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Everything posted by Sara5229

  1. Agree. I won't be surprised to see her in final 3-4
  2. That is probably why it is no big deal to me. My dad was military growing up and my parents were divorced so it was normal for me to go months at a time without seeing one parent or the other. I turned out ok ( I like to think so anyways lol)
  3. I don't get why he said either.. surely he knew she would translate I love you and you are hot as I want to f*** the sh** out of you lol
  4. Ehh my kids wouldn't care if they saw me lying.. they would be too busy riding their new ponies... kidding lol. No, I understand that part.. definitely not ideal. Hopefully, you would be lucky enough for them not to see that until they were old enough to know its a game. Then again, your kids know who you are outside of the house and who you are to them. And no money isn't everything, but it could free up finances that would allow you more time to spend at home with your kids and allow for nest eggs for future education
  5. I don't think attempting to earn money for your family makes you a bad parent. I have kids and if BB offered me a spot I'd take it. As long as you have a support system in place for your kiddos I do not think it will do them any damage.
  6. I'm completely out of the loop with what was being said about adderall for weight loss, but I know people who use it for that. Yeah it's odd to me that Amanda, unlike Aaryn, actually recognizes racial slurs but still uses them. Common sense would tell you to at least keep those beliefs to yourself on national tv. I doubt she will suffer much backlash bc the media outlets haven't talked about her like they did Aaryn
  7. I on the other hand was like, "what's with all the closed captions" lol
  8. It's kind of vague to me. I will have to go listen to the whole convo. With just that snippet she could be talking about anything, however not putting it past her.
  9. It will be interesting if Aaryn is the MVP vote and a nominee besides her wins POV. I am curious who Gina Marie would nominate to ensure Aaryns safety.
  10. Voting Aaryn only bc I don't want Amanda going up. My guess is it will be a close race between these two.
  11. Denise - I couldn't tell you bc I didnt pay attention.. not a huge fan of the cast this year.. but from watching all the other seasons it is NOT uncommon. Denise - on mobile so I can't quote.. I couldn't tell you bc I didnt pay attention.. not a huge fan of the cast this year.. but from watching all the other seasons it is NOT uncommon to treat the player going out like they have the plague
  12. That's how most are treated when they are 9n the block and on their way out. This is nothing new.. why associate with someone leaving and not going to jury and risk a target on your back. It's a game.. you are there for the money not to win the nicest person on bb award
  13. I don't understand what most of the HG are even doing there. Lazy and could live off stipen for a few weeks I guess.
  14. Agree with Stevea11.. at least Helen and Amanda are playing. You can't sit quietly and so nothing and hope that people will do what you want and you will get to the end. Helen and Amanda lucked out that these people are so submissive and apparently don't care about 500k.
  15. ImIn completely agree (mobile will not let me quote. Hate that America voted for someone who is really playing. I wouldn't even consider many of the HG floaters bc that would imply there was some strategy in their game play. Hoping she wins veto.
  16. I didn't hear it or the context in which she said it, but I use the term nappy hair the same as I would use the terms frizzy hair, dull hair, curly hair etc. To me nappy hair is coarse and damaged hair. It's not black or white to me.. just hair.
  17. I'm guilty of it. I DVR'd the show and somehow missed the announcement and when I went to vote I didn't bother reading it.. just clicked MVP vote and selected Amanda.. then I noticed it said something different and split my votes between Aaryn and Elissa. I read at least 3 books a week, but can't be bothered with instructions lol.
  18. Amanda got one vote for me by accident. The rest I split bt Aaryn and Elissa
  19. Curious to see who Judd puts up... Maybe I should be embarrassed about this, but I have no trouble understanding Judd lol.
  20. Ok so I watched the show, but I somehow didn't catch this announcement, although I did hear her Julie tell them to expect the unexpected.. so I went to vote for MVP and voted for who I wanted to be MVP instead of the nominee once before I noticed the heading saying America was MVP... hope all of the Elissa voters make this same mistake and she is put on the block lol.



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