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Everything posted by Sara5229

  1. Yeah I wish they would keep Jeremy over Aaryn, but he's the strongest competitor.. I'm going to miss being embarrassed for him during his DR sessions
  2. lol you crack me up Echo! I definitely agree and can see him doing things like this.
  3. I was wondering the same thing... When is nominations?
  4. He's one of the HG that's going to make it to jury with no effort at all on his part
  5. Thanks UPV... I'm an idiot when it comes to learning new things
  6. Tried to make a Favorite/Least favorite houseguest poll for week 2, but the layout is different then previous years.
  7. They have got to be the oddest showmance I have seen on BB
  8. We need 'like' buttons added to the forum. Agree. Punishments are usually decided on an individual bases.
  9. I agree that it's not BB production place to tell the HG what they can and can't say. As long as the rules going into the game don't say, "you are not allowed to say racist remarks" etc.. then to each their own. They know they are being taped 24/7 and for that they will have to deal with the backlash when they leave the house. I'm always shocked at how some people act when they are knowingly being tape. I would be very careful if I knew people were watching my every conversation/action and gameplay aside, you would probably see the best side of me lol.
  10. Good question... I don't think they have said.. I would think if MVPs nomination was taken off then MVP would replace that person, but I'm sure the rules will be made up depending who it will benefit the first time this situation arises.
  11. Question.. In Canada.. how long before the cheating was noted and they took HOH away.. did he already have his HOH room and letter?
  12. Definitely cheating. They should pull everyone who did that and have a new HOH comp, but they won't bc I'm sure they got the result they were hoping for with HOH... the one that will cause the most drama this week.
  13. Cheating is sadly a part of Big Brother... whether it be the producers or players. I'm late in the conversation tonight, but I hated that they had an endurance comp this early and that they had partners for the competition... Since when do the HG partner up for HOH... everyone should get a fair chance based on their own abilities.... hope this isn't something that is repeated.
  14. Ok I saw that Jeremy voted for Elissa.. was this decided or does the rest of the moving crew think he voted with them?
  15. I think you are right. They are right up there with BB9 IMO
  16. Strange is an understatement. WTH. Who does that
  17. Ok question.. Watching BBAD on DVR so I'm behind tonight. Didn't buy the feeds this year. McCrae and Amanda are laying in bed holding hands and he was rubbing on her arm. Is she just playing around or are there mutual feelings here?
  18. I know.. you can't even follow a conversation because they are bleeping every other sentence out. I miss Showtime It's going to be a long summer for this cast if they are already asking for cards
  19. I don't get why she isn't going home over David.. is it just the numbers thing? I've only been watching the show and BBAD. Not that it's hard to accomplish, but she is the smarter player out of her and David. Plus her voice/accent (not sure what it is) drives me up the wall, so I would gladly say goodbye to her... that and we wouldn't have to see Rachel clips every episode.
  20. I hate to watch her interacting in the house because she is very annoying, but I am entertained by her diary rooms.



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