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Everything posted by SueZqueZ

  1. Some are saying Caleb was the inspiration in Derrick/Cody flopping the house last night because of his "let's stay with the numbers". Caleb has been saying that a lot all season, but last night he came from the DR all fired up ...... I feel the DR was the inspiration on that convo, which made Der/Cody's paranoia work overtime, plus the DR has been pushing Derrick in and out all day yrstrday.....jmo. I don't think Caleb is any mastermind, but he is bright enough to see something clearly when led right to it......
  2. Christine will not be happy if Hayden makes HOH.....she now knows she is his target!
  3. I agree and said same many times....BUT if he feels he's a lock for #1 he may take Cody...
  4. Something Derrick said earlier about production definitely gave me the same impression...the DR was a BIG part in flipping the vote. Frankie and Christine must be doing a jig some place that they got their way.....Caleb was in DR and then all of a sudden he comes out and has one of his inspirational "numbers" talk....<<<<<shakes my head>>>>>>
  5. Thank you DR.....you got your wish...now the talk is Zach stays.....The D's had a meeting and decided with their votes along with Caleb...Zach stays...<<<<wish I hadn't of woke up to read that>>>>>>
  6. Saw a CBS TV ad that it is going to be a Double Elimination week....using Derrick's undercover status and movie music to spice it up like a Miami Vice take down...funny stuff. Anyways, can someone clear up how it works. I always got the DE confused with the Fastforward.....thanks!
  7. I don't think it was back out so much as she knew it was a lost cause and would expose her plans......
  8. IMO Donny is playing the game, but differently than we have ever seen. I can't remember a player who held his cards so close to his chest, didn't talk much game and was still in the house at the half way point. Little by little he seems to poke his opinion into an open hole in the others game to his benefit. Derrick he know is the toughest one to poke at, Frankie he feels is so exposed others will get him out. I don't feel he will win, but would sure like to see him survive the DE.....Its been referenced b4....the tortise did beat the hare
  9. Not only BoTB fodder, but now turning into one of the ones to sit with at F2......
  10. IMO Frankie wants nothing to do with a F3 with Cody and Derrick. He knows he has no chance in hell in beating Derrick in Jury. Nor with Donny/Derrick as TA. I'm sure he's not happy letting Zach go, but to save face/arse he will vote him out....leaves him wide open with only Caleb and Christine as his F3. Doubt he would turn tail and try something with Nic/Hayden....then again....LOL
  11. I hope Nic gets into a "what if" convo with Chris to use Veto (though I know she doesn't care) just to hear how the conversation goes.....I think Nic knows Chris has tossed her aside already, but Chris has said she can manipulate Nic and MAKE her see voting to keep Zac is best (tie breaker). With Nic aware of Chris's sketchy friendship .... it will make for good LFU.....
  12. Last night Derrick and Frankie had a convo that seemed a little one sided from what I read....as Frankie was pushing how they (Detenators) had to stay together, they need to keep Zach, and HOW IMPORTANT CHRISTINE IS....Derrick just kept replying "hmmm...or "yeah ". I think Derrick/Cody know the fact that Frankie wants them out just as I feel Frankie knows the same in reverse. And I'm sure Derrick has figured that Frankie has the backing of Christine/Zach whereas he doesn't. Flipping to Nic/Hayden would still put them behind the 8 ball because Nic/Hayden will be able to utilize Donny & Jacosta. As for Vic & Caleb..they go to the power, so if D/C flip they could utilize them. WOW, hmmmm, now this is getting a little interesting for sure, if only for a couple days! I love watching two power players minds go at it especially when they are within the same alliance. Whatever decision Derrick makes I hope it don't bite him in the dupa!
  13. As an avid Survivor fan, I'd love for him to go on and watch him be the first one snuffed.....He'd probably run from the snakes, use a stick to clear any jungle debri for fear of a bug bite and lay back and let the women do all the work and call himself Tarzan Beastmode King of the Jungle!!! (I only fear which women he would stalk as his next Queen saying that the Jungle Gods spoke to him as he landed on the Island!)
  14. Agree, I also think he will find his cronies don't care.....
  15. What I don't get is why is Frankie sleeping with Nic in HOH???? Thought she had more or less said she wasn't going too and let him know politely he couldn't. When he talked about being cold downstairs she offered him an HOH robe instead of saying sleep here. What he do, just plop in arse in the bed and not leave????
  16. Oh if I only I could I would.........please take pics if someone does...love to see ya give him more than warts...(which btw, my one wart is doing just fine, thanks!)
  17. Please someone spare me my agony....RID THE HOUSE OF HIM !!! (Gee can you tell he is my least fav player..lol)
  18. like I said Misha....A big IF....but D squad has already talked of ridding themselves of Caleb so having Nic/Hayden in his pocket is gold....then he always has Vic (sigh)...
  19. With the D squad....she is to afraid to part company.... Want to add...if (big if) Derrick may go along with Nic as HOH cause he really doesn't care about Caleb one way or the other...its Frankie that will try to ensure Caleb to stay...imo
  20. There are good points to what you said Marty...and agree Donny should of gotten his point across without making it sound all "about HIS game", but he has heard those exact words from Frankie and Derrick when agreeing about the other tasks...Frankie and Derricks suggestive ways always led Donny to go with who ever they wanted to use for the missions cause names Donny tossed out were never good for their game. Frankie and Derrick were just handed the excuse they needed to justify dumping Donny, which they have wanted to do from the get go. Donny's persona is not one of a manipulator as are Frankie and Derrick. I like Donny, he is a sweety, but a sweety don't win BB. He is way to nice for this game. That's the shame of it....just hope they find a way to make America's Choice voting fair so all the "tweetie fans" "Ariana fans" can't vote. Maybe only live feeders should vote for America's choice. Would solve some of the flooding of outside influence.
  21. These two hinky votes .... which Donny does not want to do as he knows somehow its going to bite him in the dupa and I don't blame him....are they for tonights eviction or next weeks? Being as our vote had to be in b4 3am today...wonder if its for tonights....just a wondering....I'm sure its next week, but one can hope.



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