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8/28 TV Show Eviction Night Thread


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Didn't Derrick win the $5k temptation?  He chose to go for the money instead of the HOH.  He was pathetic in this competition but did win the money for his daughter.  I am surprised no one has confronted him about that yet. I can't wait to see the 5k hollas.  i hope they irritate the hell out of him.

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The talk on the feeds when they were talking for 2 days Nicole vs Donny they kept going back and forth on who won the most comps and what comps they won.


I think it would be smart to throw comps and look weak at this point. Caleb told Derrick he wants to take Derrick to F3 because he is not good in comps and he thinls of him as weak.


I think there is no way that Derrick would have won that comp but.... for now it might be good to appear weak.

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Didn't Derrick win the $5k temptation?  He chose to go for the money instead of the HOH.  He was pathetic in this competition but did win the money for his daughter.  I am surprised no one has confronted him about that yet. I can't wait to see the 5k hollas.  i hope they irritate the hell out of him.

I am starting to see Derrick as some sort of mastermind. Just the way he gets everyone to do what he wants yet makes them think it was their idea. Even though I don't like how it is playing out, I will admit that his game play is better than Andy's ever was. I keep hoping the others start talking to each other about him. So far they have considered flipping on Frankie but not Derrick. Which amazes me. As for the Hollas bothering him, it seems they aren't that loud. Not like the babies crying another season, that was really loud and irritating, so far the Hollas sound like they are being yelled into a can. No doubt we are in for another predictable, boring week in the BB house. Can't wait for them to start turning on each other, sooner or later the head of the snake has to try to eat the tail.

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