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7/9 TV Show Eviction Night Thread


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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....


2.Which 3 hg's vote will/should da'vonne cancel out ?



3.Who do you like the best at this point?




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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....

John's laugh will annoy me.

2.Which 3 hg's vote will/should da'vonne cancel out ?

DaVonne will cancel Clay, Jeff and Steve's vote - but it will not matter because she doesn't have the votes to stay in the house.

3.Who do you like the best at this point?

Steve, Vanessa & Meg, but that could change, depending on how they play going forward.


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1.) Everybody will pay attention to Liz when she comes out of the DR to vote.


2.) Davonne should cancel out Clay, Steve, and John's vote. Audrey would vote to keep Da if she's smart, because there will be more targets besides herself [speaking of Audrey].


3.) I like Vanessa, Austin, and Davonne. In fact Vanessa, Austin, Liz, Davonne, and Jason should become an alliance to make it to jury. They can also have the votes of James>being conned to Davonne & Jason and Steve>who is connected to Vanessa and Austin. I want Shelli and Clay out! 

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....  camera will point to shelli and she will give the stink eye  to davonne if she has to stand up and say which votes she wants to cancel out ...even  if she doesnt have to stand up shelli will still have the stink face look clay will probably have it too


2.Which 3 hg's vote will/should da'vonne cancel out ? clay, john, audrey



3.Who do you like the best at this point? no one really stands out yet to me ....i like great gamers....this cast mostly everyone talks ways too much ......last season with derrick spoiled me with the great gamer aspect




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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....  Meg will gasp with her mouth open and eyes wide


2.Which 3 hg's vote will/should da'vonne cancel out ?  (total guess) Austin, Clay and Shelli 



3.Who do you like the best at this point?  I like the outsiders. Vanessa, Austin, Liz (Julia) Steve and Johnny Mack. 

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show time :animated_bouncy:

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davonne really suck at this game


phone call twist in her favor


figure out the twins and still no good leverage to stay lol :animated_bouncy:

how do she not select clay wtf :animated_bouncy:

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audrey and jason not cowards lol :animated_bouncy:

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yeah day is the most interesting of the two by far :animated_bouncy:

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this season would be so much better without botb :animated_bouncy:

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Stoked about the new HoH crew ... Keep my favorites in the game longer!  Perfect shot intentional or not (Probably a fluke) by Vanessa looked like James had it ... I think he thought he did too by the look on his face when she nailed that shot!


My guess is they should target either Jeff or Jason ... I know people don't like Shellie and Clay much but they told them about the twin twist and formed an alliance with them I think for now they should roll with that and keep their numbers and hope it doesn't burn them.  Jeff has stated on several occasions that he wants to go after Austin which should be reason enough and you know people are going to make sure he knows that Jeff said it.  Plan B is Jason though ... Someone from the other side of the house ...

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Stoked about the new HoH crew ... Keep my favorites in the game longer!  Perfect shot intentional or not (Probably a fluke) by Vanessa looked like James had it ... I think he thought he did too by the look on his face when she nailed that shot!


My guess is they should target either Jeff or Jason ... I know people don't like Shellie and Clay much but they told them about the twin twist and formed an alliance with them I think for now they should roll with that and keep their numbers and hope it doesn't burn them.  Jeff has stated on several occasions that he wants to go after Austin which should be reason enough and you know people are going to make sure he knows that Jeff said it.  Plan B is Jason though ... Someone from the other side of the house ...


 I LOVE it! Perfect HOH's. I think Jeff, James and Jason are the biggest targets with the outsiders. 

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 I LOVE it! Perfect HOH's. I think Jeff, James and Jason are the biggest targets with the outsiders. 


Agreed those 3 would be my choices and really for their core group any of those would be just fine - I almost lean a bit towards Jason because I think an endurance comp is coming soon and he will be very tough to beat in those ... He's so small, skinny, light, small feet all the things you need to win an endurance comp.

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I think that Austin is gonna target Steve because he really does not like him. I wonder if Vanessa will try to talk him out of it, or will she abandon her secret alliance with Steve.

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Austin will listen to Vanessa. He knows she is a lot better at the game and reading people then he is.

I want Austin to nominate Jeff straight up because Jeff has been making little digs about not trusting Austin to a lot of the HGs behind his back. I wanna see some drama from the big dogs in the BB house. James, Jason, John & Steve have all won some comps.

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