/Road Rules Challenge has bunk beds, it's not that exciting... (I probably shouldn't openly admit I watch that lol) Hmm.. I don't remember the bunk beds in Season 8
  6. I'm at about an 8, but that 8 will turn into a 10 some time in the next week or 2. I'm most excited to get some info on the cast... Here's to hoping that it's not any repeat offenders.
  7. next week.. yuck. Anyone know what day to watch The Talk to get some BB info?
  8. As long as it's not a repeat of the last several seasons, I'd be happy... although my guess is that I won't be very happy
  9. . Im shocked by this. I don't see why Dan doesn't see that one of his biggest selling points would be that he not only got himself there but also his player.
  10. lol I know.. he didn't even try to hide it. He could have at least attempted a lap... throwing comps worked for him his season so hopefully it will this time too.
  11. I really don't think the coaches will enter the game, but if they were I would think if they do they will have to choose to forfeit the 100k for a chance at the 500k
  12. Yeah so she just said, "I don't even want to think or make decisions. I just want people to tell me what to do." Not even sure why she's there.
  13. I knew there was a reason I liked her. Wait good or bad lol
  14. Agree, I don't think they are going to be playing for 500k
  15. I'm gonna have to vote him as most annoying houseguest.. His diary rooms are louder than Dan's were.
  16. I know... I'm really impressed, but he soo should keep that stuff to himself
  17. Yeah I think that's going to cause some conflict because Idon't think who the coach's want to team up with with necessarily mesh with the players ideas.
  18. different girl then from first season... Monica was the girl he talked about all the time his first season
  19. Prettiest hair in the house... Will probably enjoy his diary rooms sessions
  20. lol I soo forgot about Jerry... scary man that Jerry haha
  21. I know.. it shouldn't even be aloud for one to come in without the other.
  22. I think she will cause some drama.



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